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Not to much at fist glance, who can translate it.
Not to much at fist glance, who can translate it.
Anybody want to go with me to punch the owners, editors and whoever else is involved with OPM in the throat?
I need something to make me feel better.
We (French) are not all like our president...so, they Frenched it.. why I aren't surprised? it's a French tradition after all, promise many things but do the least possible amount of the work..
Can we stop French racism, because i have as much prejudice about US if you want...Hopefully the British prove to be more useful than the French as they almost always do. Britain has given us tea, great beer, Top Gear, Aston Martin, Lotus and Jaguar. What has France given us, cheese (I hate French cheeses), wine(Italian is better), The Statue of Liberty(ok its pretty cool), Citroen(sucks) and Peugeot(sucks)... oh boy.
Hopefully the British prove to be more useful than the French as they almost always do. Britain has given us tea, great beer, Top Gear, Aston Martin, Lotus and Jaguar. What has France given us, cheese (I hate French cheeses), wine(Italian is better), The Statue of Liberty(ok its pretty cool), Citroen(sucks) and Peugeot(sucks)... oh boy.
Hopefully the British prove to be more useful than the French as they almost always do. Britain has given us tea, great beer, Top Gear, Aston Martin, Lotus and Jaguar. What has France given us, cheese (I hate French cheeses), wine(Italian is better), The Statue of Liberty(ok its pretty cool), Citroen(sucks) and Peugeot(sucks)... oh boy.
What an big ********... A big lie after another... hope we see something new @ the E3 2010And the big waiting begins again and again and again... just like the waiting for the E3 2009 to get an 1 minute video... totaly ******** 👎