GT5-Prologue Impressions Thread

Another question. Can you lock up the wheels? In the previous GT's it was impossible to lock the wheels while braking because of the ABS system being on all the time. Is this still the case in GT5p?
Can you go into the pits? and if so is there a nice animated pit crew like those we saw in teaser trailers ages ago?


Those pics are insane..... thats REAL! full stop..... that one with the Ferrari and the crew! OMG!
I've been playing it for a good portion of the day now, and i gotta say i'm pleasently surprised. If PD can add this much in about a month i wonder how good it will get when GT5 finally does ship.

The sounds... the first thing that strikes you is that the sounds of the tyres are a LOT better now. You can actually get good feedback from hearing the tyres now.
The car sounds... a definitive improvement in this area, no longer do they sound like a blender, they seem much better now, in some cars you can actually hear very different sounds in low revs than in high revs, not just pitch.
I wouldn't say they are the best sounds i've heard, but they are definitly a huge improvement over the demo and past GT's. not only that but they seem to have added enviromental sounds, as in... you can now hear a very different sound from cockpit than an outside view. (i know this was allready there in the past, but it seems a lot more elaborate now.)

The tracks seem to have got a very nice overhaul, they look significantly better than the demo, specially the asphalt.
the England track is very nice, it makes the best use of lightning in any track in the demo, very nice use of shaders, pleasently surprised. and even though the track is kind of small it's a lot more fun than other city tracks PD has added in the past in my opinion.

HDR looks very nice, though at times it's so bright outside the car that you can bearly see the cockpit in some situations because of the HDR, not a problem on the cars that have a lit dashboard of course. (ironicly we are now striving to render the "problems" holywood camera people try to avoid to make it seem more realistic, flares was the first sign of this years ago :P)

As far as the content goes, well it's very limited. and right now the online mode seems to be locked untill the 25th of december i think (can't read japanese, but i could make up a date...)

The cars look as good as ever, the Vsync issue does distract a bit, but it's not often that you'll see the framerate drop, and i'm convinced this will be minimized to the point where it's moot by the time we get the final game. (hell, right now it's 60 FPS a good 95% of the time anyway).

Replays seem to have gotten a few more effects, there's very noticable motion blur that i hadn't noticed before.
The intro is a complete oposite from previous GT intros... used to be we would get 30 FPS intros and 60 FPS replays,
With GT5:P it's the oposite, the intro runs at a constant 60 FPS and looks amazing (it's using actuall replays, but at 60 FPS instead of 30.). of course the replays in game are only 30 FPS but still look very nice.

They added a shifting animation, so no more shifting while the two hands are at the wheel.
Overall the game feels very short in content, but as soon as the online mode comes out this will be remedied a lot... i just hope i can find people to play against that aren't in japan, or i will end up having to buy the US version also. =\

PD definitly surprised me with the sounds, i honestly wasn't expecting them to upgrade them in such a short time... maybe they were close to releasing the demo with sounds but they missed the deadline by a few weeks.

There is no performance upgrades, and to be honest... that's just fine with me. i know a lot of people love this, but i enjoy driving stock cars a lot more for some reason.
(i guess because it's the reference for comparing lap times against other people, and with online races now it's gonna keep things balanced.)

for GT5 final i hope they add both modified online races and stock races.

Anyway, if you are expecting a lot of content you're going to be dissapointed and should probably hold out till the final game...
But if you're like me and will do anything for any bit of new content they got to offer you won't be dissapointed. Heck, i hope that as they make new tracks and cars they make them available for cheap at the PSN, i'll be the first in line.

If i can think of anything else that i think it's noteworthy i'll post in this thread, and i'll make sure i also add my impressions of the online mode as soon as it comes out, assuming i can find some one with a good ping to play with.

*Update* I forgot to add another thing that i noticed that annoyed me a LOT in the prologue demo and GT4 & GT HD.
They finally adressed the exagerated chasis movement from the suspension when the cars brake, no longer will they dive as if the front bumper is about to hit the ground. the chasis movement seems a lot more natural now in those situations.
Can anyone please post a video of one of the faster cars? Well, any cars that aren't the alfa and the integra :P I really want to hear the sounds
@ Kamus

Good to hear the improvements they have made to the game over the demo (mainly the sound), especially after voicing your opinion before about parts of the demo you didn't like. Makes me want the game to come quicker now. 👍
... but i enjoy driving stock cars a lot more for some reason. (i guess because it's the reference for comparing lap times against other people, and with online races now it's gonna keep things balanced.)

Grat review Kamus, and you nitched the whole point of stock-cars perfectly. 👍
kind of unrelated but some people have said the game has been easy. which it has been so far but this swift race all of a sudden has ended up a lot more difficult. easy to complete with "arcade" mode but on professional i'm about a minute off.

doesn't help a lot of the time i keep missing gears forgetting there is a clutch pedal there.
@ Kamus

Good to hear the improvements they have made to the game over the demo (mainly the sound), especially after voicing your opinion before about parts of the demo you didn't like. Makes me want the game to come quicker now. 👍

I might also add that i purchased the ford mustang to see whether they improved the sound of a good V8...... gotta say from the cockpit view it is SWEET! finally seems they have pretty much got it right! and those power slides out of tight bends! noice!! :crazy: wish i could provide a vid... but i dont have a bloody camera.... :guilty:
Great review Kamus!!

I'll have my copy on Monday.

GTplanet should organize some online races A.S.A.P.

Anyone who gets the game can add me as a friend.

My PSN name is HAAS599

I'm hoping they have live voice chat during multiplayer
If anybody feels so inclined pppllleeaaasseee get some vids up of the f430 on a road course or the vette I really wana see how those sounds came out!
If anybody feels so inclined pppllleeaaasseee get some vids up of the f430 on a road course or the vette I really wana see how those sounds came out!

As soon as I get enough credits to buy one I'll post the video. Have no idea how long it will take, I believe the Vette costs 8,500,000 credits and the few races I've done pay like one tenth that, but should have tonight.
One thing I've been wondering, how's the AI? It's never been all that great before, but I have pretty high hopes for GT5.
As soon as I get enough credits to buy one I'll post the video. Have no idea how long it will take, I believe the Vette costs 8,500,000 credits and the few races I've done pay like one tenth that, but should have tonight.

That would be cool. Besides from the vette, the mustang is something I would really like hear. Someone said it sounds great.
Front wheel drive cars, while a lot better than GT4 in being less reluctant to understeer still don't exhibit any signs of proper oversteer while in professional mode under provacation. I'm not expecting big slides, and can well understand the less sporty cars being like this but the ITR should be a bit more interactive I feel (at least from reading the many praises it gets from car magazines as a front drive chassis.)

I was specifically wondering about this thanks for bringing that up. So then I suppose this means no mid-corner power-off over steer ? too bad :nervous:
I'm glad someone finally mentioned this.
How can everyone say cockpit view is so great, when the most important visual element is not correct/realistic?
The hands never cross, and stays at a almost static position of less than 200deegrees. These are road cars, not go-karts!

The steering wheel rotation translates to you the input, and should be number 1 importance before leather stitching. Kaz should be ashamed of himself, calling himself a perfectionist! Even Live for Speed got this right, and its a 3 man team...
This must be fixed asap! When I have a massive slide and rotate my real steering wheel 540deegrees, the in game visual wheel should do the exact same thing.

It really bugs me that most racing games have this problem. Is it a limitation of fake physics engine?
Anyway, for me personally, it completely ruins the perception of reality when using cockpit view because of this bug.

i dont think its the engine problems, i remember when the first videos in the German game convation, the creator was driving the Ferrari spin out and in game wheel and hand motion criss crossed, and wheel spined full 900 or 800 degrees or so :) so maybe it could be patched up and if not it should be in GT5 full version :)

and one more thing.. can somone post a video with G25 and how clutch works? dont race with it.. just show us what you think? and just play around with the car, try to drift a lil, do some burnout.. show us how the clutch works. and if you cam shy, then its ur problem cuz we really wanna see clutch in action..

for me ill make videos too but im waiting for US version :)
One thing I've been wondering, how's the AI? It's never been all that great before, but I have pretty high hopes for GT5.
The AI is improved, if you have the correct racing line they no longer push you off the track, and wll also give you the pass of you out brake them to the corner
Howdie guys,

Couldn't find a simple thread for posting impressions of the japanese version of Gt5p so thought i'd create my first thread.......

For now i'll keep my thoughts short and sweet.... it took 3 hours to download.. is almost midnight here.... anyway....

1. presentation is incredible, in a word "WOW" the menus and intro... and showroom.... just incredible i could spend all day just going through the cars and looking at the detail! :drool:
2. the screen tearing of the demo is GONE!!! (in the showrooms) did i mention the detail!! hahaha....
3. Looks like as mentioned only 3500 yen to start meaning integra is the best there is buy at first.....
4. seems fairly straight forward to navigate, im sure someone will provide a translation soon.
5. tyre sounds have changed dramatically.... there are differing levels of intensity depending on speed and amount of lock... but with the integra so far it seems to be overly screechie on full lock regardless of aids on or off... braking is more of a scraping sound... same for less intensive lock if that makes sense....

viewed through 1080p hd and through a surround sound system it is ace!

anyway off to do some more driving before bed... hope others will post their impressions/dislikes etc..... haven't really found anything to dislike apart from the overly sensitive tyre screech of the integra....


Thanks for posting your thoughts on the game bro.

I am thinking of buying this, and your opinions, is it worth it?
I was specifically wondering about this thanks for bringing that up. So then I suppose this means no mid-corner power-off over steer ? too bad :nervous:

It does tack in more, especially if you use a bit of left foot braking, but not real oversteer in my experience. I'll try using a different combo of N tyres front/rear to see if that will change anything.
It's really hard to believe how much the driving has been improved, I'll put money on it Kamus is enjoying it this time ;)
it makes me sad... all this time waiting waiting... i guess i should've gone with the 5,000Y psn card, damnit :P
Kamus, you've left out the physics impression?

No change from my previous impressions, i still think there's plenty of room for improvement in this area.
The physics are definitly on a different level compared to GT4. There's a lot of new stuff that just wasn't there.
I do feel however, that compared to other sims the tyre grip feels wrong in certain situations. In the Daytona oval you can experience this very well.
In that track you can push the car to it's limits and be going at 300 KM/H lose some grip all of a sudden but it won't cause you to lose control.. you'll be able to get the car back (this is in pro mode BTW, in arcade it's even worse.) So basicly the car will slide at high speed and it won't spin out at all, unless you really mess up in a huge way.
If you've played F355 challenge (among other sims) you probably know how difficult driving in an oval actually is, but in GT5 you can get away with not using the brake at all and just droping the accelerator will suffice unless you're about to come into contact with other cars.

I do feel they've made progress overall, and i find the physics quite enjoyable, but leaves me wanting for more.
Some cars are extremley fun to drive, and the new physics are one of the reasons for this, the NSX is a blast to drive, it feels so light and you can toss it around easily. (not to mention i LOVE the cockpit view in that car and the R34!)

I really hope this isn't the last for the physics, because as improved as they are, there's still older games in lesser systems that surpass it, even if the margin isn't that significant now. (throttle control is still a lot more important in a sim like EPR for instance.)

So, i think PD's priorities right now are probably elsewhere, as the physics in their current state should be more than enough for the avarage PS3 owner and GT fan.
At least i can say i'm glad to see they are improving things, even if it's just in evolutionary steps as oposed to a revolutionary way.
The revolution in GT5 is of course the graphics.
Well, if there is an option to turn ABS off, i don't know where it is, ABS is on by default.

There is a 'Active Brake' option that can be shut off (see translation thread for details). Though it could be a brake type yaw assist, or maybe abs? I don't know sadly my copy is still in transit
how's the E-brake/side brake? gt4's E brake was horrid especially durring cornering :crazy:

GTHD and GT5P demo fixed the horrible handbrake from previous GT's, so I assume the same in the full GT5P.