Every game that I have downloaded(Motostorm, Def Jam ICON,Resistance fall of man. Champ.F1 racing, etc. etc.) are on the shelves at local retail stores, does that mean that GT5 will be available sooner than later(maybe this summer or Holiday season)?
I understand that GTHD is a demo, but PD was prepared to release a GTHD game at launch. Then they scrapped the game. But my thinking is that if they had a GTHD GAME ready for release, that GT5 should not take as long to produce then GT games of the past. Also with the PS3s processing power, I'm sure that the development equipment has also been upgraded as well, and maybe should'nt take as long to model a car as the devopment equipment for the PS2 did.
In all honesty guys I dont think we will see GT5(the full game ) until at least June '08.
The development kits for the PS3 are supposed to be easier to develop with than the PS2 kits. You don't seem to know quite what goes into all of this, but to put it simply the more powerful a console, the more work will be required to create games for it that are upto the standard of that console. You can make dev kits easier to work with by adding code libraries and using code that's easy to work with, edit and to string together. But no matter how much they can help with that, creating a car model, or a track, or textures is still a matter of someone sitting infront of a computer and spending thier time inputting all the values and creating that mesh as accurately as the polygon allowance they have will allow. More detailed cars means bigger poly models, which means more time and effort. The same thing goes for getting textures to work, the more detailed the textures are, the more accurate they need to be, the more importinant it is for the lighting to be just right ect. It takes more work when detail goes up, not less. That's true of XB360 development over X-Box games too.Its just hard for me to think that with the PS3s processing power that the developement equipment has'nt been upgraded as well.I just can't see GT5 taking as long as previous PS2 GT games. How next Generation is that?
Personally I'm not waiting on a PS3 for GT5, yeah I'll get GT5 but it's MGS4 that's the hook for me. The PS3 has really just started it's life, the 360 has been out for a year and a half now, the guys developing Forza 2 have had a lot more time with the 360 dev kits. The whole tihng balances itself out, when GT5 comes out people who only have 360's will be thinking "omg wheres Forza 3, we need Forza 3". GT5 and Forza 2 were never on a competing time table, nor does it really matter when GT5 has never been expected to arrive this soon.This is a competition, Forza motorsport will be out in a month, and if PD does'nt have some new screensshots available or something to let GT fans know that GT5 is on it's way. I see a lot of GT/PS3 buyers switching to the 360/Forza Motorsport2. Never mind the fact that the game is a carbon copy of GT. The 360 is less expensive and the controllers rumble(which really matters to some). It does not seem economically sound to let Microsoft suck up all the sales from people who want a driving simulation game with stellar graphics NOW!
PD have said they will release new demo's through the year, but expect a GT5 Prologue disk to appear in some shops in certain regions around christmas time.Especially for a couple of years or how ever long it takes GT5 to come out. That's why I beleive maybe a few months after the release of Forza MS2 PD will be looking to release something from GT, be it another demo more downloadable cars/tracks..........something! And with everybody throwing around the phrase "the next generation of gaming" I think that it would be embarassing to take three years to develope the next GT game.
This may be a little off the subject...but in the May issue of Game Informer page 28 under the news category titled "PS3 Rumbles On"Sony and Immersion kiss and make up It states that Sony and Immersion have resolved their dispute and formed a new agreement to deliver Immersions rumble technology in Playstation Format Products. Then it gives a few deatils of the deal. Now Sonys using their heads, I just hope they find some way of selling them at a discount to people who already paid cash for the original siaxis controllers! Also while online I noticed that GTHD has a new downloadable version with force feedback, so I'm sure that GT5 will have the rumble option even if it has to be downloaded at a later date!
p.s Oh yeah and forget what I said earlier......on page 58 of the same issue they preview Forza Motrorsport 2 and the graphics cant touch GTHDs!!