GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
Never owned any other racing games. So, I'm fine with GT sounds. If you read the IGN US reviews of GT5p & Shift, both are given 9.5 for Sound.
I really hope PD does something to improve the car sound. I miss the wildness of the race cars. Anyone remember the sound of a car taking of, in the 1st or 2nd gran turismo game intro? Thats the sound we want to hear when we drive the car:)

Also I think the need for speed series has a better car sound, in therms of it sounds wild and angry as a racecar should. It might be overdoing it sometimes, but thats better in my eyes, than much too less.

I really think that the sound is the weakest side of GT, even though it has improved a littel in GT5P. The ferreri sounds ok but the m3 stinks.......

Better sound and GT will be the best ever:)
Never owned any other racing games. So, I'm fine with GT sounds. If you read the IGN US reviews of GT5p & Shift, both are given 9.5 for Sound.

Therefore we finally know that you haven't your own opinion and that IGN's is enough for you. But if you have any ear and brain, then compare sound of real cars even from videos with latest GT and you'll find it very poor.
IMO, even with a good surround system, it does sound a little weak, so to say.
Only the tuned cars sound good. GT2 had awesome car sounds (stock cars).
I hope they look into it. When comparing to real cars, like when I hear a guy pulling off madly with E92 M3, or a Ferrari, it really sounds wicked. I hope GT5 gives it that extra grunt needed.
In the OPM UK they printed a "little" article about GT5 and they mentioned several Improvements, among those: audio.

I've just finished reading the latest edition of Official PlayStation Magazine UK with their "huge" GT feature. And, to be honest it is huge, spanning over 10 pages chroniclling GT's 11 years history and 13 games. It dedicates 4 of those pages to the present, with 2 about GT5 and another 2 about the GT Acadmey.

If I'm gonna be honest, nothing really NEW is revealed like we expected, all it talks about is what we already know, graphics, and how good GT5 is gonna be. GT5 was road-tested at least and things to report back include "a brand new sense of feeling between the car and the tarmac". Apparenty one can "feel exactly when the car's about to lose control", AI has also been siginifcantly improved. "AI drivers are now a lot more aggressive, trying to block you from passing any way they can, and in a sensible, realistic fashion." One other thing was that audio now changes significantly depending on the camera view. True, this has been present in past GT games but GT5 has apparently turned things up to 11.

Calvins48 from Playstation Boards.
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I'm not saying it's not difference (read: worse) in the game, but I've heard GT-Rs in real life and it's not really far off.
I'd agree that the "tone" is similar, however, I think the problem is the "character" of the tone.

I get passed by a GT-R every morning on my way to work and it does NOT sound flat and lifeless. It burbles, warbles, stutters, and breathes.

On the other hand, all of the engine/exhaust sounds in GT5P sound flat or more specifically, unloaded. While I'm anything but a Forza fanboi, the first time I drove a F355 in the original Forza, I was blown away by the engine/exhaust noise.

While the sounds in GT5 won't be make-or-break for me I really do hope Kaz comes through on his word to improve the sounds in the final version. To be honest, I'd take amazing engine/exhaust sounds over damage any day of the week.
As I have said many times before, PD really need to step it up with the sound. They are lifeless and very dull. Those who say that they are not bad are either going deaf or have not heard the sound of these cars in real life (no offense).

I recorded this in LFS just to give an example. This is a XRG with a V8 (LFS Tweak) just revving:

I know it's not perfect. All it needs is a rev limiter, a few crackles/pops/backfires and better supercharger sound and she's good...but as it is, it still sounds a hell of a lot better than any V8 in GT5p in my opinion. I mean if this is what LFS can achieve from its synthesized sound engine and with a very small development team, PD should sound miles better.

I really hope Kaz delivers on his promise about the major improvements in physics and sound. I guess time will tell.
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But the lfs development team only have to put sound in for about 30 cars pd have to do it for 1000!

Excuses unfortunately will not cut it here. Isn't it more time consuming to actually model all 1000 cars with high grade visuals than to simply record 1000 car sounds? Doing something from scratch (visuals) seems much more time consuming than recording something that readily exists (sound). By this logic, if you have time to generate 1000 cars visually, recording sounds for 1000 cars should be a less demanding task.

Hasn't team Polyphony Digital been given 5 years up to this point to make drastic improvements to their game? Five (5) years to model 1000 cars by their modeling division, but what has their sound department been doing for the past 5 years?

I am uncertain about how tasks are divided, but I would assume "Sound" would be delegated to one division and "Visuals" delegated to another division. Five years to improve, but apparently "Sound" is still disturbingly and comparatively timid from what I have read.

I am no car guru by any means, but are you not suppose to be able to identify an engine or car simply by the way it sounds? Leaving this element unpolished seems like it would drop the overall driving experience.
Excuses unfortunately will not cut it here. Isn't it more time consuming to actually model all 1000 cars with high grade visuals than to simply record 1000 car sounds? Doing something from scratch (visuals) seems much more time consuming than recording something that readily exists (sound). By this logic, if you have time to generate 1000 cars visually, recording sounds for 1000 cars should be a less demanding task.

You're saying that all they need to do is record the sounds but that's not how it is. Sure they need to record sounds, but they also need a nice engine to manipulate them so they react to what you're doing. Maybe there's nothing wrong with the sounds itself and it's just the engine that can't manipulate them the right way. A good sound engine probably need a lot of work and tweaking for all cars. I agree though, that's no excuse. They put a lot of work in visuals, they should also put at least some work in sounds. Kaz did promise better sounds and from what I hear in the FT-86 video... man, is he gonna deliver.
Yes, I figured that would come up. If you can find a video that shows the sound well from an exterior view, by all means post it so we can compare them. And the reason I put up the GT-R was because I was playing around with it yesterday, revving it just like the real video from the exterior view, and I noted the difference, which was... well, huge.

How about you get the sound from inside the helmet of a driver with the car in motion.
Because in GT not all cars are driven with helmets as seen in the Trailers for the car manufacturers.

Furthermore if the sounds are like the ones in the trailers, we have alot to look forward to.
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Because in GT not all cars are driven with helmets as seen in the Trailers for the car manufacturers.

Name 2 motorsports which have cars racing other cars around a circuit which do not require the use of helmets. I was just making a point that the sound in the cockpit is the point of comparison, not the sound from next to the exhaust. The exterior sound is far too quiet iin GT.

Besides, in a lot of cars there is sound insulation. But i admit, a lot of the higher end cars in particular have really bad sounds from any point of view.
Having better sounds in GT5 would be nice, but honestly, I'm one of those who think Prologue is pretty darn good. I like the tire squeals. They communicate to me how well the tires are riding the grip envelope better than any game I've played yet. Better than GTR, better than rFactor. I think LFS might be the same. And like it or not, agree or not, these sounds are pretty realistic.

As much as people gush about the sounds in Forza, the tire sounds in F3 are THE WORST I've ever heard. Pretty much the same sounds used in F2, a Buick with low tires, a big heavy car they can run up to high speed, kill the engine, and record just the tire noises. Unfortunately, they're a muffled warbling noise, kind of like owls or turkeys being strangled, and they don't follow how well the car is riding the grip envelope. I'm spending a lot of time either guessing how hard to push around turns, or just chickening out and taking them slow because I just can't feel that edge well at all. and the tire sounds are up all the way.
Name 2 motorsports which have cars racing other cars around a circuit which do not require the use of helmets.

In GT, GT is not a motorsport so i presume there is some type of recreational driving since there is helmet-less drivers in the videos.
Umm...? Compare the following sounds.

Sorry, I couldn't get a video on the GT-R where it was revving similar to the real video, but this is pretty close.

The GT-R is a great example, because it shows what PD is lacking. The GT-R sounds reasonable, but comparing it to the great sound the actual car has, it's far off. The GT5P version mostly lacks the grunt and the oomph, as mentioned many times before. The sound of the turbocharger, in GT5P, is only audible at low RPM and it sounds nothing like it does in the real video. The same is true for many cars in the game.

To me, the sound issue might even make or break the game for me. It's very important (alright, I'll still buy it if the sounds are crappy, but you get my point). What does everyone else think?

A car sounds different from the inside and outside. There is a thing called soundproofing. Read up on it.
Actually, I think the sound of the GTR is great...

Yes, maybe its not 100% accurate, so what? It sounds good, I could imagine to drive a 24h race without a break, only to hear that engine noise the whole day.

Buuuut, another question: How did that guy turned off the music in GT5P? Somehow, i can`t do that!
If PD fails at doing anything, it's providing some great exhaust sound.

They are just absolutely horrible in the games.
Umm...? Compare the following sounds.

Sorry, I couldn't get a video on the GT-R where it was revving similar to the real video, but this is pretty close.

The GT-R is a great example, because it shows what PD is lacking. The GT-R sounds reasonable, but comparing it to the great sound the actual car has, it's far off. The GT5P version mostly lacks the grunt and the oomph, as mentioned many times before. The sound of the turbocharger, in GT5P, is only audible at low RPM and it sounds nothing like it does in the real video. The same is true for many cars in the game.

To me, the sound issue might even make or break the game for me. It's very important (alright, I'll still buy it if the sounds are crappy, but you get my point). What does everyone else think?
I think those two sound very much alike.
You're comparing standing right behind the exhaust, revving at a standstill, to driving in gear around a track, from inside the car.
I know they sound alike, because they recorded actual cars for the sound of the game.
In short, the people that don't like GT5P's sound, don't like they way cars driving around a racetrack sound.

To try this, take your car out on the highway, and actually pay attention, record it even, listen to the amount of wind noise vs sound, and see how loud it really is, now I can't tell you to break any laws, but let's say if you can, hit a local speedway and go over 80mph. I think you'll find at just 110 the wind noise is double that of 80 mph.
NFS is 90% BS, with the sounds of intake/exhaust modification.
I hope for GT5,KY/PD should fokusing on engine sound like VTEC,Turbo,VTEC Turbo,MIVEC,and MIVEC Turbo sound.It should be like real one,because GT is a simulation game.

Example in GT4,while using Spoon Civic Type R (EK),the engine sound is different from the real one,because it is so smooth,and of course,we dont hear any VTEC sound.

It should be like this(VTEC hits on 6,000 rpm) one:-

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that's pretty much the last thing they should do... first they need to concentrate of the characteristics of each car

I think vtec is one of major characteristics of honda cars so leaving it out would be wrong.
One thing I thought of is that GT4 and GTPSP only have so much space in the disk to work in. That may be why they had the cruddy sound in GT3,4,PSP. Now, they have the blu-ray which has 50 whopping gigabytes of space! Im betting that they are gonna use that to improve sound in addition to all what is going on. I also think that they wouldnt have put what they had so far in GT5P for people to speculate like we are right now...
Proof? :sly: I have a hard time believing that. Maybe in GT4, but not in Prologue.

i don't have a proof, but to me every car sound like the same, only with different modulations, the EVO X does stand out, but if you play GT1 thru GT5:P it's the same sound, that same vacuum cleaner Kaz brought to the office 10 years ago to record the basis of their car engine sound.
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Umm, cause nobody knows? Do we work for PD? No. Have we played the game? No. The number of threads I see pop up every day can be answered just by a simple search or by really thinking about it.

Agree 👍

Anyway, back on topic. GT5p's engine sounds are weak. End of. They all sound the same and are too quiet.

If you see a Ford GT in the street, you'd remember the sound of it for years. Hear one on GT5p and it sounds pants.

Saying that though, I played Grid today, and the sounds are even worse!



A car sounds different from the inside and outside. There is a thing called soundproofing. Read up on it.

Your attitude stinks.
GT5 > Reality ??? nah but close. GT5 Prologue just sounds to clean and the sound of the air passing the car is a bit too loud.

Agree :tup:Anyway, back on topic. GT5p's engine sounds are weak. End of. They all sound the same and are too quiet.

Agreed. 3 and 4000 RPMS IRL sound pretty loud and in the game its like a quiet grumbling.