pretty impressive... now lets hope that not only the make cars sound correct, but that they also have their correct engine type noise(1cyl, 2cyl, 3cyl, 4cyl, 5cyl, 6, 8, 10, 12, get the idea). and also that they maintain this correct noises but more "deep" or "raspier" or "throatier" when you modify the exhaust, not like previous GT titles that in most cars(not all of them) it sounded more like an engine swap...if the EA racing arcade title can do it, Poliphony Digital´s can give us this present for waiting so long...this time...i hope.
did i put an apostrophe "s" in Poliphony Digital?
OH NO!!!! now that I´ve watched the stock Z, I´m with horror noticing that what I mentioned on my previous coment might come true...T_T
This "370Z" (if you can call it like that) has the same sound than the freakin´ Fairlady(350Z) in GT5P!! NO, NO, NO!!!! and not anly that, both cars(the black one and the red one) although they sound like a 6cyl, sound like the have a compleatly different crank shaft-fireing order layout. Just listen to the real cars, american 350z vs the japanease Fairlady Z Z33(350Z also)they sound totally different. and i can´t even think that thats the case since both are right-hand-drive...I so hope that this is due to some heavly engine mod or something...yes...ha, ha, ha, ha, need to be worried...everything is going to be alright...who am i kidding? are they going to let us down again? PLEASE PD READ THIS!! THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO REALLY NOW ABOUT CARS THAT ARE FANS OF YOUR GAME. DON´T MAKE ME IGNORE HALF THE GAME´S ROSTER ONLY BECAUSE OF ENGINE SOUND ERRORS!(trust me. i had to do it on GT4). CORRECT ENGINE SOUND PLAY´S A BIG PART IN ENJOYING THE REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR FOR ME, AND I KNOW THAT FOR OTHERS TOO. ITS THE ONLY WAY THAT YOU CAN ENJOY CARS THAT IN REAL LIFE YOU ONLY DREAM OF. NOT HAVING THE CORRECT SOUNDS KILLS THE HOLE EXPIRIENCE. IT WOULD BE THE SAME PLAYNG WITH THE HOME THEATRE IN MUTE ....don´t ruin it again please....not again...
But at least the real ones, not those recorded from vacuum cleaner
totally true!!!!