GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
I challenge all these people who say bad things about GT's sound to sit at a bus stop some time and close their eyes and listen to cars driving past. See how many cars you can identify with your eyes closed. Do the same thing at a race track, apart from picking Porches from Ferrari's from Dodge Vipers, how did you go with all the other class races? If it's touring cars I highly doubt many people can accurately name the car based upon what they hear.

Again I still believe Kas is trying to emulate the sound you get when you are in a car on track and that means you have a helmet on... next time you get chance listen to any car from the inside with a helmet on and tell me how that sounds compared to GT5 TT?

On another note, I listen to the TT with headphones to pick out the screaching early and I believe you can't have rumble strip noise at the same time as tyre screaching, can anyone confirm this?

Also I love the way the crowd cheers as you run close on the main straight, so exhilarating!
Never played with headphones.. might try it :) Better than 5.1??

On topic though, theres a couple of questions you nay say'ers need to ask yourself before complaining about GT sound.

1. Have you driven these cars? Maybe in some cases.. ANY cars at all? Not only driven, but driven at 100mph+ with all windows closed, straining to hear anything above road noise?


2. Have you tried switching to chase cam?

If your answer to these questions are no... Shut up. :lol: Just kiddin. But please, stop worrying and go play some prologue
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I can just say , I bought some Sennheiser Headphones with good bass , and its a whole different expirience in every racing game I played. You got the sound on your ears and even hear things that you never noticed before. Can't play racing games without my headphones anymore it sound just so different in a better way :) When you play Racing Games with good carsounds you just feel like you really sit in the car. You hear the wind the road and all other stuff alot more in detail.

But anyway have to say GT got the badest sounds... it's better with headphones no doubt. But espacially compared to Forza 3 or PGR4 ( the racing games I use to play beside GT) the GT sounds is lacking alot. When I take the NSX im GT5p hmm.. sounds okay. When I take the NSX in Forza 3 it sounds , yeah thats nice. And when I take the NSX in PGR4 I'm like yeah baby gimme more !!! :)
I challenge all these people who say bad things about GT's sound to sit at a bus stop some time and close their eyes and listen to cars driving past. See how many cars you can identify with your eyes closed. Do the same thing at a race track, apart from picking Porches from Ferrari's from Dodge Vipers, how did you go with all the other class races? If it's touring cars I highly doubt many people can accurately name the car based upon what they hear.

Again I still believe Kas is trying to emulate the sound you get when you are in a car on track and that means you have a helmet on... next time you get chance listen to any car from the inside with a helmet on and tell me how that sounds compared to GT5 TT?

I agree with you. But it is not that every car has to have their respective engine sounds. Man, at least they shoud have their correct engine type sound 4cyl, 6cyl, 8, 10, 12 16 etc! and the ones that have really distinctive sounds, like you said, Ferrari´s ,Porsche´s, Viper´s, Subaru´s, etc, Let them have them! Right now I´m really pissed on the fact that I was looking at the Lamborghini Gallardo´s gamplay, and thats not how a v10 sounds! it is a modified version of the sound of the Audi R8 from GT5P and the Audi RS6 from GT4! It does not have to be the exact Gallardo´s sound, but at least make it sound like a high rev v10! Even Need For Speed Shift got it right, for crying out loud!
okay, also people have to remember that the sound will be only as good as the weakest speakers.

its funny to see alot of people talking about how PD needs to put in "proper sound" when its likely that most people use POS built-in speakers in their TV or POS speakers that can barely project the sound spectrum and then they will probably still complain bout how bad the sound is in GT5.

GT4 is not very good, I do agree, but GT4 was also the end of the low-def era with the CRT TVs and remember what sound connection the PS2 had? yeah that ugly, POS red and white RCA connectors...absolutely terrible. With PS3's HDMI there is no excuse on BOTH SIDES (PD and the players) to NOT have good game sounds AND a good system that will accurately project those sounds (ie, proper mid range woofers, high frequency tweeters, and low frequency subwoofers), some higher end audio processing will help as well (not as hardcore as separate amplifiers, but at least good AV receiver like Denon)

So please make sure to invest in a nice, big TV and a nice big sound system, and I fully expect PD to roll out with very good sounds (possibly using the capacity of the double layer bluray for up to 50GB of data) so for those who have POS sound hardware they will have no one to blame but themselves if they use built-in TV speakers or low end POS speaker systems.

OK... I think we are a little bit confused between CORRECT engine sounds and HIGH QUALITY sounds. I do not care about the quality! I have a 850w Bravia 5.1 Theatre on a 32 inch Bravia TV, with an optical cable running from my PS3 directly to the home theatre. The QUALITY is out of this world, BUT the accuracy of some engines is pure trash... The Viper, the car of my heart, of my life, has been carrying the same fake sound from GT2!!!!! And I´m not talking about the ZB plataform Viper SRT10. I´m talking about the SR plataform Viper GTS. Polyphony is not even capable of copy-pasting the ZB Viper sound to the SR Viper! And it was the same with more than half of GT4´s cars, a few in Prologue, and hopping it is not the case in the final GT5, or I will be one dissapointed car guy and video game guy...
Dude, no offence, but wtf! Your comment made me and my mate burst out laughing. It's so sad. lol

What I´m trying to say is that even if an engine has the same number of cylinders, if the fire order is different, IT WILL make the engine sound different. An example will be a V8. Listen to a typical V8, an american. Now listen to a Ferrari V8. The Crankshaft layout is compleatly different, and it makes a different fireing order on the cylinders. reason why a Ferrari V8 has that distinctive sound.

...Oh, and I´m not laughing at you by the way...respect:)
Try to begin with this and you can easily get a clue what sound we should have in GT if PD's sound engineers weren't so lazy and weren't trying to cook decent car sound from three badly recorded samples.

Better don't compare them, you will be sad:

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Really, it's old explaining about the helmet and driving your mom's VW. We're talking real supercars here and I think we have some understanding that things are not great.
PGR4 really has one of the best sounds out there. period. GT's effort is laughable by comparison. I'm not sure, but on top of everything that's wrong with GT sounds, I think I can even hear the actual dyno whine within the sound! I could be wrong, but after seeing that Vector being recorded by PD, I'm not so sure seems they have totally incompetent audio team! :(
p.s. sounds(engine and tire squeal) from the new toyota video are pretty good actually, but that's probably because they are dubbed real sounds...doh...
Again I still believe Kas is trying to emulate the sound you get when you are in a car on track and that means you have a helmet on...[ QUOTE]

I doubts its down to trying to re-create asound similar to that heard wearing a helmet, If hes going to go to that length of detail then why dosnt the view represent that of a person wearing a helmet, which is of course very restrictive
As I wrote somewhere else, the problem with engine sounds in the GT series is that they aren't "recorded" (they don't appear to be), otherwise they would sound very differently than they currently do. I think Polyphony uses a very sophisticated engine sound synthesizer (which maybe uses a few actually recorded samples, for example during idling) tuned for each car to sound like the original cars they recorded. This will achieve very clean and dynamic sounds, but never 100% real-life accuracy. This is more and more clear as time passes, and console processing power increases. No way this difference with the main competitors can be explained by lack of processing power/audio gear.

Electronic musical instruments which use similar realistic synthesis sound technologies suffer from the same "life-less", "lack of grunt" problems, although they're much more dynamic than those which uses actually recorded samples. Just like the GT series.

Ok, about GT5 I'm speculating, but it might just be the same problem.
As I wrote somewhere else, the problem with engine sounds in the GT series is that they aren't "recorded" (they don't appear to be), otherwise they would sound very differently than they currently do. I think Polyphony uses a very sophisticated engine sound synthesizer (which maybe uses a few actually recorded samples, for example during idling) tuned for each car to sound like the original cars they recorded. This will achieve very clean and dynamic sounds, but never 100% real-life accuracy. This is more and more clear as time passes, and console processing power increases. No way this difference with the main competitors can be explained by lack of processing power/audio gear.

Electronic musical instruments which use similar realistic synthesis sound technologies suffer from the same "life-less", "lack of grunt" problems, although they're much more dynamic than those which uses actually recorded samples. Just like the GT series.

Ok, about GT5 I'm speculating, but it might just be the same problem.

That in fact isn't a bad theory at all I must say, although I saw this video of them recording the sounds, but they could be mixing the a very "Full of FAIL" maner. ;)
btw. Live For Speed also has synthetic reproduction with no actual samples and you can even play with the settings of each engine to pronounce something within the sound that you like.
Pretty cool and it doesn't sound bad, BUT nowhere near the multilayered and detailed sound, real samples can give you when recorded from idle to redline at every thousand rpm and also at half the gas pedal depressed and overruns too...
But since we haven't seen any major progress in a way sounds work in GT(and the quality has gone up, there's no question about that, but that's not the point), I don't have high hopes for GT5 either anymore(sound-wise)... :guilty:
As I wrote somewhere else, the problem with engine sounds in the GT series is that they aren't "recorded" (they don't appear to be), otherwise they would sound very differently than they currently do. I think Polyphony uses a very sophisticated engine sound synthesizer (which maybe uses a few actually recorded samples, for example during idling) tuned for each car to sound like the original cars they recorded. This will achieve very clean and dynamic sounds, but never 100% real-life accuracy. This is more and more clear as time passes, and console processing power increases. No way this difference with the main competitors can be explained by lack of processing power/audio gear.

Electronic musical instruments which use similar realistic synthesis sound technologies suffer from the same "life-less", "lack of grunt" problems, although they're much more dynamic than those which uses actually recorded samples. Just like the GT series.

Ok, about GT5 I'm speculating, but it might just be the same problem.

PD record their in-game car engine sounds with them just stood. Revving the engines in neutral, at different levels to gain the engine sounds they require, whereas most developers (e.g. Turn 10) use rolling roads with the cars in gear and under load to record a better and more authentic noise. I love the GT games, but I'd wish they'd sort the audio (especially engine) out.
Don't worry it'll all be sorted out in GT6 in 2014. That's, off course, if the world doesn't end in 2012. Then humankind would've missed the opportunity to live in the time of a proper GT sound.
Moan Moan Moan, here we go again, this thread should be renamed "the professional moaners thread" seriously, have you people even played Prologue? and if you have, all you can do is moan about the sound (which I personally think are fine) ? So narrow minded and petty, you concentrate on the sound and miss the whole experience of driving, sad.
Real time ambient & internal audio would work.From my guess, these aren't recorded either.These are files that integrate with a cars engine & i suppose other mechanical parts too.The best sfx i heard was a sound upgrade for RBR on the pc.I'm trying to find the PS2 vers. no luck yet.
Moan Moan Moan, here we go again, this thread should be renamed "the professional moaners thread" seriously, have you people even played Prologue? and if you have, all you can do is moan about the sound (which I personally think are fine) ? So narrow minded and petty, you concentrate on the sound and miss the whole experience of driving, sad.

Its the worst technical thing about GT, of course people moan.
If you think theyre fine, great, i dont. And this has nothing to do with being narrow minded.
PD record their in-game car engine sounds with them just stood. Revving the engines in neutral, at different levels to gain the engine sounds they require, whereas most developers (e.g. Turn 10) use rolling roads with the cars in gear and under load to record a better and more authentic noise. I love the GT games, but I'd wish they'd sort the audio (especially engine) out.

While I've seen videos and photos of Polyphony staff recording sounds from car, I still believe they use a mix of recorded and synthesized samples. They also have to do that, as they can't dyno and record at each load every single car. Some of them are also too much expensive/rare/fragile to get such treatment.

By the way, rolling road dynos introduce unwanted noise such as dyno noise, transmission noise, tyre noise. When modeled cars are few it's probably possible to carefully take those noises out of recorded samples, but when they're hundreds?

Also there is not only engine noise. Exhaust noise is almost a completely different thing (basically it doubles the work to do), and on GT5p/GTacademy there is such difference (the front of the car, mostly mechanical noise, sounds different than the boomy rear). This is another thing that makes me believe that recording sessions we've seen might just be for "reference" and sampling sounds too complex to synthesize such as idling. I suspect "premium" cars might have more actually and carefully recorded samples than other ones, it was already so for some cars in GT4.
Replay mode sounds in GT5P are very good to me. I know we always talk during driving but replay mode sounds are GT strength. I have forza3 never played PG4(just wasnt Interested), but you can clearly tell the difference between the two games. Not to make this a forza GT Battle but I'm comparing because i played both forza3 GT5P. In forza the sound in replay mode sound like the sounds you get when your in interior view(interior view sounds are good in Forza3) While in GT5P the sounds actually switch up and it sounds like your watching the car at the track the echo sounds are amazing i get chills just watching replays in GT5P. Can anybody relate to this thanks. (Set up 5.1 opt user)
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I sure hope they have the option of playing background music from your HD. Those audio tracks I must have heard a few times!
Replay mode sounds in GT5P are very good to me. I know we always talk during driving but replay mode sounds are GT strength. I have forza3 never played PG4(just wasnt Interested), but you can clearly tell the difference between the two games. Not to make this a forza GT Battle but I'm comparing because i played both forza3 GT5P. In forza the sound in replay mode sound like the sounds you get when your in interior view(interior view sounds are good in Forza3) While in GT5P the sounds actually switch up and it sounds like your watching the car at the track the echo sounds are amazing i get chills just watching replays in GT5P. Can anybody relate to this thanks. (Set up 5.1 opt user)

You are just kidding, aren't you? Every car enthusiast which visited me to play gran turismo said that sounds are very generic and lack everything what you like about car sound. Did you ever heard real sports car sound?

You really should stop proving them wrong, it's useless. There's always someone ranting about replay or helmet sound. Clearly the sound sucks, my best guess it will suck in the full game and there's nothing we can do about it. Kaz told us to **** off if there something we don't like, so enjoy everything good the game has when/if it comes out.

They sound like my Vacuum Cleaner. :sly:

Particularly the Audis at the start and end of the vid

Although i'm not surprised, with the massive air intake that creates suction, thats what vacuum cleaners do...
You are just kidding, aren't you? Every car enthusiast which visited me to play gran turismo said that sounds are very generic and lack everything what you like about car sound. Did you ever heard real sports car sound?

Nice example... So all the cars Sound bad in GT5P come on man! I agree with you on how some of the cars sounds are not spot on, but some cars sound real good. EX the Vette. That car sounds amazing with my 5.1. I still will say GT5P replay mode car sounds are very good!! Im not trying to argue with you man, you stated your opinion which i agree on some of your points, and i stated mine. I like the debate though lets keep it up 👍
Ok, keeping the atmosphere of respecting other people's opinions, I say: I have a V8 american car, I've listened many many times to corvettes and other similar. What GT5p gives you as the sound of the vette is only a fraction of the real sound. It's actually enough so you could tell it's a V8, nothing more. The real sensation that these engines give remains missing.
Nice example... So all the cars Sound bad in GT5P come on man! I agree with you on how some of the cars sounds are not spot on, but some cars sound real good. EX the Vette. That car sounds amazing with my 5.1. I still will say GT5P replay mode car sounds are very good!! Im not trying to argue with you man, you stated your opinion which i agree on some of your points, and i stated mine. I like the debate though lets keep it up 👍

I can agree that Corvette Z06 has one of the better sounds in the game but it's only hash of real Vette sound. I can further analyze it if you want. You know how wonderfully V8 engine sounds when it goes slowly from the idle between 1k and 2k rpm but you can hear only weird crackling of sample under-extrapolated from cca 3k rpm in the game. And in the highest revs they again used some distorted sample from 5k rpm instead of really angry genuine stressed engine sample from 7k rpm. If they fixed this and used more samples through the rev range, you would immediately notice it, start to jump, pull your hair of your head with enthusiasm and scream: "What a wonderful sound of V8!!!". But you can't now, it's just normal sound expected for some game decade ago.
Since we are talking about V8's and sound I remember being excited that the Mustang GT was in GT5P As I own one myself but was quickly dissappointed once I heard it in the game...I will give them some credit as it sounds alot better than any other GT game but it's still seems to use just a single sample from the rpm range that gets louder the faster you go...the engine note in the game doesnt really change along with the rpms...

Here's a clip I made of my car...I have me accelerating,decelerating and a fly-bye there and you can see how much the engine note changes and also the roughness of the engine note at certain times depending on what kind of stresses are being applied to the engine. I'm obviously biased but this is what I would like my mustang to sound like in GT5.
Since we are talking about V8's and sound I remember being excited that the Mustang GT was in GT5P As I own one myself but was quickly dissappointed once I heard it in the game...I will give them some credit as it sounds alot better than any other GT game but it's still seems to use just a single sample from the rpm range that gets louder the faster you go...the engine note in the game doesnt really change along with the rpms...

Here's a clip I made of my car...I have me accelerating,decelerating and a fly-bye there and you can see how much the engine note changes and also the roughness of the engine note at certain times depending on what kind of stresses are being applied to the engine. I'm obviously biased but this is what I would like my mustang to sound like in GT5.

Thank you.

When you drive normally and when you acclerate your car. The engine sounds a lot different.

Do that in GT and its the same exact engine noise no matter how much or how little throttle you give the car.