GT5 Sound Thread

  • Thread starter Marry_Me_GT
C'mon really? now its about size?? are you kidding me. No matter what there's always excuses. GT just don't do sound as good as their competition and that it. GT5 will be improved but it won't be the best.

As for space. Forza 3 has 400 cars, all with high quality recorded samples from a dyno. Xbox 360 uses Dual layer DVD's which hold 8.5GB or so. Bluray holds 50GB. It's not a size issue.
Don't worry we can always calculate it again , multiply it by seconds, samples, Hz, then by 1000,then again by 1000 and hopefully in the end we would've proven it's impossible to have realistic sounds for 1000 cars on 2 BR discs.
Like someone said I don't care about the most 4 cyl economic cars. I want the ferraris and lambos to sound as they should, but PD clearly do not deliver in that department.
Don't worry we can always calculate it again... snip

Alright, smart-arse, that was cheap and unnecessary.

C'mon really? now its about size?? are you kidding me. No matter what there's always excuses. GT just don't do sound as good as their competition and that it. GT5 will be improved but it won't be the best.

As for space. Forza 3 has 400 cars, all with high quality recorded samples from a dyno. Xbox 360 uses Dual layer DVD's which hold 8.5GB or so. Bluray holds 50GB. It's not a size issue.

I agree, I was probably wrong that "physical" space is a major factor, although you would be surprised how little space is often allocated to sound relative to graphics. Instead, think about the sheer amount of time required to get a single car to the required standard, and the fact that it's the first title on the new hardware and in a new engine - there are many more factors to tweak to get the cars sounding "right".
These are not excuses, they are considerations - as you should all consider whether you truly know what a car sounds like when being driven hard, and how this compares to most video game reconstructions, then perhaps you should re-adjust your expectations accordingly.

I was initially really disappointed with the sound in GT5:P, as the samples do sound rather "dry". Then I tried it on my 5.1 set-up and set the audio to large theatre and was impressed by the difference and the extra life this breathes into the effects. I think PD have a very solid base for excellent sound effects, they just need to tweak some of the sounds from GT5:P and re-do some of the samples (Tuscan, Cappuccino etc.). The tuned cars, in general, sound fantastic, however. Most of the time in GT5 we'll be dealing with modified cars, so this bodes well.

As for not wanting to upgrade your speakers (or even use a set of decent, large diameter headphones), would you play GT5 on an SD TV and complain about its lack of detail? If you've not heard GT5:P through a proper sound system, or decent headphones, do it! Then comment.

The fact is, sound is just as important as the video element, but it still gets neglected. Sound technology in games has barely moved on since the 90s, and fundamentally since the 80s - can we say the same for video?

I've not played Forza 3, so shall reserve my judgment for now and see if I can find someone with a copy - it had better be good, if only for my faith in good sound design.

By the way, the next time you're at a track day, take the time to listen to the unmodified cars flying about - you'd find they sound "whizzy" and drowned out by tyre noise.
Why are we even talking when someone can make this mod for rfactor at home:

It's an youtube video and I'm listening to it with my $5 headphones and it sounds miles better than anything I've ever heard from the GT series.
Why are we even talking when someone can make this mod for rfactor at home:

It's an youtube video and I'm listening to it with my $5 headphones and it sounds miles better than anything I've ever heard from the GT series.

I'm really sorry, but that game doesn't even look as good as GT4. I know this is a thread about sound, but you really have to look at the bigger picture. Also sound is not the easiest thing in the world to produce, recording an an engine on a dyno gives you the exact sound it would make in a large room on a machine with mics at the exhaust. Under a bonnet where car companies control the NVH, you would not hear a full out engine roar on most cars the same as you would on a dyno.

If your going to be completely nit picky you have to look at it both ways. Its like people forget its a driving sim:|
What's the point of explaining how hard it is to produce engine sound, when I've already shown it can be done by a single person in front of his home computer????
What's the point of talking about graphics in a sound thread?????
It's a driving sim, does that mean that the car sounds should not be simulated properly????
^Do you really think that is even 90% accurate?
The point was that its a give and take thing, and focusing on just one shortcoming is not looking at the big picture.
Whats your version of proper? Because no game that i've ever played fully takes into account the NVH of cars properly. Your display certainly doesn't, neither does Forza's, NFS or any other GAME. its a driving sim, meaning they are putting the focus where it should be. Your expecting PD to put a lot of time in something that can't be done perfect, that even car manufacturers go to the drawing board and try to improve year over year. I don't understand how people complain about waiting for GT, when they expect things that take ample time to get right.
Why are we even talking when someone can make this mod for rfactor at home:

It's an youtube video and I'm listening to it with my $5 headphones and it sounds miles better than anything I've ever heard from the GT series.

I like rfactor and some of it's mods produce the best sounds for pc racing but this is a pretty bad example :P
I actually hate doing this, although I'm proud of what I achieved, but it's a great way to illustrate a point.💡 If I, and I haven't done any sound modding prior to this, could've done these sounds myself as a hobby just because I didn't like the stock sounds in the game(Test Drive Unlimited btw.), then I think the sound guys over at PD should be ashamed with their crappy sounds:yuck:, considering how much time/money/equipment/people/etc they have and there's just no way around that fact. I'm just puzzled how they still have their jobs and are making the sound again(poorly) for the 5th installment of the game???:ouch::nervous::dunce:
Selection of my sound mods:
(bear in mind that some cars sound better than others for the simple reason in that I happened to ran into better samples and not because my ears went "bad" or my "skill fluctuated":P)
p.s. I even added some stuff that wasn't originally in the game such as pops and bangs on the overrun, or the wastegate effect:dopey:
p.p.s. and NO, I don't consider my sounds to be perfect, but PD's are just sad.👎

^^ Statements like your confuse me, yes its their fifth game in the series. But the hardware restrictions on PS, and the fact that we were at the beginnings Dobly 2 back then. Make your comment somewhat silly. Also what your videos demonstrate is limited knowledge of NVH, you say the sounds that PD delivers are sad. Yet the view is from on top of the bonnet, and you don't hear any outside knows like wind from your car or from passing traffic. I'm not knocking anything you've done, the engine sounds are great. But for you to call PD's sad is out of the question considering how much GT offers.
Why are we even talking when someone can make this mod for rfactor at home:

It's an youtube video and I'm listening to it with my $5 headphones and it sounds miles better than anything I've ever heard from the GT series.

Actually I think that sounds like ****:yuck:
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^^ Statements like your confuse me, yes its their fifth game in the series. But the hardware restrictions on PS, and the fact that we were at the beginnings Dobly 2 back then. Make your comment somewhat silly. Also what your videos demonstrate is limited knowledge of NVH, you say the sounds that PD delivers are sad. Yet the view is from on top of the bonnet, and you don't hear any outside knows like wind from your car or from passing traffic. I'm not knocking anything you've done, the engine sounds are great. But for you to call PD's sad is out of the question considering how much GT offers.

I don't know what you find confusing. I can't remember on the spot of any PS1 racing games with great sounds, but PS2 had a bunch, just the NFS titles from the first Underground onwards had some awesome engine sounds! Dolby 2 isn't a factor at all, other games managed just fine, GT didn't and that's that(unless you're a blind fan-boy). NVH? Dude, it was my hobby for few months, not my bloody job and btw. sound is subjective a lot, so something you find good, others may find crappy!;) ...and majority agrees that GT's sounds are definitely sub par. Anyway, my sounds greatly depended on samples I've found, and I could've muffled them to make them sound like they're coming from the cockpit, but I didn't, and btw there is a cockpit view which modifies sound so it sounds different than hood view. Also, there are other sounds in TDU, like wind,traffic,ambient sounds, you should try the game and see, these are after all youtube videos and you know the quality of those,but they still kick PD's sound arse.:P
And in the end, we're discussing just the sounds here, more concretely, engine sounds mostly, so yeah I considered how much GT offers on the whole and it does offer a lot, but that's not the point, these are the details we're talking about, but probably most important details in the game, that actually have the power to excite you(imagine if the V8 sounded so that you got goosebumps just by listening to the idle, which happens IRL, but is sadly missing from GT as it is). Let's hope it changes for the better in the full game...
man if you people hate GT5's sound, then iRacing is gonna make you hurl :D
The engine sounds in iRacing are pretty crappy IMO. I keep hitting the limiter, because they don't just scream like they should near the red line

What I've heard of GT5 so far is way above average for driving/racing games...
Best doppler effects bar none
It's going to be five years by the time the game is actually released (hopefully) and all I'm saying is this is already something a reviewer would look down upon. Certain games get the sounds right in a third of the time without a hitch. Whether you like facing that is up to you. Like I said sometime ago this is one of if not the major reason PD will never release a GT game for the PC, because once they did...every single thing they've done would immediately fall out of their hands, and into the hands of modders.
@speedfreak69 I hate you soo much. When I bought my PS3 I took an oath I'll never spend money and time upgrading my computer ever again. But listening to your mods does really excite me and is making me wanna play that game hard. It's even very good looking and the physics seem ok.

@Raitziger If I wasn't looking I would never be able to tell it's a game not a real car. So much for not comparing to real life. It's a game, a really old one and it is 98% as real in the sound department.

Beyond this point anyone stating GT5:P sounds are good compared to other games (even if they're moded) is a deaf fanboy.

And please stop the processing capacity whine. I can run rfactor on my 4 years old computer.
Last time I checked when I drive I'm actually in the car, it doesn't drive past me. I couldn't care less for the doppler effect.
so now we are selectively picky are we? ;)

very important for replays and cars zooming past you if you spin out etc. No game has done it right till GT5. They all tend to sound processed and aliased

It goes hand in hand with the interior sounds, if you can't get one right, then the audio engine is not doing the interior sounds very well either
I'll first wait PD to get at least one car's sounds right, before I start caring about doppler and interior acoustics. So far they've failed to do so.
@speedfreak69 I hate you soo much. When I bought my PS3 I took an oath I'll never spend money and time upgrading my computer ever again. But listening to your mods does really excite me and is making me wanna play that game hard. It's even very good looking and the physics seem ok.

hehehe :D ;) I know the feeling, but you don't need a beast of a PC to play TDU, although it IS much nicer when you can turn on all options, including HDR and AA in a nice, high, widescreen resolution!;) Game still looks pretty sweet that way even now, and there still isn't any other game out there that offers that kind of freedom(literally thousands of miles of different roads around the island)!:) And btw. the game in the normal mode sucks(arcade) for me, but you can download someones savegame who has finished it and that's when you get the HC mode, which is sim-like, it has its flaws of course, but you can have a lot of fun(drifting hehe) and it is fairly realistic.;)
p.s. I use a MOMO wheel.:)
The GT5 Time Trial demo sounds very good, but when I watch some videos on youtube... I hope Polyphony Digital makes it as realistic as possible! Hear the noise of this Lamborghini on the track!!! That's what I want to hear when GT5 comes out!

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