To me, the smoke particles looked pretty good. For sure, it's been improved since the release of the game. I feel like I need to be in a deeper smoke with all the other drifters to know for sure. When I was trying to do donuts alone though, I couldn't see anything pixelated.
The sound seem the same to me, but the sound of the GTR Schulze is brilliant imo.
Not exactly on topic, but I'd have to agree with you on this. Don't get me wrong though. I'm one who always sees the positives in the game.
I think what people overlook is that PD is trying to get a lot of things that the fans want, while also doing things they decide to do on their own. GT5 has a lot of the features that a lot of people like (time change, F1, weather change, etc.), but I think because of that, they simply decided to do too much, which resulted in long developmental time and a unseemingly finish game in the beginning. You can't have a lot of features, and not execute it to the best of its potential, or otherwise people and critics, will overlook it.