GT5 to get Move Support! Get hyped!

  • Thread starter paskowitz

Is the Move Wheel a good idea?

  • YES!!

    Votes: 30 18.8%
  • Heck No Sony!

    Votes: 73 45.6%
  • Mehh, as long as we get some new premiums im good

    Votes: 57 35.6%

  • Total voters
2+2=4 because some guy a long time ago decide that, that doesn't make it "fact" it just makes it accepted. Where are the facts that say that PD (or any other developer) had any choice in the matter of to or not to support Move? Where are the facts that this wheel was or was not a Kaz/PD idea? Where are the facts for all of the other crap people seem to be arguing about for what amounts to nothing more then just another controller to move pixels around on a display?

Actually it does make it fact I show two finger then put up two more, I have four thus proving that 2 + 2= 4. We aren't talking about the Move (which I must admit this has gotten off topic). The subject move to Sony pushing this idea on PD, and then moved to Sony makes PD do everything which was not factual. As far as the move goes, I nor any of us that are not in that inner circle know what went on to come to this plan. For you to not back track and look into what the root of this debate was, and then throw your hat in as if you did, doesn't help much.

I've actually been here almost a year longer then you have.

I can't deny that it is a fact you've been here longer.

A Super License is only required if you are testing said cars in a FIA official session (be it a Race Weekend or official test session like they had the other week). It is not required to test an F1 car in any Non-FIA sessions be it a team testing situation (pretty much outlawed under current regs), track day event, filming day or a promo event like Jeff Gordon & Tony Stewart have done in the past. Another example is Marco Andretti who had two F1 Factory Team tests and did not possess a FIA Super license at the time of those tests.

As for what License Kaz probaly has, I'm willing to say it's the basic FIA International License via a JAF National License. No different then how if you have an SCCA National License here you can get your FIA International License via ACCUS (the FIA ASN for the USA)

I get that, but that is a low level FIA license, which I make note of in another post which you seemed to not quote. As for the Super License, it is needed for much more than test sessions, races and so on and many people have driven F1 cars without having the license. GP3, GP2, Formula 3000 and WSR 3.5 drivers have driven F1 cars and must do so to even obtain the Super License. Thus they obviously at some point did not have said super license. I also make homage to events that Ferrari host where they allow buyers and other said people to drive various ferrari, many of which are F1 cars and those people also don't have FIA super licenses. Like I said I made note of that in my post.

Yet you seem to want to pick a fight and thus jumped the gun, just my opinion. Bravo.:)
I've read the thread since the beginning, the only ones wanting to pick a fight were the children that feel "A controller is not a controller is not a controller". It moves pixels on a display, the move controller works no different then the DS3 or whatever other wheels there are (DFGT user myself) in that it takes 1 "click" of movement and replicates it by moving said pixels, it doesn't matter how the system get's that "1 click" of movement it's always going to be represented the same way.

As for the vast number of people who had the 2+2=4/facts reference go over their heads, I guess Philosophy wasn't offered in their highschools (or they didn't take it). Look up "Does a Chair really exist or is it just molecules" and maybe you'll get the reference. Facts are Facts because somewhere somebody said their opinion is a fact & that is the only reason a fact is a fact.

GT5 supporting Move has been confirmed since before the game was released, there are even posts in the forums here about it. So I don't see why anybody is acting like this is some shocking revelation or this is taking time out of the production of "GT697855" for the "PS590" or whatever l0l. It's been in there since Day 1 just waiting for a switch to be flipped for it to be activated.

Video Game developers, specifically Racing Game ones get access to drive/test cars all the time, though I doubt that Kaz really does much of that as #1 he doesn't actually code the game & #2 I have a feeling it plays developmental builds a lot less then his "worshipers" would like to believe (and maybe a lot less then he leads on). It makes more sense for Sony/PD to spend their budget on having those that are coding & more importantly testing the latest builds every day get actual track-time with the cars then spending that money for Kaz to get track time. Though given the extremely unrealistic setup options & other things that you can do in GT5 (E-Brake actually makes you faster most of the time) I highly doubt that especially with the non-everyday cars that they're as close as PD/Sony hopes that you think they are.
Facts are Facts because somewhere somebody said their opinion is a fact & that is the only reason a fact is a fact.
The word of the day is "fact".

Your lack of comprehension of such a simple, common word is simply astounding.
Truth is other then the fact that it's probaly pretty lightweight it's not that far off from what most racers use to work their Upper Bodies. I wish I could find a vid on Youtube but I can't. For those that don't know racers often use a barbell weight or a weighted steering wheel and they hold it up in a steering wheel position and pretend to drive, which is no different then this wheel well except this wheel is probaly lighter l0l

Whoa didn't know about that.. cool stuff 👍

Just imagine driving one lap of the nordschleife with a yellowbird/stratos, while using the move thingy... That'd be some killer exercise man :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's funny you say people are picking fights, yet you seem to be the one that just decided to dust off your key board and challenge everyone. All of what you said as far as the move and GT goes, is something that I and others were somewhat aware of, yet there is no possible way this is on the level of a wheel with 900 degrees or more of rotation.

If you really think it is please do explain, rather than ego flex.
The word of the day is "fact".

Your lack of comprehension of such a simple, common word is simply astounding.
If you wanna throw around insults then I'll play ball. Your lack of comprehension is astounding. Take a second to think back in time, the word Fact was not around before the 1500s so does that mean there were no facts before then?

Going back to the math example; 2+2=4 because somebody said so, had that person said 2+2=Yerf and that counting went "1, 2, Black, Dog, Asdfsdafasd, Agg, Yerf". then 2+2 would not equal 4 it would equal "Yerf" and the current game we'd be playing would be "GT:Asdfsdafasd".

Once again kid, it's astounding that you can't comprehend something as simple as that.

This Move addon is just that a Move Addon that will work for all games that support move. It wasn't made developed by PD (atleast entirely) nor is their any evidence that PD was forced to adopt it, hell it'd be funny to see if the "Deity" Kaz came out and said that 'it was 110% his idea and it's the future of GT games' just how fast all the people crying about it like it's the end of the world would flip-flop and jump on the "It's the greatest thing ever" bandwagon.. haha.

It's an optional addon that is no different from any other optional addon used to play any game, it simply takes inputs and replicates them in pre-determined pixel movements. Those pre-determined pixel movements are the same be it DS3, Move, $100 wheel or $1,000,000 wheel.

It's funny you say people are picking fights, yet you seem to be the one that just decided to dust off your key board and challenge everyone. All of what you said as far as the move and GT goes, is something that I and others were somewhat aware of, yet there is no possible way this is on the level of a wheel with 900 degrees or more of rotation.

If you really think it is please do explain, rather than ego flex.
How is it not on the level of said wheel with 900+degrees of rotation. In theory this Move addon has an infinite degree range of rotation as it's not bound by any limiters. It's actually kind of like the Fly-by-Wire technology that is working it's way into more and more road cars. The only downside I could see to this is really a flaw with GT5 not with the Move Wheel, the flaw is that for whatever ungodly reason PD decided to not include Steering Degree adjustments, the ability to change the speed of the steering box, nor the ability to change steering lock settings. Both those flaws affect all controllers be it DS3, Move or a Wheel.

The only thing I'm challenging is peoples "I think inside the box because I only feel safe inside the box" way of thinking.

As far as an ego, you'll come to learn that I have no ego at all. To have an ego you have to care what people think about you & I don't give a dang what anybody thinks of me.

Whoa didn't know about that.. cool stuff 👍

Just imagine driving one lap of the nordschleife with a yellowbird/stratos, while using the move thingy... That'd be some killer exercise man :lol: :lol: :lol:
Can't find a video of a driver doing (seen it in pre-race/behind the scenes type shows) but here is a video of some trainer doing it and explaining what muscles it helps.

Yeah the Move thing may not way anywhere close to a decent sized weight (never held a Move controller myself so not much idea on how much it weighs) but there is no doubt that for the average person using that move controller in the proper fashion will end up being more of a workout with GT5 then any FFB Wheels out there that support the game. Especially if you put on some kind of wrist-weights or find a way to attach weights to it.
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I would rather have support to be able to adjust the degrees of rotation on my G27 than have move support. This $40 gizmo will be able to go lock to lock faster than my $225 wheel :(.

I also wonder how accurate it will be. Imagine being in an online room full of 9 year olds racing with this device lol.
What is even going on here seriously.
A bunch of kids crying about how a non-mandatory addon for an already non-mandatory addon is going to be the death of Sony/PD/GT/Yadda Yadda Yadda as they know it.

Then ya had those that seem to think that this feature is one that "Kaz doesn't want" (which there is no proof that he doesn't support this, hell no proof that it wasn't his idea) and then they preceded to Damn Sony/PD for this controller (that's been in the works for well over a year now) & GT5 getting Move support (which was 1st announced back in 2010) for the reason they don't have some unconfirmed DLC that they wish for.

Then you have the few that want to believe that this whole contraption is for GT5 only and the entire game is somehow gonna morph into a "Cruisin' USA" style arcade game in whatever patch is put out to active the Move features that the game has programed into it.

Then ya got me trying to challenge people to think outside the box with the concept behind this controller & then the people who had no idea that the phrase "Think outside the box" was anything more then a restaurant slogan.

Oh and you got a few people who seem to think that the fact that this controller can also be used for Motorcycle games is some sort of official confirmation that Tourist Trophy 2 is in the works.
How is it not on the level of said wheel with 900+degrees of rotation. In theory this Move addon has an infinite degree range of rotation as it's not bound by any limiters. It's actually kind of like the Fly-by-Wire technology that is working it's way into more and more road cars. The only downside I could see to this is really a flaw with GT5 not with the Move Wheel, the flaw is that for whatever ungodly reason PD decided to not include Steering Degree adjustments, the ability to change the speed of the steering box, nor the ability to change steering lock settings. Both those flaws affect all controllers be it DS3, Move or a Wheel.

The only thing I'm challenging is peoples "I think inside the box because I only feel safe inside the box" way of thinking.

As far as an ego, you'll come to learn that I have no ego at all. To have an ego you have to care what people think about you & I don't give a dang what anybody thinks of me.

Once again how so, you're giving me more hypotheticals and nothing tangible to work with. I've used similar systems with Kinect and obviously the Wii and they are no where near, that of 900 or 1080 degrees rotation. Maybe 270 at the most, but not seeing anything other than that, please explain.

What people are thinking inside the box? I see this as a great innovation as far as bikes go since no one has come up with an idea beside Sony. It quite creative in that respect, however I'm just a curious person wanting to understand all the workings of this.

As for your last part:

Also why are you insulting all those against this and calling them kids, as if your the only 20 something in this thread, just curious about that.
@ Fisha: Watch who you're insulting and calling a kid. I'm old enough to be your father and I don't appreciate the insults you are throwing around here. Your're only 24 yourself so don't act like you're some wise old man. You trying to come off like someone that knows it all but doesn't know how to spell doesn't bode well for you in your attempt to school people in your theories.
obsessive rules

I think i know what youre getting at, but y'know. I dont really care anymore, if you WANT it go GET it. If not, meh.


I'm guessing you're on the GTP app, which doesn't indicate the status of a user ;)
Didn't read the whole thread just stating my opinion, so sorry if I repeat things said here.

Anyway, the new controller, not my cup of tea. I play this game pretty serious with G27 and no aids, comfort tires and the likes. I enjoy it that way.
Thats just me, but GT5 covers a wider audience and more ways to play it is more power to them. I say, why not, I actually like the idea (eventhough i would never play with it, tried Mario kart once with the funky Wii wheels and hated it), move is a pretty inovative technology. For sony and PD I think this is not a bad move to get a broader audience into racing in a cheap way. I'll stick to my G27 but I like the idea behind this.

Everything that gets young people interested into motorsports is a good initiative, from the point of view of a car enthousiast imho.
And we all thought it was a gimmick. Kinect steering wheel, this is not.

Edit -

I just found out that the guy in the video designed the Move controller. He's a GT player. Cool! lol
That is nothing but a good thing.
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Video on the Move Wheel & how it was created.

It looks way better now but not for car racing games...for motorbikes looks amazing.

I am not going to change my G27 of course. FFB all the way.

But again imagine a Tourist Trophy 2 with this. (i have 2 move and a navigation controllers, Eye cam,mini keyboard, 3 DualShock3, Play TV and some more...why not add this.)
It has everything.
probably pick it up for Motorstorm apocalypse, driving a motorcycle with a wheel feels super weird

Have you ever seem the "wheel" from an NHRA Top Fuel Funny Car? Or an F1 wheel? I hold my hands at 9 & 3 and don't look at the wheel when I drive. So what does it matter?

If it controls your car better than a DS3 without having to rearrange your living room to race for 15 minutes or spend a minimum of $250 for a DFGT & Fanatec Wheelstand, what's wrong with that? My HKS controller is a waste of money because only HALF of the throttle and brake range (or throw) is utilized.
This device has the potential to be more accurate than A DS3 for 90% of GT5 players

It's reported that this wheel (SRW-01) is more precise and responsive than a G27 because it has no gears, and a higher bit resolution. Although as you can see in the video Fisha posted the move only has 510 bits of resolution, so that isn't really an advantage here unless you count the fact it uses all those bits in a lower maximum rotation (180° vs 900°)

For those with lazy arms you'll need to wait for 'that clever guy' to invent something like this

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