- 583
The exclusive PlayStation 3 title is a web browser which you can buy parts for your car. Think of engines, exhaust valves and other similar components. These components can in each car, so if you have a Ferrari, you can also swap an Audi engine. You will have the full freedom to your car to adapt to your own wishes and that the prices of the same components as in real life. If you get the feeling like you are buying genuine parts for your ultimate race car you can buy with the money which you have earned with racing in the game.
Source: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ps3-sense.nl%2F2009%2F06%2Fnieuwe-details-van-gran-turismo-5%2F&sl=nl&tl=en&history_state0=&swap=1
What interests me here is the "Full freedom" for customization. The translation is a bit hazy, but it might be possible for GT5 to allow engine switching. It's pretty vague at this point. The translation says "...if you have a Ferrari, you can also stop an Audi engine." In the context of the sentence, full customization and detailing is being described, and it doesn't appear to be talking about Ferraris stopping Audis. It's more like Ferraris sporting Audi engines.
A very interesting feature. If you could switch engines, then it presents many variables to the game. For instance, the GT-R Skyline would lose its 4WD power advantage since you could stuff the engine into a lighter body. Speaking of stuffing engines, I'm also wondering about the implementation of engine bay size limits, or if "full customization" holds true and you can stuff anything under your hood.
This reminds me of the old days of the old GT3 hybrid scene!