Why? It's normal, it should (or at least can) happen. When you compare two games AND the reality, you can see where one of them is really lagging behind another (eg. which one feels better etc.). This way you know right from the start what's really messed up, not just not polished enough. You just have to remember to not focus just on the differences between game, more like note them, but always aim for the perfect solution (eg. "forza's textures are too shiny, gt5's are not shiny enough. Draw" etc.).Yes, amazing, but people are right in saying that GT5shouldn't be compared to F2 at all, but to reality. Compare two games only when you are looking for the best one, but when you are going to compare one to reality, don't compare it to the other game again. This exactly happened here, comparing GT, Forza and reality, when Forza shouldn't have been here at all.
but always aim for the perfect solution (eg. "forza's textures are too shiny, gt5's are not shiny enough. Draw" etc.).
If you mean me, I've noticed that you've been fairly even handed in handing out criticism lately, and I know GT5 is the focus because it's the one most of us are waiting on.Now if you take every post that has to do with defending forza and every post that has to do with negative things in GT and attribute them to me, then there you go, but I have plenty of issues with forza, but I also recognize they do plenty of things well.
If you mean me, I've noticed that you've been fairly even handed in handing out criticism lately, and I know GT5 is the focus because it's the one most of us are waiting on.
I hope that everyone understands that Kaz and his team is going to give us the best GT5 they can, and that if something odd is left out, like working windshield wipers, it's either because it's too low on the work list or they just couldn't add one more thing for the PS3 to handle. Everything a game does requires a slice of the performance budget, so no game can do everything, let alone do everything well. A perfect example is Forza 3, which may have the fewest cars in a race of any current console racer - and note, the PSP isn't a console. They just can't break the 8 car barrier yet. Maybe it's because they insist that everything they have the game doing is more important than a few more cars. Personally, I think it's because the 360 is about tapped out for resources, and they have to give the gaming world something on par with Prologue.
GT5 on the other hand might still not have skidmarks. Why? Well, a big hunk of what the PS3 has to render isn't just those amazing cars, but the backgrounds. Remember how it was pointed out that the buildings in Tokyo has their interiors modeled? That's perhaps another 100,000 objects being drawn and perspective managed as you drive around. Essential? No, but it sure adds to the illusion of reality. And haven't there been a few gripes about Prologue's backgrounds being too bland and undetailed? Well, now we have them, but there's no free lunch in the computer world either, so something has to yield for that. Maybe one of those things are tire marks. It could also be rain. It depends on how ingenious the GT5 engine is, so maybe we'll have a lot of surprises in that regard.
Just remember Crysis, and what kind of computer you need to run it with everything maxed, and how expensive it is. Keep in mind that the PS3 is probably a quarter of that, or less. And yet, hardly any game looks as good as GT5, Killzone or Uncharted. So keep all this in mind, and try to be a little grateful when you get hold of that Blu-ray and something glorious comes up on your TV screen.![]()
They initially announced 12 cars in Forza2.Take your F3 8 cars example. T10 never said they would have more than 8 cars racing, and so the fact that it's still only 8 is not terribly dramatic. However if T10 had promised something like 'more cars on track than any other racer!" then only had 8 and decided to announce it was because they were feeling out if the gamers really wanted more cars on track... that's where dissapointment sets in.
They initially announced 12 cars in Forza2.
It was a reply for Devedander's post, read his quote.I don't understand what does this have to do with GT5.
Considering Polyphony Digital has some of the most respected modelers and coders in the industry, and many of these guys practically live in the building with cots beside their desks, mentioning that is rather silly.As for reasons, the ones you list are quite possible, but there are any number of others that are also possible ranging from KY just said what he wanted to say before checking with the programmers such a thing was possible; the programmers are incompetent in some areas; PD is just lazy
As was pointed out, Turn 10 people in december 2006 interviews stated that you would be racing 12 cars off and online in FM2. And this is entirely different from stating something like Polyphony making a GT Online, when most PS2s wouldn't work online. Mine is on the safe list but doesn't want to work with many PS2 online games. They tried it in Japan, remember, but it was so hard to get it to work right so they didn't get it either. Meanwhile, the XBox is nothing but a gaming PC. Some people still use their XBoxes as servers. Oh well, that argument is now moot with the PS3.Take your F3 8 cars example. T10 never said they would have more than 8 cars racing, and so the fact that it's still only 8 is not terribly dramatic.
The only shortcoming I mentioned with F3 was the number of cars confirmed to be in race. What others did I mention? And the reason I speak so positively about GT5 is because of the work I see evidenced in the GamesCom demo, and the work I'm still enjoying evidenced in Prologue. If it doesn't impress you, oh well. The rest of the intranets are still buzzing about it.Just of note: read your post and look at the difference in how you talk about areas where F3 could improve vs areas where GT5 could improve. Note how you are comfortable suggesting possible reaons for F3 shortcomings, but you are quick to say what the reasons are for GT5 actually are and follow them up with the fairly positive explanations.
Sure, whatever.Not trying to make anything of it, but think it's worth noting. Think about that from a completely objective standpoint and see if that hints of some ulterior motive... I am not trying to say anything negative about, justs find this (likely subconcious result) interesting. You know, in a Freudian way![]()
It's not a big deal or it's not a big disappoint now because they announced early since first day?Forza 2 has already been released. So he is right, it's no big deal that they only have 8 cars on a track, they didn't say they would have more in Forza 3, and Forza 3 is what counts, because it is the game that it's going to be released.
Considering Polyphony Digital has some of the most respected modelers and coders in the industry, and many of these guys practically live in the building with cots beside their desks, mentioning that is rather silly.
As was pointed out, Turn 10 people in december 2006 interviews stated that you would be racing 12 cars off and online in FM2.
The only shortcoming I mentioned with F3 was the number of cars confirmed to be in race. What others did I mention?
Sure, whatever.![]()
Sorry, it's not even possible.You will notice I just said it was one of many possibilities.
There's a huge gaping difference here.you are happy to speculate on negative reasons why in Forzas case, but you are quick to state in a factual way the positive and foregiveable reasons why in GT5s case.
Well, you missed quite a party. It was exciting to watch the Forza boards melt down when it was revealed that the many promises T10 made about all the content and gameplay FM1 had and more, with 12 car races, went away one by one. When they found out it was actually a smaller game than FM1 except for the car count... well, that grudge is still simmering with a few of them. And add to that all the unpatched bugs we had to swallow, the numerous leaderboard wipes when the "perfect" physics and aerodynamics produced unrealistic supercars that had to be patched, and you have a very slipshod game. These, also, are not thin allusions or maybes.I don't remember that, but I am sure that it got some people quite dissapointed then just as I was saying. BTW I know I didn't specificy but I was talking about F3 release in my post.
You only mentioned one, but it was the way you mentioned it. Tbe tone and style.
In response to often silly criticism or even things that aren't true.Notice how you are constantly negative about it
Not always. Re-read my posts.and the reasons you suggest (while you make it clear are they are just ideas and not facts)
Well? True or false? Is this an opinion, or is this a fact? Are you saying they think the "definitive" racing game is going to only need 8 car races?You use terms like "they just can't break the 8 car barrier"
My assumptions are also facts. T10 made choices which restricts them to 8 car races, not 8 or so online. And while this is an assumption, I think it's pretty clear that one of those factors is the limitations of the 360. You can say that's negative if you like, but the 360 is hardly the definitive gaming console.... basically if you read it from an objective view there are lots of negative undertones. Any assumptions you make about the possibility of why (and again you do make clear they are assumptions) are negative.
You're hardly debating from solid footing because you assume the worst about GT5 in your posts.Now look a the GT5 portion... you don't assume why GT has areas that could use improvement, you spin them up as positively as possible, rationalize them away and tell us why they are there... despite the fact you can't know.
No, I don't play mental games with myself. I say what I mean.No really, I am sure I do it too... I was just pointing it out because really it was a good job at (sorry can't think of a better term and I know this one sounds negative) "spinning" the situation. I just bet you didn't even realize it...
Sorry, it's not even possible.
There's a huge gaping difference here.
- We know most of what will be in F3.
I mean... seriously...
In response to often silly criticism or even things that aren't true.
My assumptions are also facts. T10 made choices which restricts them to 8 car races, not 8 or so online. And while this is an assumption, I think it's pretty clear that one of those factors is the limitations of the 360. You can say that's negative if you like, but the 360 is hardly the definitive gaming console.
You're hardly debating from solid footing because you assume the worst about GT5 in your posts.
No, I don't play mental games with myself. I say what I mean.
Anyway, I don't care how you think I think. I think I think just fine, thank you.![]()
Tenacious DRemember how it was pointed out that the buildings in Tokyo has their interiors modeled?
DevedanderHow does one not know that T10 just likes 8 car races? Perhap they feel more is too cluttered?
http://www.xboxworld.com.au/articles/interviews/forza-2-interview---xbw-&-microsoft-game-studios.htmIt's been revealed that Forza 2 is already running at a sweet 60 frames per second. Was this easy to achieve or were there some trade-offs made in the graphics or physics to accommodate it?
Dan: While it's never "easy" to squeeze in the high level of detail we have, the Xbox 360's power has made this an achievable target at 60fps and 720p with 12 unique, customizable and damage-able cars on track at once. We're still working hard on getting as much lifelike material in the game as possible, but we're thrilled with what we've been able to achieve and we think players will be too.
Devedander, don't even bother to continue, I'm telling you this as a partner in logic, cause this is an argument you can't win in a GT dedicated forum.
I still don't see your point. If you take out every Skyline, Evolution, and Impreza from GT4, you're getting a game with well over 600 cars. I sold some from my GT4 garage just yesterday and still have over 370 cars, cars that I intend to keep, and add to. I can't have that many cars in my Forza 2 garage, because I reached my limit. Now, some of them are in limbo on the auction house server just so I can have a space of three or four cars to work with. And this, with a 120gig hard drive!It doesn't matter how many cars does a game have, it matters how many of those are you actually going to use. I compared Forza 2's car list to that of GT4. And GT4 just overflows with Skylines, Evolutions, and Imprezas, something that everyone has noticed, even those who have played the game for just two days. Forza 2 doesn't.
You seem to have conveniently forgotten the roadside detail debates, like the one dealing with trees. See, this is something a number of people want improved. It does add something tangible to the racing experience. For me, it wasn't a huge deal, but the improvements Polyphony made to Tokyo are breathtaking, and I really like it. It is a good thing. Now, what it means as far as stuff that has to be toned down, I don't know. It may mean nothing. But acting like it doesn't matter is to ignore the uproar it's caused to the internet community we both belong in. Just like seeing the sun line up well with shadows in GT4 and Prologue. Just like seeing damage. Just like learning that GT5 will have Ferrari and Lamborghini. Just like learning it has the NASCAR and WRC license. Everyone doesn't think like you. Me either, but I'm willing to bet if you browse the GT5 discussions and looked at the content, you'd find more posters like me than you. Hey, maybe we're all just fanboys when it comes to Gran Turismo.What do I care about the interiors of buildings, if I can't even see them? How do you know they are not lying to you? What purpose do they have? Especially when you could model just a small part of the building, and having the same effect, cause granted, an empty box and a full one will have the same aspect. Can I drive into the buildings? Do I work inside the buildings to earn cash to tune my car? That makes perfect sense.
Devedander, I was going to make a point by point address to your post, and spent about 20 minutes on it, but honestly, why bother. Regardless of how I slant my posts addressing Forza, it only really matters if I post incorrect contradictory matter, like saying "The bots in GT5 won't ram you blindly like the bots in Forza do." Which the Forza bots do. They do it in F3 videos on the net. So what?
If F3 was pretty much the same game as GT5, then I would still have a bone to pick with Turn 10, because they couldn't even bother to spend the effort to come up with their own game. Which is exactly what they did with Forza to start with, they just basically stole Kazunori's entire concept. And they couldn't even bother with a thank you or any good words of appreciation. Especially now.
I highly doubt:Zer0 (devils advocate here) so where does that say they didn't choose 8 over 12? In fact if you want to take it at face value, maybe what he said was accurate, maybe 12 were and are possible, but again, they just chose not to go 12 because it was too cluttered?