GT5 Trailer E3 2009

  • Thread starter balang_479
Did you mean that GT5:P I have been plaing every day from Japanese version in the beginning of last year? With six tracks? If they had something special to show us, why would they used Daytona for Nascar and that simple plains for WRC in trailer and named it concept?

Don't get me wrong, I highly appreciate those news, especially WRC, but it seems like PD bited into too big mouthful and not much work is done.

The bit on GT5P was my attempt at sarcasm :) The thing is the game will be out sooner than later- even those higher up in the Sony's echelon emphasized that GT5 is a probable xmas 2009 release and at this point I believe Sony needs GT5 for the PS3 more than ever and is craking the whip to PD to ensure a holiday release.

Sorry for the double posting, I didn't realise I'm in the same thread.
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Post #103 shows a blow up with the nsx...Ok, now notice the store in the corner background? Fielmann I googled it and turns out to be glassess and contact lens store. And then I remember a post before that #93

Anybody clicked on the merc close up, driver has no helmet, just shades!!!

Maybe there will be customization of your driver with shades too besides helmets and racing suits and gloves. Maybe even racing shoes. Yeah and bicycles...and trains...and jets...trolleys. **burrrp**
