GT5 vs Forza3 big time release?

I think the Prologue sales approaching 4 million, or maybe surpassing it by now, shows that the planet is keeping an eye on Gran Turismo. And not just GT Planet. ;) Hardly any advertising at all, and Prologue has sold nearly as many copies as Forza 2 in a smaller install base in less time. GT5 will require the least advertising of any game ever.

Will it affect F3 sales? Probably. It may peel off a million or two over the remaining 360 lifecycle, which I expect will be overwith in 2011.
While I agree with the rest of your post, I have to contradict you here. Don't think for a moment that GT5 is not complete at this very moment. If it wasn't, we would not see it out this year. They may be fixing some minor things up until the last minute (which are no showstoppers), they may be incorporating additional cars or tracks still, but the game is ready to be released. All they need to decide is when to make the release build to send it to production.

Not that simple, everything that is changed or added requires a new release candidate for testing. Unless they're not adding or changing anything and it has been thoroughly tested in final release candidate then the game is not finished.

Game developers don't just finish a game then slap on new bits without testing before creating and sending the master copy.
Ah how I love sales age!

Forza 3 would be torn apart sales wise if it released close to Gran Turismo 5. That has nothing to do with quality and all to do with brand name. If the game is announced at TGS that gives the game more than a month to build hype to release near Forza 3. I think the game will release in December 09 though WW.
Garbage. As somebody already sensibly pointed out, the two games are not exactly in direct competition. Those who own a 360 will get F3, those who own a PS3 will get GT5, and those who own both will likely pick up both games if they are big enough racing games. So, total sales are kinda driven by the numbers of hardware sales. If this is enough to see F3 sell more in the short-term, so what? Who cares?
Garbage. As somebody already sensibly pointed out, the two games are not exactly in direct competition. Those who own a 360 will get F3, those who own a PS3 will get GT5, and those who own both will likely pick up both games if they are big enough racing games. So, total sales are kinda driven by the numbers of hardware sales. If this is enough to see F3 sell more in the short-term, so what? Who cares?

The fanboys do... :sly:
Not that simple, everything that is changed or added requires a new release candidate for testing. Unless they're not adding or changing anything and it has been thoroughly tested in final release candidate then the game is not finished.

Game developers don't just finish a game then slap on new bits without testing before creating and sending the master copy.

Agreed. Then I change my position to "it is finished.". :)

Cars and tracks can be added as DLC even, so they can be independently tested.
Garbage. As somebody already sensibly pointed out, the two games are not exactly in direct competition. Those who own a 360 will get F3, those who own a PS3 will get GT5, and those who own both will likely pick up both games if they are big enough racing games. So, total sales are kinda driven by the numbers of hardware sales. If this is enough to see F3 sell more in the short-term, so what? Who cares?

Many own both consoles and will have to choose between the two. On top of that both games could sway someone into getting a 360 or PS3. I care a lot about sales because I want my fav franchises to continue such as Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy. You do know games are made to make money right?

Yeah I don't want Gran Turismo to sell just to say "haha the game on my console sold better than yours" because that's retarded fanboyism.
Garbage. As somebody already sensibly pointed out, the two games are not exactly in direct competition. Those who own a 360 will get F3, those who own a PS3 will get GT5, and those who own both will likely pick up both games if they are big enough racing games. So, total sales are kinda driven by the numbers of hardware sales. If this is enough to see F3 sell more in the short-term, so what? Who cares?

I bought a PS3 3 years ago just for this game, I normally buy all multiplatform games on the 360, and keep my PS3 for the great exclusives. GT5 being the main one. I really never liked the Forza series, I've played and invested to much of my time in the GT series. So I'll only pick up GT5, maybe rent Forza if there is a delay in the GT5 release. But MS lack of Logictech support and really turned me away.
I think SONY really wants to spank MS so hard this time. As GT5 is the only Exclusive from the old list that hasn't released yet. If GT5 interrupts Forza3's release date... Then God
Mercy? Where was the mercy when my 360 broke down THREE times. I think it's about time that Sony finally stepped up and used the holidays to their advantage...if they really do release GT5 this year, I believe they will truly gain momentum and continue on into next year. GT5, Uncharted 2, and some major third party titles will help Sony TREMENDOUSLY this year. :) ESPECIALLY GT5!
I think the price cut will help the PS3 to do some major catching up to the 360. It has just gone after all from being more expensive by nearly $100 to offering 50% more memory for the same price.

And I definitely think that will mean that GT5 will be a catalyst for PS3 sales. GT5 will sell more PS3's than Forza will Xbox's for sure. In fact, I think GT5 will sell more PS3's than any game yet.
Many own both consoles and will have to choose between the two. On top of that both games could sway someone into getting a 360 or PS3. I care a lot about sales because I want my fav franchises to continue such as Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy. You do know games are made to make money right?

Yeah I don't want Gran Turismo to sell just to say "haha the game on my console sold better than yours" because that's retarded fanboyism.

I own both consoles and I can't think of any reason why I'd have to choose between the two.

You know which one I'll be buying first? The one that releases first :P
I hope both games sell really well. Competition improves the breed.

Yeah, I'm more than happy to watch the 2 of them fight tooth and nail for my money.
It is as simple as People who own both consoles will buy both games. People who Have PS3s will buy GT5. People who have 360s will buy FM3. People who have nintendo wiis will buy, well, nothing I guess.

hahahah LMAO

wii does suck..

also i believe the gt franchise and the release of gt5 will sell consoles.. especially teamed with the new ps3 "slim" slashing the price and adding to the appeal.... watch out microsoft.

also for the record i am a xbox360 owner and lover... not just a gt/playstation fanboy.

bring on the 09 release!!!