GT5 wallpaper for ps3 i created for download,simple video 3d,gt5 trailer edit

  • Thread starter aaron17
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Nice! Can you make a whole theme? with cars and car parts for icons.
Very cool. What tools did you use to create this (filters, effects etc.) and do you have the source file(s) available ?
Very cool. What tools did you use to create this (filters, effects etc.) and do you have the source file(s) available ?

well i got most of the source files from taking snapshots from the video trailer...
But u can get them here in gtplanet..
I used Photoshop cs3... lots of filtering and transparency.
well i got most of the source files from taking snapshots from the video trailer...
But u can get them here in gtplanet..
I used Photoshop cs3... lots of filtering and transparency.

I figured the images came from the GT5 trailer, I was more referring to your source file i.e. the .psd file. I do a fair bit of work in CS4 Extended and Illustrator and it would just be interesting to see how it was layered together and play around with it.

I have the Alien Skin Xenofex II and Eye Candy suites and find those a lot of fun to play around with (e.g., the earth courtesy NASA and everything else done in Photoshop).
Very nice work are you working on a high res waller paper.

Yes I want it alot shaper come on it's GT5.
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