1) I was thinking it's kind of funny how we're sitting around interested in a livery editor for GT5 when I've so often heard the GTFDL scoffing at people for wanting one. They pretend they have absolutely no interest in such a thing and that GT5 would be ruined by the addition of a livery editor, but yet there's plenty of community interest in one.
2) I've seen comments concerned about policing of inappropriate content, and that FM3 does a poor job of it. Now, I haven't played FM3 in almost a year now, but when I was last on there I didn't see the "naked" girls people keep referencing. Sure, there was anime, including skimpy outfits, but they were still clothed. I never once saw full nudity. The word filter didn't allow for certain words or phrases, either, so you couldn't search for "Pedobear", for example. Then, if people saw inappropriate content, they had the option of flagging it. As I recall, if something is flagged enough, it's automatically pulled for investigation (I forget the terminology here).
I guess that doesn't help with stuff people have on their own cars, though. That's just for stuff in the Storefront. I suppose it
would be harder to police what people have on their own cars.
Perhaps the game could have a feature whereby you can take a photo of what you deem potentially offensive and that photo gets sent to PD rather than to your own photo album, and they can then review it and make a determination. They might find themselves inundated with submissions, so I suppose they could have it so that they can flag you for submitting too many pointless complaints, and if you continue doing it then they just stop receiving your complaints altogether.
I took the advise of a fellow GTP member on here to put this up on the Feedback Section so it will hopefully get more known.
Heres the link!
I'm not going to waste my precious votes on it. I already have three votes on "
livery editor", and that will do. "Livery editor" is wide open, with anything from "simple livery editor" to "elaborate livery editor" being possibilities. "Simple livery editor" is too narrow-minded. Any livery editor at all would be better than nothing, so I'm not going to vote specifically for just a simple one.