Livery Editer Philosophy For GT5

  • Thread starter Crispy
Obviously if they are capable of adding the Race Modification decals and allowing us to change numbers, they shouldnt be far off letting us do custom things. It would make this game alot more fun for us and would let us personalise our cars a bit more and would give us more fun with standard cars... Maybe people would stop asking for interiors and rims then. Then they would be up to par with FM's features. They need to pick up more interest before October when FM4 goes to the stores. Just my say. Awesome idea crispychicken49, I'm with ya!
Creating liveries in photoshop or just uploading images is a bad idea. The reason the livery editor in Forza works so well is because it creates a need for effort and creativity due all the designs being created from simple shapes. I wouldn't want a livery editor if it didn't involve any skill or effort. Using photoshop or just uploading a file renders it pointless.

Ehhh... what!?

I have some graphic-design-friends who might want to argue with you on this.
1) I was thinking it's kind of funny how we're sitting around interested in a livery editor for GT5 when I've so often heard the GTFDL scoffing at people for wanting one. They pretend they have absolutely no interest in such a thing and that GT5 would be ruined by the addition of a livery editor, but yet there's plenty of community interest in one.

2) I've seen comments concerned about policing of inappropriate content, and that FM3 does a poor job of it. Now, I haven't played FM3 in almost a year now, but when I was last on there I didn't see the "naked" girls people keep referencing. Sure, there was anime, including skimpy outfits, but they were still clothed. I never once saw full nudity. The word filter didn't allow for certain words or phrases, either, so you couldn't search for "Pedobear", for example. Then, if people saw inappropriate content, they had the option of flagging it. As I recall, if something is flagged enough, it's automatically pulled for investigation (I forget the terminology here).

I guess that doesn't help with stuff people have on their own cars, though. That's just for stuff in the Storefront. I suppose it would be harder to police what people have on their own cars.

Perhaps the game could have a feature whereby you can take a photo of what you deem potentially offensive and that photo gets sent to PD rather than to your own photo album, and they can then review it and make a determination. They might find themselves inundated with submissions, so I suppose they could have it so that they can flag you for submitting too many pointless complaints, and if you continue doing it then they just stop receiving your complaints altogether.

I took the advise of a fellow GTP member on here to put this up on the Feedback Section so it will hopefully get more known.

Heres the link!

I'm not going to waste my precious votes on it. I already have three votes on "livery editor", and that will do. "Livery editor" is wide open, with anything from "simple livery editor" to "elaborate livery editor" being possibilities. "Simple livery editor" is too narrow-minded. Any livery editor at all would be better than nothing, so I'm not going to vote specifically for just a simple one.
Whether is is deemed innapropriate or not Turn 10 and a few others have given that option to their fanbase and PD hasn't.

I myself would rather have the option of making my cars my own and if I see a vulgar looking livery then oh well life goes on. People need to quit using this as a reason why GT5 doesn't have one and its okay because of this reason. Times are changing and PD isn't.

Most of us are adults and can handle it. To those that it offends so much and you couldn't play the game because of it need to take the pacifier out of your mouths.
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Does anyone know NFS Shift 2?

I think they put in a quite nice feature for customization. You had the option to paint your own cars (in a quite strange way). But I think it would be too complicated for GT5 to integrate that. PD has no experience with this feature and it´s hard to get it work well.

BUT: Shift 2 also had several liveries ready-to-go for every car....and that would be my first choice. Give me more race modifications and a lot prepaired liveries ready-to-go for the cars and I would be happy. I can use quality liveries for my cars and don´t need to see people painting "Hello Kiity" on their hoods.
PD might be too far ahead with the whole premium car detail to have livery editors works(perhaps shooting itself in the foot).
I don't mind really, though I have had a little fun throwing a few decals on a car in Forza 3.
Honestly I'd be content if I could just throw a number on car and perhaps my name on the window to get more of a club racing vibe.
Yeah, I don't think anything as open (or garish) as the FM3 system is needed, but a basic system that allowed stripes, numbers, a few logos, stickers, and banners as well as basic color palette selection on a couple areas would be very nice. Such a system of limited stickers/logos, etc could be tied to races like the helmets and gear and have a random system followed by unlocks. I could see a choice given after a race to decide if you wanted gear (helmet/suit) or livery options (stickers/banners/etc).

It could even be a separate "app" something like the database for MGS4, if memory or system limitations were the issue. You would download and do your editing in there and then export it to a file that could be 'imported' on GT5, maybe.
How does Forza hav the best livery editor? i think NFS Shift2 does

I find it quite hard to interact with the livery editor in Shift 2, especially with DS3 controller. It isn´t exact enough to position decals on the right place.

And the sclaing feature isn´t the best too. What I´ve seen so far, Forza3 seems to have the better one.
I saw worse in NASCAR The Game 2011 than in FM.
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I like idea, but i know people are gonna make certain designs (oreo car, pink panther car and etc.) on the car which is not racing material imo. I hope they limit it to stickers and certain designs that arent crazy for your car. I would hate to see a pink panther bugatti O.o
While Shift 2's livery editor is flawed and a bit limited, you can still do alot, just gotta use your imagination. I would rather have a Shift 2 system than no system at all...
I like idea, but i know people are gonna make certain designs (oreo car, pink panther car and etc.) on the car which is not racing material imo. I hope they limit it to stickers and certain designs that arent crazy for your car. I would hate to see a pink panther bugatti O.o

Who cares what other people do or don't do with their designs? That's their choice to make, not yours. The whole point of a livery editor is to personalize your car and make it your own, not to conform to the standards of somebody else.

I fully support any kind of livery editor or custom paint shop that allows you to spray whatever you want on your car. Yes, you're going to get cars with horrible things painted on them, but that's why Sony implemented a complaint form where you can report people for offensive material.
How about they put an option where you can see peoples custom liveries, or you can turn them off and see the original color of the car.

True. ;)

I would make one of these actually:


EDIT regrading stuff at first page: All things have to be approved by Sony/PD;if it's violating it's "house rules" (i.e. terms of use) it will be rejected. ;)
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It has an in-game livery editor the OP says about using programmes on a computer to create liveries as it may be easier for PD to implement

Lolz stupid idea and not very logical.:dunce:
An ingame version would be more practical.




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Of all the hardcore sim players in the world, only a explicit few of those (If we compare raw numbers) know how to make skins in all those photoshop programs. Imo a in-game livery editor alà FM3 is the best solution even if it means copying FM3.

Btw, making a nude themed car paintjob on the computer is quicker than sizing, assembling and coloring a bunch of blocks, circles, triangles and rectangles anyways, kind of a self-defeating protest that!
IMHO The main use for custom liveries is:
a. They allow you to be unique on the grid, and how a team of 2 drivers can have a "uniform" livery of sorts. which leads to:

b. a better racing league experience online. It is kinda stupid to have the same livery for some race cars on a grid, and it detracts from the racing league experience organized online groups are looking for.

c. Self-expression and creativity are the plusses, but I do beleive that PD just does not want offensive content in the game, hence livery editing was cut out.

I think all have been covered by the RM liveries (for the RM cars). You get a custom number, you can paint it with any color you want. My wish is for this to be extended to all cars with at least 2 patterns you can choose from.

Another thing they can do which can solve some problems is using multiple designs for each race car, (similar to the Lupo cup cars, mm-cup, beetle cup etc.), making those available once you get the race car, and then allowing you to use your own car numbers.

But then again, keeping it simple, a basic livery editor with premade decals and vinyl would've covered all those. :D
I think all have been covered by the RM liveries (for the RM cars). You get a custom number
you can paint it with any color you want. My wish is for this to be extended to all cars with
at least 2 patterns you can choose from
In the absence of a proper livery editor, I believe the above would be a good compromise 👍