Gt500 t/p 1 last hurrah at suzuka! 3/1/2013 happy new year!

  • Thread starter TDZdave

If there is enough interest for yet another race, Which Track?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'd be down for this.
I'm not sure I can make all races, but I'd love to race at least once (3 occations, right?)

If I can race in the WEIDER HSV-010 ofc.. ;)
Is it eligable?
Yea the HSV does suck in a straight line.
I'd be down for this.
I'm not sure I can make all races, but I'd love to race at least once (3 occations, right?)

If I can race in the WEIDER HSV-010 ofc.. ;)
Is it eligable?

Its taken
Reserving an HSV :)

the HSV is taken Furi, I restructured it so no 2 cars are the same, but seeing as Honda would be filled already with 3 HSVs I guess I could reform it,

Is this serie hosted by W.M.A ?

no bud, yes I am one of the bigger members of W.M.A but this spot race was started by Chqr, I just took over the idea, so it remains mutual,

I'd be down for this.
I'm not sure I can make all races, but I'd love to race at least once (3 occations, right?)

If I can race in the WEIDER HSV-010 ofc.. ;)
Is it eligable?

yes there are 3 dates but not 3 races, the remaining 2 are potential postponement dates,

the HSV is eligible, but its already taken, I guess I should restructure this, but I'm only allowing 2 HSV's so if the first 2 people to claim it will get it,
Aha, so the race is tomorrow then?
If so, I can't.
But I can race this Thursday.
So if the race is'nt held tomorrow, I can race on Thursday in the HSV?
How do I know if it's open by then?
I have restructured the OP thanks to the demand of people, congrats you now have one, I will post one the thread if the event gets postponed, we will know within 9 hours,
Changes made to the OP, Hope its less confusing,

all Weider's are taken, potential remaining positions,

2 Lexus,
3 Toyota
1 Nissan,
1 NSX,

Plus any Reserves, Weider is filled with that too,
so the race is tomorrow then?
If so, I can't.

Me too if it is today I doubt I can make it, also will be better to have training on Motegi... Next tuesday will be great! 👍
Postponed to next Tuesday, looking forward to it gent's,

sorry for any inconvenience, but it just seems best particularly with such short notice, plus I would like some more sign ups,
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By the way, I just found out I start work on the 13th. I will probably work till 2pm EST. Qualifying would start at 2:15pm my time. I may be able to make it
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I´ll be there would love to take the Weider (new sound :D) but maybe I´l show up in a Supra or the Lexus I used the last time.
I exited but I can open another. Sorry for not updating my post. I was testing stuff
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@Furi, I put you down as a reserve in the Weider, as that's how I interoperated your first post, so your second reserve in the Weider, but I don't think the first reserve has Motegi DLC so that makes you the 3rd and last Weider HSV driver,

@Sakery, all Weider positions are filled, I will drop you in a Supra? so far the only car not being used,

@ChrisJ, which GTR was it, the Motul with the blue head lights?

@Koleen, welcome,

@FakeGangsta, all GTR spots are taken mate, leaving toyota and Lexus available,
I'm doing dead 1.50s I think the pole lap time will be around a high 1.48s,

Also Guys, Vote on the Pole if your interested in going around again,
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Thankz for the target time TDZ, I'm sure ill be 2 seconds off that pace. I have trouble finding speed here'
I'm comfortably hitting it with all cars, with very sloppy laps, I changed to a supra, its a little slower but much more stable then the NSX, which I prefer a tail happy car but I'm afraid I will be 30 laps down 25 laps in with the NSX, :lol:
Hey TDZ can I suppose that with the new patch 2.09 the Tire/Fuel Consumption will be set to "Normal"?
All the cars I've driven have seemed much more stable online after 2.09 and moving slightly towards understeer. I bought an HSV after PD reworked the sound, took it out stock on RH tires and it was glued to the track and very smooth. The stock NSX's might be a little easier to drive now and a couple of others might be a little understeery. Have to drive them to find out for sure.