pd went one step forward but two steps backward with this update.
1. 1 or 2 cars dominating an event
4. The events should not be locked to any specific tire, a driver should be allowed to use any configuration he chooses just as long as he stays within the set performance points.
/end rant
To your first point, PD needs to drop the PP550/650/750 limits and go back to the older PP500/600/800 classes. That was when sports cars, of different power levels, had their place and the tuner/race cars did as well. Back when we had those classes you did have a handful of cars that were fast and a few oddballs that where fast with very fast drivers. That was more fun. Not perfect, but better.
To your later point, no we don't need open tire regulations. All that means is that everyone will be forced to use R3 tires which gets very old very fast. If PD instituted some rules that looked like this we would all find better racing;
-PP500 class, N tires only, anything goes (i.e. hot-hatchs and smaller sports cars)
-PP600 class, S tires only, RWD, AWD or no tuned car only events (sports cars, super cars and anything else that can run in this class, minus tuned or race cars)
-PP700 or 800, R tires only, anything goes (tuned, race and super cars)
Reminds you of the old A, B, C classes in GT3?
Part of the major problem with racing online, beyond PD's seemingly random PP system, is that you have RWD vs. AWD. vs. Tuned cars in most races.
Sticking R3 tires on a little FF Suzuki is as silly as putting N tires on a GTLM and cranking on the downforce.
In real life you'll rarely have RWD. vs. AWD. vs. Tuned cars (the way PD defines them) on the same track without drastic performance or ballast compromises to even out the performance levels. Maybe you'll get the mix without restraints at your local track on a open track day, but never in competitive racing (without classes). Add in AWD cars in GT5p always out performing RWD cars and Tuned cars mixed in, even Tuned AWD, and it is a mess.
GTP members do a far better job of defining "events" to race in over in the race threads. PD should take a look at those and learn.
Of course all of this is a mote point until (or if) PD ever institues proper qualifying for longer online events. I would expect to see that pop up at some point in GT5p. If PD realy is using GT5p as a test bed for GT5 development at some point we will be subjected to qualifying and longer races.
When. Who knows???