Now the online races even worst than before.....Pro GTR is gone. When you have more fun racing AI cars than online....there is something seriously wrong. No race in this game should be using R3 tires unless we have "tire wear" and "tire temperature", that S-class Suzuka online race is the most "unrealistic" event by far.
BTW, online races seems to have "slow car boost".....I thought this is the "real driving simulator"
Untill we get a private-races there will be no real racing. This has to be commercial product, and this is all a beta-test. If PD would allow private races in this early stage, collection of data needed for improvement of many features would drastically shrunk.
I do not care about that, because lag/ping issues are awful anyway.
What pisses me off is lack of penalties on online Time-Trials for usage of safety-zones on Fuji. I would like that TT's be like Licence Tests in full games. Two wheels off the track - and you're FAIL. Just watch the replays of top-times on Fuji TT and see how guys are using all zones for cutting the tracks. Shame and disgrace.
BTW, online races seems to have "slow car boost".....I thought this is the "real driving simulator"
are you sure about this???
I can confirm this is the case. The further you are behind the more help you get. The most noticeable is the increase in grip levels.
The Suzuka race is a joke. Standard Physics - R3 tyres
I guess now I have more time to spend on Super Mario Galaxy.
are you sure about this???
I can confirm this is the case. The further you are behind the more help you get. The most noticeable is the increase in grip levels.
The Suzuka race is a joke. Standard Physics - R3 tyres
I guess now I have more time to spend on Super Mario Galaxy.
Does this happen in all races or just in the beginner and amateur races?
I mean does it happen at Daytona?
I am pretty sure. However seamless PD had coded the "slow car boost", it is there.
Yeah, you cannot get more arcade'er than that, compounded with that "slow car boost" crap.
Here is what I think.
I think the "slow car boost" is tied into the simulation physics. As in online "amateur"/"beginner" races the simulation mode is set to "standard", so the "slow car boost" is present. However, in "Pro" simulation, IMO, the "slow car boost" is either off or is very very low.
This also explain why in offline mission/events seems to be much much easier in "standard" simulation because of the "standard" simulation physics + the "slow car boost".
I can understand how PD want to create closer races, but "slow car boost", IMO, is the worst type of assistance that a game can provide as this mechanism is solely in place to help you to "win" by creating an illusion that you are actually driving very well. Driving to me is more about the pursue of knowledge (or more knowledge) of this particular art form. When all your hard effort is really nothing more than a lie because of "slow car boost", you will never learn anything.
I think this might be a plausible explanation.
I've often noticed how someone who ended up in the sand has been rather quick to regain their previous position. But those who simply don't drive well or are in slower cars do not get a "magic" speed boost. They simply remain at the back.
I've noticed that now my name shows highlighted in Gold in Online races. Anyone know what this means?
Means that you have some top 10 place in Online Time Attack
I was in the top 10 for Time Trial at Daytona with the Skylines. My name was not gold.
I recently completed all missions in the game. Maybe that's what it's for?
100,000,000 is the max credits. I have all gold, every car, and my name isn't in gold. I'm telling you guys, it's the 430.
is the online racing done in Sim or arcade driving style?
Anyways, about the slow car boost thing. I think the boost thing happens when you are bumped and lose position.