GT5P Online World Event

  • Thread starter doggyollie
The latest news has something about an online world event. Different regions can play each other! Are they going to start keep track of results?

This is big news right? I'm not crazy am I?

Too bad it is high speed ring and STD physics though:ouch:
Original (Japanese)


Guide of worldwide opposition event opening

2008 June 24th

'The worldwide opposition special event is executed with online race of the [gurantsurisumo] 5 prologue'. 'The [gurantsurisumo]' history upper beginning, please participate in the official online opposition to which the driver of the world gets together, by all means.

* Schedule name
Worldwide opposition event sport kirk lath high speed ring maximum of 12 human opposition/STD

* Schedule opening period
June 26th (the wood) July 3rd (the wood) from 2 o'clock in the afternoon to 2 o'clock in the afternoon

* Schedule object area
North America
Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea)

* Supporting information
* Usual Online (the online) the race/lace event inside has done matching only between customers inside the same area.

* Online (the online) time trial event, and Arcade inside (the arcade) time trial inside has become the specification which from the past is registered to the entire world common ranking boards.

After the starting you can verify the details of the event, in the page below.
GT5 prologue online event
The latest news has something about an online world event. Does this mean different regions can play each other? Or are they going to start keep track of results?

* Supporting information
* Usual Online (the online) the race/lace event inside has done matching only between customers inside the same area.

English is not my best so I could misunderstood what you put as a translation, but I think it answered you..
Just read it myself and it reads as follows...

International Competition Event Announcement

We are adding an international competition event in the online races of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.
We hope you will take part in the first official online battles between players from around the globe.


World Competition Event: Sports Car Class /STD up to 12 players


From Thursday, June 26 at 6:00am to Thursday July 3, 6:00am.


North America
Asia (Taiwan, Hongkong, Singapore, Korea)


*Normal online race events are matched only between participants within the same region.

*The time trial events within "Online" and "Arcade" are normally ranked on a common ranking board throughout the world.
I think its basically saying, that there will be a worldwide online event and that you join it the normal way, through the online events.
It also makes a point about how this is the first time we have a worldwide online event, rather than the usual region-locked online events and also that the time trials have been worldwide.

Thats why it looks confusing.
To sum up:
In 2 days time, there will be a special online event probably called "Worldwide Online Event" at the High Speed Ring, Standard Physics on the online events list, much like GT Academy. It will last till the 3rd of July.
Also, it seems our Australasian friends are left out of this.
Beta-testing continues, thank you for participating.

Make sure you have a decent upload speed, FTTH is the must.
Looks like GT maybe opening up regions which is great, like Amar is implying it appears to testing, probably to suit the upcoming large 'fall' update.

Also, it seems our Australasian friends are left out of this.

I doubt we are left out, they just forget about us and bundle us in with the Euro crowd (same PAL region in usual online events).
Make sure you have a decent upload speed, FTTH is the must.
At this moment is when I cry because the company can't give me more than 1mpbs :scared:

FTTH strictly neccesary if they mix the regions and now the online changes into a global one?
At this moment is when I cry because the company can't give me more than 1mpbs :scared:

FTTH strictly neccesary if they mix the regions and now the online changes into a global one?

What is FTTH anyway?
It means "Fiber to the home".

And what does that mean? Also, why do other games have no problems doing international games, but GT can't do it without super awesome connection speeds? It's just cars racing around right?
And what does that mean? Also, why do other games have no problems doing international games, but GT can't do it without super awesome connection speeds? It's just cars racing around right?

Without knowing the actual facts, I would assume that it's not going to be an issue. Even today I can play with people from the other side of the World (AU).
I've been racing 24h races with 40+ cars from all over the world. But that was on a dedicated server. PD pls let us have dedicaded servers. 16 players or so should pose no problem if you have a minimum of 1MB upload.
Without knowing the actual facts, I would assume that it's not going to be an issue. Even today I can play with people from the other side of the World (AU).

^^Good point and anyone who raced with their japanese version of the game should be good to go:tup:
And what does that mean? Also, why do other games have no problems doing international games, but GT can't do it without super awesome connection speeds? It's just cars racing around right?
GT in general have the worst online that I've ever seen. I'm not talking about the players you know... I'm talking about the connectivity. It's the only game that have gave me problems with the ports in my life... even if I opened them (in fact I'm going to buy another router due to GT5P), so I think that the global online will be bad on terms of speed needs too.

When I connect online I don't have problems with my 860 Kbps up / 260 Kbps down, but maybe with online I'll have them. I hope an option for closed lans too because if only global online will be available, that means many of us won't be able to play GT online..
Beta-testing continues, thank you for participating.

Make sure you have a decent upload speed, FTTH is the must.

When I connect online I don't have problems with my 860 Kbps up / 260 Kbps down, but maybe with online I'll have them. I hope an option for closed lans too because if only global online will be available, that means many of us won't be able to play GT online..

I don't think so. Ive played GT5p alot with people from the US, CA, JP,GB,DE,CH,... without big problems and very little lag, if any. And my internets not fast 2mb down/200kb up... Where I get more probs is with people from Spain and France or just say Southern Europe.( don't know what's up there...???)
Anyway global online is a MUST and im glad PD starts providing it finally! If they continue improving their netcode we probably wont need dedicated servers...?! 👍
This sparks my interest because over the past 2 days i have noticed alot more country tags in games. Im US and i have been seeing HK JP GB CZ and ES i dunno what ES is but ive seen it in games over the past 2 days.

Also someone was asking what FTTH is, in the US its called FTTP, Fiber To The Premesis, which means that the entire network instead of being composed of copper cables, is 100% fiber optics up to the side of your home, even the wire from the pole to your house is fiber optics. In the US its very limited and only offered by Verizon and AT&T, the latter being in very very exclusive areas. When I worked for Verizon i was doing FTTP and i will say that the up and down speeds were mind blowing
I don't think Amar212 was being serious about connection speeds. He was simply implying that with all of the connectivity issues that we've had with regional races, the problems could be magnified on an international scale. hard is it to understand? You go online and smash some faces from other regions..not that hard..
well it looks like i can't race here then. i only have an upload of 350-400kbps.

No it means you can! Didnt I say just two posts before my upload is around 200kb and i can race without any problems my mates from Northamerica and Japan, do you know how far away that is from Germany? Your upload is good enough to even host 6-8 player matches, give me break alright. Just because someone does have a fibre cable makes you think you can't race, did i get that right??
And i say again i have much better races with Japanese and American folks, and thats due to better infrastructure and NOT upload speed!
(most of my mates have similar up/downspeeds and they say i don't lag usually and they dont aswell)!
hey i hope there will be global and regional events, than everybody chooses what they like = Japan for me they know how to race at least 👍
No it means you can! Didnt I say just two posts before my upload is around 200kb and i can race without any problems my mates from Northamerica and Japan, do you know how far away that is from Germany? Your upload is good enough to even host 6-8 player matches, give me break alright. Just because someone does have a fibre cable makes you think you can't race, did i get that right??
And i say again i have much better races with Japanese and American folks, and thats due to better infrastructure and NOT upload speed!
(most of my mates have similar up/downspeeds and they say i don't lag usually and they dont aswell)!
hey i hope there will be global and regional events, than everybody chooses what they like = Japan for me they know how to race at least 👍

my post is not directed to you. chill.
,... Where I get more probs is with people from Spain and France or just say Southern Europe.( don't know what's up there...???)

It's because in those countries, and Italy too, they disfigure everything they build. Maybe it's the weather makes them so tired in the middle of day, and so they take little afternoon naps, and forget what they were doing. Could be that they drink too much vine also.
I've been driving thousands and thousands miles in Southern Europe, and I'm horrified about infrastructure in there. It's only centers of big cities which are fine, and everything else is f....d up.
my post is not directed to you. chill.
Oh, ok i see. Nevermind :)
It's because in those countries, and Italy too, they disfigure everything they build. Maybe it's the weather makes them so tired in the middle of day, and so they take little afternoon naps, and forget what they were doing. Could be that they drink too much vine also.
I've been driving thousands and thousands miles in Southern Europe, and I'm horrified about infrastructure in there. It's only centers of big cities which are fine, and everything else is f....d up.
Yeah that might be the case. I love Italian roads though, its like rallying! Broke two suspensions there already lol.
Yeah that might be the case. I love Italian roads though, its like rallying! Broke two suspensions there already lol.

I love them too! Especially serpentineroads on the mountains, and roads beside ocean... nothing can beat them. Maybe thats why they dont have proper connections. They are only drivin those grazy roads with their Ferrari tagged Cappuccinos, when they should be digging beck to a new FTTH?

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