GT5P Online World Event

  • Thread starter doggyollie
as said above they probably picked a setup that would draw alot of people to see how smoothly a busy game with players from all over the world would be
Have some fun and hang back and watch the carnage. Got 3rd in a Mustang by hanging back and passed the victims as they sat on the side:sly::)
I enjoy racing in the event, it's great for laughs. Having someone continuously ram you from the side for the length of the front straight is priceless.

Imagine if the black list was still up. Every race you could add a new name (or 3) to it.
I had one race there earlier, It was fun in a different way. Managed a second place finish, which i was happy with considering the amount of crashers and wall riders out there.
Spent over 2 hours in this race last night, and still stand undefeated. The NSX-R loves this track.
Once again PD as failed its fans. The world event is a blippin joke. The RBE is so bad that I can loose a 2 second lead in a half a straight or one turn..What a joke..

Although it is a great idea to have a world event, we just need the stupid things like RBE taken off. Faster cars to race and no more standard PH.

One thing is for sure, you don't want to be leading on the last lap..The Rubber Band Effect will catch up the 'Monster' of hacks, noobs, and the most desparate racers I've had the oppurtunity to race.

PD -1

You will not see me in 'that' World event again. No thanks.
I was going to post that you were nuts... But I found what you were talking about. All apologies. I always thought it was strange someone had not though of that option yet...
Now that is really ironic, is it? Nevermind :)
LOL private rooms with my respectable friends or bust 4 me, won't even try with the n00bs, etc. out there.
Had my first go on HSR World Event and i like to thank PD they finally did it big time! There was no lag and even better no punters and no wallriders 👍 only got hit a single time slightly by a japanese guy, but that was clearly MY fault, cuz I had few problems to keep my NSX on a straight line:nervous:
Next race were totally different players and it was a quite good race too.
PD keep em coming, love it!

edit*** Ace I think you are the noob and i hope you get stucked in that privat dark room of yours, so I never get the 'pleasure' to race you.
Private rooms btw never were confirmed, only friend invites were :irked:
Just finished 1 hr racing and found some clean drivers. The contact that was there seems to be from people not knowing if there is someone beside them. There was still some hardcore punter's out there but not as many. I will try again tomorrow night and see if it is getting any better.
Agree with all the comments about using the HSR. I think we should cut PD some slack about it being STD physics. As a previous poster said - this helps testing. Hopefully there will be a new or replacement worldwide event with each update from now on.

HSR penalties - PD you really need to sort this out and not just at the HSR. Last night I played RR7 and, even with this arcade game, if you clip a wall then you lose a LOT of speed. No excuses PD, get your act together. IMO racing games where wall riders can win are not world-class driving games. And while I am at it, make 'catch-up' mode an option, just like...RR7.

As you may guess I am a big fan of both GT and RR.
Nothing more that a lag test for multi region online races. It is a great sign that we will have multi region online races after all.

Still no sign of private rooms.
I know I shouldn't encourage this, but I did retaliate last night in the World Event.

I was on the long straight on the second lap and a blue Skyline comes by to pass me and side-slams me twice. He couldn't get me off the course so I was able to stay in the race. Then as we're entering the last turn before the tunnel,
he's on my outside and I let myself slide up against him (oh so gently) and he went into the grass. It was pure satisfaction with no penalty and justice was served.

I always try to race clean and rarely retaliate unless someone is constantly hitting me. Call it road rage if you will, but sometimes it gets the best of me.

Once you're out in front you can get a clean race sometimes, and I did manage to win a couple and place in the top three in quite a few races.

Even with all the chaos (especially in that first left turn before the bridge), I still enjoyed racing with so many cars on the track. And Yes the NSXs own that track when they can keep-um straight.

Apologies to all those I did bump here and there. Sometimes there are two or three ghosted cars and a single solid one in a big group and it's hard to see what's happening.
havent had one good race yet! everyone seems to be out to hit eachother, and not much fun really!

not sure why they didnt do it in reverse as then its harder to wall ride and its slower through the main turns so you wouldnt get rammed as hard?!
Last night (starting around 10pm PDT) I gave this event a try and was pleasantly surprised.

Sure there still were a few in each race who couldn't resist playing bumper cars, but I had a number of satisfying races where I managed to avoid the chaos and finish clean in 2nd...and more than a few races that I should have won if I hadn't stupidly bumped the leader ahead due to my higher exit speed on the final turn.

I suspect this race is run on a dedicated server. Hardly any lag even with 12 cars on the track (most races were 11 or 12 cars), fast matching, and only once did I get a server disconnect in three hours of playing. For the other hour I played, I tried to get in some 750pp events on Suzuka, but not a single race got past the first lap and I never matched with more than 6 players (which is why I spent so much time on the World event). If the world event is on a dedicated server, lets hope that more if not all events get switched over.

Off the top of my head, I recall racing against competitors in Austrailia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Japan, TW (Taiwan?), Hong Kong, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, UAE, Canada, and the U.S. Way cool that this feels as good as it does. The mix in each race is actually pretty diverse. I was one of two or three Americans in each race.

I think I saw at least two GTPers (GT Pro and kart racer) in there, but, in both of those races, my NSX-R got taken out by idiots.

I noticed I started every race in last place. I get that the NSX-R is probably the fastest sports car class car on this track, but there were often three or four others. Why was mine starting from last place every single time?

Here's hoping we have more world events (professional physics please?) coming in the next update...and +1 on making rubber-banding optional
Okay, last night's races in the international event were ridiculous. I couldn't finish higher than ninth thanks to being bumped in practically every single turn. The ones that are most annoying are the ones who don't care that I'm braking before my turn...launching me forward into the wall and which then causes me to spin multiple times. And just when I think the rubber banding has given me hope of catching the lead pack, another idiot won't does not want me to pass starts bumping me from the side until I spin again.

Stupid thing is I got so frustrated that I quit out of one race by selecting "quit game". I lost about 50,000 credits in the process. D'oh!

And since this left such a poor taste in my mouth, I decided to try a 750pp professional race on Suzuka again...only to find a 15 car grid filled with bumper cars. And just when I survive the carnage to move into the lead, I get "disconnected from server". Bah. I'm need a break from online...
It's getting better. Most of the demolition derby morons seem to have abandoned this race. However, braking for the second and last turns is still crazy, as it always seems at least three drivers decide to use other cars as brakes. But I haven't been intentionally brake-checked, blocked, or spun since Thursday night :D.
So I went into this race tonight and it was ok'ish but so much lagging and cars were jumping all over the place, a guy behind me stopped then accerated to like a million MPH and smahed into the back of me (due to the lag replotting the cars position)..... it was a total mess but quite fun, highest I came was 4th starting from 11th in my Skyline, was first at one point but the lag took it away from me!

I really want private rooms, its the only way to have a good match... plus it seems GT5P really needs a good net connection to function properly which is suprising as someone already said its only cars driving round the track! Other far more complex online games don't suffer lag like this.

Sort it out PD because I still think online is a poor excuse compared to the level of quality we see in other games.. and please take away the stupid penalty system and replace it with damage!

The world event is quick at loading...but the racing is hopeless....Everyone seems to be intent on driving each other of the road...the most annoying was a yellow NSX this mornnig...keep driving into me over and over again....i finished third...the yellow nsx finished 2nd from gonna keep track of the names...
going to go and play now if anyone wants to join me.:nervous:When I first got into the room, the racing was pretty clean. But, the later it got, ( my time ) the worse it got. I know that what I'm seeing is NOT a good picture of the drivers from these country, like FR, HK, & JP but this was the worst I've seen it so far. Now I know that there will be contact, but I've never seen such blatant attempts to take someone out. Maybe it was my tag that brought on the attention, or maybe they were getting frustrated when the Mustang I was driving wouldn't really move out of the way like they thought it should. ( heh heh ) Kept my cool and finished in the top 5 most of the time! And the above countries were just examples. So I guess this means if you want a cleaner race, get on early.👍:)
What I am doing right now is starting with the first eligable car in the list, work my way down and try to get a podium finish with each one. Acura NSX 2nd, BMW 135i 2nd, BMW 135i Tii(???) 3rd, Ford Mustang 4th by .001. Still on the Mustang, going to take a while....
Absolutely loving it! The mixture between all countries of the world is what was missing badly in all previous events, this is racing finally! :dopey:
I had the most amazing door to door battles, fights until the last second, all that stuff what makes racing so exciting in my opinion 👍 Also i seem to like the standart settings more than ever ( always thought they were 'meh')
Dont get it why most of you complain so much??! I think its the first time GT feels like GT again since a very long time ( actually since GT4/2005 ...)
Wasnt GT always about to find that little advantage / spot where you could make up time / gain position? Well in the GTs I used to love I know that has been always the case...! :D
Sure its cool time trialing at Suzuka Pro, but this event is actually pure fun.
Thanks PD ;) Heres hope for more to come 👍
I think all the events are multiregion now because i saw alot JP and US racers during my time on the 700PP oval race :)

(i have a PAL disc with a dutch/EU PSN account)
I think all the events are multiregion now because i saw alot JP and US racers during my time on the 700PP oval race :)

(i have a PAL disc with a dutch/EU PSN account)

There are 3 international events, one for beginner, one for intermediate and one for professional. The rest are region locked events. The 700pp oval is the international event for intermediate.

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