The Vanishing Boy
- 9,000
- Quezon City, Philippines & Las Vegas, NV
- GTP_VanishingBoy
- Vanishing Boy
-> ...

-> Play GT5 and drive slow around SSR5 2010, then play GT3 and observe BOTH SSR5 '90s and SSR11 '00s. Make sure to look at 'that' overpass over that hairpin (on which it looks like its been blocked-off).

^ I'm sorry, but the new 'SSR5 2010' is only connected to SSR7 not SSR11 in anyway. The only SSR5 version that is anyway connected toward SSR11 (both '90s & '00s) IS SSR5 '90s.Wow, I hope the SS City is true!! I believe it's concrete, if you go to the first tunnel in SSR5, you see signs for an exit to SSR7, so maybe SSR7 is indeed the "Bridge" to SSR11.
This would totally rock if true, this is the closest we'll ever get to having a Shutoku Highway System stage, only seen in the Genki Tokyo Xtreme Racer/Import Tuner games.
-> Play GT5 and drive slow around SSR5 2010, then play GT3 and observe BOTH SSR5 '90s and SSR11 '00s. Make sure to look at 'that' overpass over that hairpin (on which it looks like its been blocked-off).
^ I'd rather see a complete remaster of Gran Turismo PSOne Anthology: Remastered (combination of GT1 & GT2 in HD/Hi-Fi (GT1 speak); not separate titles but a merged/combination version of the two) & Gran Turismo 3: Re-Spec.To be honest, I'd like a Blu-Ray Remaster of GT3/GT4 like God of War got.
We already have all the HD GT4 cars in GT5, just "remaster" the tracks and release Sony!