GT6 "leak" impressions?

  • Thread starter Dwight_C
So you'd agree that every racing game is the same, and so is every FPS. Why take sides then, like you have?

... Is FFA in COD4 and Black Ops different? lol.

of course winning a race or unlocking a new car or track feels the same, that's life, those are your own, human, predetermined reactions to familiar events, just like how spreading jam on toast always feels the same, new graphics and cars won't change the fundamental feeling of winning a race or unlocking a track

+1 exactly what I was trying to say, and physics improvements can be thrown in there too, as well as smarter AI(as long as they are equally competitive)
+1 exactly what I was trying to say, and physics improvements can be thrown in there too, as well as smarter AI(as long as they are equally competitive)

so... you weren't complaining? I understand..
though I don't think we were talking that generally about the gameplay, yes, you will drive cars, win races, be happy. The other members were referring to will the gameplay be different in the sense that there will be more events, structured differently etc.
... Is FFA in COD4 and Black Ops different? lol.

What we're saying is then why move on to a new game if they are supposedly the same, but not really the same. Also I wouldn't know I stopped playing horrid Dice FPS shooters after COD4. A redirection doesn't answer the question I just posed to you, I'd appreciate if you answered.
so... you weren't complaining? I understand... I guess

Nope, originally someone said (How does GT6 feel different from GT5 gameplay wise). I was like (How can it feel different? its the same thing(sim Racing) just more accurate to real life) then some visitors from the whining and crying thread came and decided to tell me how I was wrong.

What we're saying is then why move on to a new game if they are supposedly the same, but not really the same. Also I wouldn't know I stopped playing horrid Dice FPS shooters after COD4. A redirection doesn't answer the question I just posed to you, I'd appreciate if you answered.

The overall feeling will be the same, how could it possibly change? But if you want a better simulation then pick it up, because that's why there's a new one. It has better physics and more cars and better AI, it's closer to real life.

Its not any different than saying I can't wait to drive new Audi GT3s really. The GT3 R8 cars we have now have the same performance right? Yes, they won't feel that different, but its still a car, and I want to drive it.
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Nope, originally someone said (How does GT6 feel different from GT5 gameplay wise). I was like (How can it feel different? its the same thing(sim Racing) just more accurate to real life) then some visitors from the whining and crying thread came and decided to tell me how I was wrong.

It can feel different because of the physics engine, not everyone shares the emotional feeling that you obviously have for each sim racing. Wait what visitors from the W&C thread? So you're deflecting now saying that a bunch of critical fans are attacking you?
Nope, originally someone said (How does GT6 feel different from GT5 gameplay wise). I was like (How can it feel different? its the same thing(Racing) just more accurate to real life) then some visitors from the whining and crying thread came and decided to tell me how I was wrong.
yes, I realise now what you mean, and can explain why the other members were 'whining'.
You were talking very generally, to paraphrase "it's still a racing game, what could have changed?" fair enough, there will still be cars and finish lines, but there's more to it than that.
The others were talking specifically, to paraphrase "are events still locked behind race progression rather than licenses, are there more limits in place, grid starts etc."
This is it!

I was on the hype train for a couple of months now, but in just 24h it'all gone...

1) Marketing Lesson 1 (especially for Kaz)

What they did during the last 6 months was good. They were giving pieces of information at each big event(car event or video game event). But when you do that you have to keep at least one big surprise that nobody's aware of for the "grand finale". For gt6 it could have been a livery editor or "really beautiful standards" or "a new car brand" or "custom ecu tuning profiles" or "at least a button for the clutch" or "revolutionary career mode" or "official championships or well thinked championship" or "new tuning items like rollcage, rack and pinion steering to let us choose the rotation angle finally"... But no, we got no surprises at all.

2) Career mode still sucks

I don't see any improvements about immersion whereas I remember Kaz saying "GT6 will be designed around the human drama". I was expecting something like championships with a maximum budget for example. So, if you have too many crashes you can't repair your car and you can't finish the championship. I would love to drive in the stand and set up the car from here. When you are a rookie there is just you and when you are a famous champion you can see all the mechanics work on your car and you can discuss strategy with your team manager...

I was hopping for categorized championships. One championship for each category of go kart, one for each RM/Base Model, constructor championships...

Of course, all of this needed mechanical damage, a good AI level, qualifying sessions and standing starts but we won't have anything like that. When I read that : "We have improved the artificial intelligence significantly. On the higher difficulty levels the leading driver is usually very quick, but also the other pilots creep not like on a string pulled through the course. "
-> I want to kill someone, specially this *****ng rabbit ! (my opininon about this)

They don't even think to let us choose the career difficulty level ? It's only for the arcade mode AGAIN ! This concept exists like... forever. When I saw one of the first race(the one on Willow), I got bored after 30 secondes... General AI is better but I know that I will feel alone again each time I will play career mode.

Number of events... a little better than gt5 last time I checked on the forum. The career mecanism is too old and rusty we need something else.

3) Standard cars

Kaz said himself that the standard/premium classification didn't exist anymore. One of the first thing I've read was "Hey guys, I find a way to recognize standards, it's simple you can't see them in the gallery view." :banghead::banghead::banghead:

They are the same than before, some of them have better light but I was hopping for something else. In the standard cockpit view, we can't see the bodycar... OMG I didn't think they could do this.

The supra and the ruf... :(

4) The 1200

It's probably the worst thing about the game. They modelize a car, then they do 2 different liveries plus an RM/BBase Model and suddenly it counts like 3 cars. Because they were not able to include a livery editor, they do it themself and they count it as a new car but IT IS JUST A SKIN! This is pathetic, and I don't even talk about all the multiple versions of nissan and mazda cars...

One of the guy that already have the game said it himself "it seems unfinished !". Three years after gt5 how is that possible to hear something like this AGAIN ! I really don't know guys how can you still be on the hype train... Oh yes, I know, I will use the "it will come in the day 1 patch" to reassure myself and if it is not in day 1 patch I will use the "it will come later in a DLC" excuse... Seriously at this point my only hope about the day 1 patch is to bring the new tyre sound we heard from the TMS.

To conclude, I will buy this gt because of the new physics engine and the new tracks, but for the first time of my life, I will buy it used. I begin to think that they should stop selling final products as games. Perhaps they should do B2B and sell their physical/graphical engine to other companies that could build their game with it and only focus on the immersion, championship, mechanical damage and AI...
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This is it!

I was on the hype train for a couple of months now, but in just 24h it'all gone...

1) Marketing Lesson 1 (especially for Kaz)

What they did during the last 6 months was good. They were giving pieces of information at each big event(car event or video game event). But when you do that you have to keep at lesat one big surprise that nobody's aware of for the "grand finale". For gt6 it could have been a livery editor or "really beautiful standards" or "a new car brand" or "custom ecu tuning profiles" or "at least a button for the clutch" or "revolutionary career mode" or "official championships or well thinked championship" or "new tuning items like rollcage, rack and pinion steering to let us choose the rotation angle finally"... But no, we got no surprises at all.

2) Career mode still sucks

I don't see any improvements about immersion whereas I remember Kaz saying "GT6 will be designed around the human drama". I was expecting something like championships with a maximum budget for example. So, if you have too many crashes you can't repair your car and you can't finish the championship. I would love to drive in the stand and set up the car from here. When you are a rookie there is just you and when you are a famous champion you can see all the mechanics work on your car and you can discuss strategy with your team manager...

I was hopping for categorized championships. One championship for each category of go kart, one for each RM/Base Model, constructor championships...

Of course, all of this needed mechanical damage, a good AI level, qualifying sessions and standing starts but we won't have anything like that. When I read that : "We have improved the artificial intelligence significantly. On the higher difficulty levels the leading driver is usually very quick, but also the other pilots creep not like on a string pulled through the course. "
-> I want to kill someone, specially this *****ng rabbit ! (my opininon about this)

They don't even think to let us choose the career difficulty level ? It's only for the arcade mode AGAIN ! This concept exists like... forever. When I saw one of the first race(the one on Willow), I got bored after 30 secondes... General AI is better but I know that I will feel alone again each time I will play career mode.

Number of events... a little better than gt5 last time I checked on the forum.

3) Standard cars

Kaz said himself that the standard/premium classification didn't exist anymore. One of the first thing I've read was "Hey guys, I find a way to recognize standards, it's simple you can't see them in the gallery view." :banghead::banghead::banghead:

They are the same than before, some of them have better light but I was hopping for something else. In the standard cockpit view, we can't see the bodycar... OMG I didn't think they could do this.

The supra and the ruf... :(

4) The 1200

It's probably the worst ting about the game. They modelize a car, then they do 2 different liveries plus an RM/BBase Model and suddenly it counts like 3 cars. Because they were not able to include a livery editor, they do it tehmself and they count it as a new car but IT IS JUST A SKIN! This is pathetic, and I don't even talk about all the multiple verions of nissan and mazda cars...

One of the guy that already have the game said it himself "it seems unfinished !". Three years after gt5 how is that possible to hear something like this AGAIN ! I really don't know guys how can you still be on the hype train... Oh yes, I know, I will use the "it will come in the day 1 patch" to reassure myself and if it is not in day 1 patch I will use the "it will come later in a DLC" excuse... Seriously at this point my only hope about the day 1 patch is to bring the new tyre sound we heard from the TMS.

To conclude, I will buy this gt because of the new physic engine and the new tracks, but for the first time of my life, I will buy it used. I begin to think that they should stop selling final products as games. Perhaps they should do B2B and sell their physical/graphical engine to other companies that could build their game with it and only focus on the immersion, championship, mechanical damage and AI.
So you not happy right? :D
Excited to see the 2008 WRC cars, the Auto Union Type C and Hyundai Accent WRC back, I also really like the F1 GTR Race Car:tup: What I'm most excited for: the moon driving and the new physics! :)
This is it!

I was on the hype train for a couple of months now, but in just 24h it'all gone...

1) Marketing Lesson 1 (especially for Kaz)

What they did during the last 6 months was good. They were giving pieces of information at each big event(car event or video game event). But when you do that you have to keep at lesat one big surprise that nobody's aware of for the "grand finale". For gt6 it could have been a livery editor or "really beautiful standards" or "a new car brand" or "custom ecu tuning profiles" or "at least a button for the clutch" or "revolutionary career mode" or "official championships or well thinked championship" or "new tuning items like rollcage, rack and pinion steering to let us choose the rotation angle finally"... But no, we got no surprises at all.

2) Career mode still sucks

I don't see any improvements about immersion whereas I remember Kaz saying "GT6 will be designed around the human drama". I was expecting something like championships with a maximum budget for example. So, if you have too many crashes you can't repair your car and you can't finish the championship. I would love to drive in the stand and set up the car from here. When you are a rookie there is just you and when you are a famous champion you can see all the mechanics work on your car and you can discuss strategy with your team manager...

I was hopping for categorized championships. One championship for each category of go kart, one for each RM/Base Model, constructor championships...

Of course, all of this needed mechanical damage, a good AI level, qualifying sessions and standing starts but we won't have anything like that. When I read that : "We have improved the artificial intelligence significantly. On the higher difficulty levels the leading driver is usually very quick, but also the other pilots creep not like on a string pulled through the course. "
-> I want to kill someone, specially this *****ng rabbit ! (my opininon about this)

They don't even think to let us choose the career difficulty level ? It's only for the arcade mode AGAIN ! This concept exists like... forever. When I saw one of the first race(the one on Willow), I got bored after 30 secondes... General AI is better but I know that I will feel alone again each time I will play career mode.

Number of events... a little better than gt5 last time I checked on the forum.

3) Standard cars

Kaz said himself that the standard/premium classification didn't exist anymore. One of the first thing I've read was "Hey guys, I find a way to recognize standards, it's simple you can't see them in the gallery view." :banghead::banghead::banghead:

They are the same than before, some of them have better light but I was hopping for something else. In the standard cockpit view, we can't see the bodycar... OMG I didn't think they could do this.

The supra and the ruf... :(

4) The 1200

It's probably the worst ting about the game. They modelize a car, then they do 2 different liveries plus an RM/BBase Model and suddenly it counts like 3 cars. Because they were not able to include a livery editor, they do it tehmself and they count it as a new car but IT IS JUST A SKIN! This is pathetic, and I don't even talk about all the multiple verions of nissan and mazda cars...

One of the guy that already have the game said it himself "it seems unfinished !". Three years after gt5 how is that possible to hear something like this AGAIN ! I really don't know guys how can you still be on the hype train... Oh yes, I know, I will use the "it will come in the day 1 patch" to reassure myself and if it is not in day 1 patch I will use the "it will come later in a DLC" excuse... Seriously at this point my only hope about the day 1 patch is to bring the new tyre sound we heard from the TMS.

To conclude, I will buy this gt because of the new physic engine and the new tracks, but for the first time of my life, I will buy it used. I begin to think that they should stop selling final products as games. Perhaps they should do B2B and sell their physical/graphical engine to other companies that could build their game with it and only focus on the immersion, championship, mechanical damage and AI.

Your carreer idea is awesome. PD, listen to this guy!
He completely forgot that physics is one of (if not the) most important thing in GT games... and we don't know how it was improved yet.

Uhm, it's one of the main hype points, the improved physics, isn't it? ;) We have praised the "lean" and so on... So they are improved.
Uhm, it's one of the main hype points, the improved physics, isn't it? ;) We have praised the "lean" and so on... So they are improved.
Unless you're Sparky, who's main point of hype is the LFA NE.
Don't you dare to think that I'm not excited about it! :lol: It's :drool:!
You can't be as excited as Sparky is, who already has 8 LFAs in GT5 and started jumping around the house almost singing my national anthem and dropkicking my PC desk when he found out that the V10 Supra Because Racecar edition is in.
You can't be as excited as Sparky is, who already has 8 LFAs in GT5 and started jumping around the house almost singing my national anthem and dropkicking my PC desk when he found out that the V10 Supra Because Racecar edition is in.

Maybe... :lol: Limits are imposed by life. :D
This is it!

I was on the hype train for a couple of months now, but in just 24h it'all gone...

1) Marketing Lesson 1 (especially for Kaz)

What they did during the last 6 months was good. They were giving pieces of information at each big event(car event or video game event). But when you do that you have to keep at lesat one big surprise that nobody's aware of for the "grand finale". For gt6 it could have been a livery editor or "really beautiful standards" or "a new car brand" or "custom ecu tuning profiles" or "at least a button for the clutch" or "revolutionary career mode" or "official championships or well thinked championship" or "new tuning items like rollcage, rack and pinion steering to let us choose the rotation angle finally"... But no, we got no surprises at all.

2) Career mode still sucks

I don't see any improvements about immersion whereas I remember Kaz saying "GT6 will be designed around the human drama". I was expecting something like championships with a maximum budget for example. So, if you have too many crashes you can't repair your car and you can't finish the championship. I would love to drive in the stand and set up the car from here. When you are a rookie there is just you and when you are a famous champion you can see all the mechanics work on your car and you can discuss strategy with your team manager...

I was hopping for categorized championships. One championship for each category of go kart, one for each RM/Base Model, constructor championships...

Of course, all of this needed mechanical damage, a good AI level, qualifying sessions and standing starts but we won't have anything like that. When I read that : "We have improved the artificial intelligence significantly. On the higher difficulty levels the leading driver is usually very quick, but also the other pilots creep not like on a string pulled through the course. "
-> I want to kill someone, specially this *****ng rabbit ! (my opininon about this)

They don't even think to let us choose the career difficulty level ? It's only for the arcade mode AGAIN ! This concept exists like... forever. When I saw one of the first race(the one on Willow), I got bored after 30 secondes... General AI is better but I know that I will feel alone again each time I will play career mode.

Number of events... a little better than gt5 last time I checked on the forum.

3) Standard cars

Kaz said himself that the standard/premium classification didn't exist anymore. One of the first thing I've read was "Hey guys, I find a way to recognize standards, it's simple you can't see them in the gallery view." :banghead::banghead::banghead:

They are the same than before, some of them have better light but I was hopping for something else. In the standard cockpit view, we can't see the bodycar... OMG I didn't think they could do this.

The supra and the ruf... :(

4) The 1200

It's probably the worst ting about the game. They modelize a car, then they do 2 different liveries plus an RM/BBase Model and suddenly it counts like 3 cars. Because they were not able to include a livery editor, they do it tehmself and they count it as a new car but IT IS JUST A SKIN! This is pathetic, and I don't even talk about all the multiple verions of nissan and mazda cars...

One of the guy that already have the game said it himself "it seems unfinished !". Three years after gt5 how is that possible to hear something like this AGAIN ! I really don't know guys how can you still be on the hype train... Oh yes, I know, I will use the "it will come in the day 1 patch" to reassure myself and if it is not in day 1 patch I will use the "it will come later in a DLC" excuse... Seriously at this point my only hope about the day 1 patch is to bring the new tyre sound we heard from the TMS.

To conclude, I will buy this gt because of the new physic engine and the new tracks, but for the first time of my life, I will buy it used. I begin to think that they should stop selling final products as games. Perhaps they should do B2B and sell their physical/graphical engine to other companies that could build their game with it and only focus on the immersion, championship, mechanical damage and AI.

Oh you are so right in every thing you say. You should be the new CEO for PD
Overall I'm quite disappointed. As I've thought for a while this is GT5 with a new UI, slightly improved standards and a handful of new cars.

I've preordered and will of course play and enjoy it, but I'm not thinking it will be more than a GT5 v3.0
So you not happy right? :D

Let's say I'm sad because this game could have bring up gran turismo to another level. But I'm also happy because GT5.1 is better than GT5 so I will buy it (used) and have fun with it. I really see this game as a DLC with new tracks and new physics.

I still have a little hope, perhaps Kaz could announce something next week at the Ronda event but I don't think so...

Your carreer idea is awesome. PD, listen to this guy!

Oh you are so right in every thing you say. You should be the new CEO for PD

Thank you guys, let's hope Kaz and his team read gtplanet sometimes...
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So far I don't see how they're going to make the stated goal of 1200 cars at release. They were at 1196 on their website, which was close enough I suppose, and then they lost all the old NASCARS. They're not even going to be close unless they have 20+ cars included in the Day 0 patch. And that's with the dodgy duplication of Base Models and Huayra and friends.

False advertising at it's finest.
So far I don't see how they're going to make the stated goal of 1200 cars at release. They were at 1196 on their website, which was close enough I suppose, and then they lost all the old NASCARS. They're not even going to be close unless they have 20+ cars included in the Day 0 patch. And that's with the dodgy duplication of Base Models and Huayra and friends.

False advertising at it's finest.

And there is the Opel/Vauxhall trick, which I find painfully ridiculous.
Oh I agree. And the Renault/Lutetcia trick. And the MX5/Miata/Eunos trick. And their Lexus/Toyota tricks. And so on.

And yet even with all these, they're really struggling to meet targets.

Which makes everything even more funny, since the unreachable target was set by themselves.
I know that might seem a little OTT, but from what I've heard Opel and Vauxhall fans seem quite passionate about them being separate.

That's fine. The main argument I have with the Vauxhall/Opel duplication is that the Vauxhall race cars never even existed. The entire duplicated lineup is shrewd number padding, absolutely, but it's not as bad as making up cars.
Let's say I'm sad because this game could have bring up gran turismo to another level. But I'm also happy because GT5.1 is better than GT5 so I will buy it (used) and have fun with it. I really see this game as a DLC with new tracks and new physics.

I still have a little hope, perhaps Kaz could announce something next week at the Ronda event but I don't think so...
Just watched the dealership video and it made me a bit depressed, seeing all those thumbnails of standards i already owned in GT4 and 5 with the occasional premium in between, and then pages full of duplicates...

The more i read about GT6's details the more i get a "been there, done that" feeling, even tough there is still some slight hope that the AI will be a bit better than before and there "might" be a standing start somewhere later on in career mode, it is not enough to get me excited about it as to justify a day 1 purchase. Most of the flaws i hated in GT5 (Boring race structure, stupid engine sounds, PS2 era standard cars with a ridiculous cardboard cutout cockpit view), are still very present :ill:

The only thing that manages to excite me somewhat is trying out the physics model on a diverse selection of circuits and being able to set the time of the day, which will make it ideal for when i have my mate over and we do a bit of hotlapping and try to better eachother's time.

Unless there are still some major positive surprises around the corner before December 6th, i will buy it second hand also from the bargain shelve in a couple of months.
Oh I agree. And the Renault/Lutetcia trick. And the MX5/Miata/Eunos trick. And their Lexus/Toyota tricks. And so on.

And yet even with all these, they're really struggling to meet targets.

It is odd to see PD - who seem to be proficient at padding the car count even now - still failed to reach the "1200" goal they set out for at launch.

Throwing out models like the standard Cizeta and XJR-9LM didn't help that cause. And while I'm glad they had the sense that day to remove some standard cars, it's merely a small drop in the ocean of dupes and wouldn't have made much difference to the numbers if they had stayed anyway. Plus they seem to be more concerned with adding brand new Premium model dupes to care.
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