Why are people constantly saying the same stupid thing? "I hope it's in a DLC pack" "Oh I can't wait for the DLC pack" DLC pack, DLC pack, DLC pack.
You're only contributing to what a lot of people hate about game developers: Locking half of the game away and having to pay X amount for the rest. If I pay $60 for a game, why do I need to spend almost another $60 to get content that is already coded into the game, but locked away so the devs can get some extra cash? Is my $60 not enough for them anymore? I can understand this model being used for a free to play game, but I am buying a full-price game. It needs to stop now.
If you're fine with paying for stuff you should have already been able to use, more power to you. But don't let consumers who don't like this kind of stuff have to suffer. /endrant