Make this sticky at top. Now thread is constantly lost and general discussion and news is happening in other threads.
Better find some news and put it in here, then, eh?
Matty - Yes, I'm still not playing online. Never got around to it. Played the whole game to near end (not sat down to it lately to finish) I have almost all the cars available in the game except for anything that has to be downloaded.
When XL (Spec II) came out I looked to buy it thinking it was merely the upgrade but it was a 'complete' game (obviously geared to new players who had never bought the game before so that they could start from scratch). This made me hold back knowing there was obviously going to be another release; why keep buying as if I was a dog in the yard that Kaz kept throwing bones at to keep it from barking?
I'll buy the Final GT5, and have fun playing a whole new game.
According to all the experts around here it's vastly different. I tend to agree. The howling, and whining, and gnashing of teeth around here about the 'new and improved' versions that came along make no sense to me (apart from the wishlist, comments, critiques, and suggestions in the Feedback section) because the untinkered game that I have been playing from the beginning (sans Jenkins

) is a great game: the AI, both B-Spec and A seem to learn from what you do, the UCD 'reads your mind' from the races you pick and the cars one uses, the #1000 tickets reward you according to how you play the game - so many differences.
Play the original GT5 from the beginning to end (no downloads, no online play, no seasonals, no free bones to gnaw on, etc, etc) and you will see what I mean.
As for not being online - that was a matter of circumstances - By the time I got around to hooking up my PS3 to the 'net, I had played through half the game, read here about the 'different' 'awful' etc, etc, game some of you were playing and decided to stay offline. I actually didn't expect GT6 to come around so soon (yes, horrors, what am I thinking

) and I made up my mind to go online once I had the game done,
then upgraded it to the 'new and improved' GT5, and had fun with the difference.
The catch? I cannot save my game - the original GT5 has no savegame. If you know of a way to save it, feel free to tell me - that would alter circumstances a lot - but Kaz threw in a Catch 22 there.
I have to keep it on my hard drive.
Will Spec III have a save game mode? Should I have to go online? Could I just download the patch that has the savegame fix on it? I have a dozen more questions on the subject before I a: go online and get my game ruined, and b: just buy III and wreck my game before I'm able to save my game to some media. Can someone playing Spec I play online with someone playing Spec III?
And so on ad nauseam.. . .
And then there is the whole 'yep' of the great and inscrutable Kaz (I love this guy, I beg your pardon if you don't

) that's supposed to be GT6 is on the way. Is it?
If I was in charge of the marketing I'd end this particular series with GT5.
GT6 should be a whole new game, name and all. After all, what's in a name?; well, something so drastically new from its ancestors (as demanded) should be a
homo of a different species, no? GT Noeticus?
Well, maybe Gran Turismo Supremo 1. A new beginning.
I'm impatient of course to get online with the completed GT5. I would do it right now, if it was possible to savegame my current game before throwing away my virginity. Dammit, I'm over 40, too.