GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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General Discussion? News and Discussion?

I'm looking for news . . . there was written somewhere - maybe in the thread where hats first fell off - that there is going to be a Spec III; is this true? Any more news on that? Will that be the final instalment - the compleat GT5 - as in no more DLCs?

Can you believe I'm still playing V.1.00 close to completion now?
I just want to get Spec III and start all over again . . .:) Could feel like a whole new game.
General Discussion? News and Discussion?

I'm looking for news . . . there was written somewhere - maybe in the thread where hats first fell off - that there is going to be a Spec III; is this true? Any more news on that? Will that be the final instalment - the compleat GT5 - as in no more DLCs?

Can you believe I'm still playing V.1.00 close to completion now?
I just want to get Spec III and start all over again . . .:) Could feel like a whole new game.

Same thing to me, although if a title edit is needed i'll do it in about 10 hours :)

Not that I know of, although we have spec 2. That is all I know of that.

I can't believe your still only playing GT5 offline? :mad:
Same thing to me, although if a title edit is needed i'll do it in about 10 hours :)

Not that I know of, although we have spec 2. That is all I know of that.

I can't believe your still only playing GT5 offline? :mad:

My GT5/PSN/PS3/who-knows-what won't let me play GT5 online, so although i have all the updates, I can't trade or play seasonals. Don't ask me what's wrong, I have no idea myself.
Make this sticky at top. Now thread is constantly lost and general discussion and news is happening in other threads.

Better find some news and put it in here, then, eh?

Matty - Yes, I'm still not playing online. Never got around to it. Played the whole game to near end (not sat down to it lately to finish) I have almost all the cars available in the game except for anything that has to be downloaded.

When XL (Spec II) came out I looked to buy it thinking it was merely the upgrade but it was a 'complete' game (obviously geared to new players who had never bought the game before so that they could start from scratch). This made me hold back knowing there was obviously going to be another release; why keep buying as if I was a dog in the yard that Kaz kept throwing bones at to keep it from barking?
I'll buy the Final GT5, and have fun playing a whole new game.
According to all the experts around here it's vastly different. I tend to agree. The howling, and whining, and gnashing of teeth around here about the 'new and improved' versions that came along make no sense to me (apart from the wishlist, comments, critiques, and suggestions in the Feedback section) because the untinkered game that I have been playing from the beginning (sans Jenkins :ouch:) is a great game: the AI, both B-Spec and A seem to learn from what you do, the UCD 'reads your mind' from the races you pick and the cars one uses, the #1000 tickets reward you according to how you play the game - so many differences.

Play the original GT5 from the beginning to end (no downloads, no online play, no seasonals, no free bones to gnaw on, etc, etc) and you will see what I mean.

As for not being online - that was a matter of circumstances - By the time I got around to hooking up my PS3 to the 'net, I had played through half the game, read here about the 'different' 'awful' etc, etc, game some of you were playing and decided to stay offline. I actually didn't expect GT6 to come around so soon (yes, horrors, what am I thinking :crazy: ) and I made up my mind to go online once I had the game done, then upgraded it to the 'new and improved' GT5, and had fun with the difference.

The catch? I cannot save my game - the original GT5 has no savegame. If you know of a way to save it, feel free to tell me - that would alter circumstances a lot - but Kaz threw in a Catch 22 there.
I have to keep it on my hard drive.
Will Spec III have a save game mode? Should I have to go online? Could I just download the patch that has the savegame fix on it? I have a dozen more questions on the subject before I a: go online and get my game ruined, and b: just buy III and wreck my game before I'm able to save my game to some media. Can someone playing Spec I play online with someone playing Spec III?
And so on ad nauseam.. . .

And then there is the whole 'yep' of the great and inscrutable Kaz (I love this guy, I beg your pardon if you don't ;) ) that's supposed to be GT6 is on the way. Is it?
If I was in charge of the marketing I'd end this particular series with GT5.

GT6 should be a whole new game, name and all. After all, what's in a name?; well, something so drastically new from its ancestors (as demanded) should be a homo of a different species, no? GT Noeticus?
Well, maybe Gran Turismo Supremo 1. A new beginning. :sly:

I'm impatient of course to get online with the completed GT5. I would do it right now, if it was possible to savegame my current game before throwing away my virginity. Dammit, I'm over 40, too.:grumpy:
If im to guess i think GT6 will be only online game with seasonals and other kind of online challenges. This will reduce the size and development time of the game.With GT5 they have a good knowledge of how many use the game online and how many are connected. By the time GT6 comes out the base will grow. Im certain GT6 will be a PS4 game. To release GT6 for PS3 would be crazy. There is no reason to have 2 GT games on the harddrive and split the online crowd when GT5 is as good as it gets for a simgame on PS3. So GT6 for PS4 where harddrivespace isnt an issue.
Mulan - Turning it into another Runescape is a tricky idea - though you put it as more of a prediction than a wish (maybe a good thing?)
There's not a lot of people who are not online, but I'm sure there is a healthy amount of people who don't have their PS3s connected online, or are not permitted to do so for whatever reasons, or who are disgusted with bad connections and hardly ever go on except to upgrade to whatever new spike PD and/or Sony wants dowloaded.
Many changes are unannounced - Jenkins, for instance, is an in-you-face example. The Money Cat that sits at the temple is not there in the original - and I doubt PD said: 'look, this download adds a cat to the temple for your wonderful photomode obsessions, and have you found Don Johnson yet?' in any hard copy I've looked at.

Online 'only' play might not be a healthy idea for the gamesmakers. It is what percentages will be given to online/offline playability that will affect the sales - and thereby the success (financially anyway) of GT6.
I really don't mind what they put in GT6, personally; I'll buy it because I collect video games that involve vehicles - odd reason?
Marketing Dept. take note: If I play it a lot, I buy multiple copies.

Online play is a serious business for the true virtual racing aficionado, and obviously there must be online racing games that concentrate on this. One can't, I would think, just waltz online once a week for a few hours and hope to get anywhere. Top players in the leagues probably spend many hours online every day with the game, improving and honing their virtual racing skills, much like Olympic athletes The casual racer doesn't stand a chance and is alienated from these rooms, and has to find like-minded casual racers to race with - somtomes a difficult and time-consuming proposition in itself. (This is why GTPlanet helps to social network with other like-minded racers.) From what I've heard around here, (not being online myself with the game) online can be mayhem, booting, ramming, empty rooms, bigotry, sexual discrimination, et al.. . .
Yet, online is where videogames are going, because the medium seems very much to be the message. How the gamesmakers virtually handle that is the reality we will be facing.

Only time will tell. It's fun to predict, though - and look back at some of those predictions come true as what happened through GT5.
An online only GT game would spell the end of the franchise.

I would, however, like to see an online A-Spec series which uses events from the single-player A-Spec except that you race against others from across the world. That would add a large amount of playability to the online portion of the game. There will still be open and private lobbies of course, but this would be a nice feature to add, so long as it is not required for 100% game completion.
I don't know whether to interpret that as good or bad.
I would agree with Patrick here. And Corvette, are you just guessing about Kia or what?
I agree and I'd like to see the Forte SX included to represent Kia (if nothing else, though the Optima Turbo wouldn't be bad). While 170hp won't light up the tires, it's a respectable number for a car that size.
It's good news. Kia should be next. Probably will see the Kia Forte.

Eeew. Maybe we'll see the Chinese knock-off cars next, like the Homda Ackord. Kia brought a 500,000 (or whatever) mile warranty to the table. Their cars are crap. It took Hyundai 25 years for people to forget about the rolling turds the sold as cars. Remember the Excel? Too bad the Yugo didn't go over all that well.
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Kia brought a 500,000 (or whatever) mile warranty to the table. Their cars are crap.

That wouldn't make sense if their cars are crap now would it? Actually, I think Kia started to build some nice looking cars since Peter Schreyer (formerly employed by Audi) took over as head of design and Hyundai also has come a long way.
Just look at the mainstream Japanese cars sold in Europe/US during the seventies and where they currently are.
I'm not that confident about the Chinese car industry yet, I'm sure they'll catch up very soon on quality but their habit of blindly copying existing designs (something the Japanese were often accused of but never did as blatantly as the Chinese) needs to be replaced by their own identity.

Having said that, I doubt Kia or Hyundai will become the strong (and loved) brands amongst petrolheads any time soon like a lot of Japanese brands are (although outside of Japan that's also a relatively current thing), even though I think they're already perfectly accepted brands by everyone else.
They might be brands without a strong image (or any real image) and don't have the benefit or burden (depends on how you look at it) of a rich heritage, that doesn't mean their cars are crap, ugly or terrible to drive.

I like a lot of products made by Samsung for example which doesn't have the same strong (bordering on religious) image of Apple but I don't care.
Same would go for a lot consumers who see a goodlooking wellmade car which offers great value regardless of its logo.
If Kia and Hyundai keep up their current standards and can go into surprisingly new directions regarding design language other older brands can't go as easily (the burden of heritage) who knows?
You might actually love them in a few years time.
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Kia and hyundai has definitely come a long way. I'd be lying if their designs aren't original or eye-catching. The Kia Optima is one car that I think can actually rival some Audi cars in looks, especially with a few tweaks and great wheels. The hyundai Genesis Coupe and Sedan are just great for anyone looking for sportiness or the luxuriousness of the Sedan version (R-Spec anyone?).

And yes, Chinese cars will never make it to mainstream or games, unless they stop copying designs at every curve and edge.
I used to like leaks when they were reliable information. But now when someone wants to mention something true or not they assume it's a official leak. Leaks used to reliable when the information came from someone with topic under discussion. But now i don't believe it until it is a official leak or why not this? When the information actually comes from the place in this case PD or Sony. You are getting your hopes up and you will possibly become disappointed
GT5 XL's price dropping to $20 tells me #6 is closer then many may think

Price drops talk to you? Might want to get that checked out.

And what does the Academy Edition's €30 price tag tell you then? GT6 is further than we think?:lol:
Gran Turismo 5 JUST came out two years ago and people are already talking about Gran Turismo 6?

That's because GT5 was such a disappointment and Kaz said they were developing GT6, that people want to see the result of GT6 and make GT enthusiasts happy again
Gran Turismo 5 JUST came out two years ago and people are already talking about Gran Turismo 6?

Yes because for most game series (including GT at one time) two to three years is the normal timeframe between games. 4 to 6 years is not normal.
Mainly because we know for an absolute fact that PD is developing it.

Yes but what he was saying why talk about it coming soon? This same thing happened what about 4 months to a year after GT4 and the PS3 came out. Then delay after delay after delay which added up to 5 (not saying it will be that long again buy at least a few more years) years GT5 actually came out. I am not trying to be negative but until PD or Sony actually starts putting a release date on GT6 don't get your hopes up. I mean what's the point? You are just going to be mad after it doesn't come.

Like that supposed leak that in the first of 2013 GT6 would come up. I laughed at that specially after looking at the site and sources
Gran Turismo 5 JUST came out two years ago and people are already talking about Gran Turismo 6?

Isn't it about time we talk about GT6?
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