GT6 Sales Discussion

Really? you think it's actually not obvious?

1. "you end up with a game that has a lot more excitement to offer than GT5+6 combined..."
Obviously saying Shift is better than GT5 and 6 combined, biased confirmed.

Want more?

2. "We are 2014 already; games have moved on"
You're trying to say GT is not living up with the competition, meaning that most of the games in your opinion are better than GT.
1: I grinded GT5 so much i reached level 40 so i know what i'm talking about if i have to compare the excitement of races between shift 2 which is actually good fun, compared to GT and chasin' that rabbit.

2: We are 2014 or do you disagree? No other big developer apart from PD would dare to release a racing game these days that has no interior car models...
1: I grinded GT5 so much i reached level 40 so i know what i'm talking about if i have to compare the excitement of races between shift 2 which is actually good fun, compared to GT and chasin' that rabbit.

2: We are 2014 or do you disagree? No other big developer apart from PD would dare to release a racing game these days that has no interior car models...
1. Why grind if it's not giving you any excitement?

2. Most players don't use interior view often, no other game has the same amount of cars as GT, they should remove the duplicates however having standard cars doesn't make GT a worse game than the competition.
Forza 5 removed the "last-gen" cars and suffered from it, lower review scores than any other Forza game, 79-80 on Metacritic, most reviewers were complaining about microtransactions and lack of content.
Yeah but GT's interiors are more detailed.... FM3/4 didn't accurately model all of their interiors either.

Is the difference in quality that big to suggest that PD's modeling times are acceptable? I mean, they're both top notch and premiums aren't 100% accurate either.
Your post is obviously biased, just like most of your posts, every single one i read seems to be negative, if hating on the game is all you do then you should probably go post in another forum section.

Let us know when NFS has 1000 cars with interiors, GT5 modeled more interiors than Shift, not even going to mention GT6.

Yeah, it's not a good idea to tell people where to post. The moderators don't like it.
1. Why grind if it's not giving you any excitement?

2. Most players don't use interior view often, no other game has the same amount of cars as GT, they should remove the duplicates however having standard cars doesn't make GT a worse game than the competition.
Forza 5 removed the "last-gen" cars and suffered from it, lower review scores than any other Forza game, 79-80 on Metacritic, most reviewers were complaining about microtransactions and lack of content.

I grinded GT5 because that was the only descent racing game i knew till then. Since then i have experienced FM4 and shift 2 and they are more my cup of tea for cars and races. The races in F1 2012 were also more exciting to me.

Also i wouldn't spend 60 bucks on FM5 neither, seeing it's more of a prologue game. But even still if the content is lacking what they implemented is pure quality.
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I grinded GT5 because that was the only descent racing game i knew till then. Since then i have experienced FM4 and shift 2 and they are more my cup of tea for cars and races.

Also i wouldn't spend 60 bucks on FM5 neither, seeing it's more of a prologue game. But even still even if the content is lacking what they implemented is pure quality.
GT6 wouldn't have enough content for you if they removed all the standard cars like Forza 5 and if they use the standard cars it becomes a bad game for you with no excitement, you need to make up your mind.
...No other big developer apart from PD would dare to release a racing game these days that has no interior car models...
Did you forget Grid 2 - I'm fairly sure Codemasters qualify as a big developer and there's no interiors whatsoever in that game, despite Grid itself having them.

Typical fans in denial, quick, let us see how they conveniently use the facts in their favour and make it seem that this is a good thing for them.
The opposite could just as easily be said to be the case too...
GT6 wouldn't have enough content for you if they removed all the standard cars like Forza 5 and if they use the standard cars it becomes a bad game for you with no excitement, you need to make up your mind.
Qué :confused:
Did you forget Grid 2 - I'm fairly sure Codemasters qualify as a big developer and there's no interiors whatsoever in that game, despite Grid itself having them.
I was thinking about that one whilst i wrote that :D, true but that's equally unacceptable to me and i won't be buying it then, just as i will probably skip GT6.
So all these negative posts have been made by you without you playing the game?

Ohh dear.
I can't stand people like this. It used to be about playing a game and enjoying it, now they have to find every flaw in a game to justify themselves.

You haven't even played GT6, no one will want to argue with you anymore.
It kind of voids his opinion. I'd say he should at least rent it and see for himself but his mind is already made up. Forming an opinion of something you haven't experienced based on other people's experiences... Sad logic.
You haven't even played GT6, no one will want to argue with you anymore.

It kind of voids his opinion. I'd say he should at least rent it and see for himself but his mind is already made up. Forming an opinion of something you haven't experienced based on other people's experiences... Sad logic.
I guess you read over my post saying that i grinded GT5 to level 40, and seeing that GT6 is soooo different from GT5 i would have no idea what i'm talking about like you say; as GT6 does not have weak AI and chase the rabbit races with surreal grids, horrible sounds and half of the cars ported from last gen anymore like GT5 had... :rolleyes:
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I was thinking about that one whilst i wrote that :D, true but that's equally unacceptable to me and i won't be buying it then, just as i will probably skip GT6.
That's fair enough - if you don't like either then there wouldn't be much point in getting them.

I will say though, that despite all of the vids I saw pre-launch for GT6 nothing prepared me for the way the game felt while actually playing it. I mean it's your call and maybe your previously stated expectations/reasons would make the experience less enjoyable...but it has been far better than I thought it would be as a game: It sort of sucked me in, in a good way.
I can't stand people like this. It used to be about playing a game and enjoying it, now they have to find every flaw in a game to justify themselves.

Generally, if there are flaws in a game, they will used as justification for not playing it (and rightly so), or are you suggesting we ignore the flaws?

It kind of voids his opinion. I'd say he should at least rent it and see for himself but his mind is already made up. Forming an opinion of something you haven't experienced based on other people's experiences... Sad logic.

Does he need to experience black interiors to know he doesn't like them?
There are zilion of PS3 units out there , but not forget that in the same time as GT6 was released there was console shift to a new generation. Not quite succesfull ,but still.People go and buy new things .

I don't worry for GT sales because there is nothing else comming on PS3 in racing genre and with some of the 3rd world markets that find PS3 only now cost acessible people will buy GT6 'till PS3 dies.What else can they buy? AC,PC ? Nothing is coming on PS3 :D It might not sold 5mil in 1 month , but then it will sold 100k every month till the end of PS3 which will come in about few years if we look how long PS2 keep up after PS3 was released. So , Nothing to worry about .

Remark about GT&FM sales > looks like casual public has shifted from racing genre to COD fps or whatever else it is out there in last few years. You can see according to VGZ that every GT or FM iteration sold less than previous one. I'm more concerned about FM sales > since it is on new console there was a huge investement ,which will not return with current sales numbers and ms was hardly satisfied with FM4 or FH sales figures. Hope FM don't end up like PGR.
Not to mention, the ps2 is still sold as new in some of those countries... For example, in Argentina, you're paying over 1k for a ps3... So there is a long tail on the older consoles that could grow... If I wanted more global reach vs guaranteed early adaptors I might have made the same choices... Just look at the PR for South America (newer market) vs the completely non existent pr in norther America (early adaptors).
The sales would be down compared to GT5 because the next generation consoles had been released and also other games such as GTA and COD.
Also the time gap back to GT5 is less than back to GT4 and people played GT5 for longer, there were a lot of sales of GT5 this year and last year.
That's fair enough - if you don't like either then there wouldn't be much point in getting them.

I will say though, that despite all of the vids I saw pre-launch for GT6 nothing prepared me for the way the game felt while actually playing it. I mean it's your call and maybe your previously stated expectations/reasons would make the experience less enjoyable...but it has been far better than I thought it would be as a game: It sort of sucked me in, in a good way.
I can understand that, but that will be mainly due to the good physics model (I would enjoy hotlapping too in GT6). Best thing to do regarding GT6 is to wait and see what they actually improve through patching in the next year (don't believe they will hold their promise of replacing sound "placeholders", and i don't hope they will realize their mistake with the lame race formula and turn that around). So then maybe GT6 from a bargain shelve just to do some hotlapping later on.

If it takes too long for PD to get their act together with GT6, i will go next gen by then just for the sake of PCARS and never look back.
Generally, if there are flaws in a game, they will used as justification for not playing it (and rightly so), or are you suggesting we ignore the flaws?

Does he need to experience black interiors to know he doesn't like them?

Every game has flaws, no game is perfect(even GOTY) and you can pretty much nitpick a game to death without even haven played it. I'm just saying people here seem to make up their minds before trying something. I can understand not wanting to pay full price on something you are unsure of, but there are many means to try it out to form your own opinion. Especially when so many focus on flaws and ignore the good. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it's human nature after all to let one minor thing spoil the rest...
I can understand that, but that will be mainly due to the good physics model (I would enjoy hotlapping too in GT6). Best thing to do regarding GT6 is to wait and see what they actually improve through patching in the next year (don't believe they will hold their promise of replacing sound "placeholders", and i don't hope they will realize their mistake with the lame race formula and turn that around). So then maybe GT6 from a bargain shelve just to do some hotlapping later on.

If it takes too long for PD to get their act together with GT6, i will go next gen by then just for the sake of PCARS and never look back.

This, I'll wait for FM6 on Xbone to go next-gen, PCars can wait, I'm too busy with FM4 + Dirt3 right now and I'm getting the itch to play older games like PGR4 and the first Forzas, might pickup Horizon as well.

GT6, lets see how it turns out after some patches and I'll decide, right now, I can't be bothered to even rent it.
If GT6 does end up selling 5 or 6 million, I expect that people will point out that it's still a very respectable sales total.

And they'll be right, in a way it is. Most devs would kill to have their games sell that much.

Then again, most devs don't have budgets in the high eight figures, and most devs don't have multiple previous titles selling 10 million+.

It's perspective. For most actors, getting a secure part on a daytime soap is probably pretty good. If you're Brad Pitt, it's faintly pathetic that you're reduced to daytime TV.

It's looking more and more like GT jumped the shark somewhere between GT3 and GT4.

Not sure where you take those figures from. Anyway thinking in terms of units sold will eventually be considered outdated, with the company apparently set to widen it’s margin by adding an extensive range of DLC. Also take into account that any added asset is supposedly PS4 friendly and could if needed be recouped later on...
Really? you think it's actually not obvious?

1. "you end up with a game that has a lot more excitement to offer than GT5+6 combined..."
Obviously saying Shift is better than GT5 and 6 combined, biased confirmed.
What? He said shift is more exciting, not that it's better.
You're pretty much saying any one who doesn't think GT is the best, is biased against it.
What? He said shift is more exciting, not that it's better.
You're pretty much saying any one who doesn't think GT is the best, is biased against it.
How can it be more exciting if he didn't even play GT6?
Read the posts above, he never played the game, you can't say a game is more exciting than the other without playing both.
The sales would be down compared to GT5 because the next generation consoles had been released and also other games such as GTA and COD.
There were no other games released when GT5 came out?

How can it be more exciting if he didn't even play GT6?
Read the posts above, he never played the game, you can't say a game is more exciting than the other without playing both.
I have read the above posts, and they're irrelevant to what I wrote to you.
There were no other games released when GT5 came out?

I have read the above posts, and they're irrelevant to what I wrote to you.
They are quite revelant since i was replying to them, contact me when you understand the actual subject.