You mentioned something about your License Test idea before, and it is meritorious, but this is another one of those things that Kaz is gonna do what he do, so I have a feeling that License Tests specifically won't be going through any transmogrifications. But I do anticipate something of GT Academy making an appearance in GT7.
Well if we take that attitude why bother posting any ideas here at all, why post your GT Pro idea, if Kaz is just going to do what he's gonna do? We have to post something in the small, slim hope that someone from PD will read and take the thoughts on board.
Changing "what Kaz is gonna do" is exactly what we should be trying to force, so that we all get a better game that is fresh and interesting, not just let him copy/paste 90% from the first game.
And one more thing about "grand experiments." In racing games, you really can't do much with a formula based on the player's car beating every other car, when it's based on real world racing.
I already acknowledged that several times, I'm well aware that once you do get to the track itself there isn't much different you can do, it's x cars on y track trying to win the race. I am adamant however there is a lot more you can do to get there, and how you progress through these races. Races can be much more fun when you know there is a good reason to do it, a feeling of progress through a career and not just doing random races in random cars for no real reason.
Even when you do get to the track there is more you can do. How about team racing, where you not only win a drivers championship but also a constructors? Why have we never seen that simply gameplay change in GT? We can have longer races with driver changes again, like GT4. That was *meant* to be coming back for GT6 but no sign so far.
Plus of course there is the well known problem of how 'races' are set up in GT. Not only can and should they bring back qualifying and starts with no AI head starts but in some events why not mimic some real world racing series? Set the starting positions based on the previous race, top 10 in reverse order or in the order they finish etc etc. You could even implement ballast, again something very much what real racing series do.
So yeah, I totally disagree that there "isn't much you can do with the formula". For Gran Turismo there is lot they can do, some that they've explored in the past, some they've never tried.
Many of us have mentioned real world racing leagues being well represented in GT7. Some like the three of us have speculated on how some form of GT Academy could be used as a template for racing events. And beyond that, ideas are far and few between.
Again, sorry, but no. There are hundreds of ideas they can try out, all related to the real world. We're not going to think them all up here and post them all because a) there isn't much incentive to do so and b) we're not game designers.
I'm all for PD brainstorming new ideas. I just don't want to see anything really un-motorsports related, like the Pokemonie collectibles, the XP system, and a paint shop with no freaking paint! Jeepers, that was messed up.
Where has anyone here suggested anything like that? We're not suggesting PD do those stupid things, they're doing them on their own. We want them to listen to our ideas that aren't gotta catch em all orientated. We can only hope they listen.