GT6 Sales Discussion

I'm thinking this probably isn't the case, as far as sales go. Since holidays 2012, SONY sold a million more copies of GT5, so evidently that sour taste was only in the mouths of the hardcore, like we've seen here for years.

How do those two correlate? You can't have a sour taste until you've bought the game so I don't know what sales of GT5 in 2012 does to counter his point that people didn't buy GT6 because of the sour taste GT5 left.

the PS3 just couldn't deliver an entirely fresh universe to experience.

PS3 was more than capable in many areas, PD just didn't do anything with it. What were the biggest selling points for GT6? Realistic night sky, driving on the moon and a new course maker. The only fresh experience is the one they haven't delivered a year after announcing it. I know you're going to tell me it's because PS3 can't cope, dev units, blah blah blah but fact of the matter is you've no idea, you're just guessing.

I doubt the GTA fans were hoping to see it on PS4 for more detailed boobies. Well... sure, some were, human nature and all that. But when you're trying to recreate a universe, like racing games do, technology matters. It's why I'm dying to see anything Gran Turismo on PS4.

So can you please list out what PD can do on PS4 in terms of features that they absolutely could not do on PS3. Because a lot of the things I see you constantly type out for your wishes could absolutely have been done, they just chose not to.
^ I didn't skip it because it was on PS3, but because i didn't like how it turned out (does that make me hardcore? :dopey:)
The trauma that was GT5 left some deep wounds though i must admit, and seeing PD actually managed to make things worse for 6 was comical/sad in a way.

Also those silly design decisions make me feel quite cold for whatever they chuck out on PS4, especially seeing there's finally good competition that do know how to make a proper racing game.
I'd say the main difference "the climate GT6 launched into" from any prior game in the series has much more to do with consumer perception of the brand than it has anything to do with the PS4 vs. the PS3 or industry competition or anything of the sort. Let's compare it with the most direct past example: GT2's situation wasn't too terribly far removed from being the same situation GT6 had. The next generation was right around the corner rather than already here, and the PS2 was backwards compatible; but people still bought a lot of PSOnes when Sony rebranded it and there were still games that defined the industry released on it rather than the PS2. PD may have done vague allusions about a PS4 GT title by now making GT6 a questionable value prospect, but for GT2 they had already cut the game down at the knees by announcing and showing (in playable form!) a next generation GT title before GT2 had even been released. On top of that, GT2 was the start of the series being hit with serious competitors, some of which were next generation compared to the PSX-era GT2. And yet GT2 still crushed pretty much everything on the market. Not just racing games. Not just games released on the PlayStation after it was released. All games.

I think far more of an issue is that people just didn't care about GT6 like they did previous games. Now, beyond that you can make whatever arguments you want about why. Maybe GT5 killed interest in the series for people. Maybe it was because Sony barely put their weight behind the game. Maybe racing gamesare on the downslope right now. Maybe Forza is making enough inroads that it is the new darling (though Forza 4's sales don't seem to support that particular idea). The reasoning ultimately doesn't matter that much compared to the fact that GT6 was virtually ignored for most of its development compared to previous games in the series, and I don't believe it to be a coincidence that the apparent consumer apathy happened following the media apathy.
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Gt5 was a masive disappointment to a lot of people, who then had no interest in another slightly better version on the same aged hardware.

It remains to be seen if PD can create something on Ps4 that genuinely excites and revitalises the series & fanbase once again....guess it'll be next E3 before we find out.
Gt5 was a masive disappointment to a lot of people, who then had no interest in another slightly better version on the same aged hardware.

It remains to be seen if PD can create something on Ps4 that genuinely excites and revitalises the series & fanbase once again....guess it'll be next E3 before we find out.
And by that time we'll already have played PCARS, GRID Autosport, FORZA 5 and perhaps Microsoft will be announcing FORZA 6, so Gran Turismo 7 will HAVE to make a real impact for the series to get into the spotlight again.
And by that time we'll already have played PCARS, GRID Autosport, FORZA 5 and perhaps Microsoft will be announcing FORZA 6, so Gran Turismo 7 will HAVE to make a real impact for the series to get into the spotlight again.
GT7. 2020 will be when it finally gets announced to showcase that ugly Nissan car alongside it. However, no one will care because everybody had moved on to play better, and funner games due to getting tired of waiting for it. :sly:
GT7. 2020 will be when it finally gets announced to showcase that ugly Nissan car alongside it. However, no one will care because everybody had moved on to play better, and funner games due to getting tired of waiting for it. :sly:
2020 will be the release date, dude. Don't be so tough on PD, after all, they'll announce the game next year. And let's be honest... five years of waiting is ....................nothing, right?
People keep mentioning the PS4, fact of the matter is there were/are 80million+ PS3s out there as potential GT6 sales and only 7 million PS4s out there as potential 'thefts' of a GT6 sale. It's the whole reason PD launched it on PS3 and the same reason many people here were using for it.

The 'lost' sales to PS4 are insignificant unless you're going to tell me every single one of the 7 million PS4 buyers were going to buy GT6 but sold their PS3 and bough the PS4.

When you look at sales numbers for multiplatform games the PS4 is the leading console. Your argument falls apart right there. There may be a very large userbase for PS3 but there are only ever a smaller fraction of players interested in buying games at that particular time. Those players largely moved to PS4 and the multiplatform sales data proves this.

Take watchdogs, 1.7 million on PS4 with its tiny userbase, 0.6 million on PS3 with its huge userbase. PS4 sold about 3 times as many with 1/10th of the userbase. Its hard to find year on year sales numbers for PS3 software but gamestop has reported a 'sharp decline' for PS3 software across the board and this is obviously because of the PS4. Please think a little before stating what the 'fact of the matter' is.
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When you look at sales numbers for multiplatform games the PS4 is the leading console. Your argument falls apart right there. There may be a very large userbase for PS3 but there are only ever a smaller fraction of players interested in buying games at that particular time. Those players largely moved to PS4 and the multiplatform sales data proves this.

Take watchdogs, 1.7 million on PS4 with its tiny userbase, 0.6 million on PS3 with its huge userbase. PS4 sold about 3 times as many with 1/10th of the userbase. Its hard to find year on year sales numbers for PS3 software but gamestop has reported a 'sharp decline' for PS3 software across the board and this is obviously because of the PS4. Please think a little before stating what the 'fact of the matter' is.

What are you talking about ? There are only 7 millions PS4 out there... Even considering they all had the PS3 (which is not even true...) and they decided not to buy any PS3 game ever again (which is ridiculous as a big part of them are probably hardcore gamers...)...there are still 73 millions PS3 owners who could have bought GT6...

Please explain me why 73 millions players who don't even have a PS4 would not buy GT6...because of the PS4! Did they decide "Hey: now that the PS4 is out there...I am not gonna buy it... and I won't buy any PS3 game either...i ll just stop videogames!"

This is ridiculous.
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What are you talking about ? There are only 7 millions PS4 out there... Even considering they all had the PS3 (which is not even true...) and they decided not to buy any PS3 game ever again (which is ridiculous as a big part of them are probably hardcore gamers...)...there are still 73 millions PS3 owners who could have bought GT6...

Please explain me why 73 millions players who don't even have a PS4 would not buy GT6...because of the PS4! Did they decide "Hey: now that the PS4 is out there...I am not gonna buy it... and I won't buy any PS3 game either...i ll just stop videogames!"

This is ridiculous.

The numbers do not lie. You are arguing against reality itself. Why are games selling far less on PS3 than PS4? Why are PS3 software sales in a steep decline? What is ridiculous is your denial of reality.

Why did watchdogs sell more on PS4? because it was marketed as a PS4 game!Just like Titanfall on Xbone...those games are the reason people bought a nextgen console in the first place. Of course they are going to sell better on those machines.

FIFA 14 on PS4: 2 millions. On PS3: 5,8 millions. (mind you: FIFA 13 sold 7 millions on PS3...that means that the franchise did not loose players on Playstation because of the PS4.)
BF4 sold twice more on PS3 than PS4, Call of duty 4 sold 2,3 millions on ps4...and 8 millions on PS3!

(those numbers come from VGchartz...not very accurate source but good enough to have a approximation)

Your explanation is a poor try to damage control that GT6 is a failure. When the coommunity growls, when the game is released unifinished, when the game gets -relatively- bad scores... well guess what: it sells way less!
GT5 got the benefits from GT4 that was considered a masterpiece... GT6 came after GT5 that was considered as a failure by many many players.
When we said it, many fans here said that we were the vocal minority... now that GT6 sold 1/4th of GT5, you try to find another convoluted explanation...

As Samus said, GT6 was released on PS3 because the user base is massive and they were supposed to sell much more on PS3 than on PS4... With those numbers, you have to be in total denial to think PD/Sony's strategy worked.

TBH, I can believe that a new gen may make some people wait and save money...but going from 10 millions to 2.5... Give me a break.
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The numbers do not lie. You are arguing against reality itself
So where are these numbers? All you posted was supposed sales of one game and based half a dozen conclusions off of it alone. Not exactly the most decisive evidence all things considered. .
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The numbers do not lie. You are arguing against reality itself. Why are games selling far less on PS3 than PS4? Why are PS3 software sales in a steep decline? What is ridiculous is your denial of reality.
Numbers do not there's this:

Why did watchdogs sell more on PS4? because it was marketed as a PS4 game!Just like Titanfall on Xbone...those games are the reason people bought a nextgen console in the first place. Of course they are going to sell better on those machines.

FIFA 14 on PS4: 2 millions. On PS3: 5,8 millions. (mind you: FIFA 13 sold 7 millions on PS3...that means that the franchise did not loose players on Playstation because of the PS4.)
BF4 sold twice more on PS3 than PS4, Call of duty 4 sold 2,3 millions on ps4...and 8 millions on PS3!

(those numbers come from VGchartz...not very accurate source but good enough to have a approximation)

Your explanation is a poor try to damage control that GT6 is a failure. When the coommunity growls, when the game is released unifinished, when the game gets -relatively- bad scores... well guess what: it sells way less!
GT5 got the benefits from GT4 that was considered a masterpiece... GT6 came after GT5 that was considered as a failure by many many players.
When we said it, many fans here said that we were the vocal minority... now that GT6 sold 1/4th of GT5, you try to find another convoluted explanation...

As Samus said, GT6 was released on PS3 because the user base is massive and they were supposed to sell much more on PS3 than on PS4... With those numbers, you have to be in total denial to think PD/Sony's strategy worked.

TBH, I can believe that a new gen may make some people wait and save money...but going from 10 millions to 2.5... Give me a break.
And then there's the other part of the numbers you're missing. When a game is released on both consoles and people want it they have a choice of consoles. Obviously anyone with a PS4 will get the PS4 version correct? So what if there's no PS4 version? If you assume that anyone with a PS4 also owned a PS3 and would no longer buy PS3 games, you've lost about 10% of your potential customers.

As FIFA, BF, GTA5 prove, you can still move a ton of units on the PS3. Call of Duty has sold nearly 16.5 million units on PS3 and X360 and it's been out only 4 or 5 weeks longer than GT6. FIFA14 shows that at least one sports game has sold particularly well on PS3.

Overall sales of PS3 games are down that's for sure, but so are the number of titles released now that everyone is working on the PS4. I don't think we expected GT6 to move like GT5, but the sales numbers we have so far, admittedly unconfirmed, are not good.
Gt5 was a masive disappointment to a lot of people, who then had no interest in another slightly better version on the same aged hardware.

It remains to be seen if PD can create something on Ps4 that genuinely excites and revitalises the series & fanbase once again....guess it'll be next E3 before we find out.


I cant tell you how much of a disappointment GT6 has been to "our" racing community in Australia, and i know for a fact there are a hell of a lot of us hanging for PCARS to hit the market, hopefully giving us all the things that GT6 refuses.

We have 70 odd drivers in different series through the week, and most race reports or GT6 comments are often finished with the words "bring on (enter new title here)" !!!! Even tonight with 6 divisions, we had disconnects, pit issues, frustration with the changes to the physics model, the fact the RA menu still doesnt work, the list continues. The best line i had heard to describe PD and their game was "apocalyptic dingleberries".

FACT : unless they do something quickly to ease the frustration of the hardcore league racers that want a plug and play option, their sales figures will continue to drop, more significantly if the other titles give us all the things that we league racers have been calling out for.

D Day is coming for them, there are a lot of us excited by the new titles, just as we used to be when the new GT titles were about to hit the market

Lets see if the "apocalyptic dingleberries" can "revitalise" the game through updates, i think i know the answer though.
People keep mentioning the PS4, fact of the matter is there were/are 80million+ PS3s out there as potential GT6 sales and only 7 million PS4s out there as potential 'thefts' of a GT6 sale. It's the whole reason PD launched it on PS3 and the same reason many people here were using for it.

The 'lost' sales to PS4 are insignificant unless you're going to tell me every single one of the 7 million PS4 buyers were going to buy GT6 but sold their PS3 and bough the PS4.

People keep mentioning PS4 because it is a factor and its not that people are purchasing a ps4 its more like they are waiting to see how it pans out, maybe waiting to get it at xmas this year but if that's the case a lot of folks would have not bothered with GT6 knowing that their PS4 purchase was happening sooner rather than later. In any case poor sales compared to GT5 does not affect the GT franchise one iota, like I said before, they can't be out of pocket...
People keep mentioning PS4 because it is a factor and its not that people are purchasing a ps4 its more like they are waiting to see how it pans out, maybe waiting to get it at xmas this year but if that's the case a lot of folks would have not bothered with GT6 knowing that their PS4 purchase was happening sooner rather than later. In any case poor sales compared to GT5 does not affect the GT franchise one iota, like I said before, they can't be out of pocket...

Well... I think you don't know how big companies work if you think so. Of course PD makes a lot of money...but any company in the world has targets... growing ones. If you miss your targets, then you are in trouble with your board.
This goes for every big company. Even Microsoft who sits on a mountain of dollars.

GT made so much money to Sony that they could release 3 more games losing money... and still be beneficial (in a global way). But that's not how it works. Everyone in the production chain has performance targets, and I don't think their goals were to divide sales by 4.

We are talking about an idustry that gives more or less money to developpers depending in their metacritics score. Do you think Sony does not see what's going on with GT? Poor sales, 'poor' scores, unfinished games, miscommunication, poor vision, poor forecast, poor online,...
GT6 might be what Sony needed to finally get GT back on tracks... if not, then another developper will get the jackpot (just like FIFA did vs Winning eleven... Kaz and Seabass have a lot in common imo)
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^ I didn't skip it because it was on PS3, but because i didn't like how it turned out (does that make me hardcore? :dopey:)
The trauma that was GT5 left some deep wounds though i must admit, and seeing PD actually managed to make things worse for 6 was comical/sad in a way.

Also those silly design decisions make me feel quite cold for whatever they chuck out on PS4, especially seeing there's finally good competition that do know how to make a proper racing game.

Competition makes me more hopeful for the GT series. EA use to make pretty good Madden games when they had 2K sports as competition. Once they bought exclusive rights to the NFL their games went downhill instantly and have stayed that way for almost a decade.

Its already started, the Kaz Q&A is the beginning, PD knows they have to change things and improve their weaknesses to keep up. I don't think they will be 'chucking' GT7 on the PS4. That would be suicide for the brand. I expect it to be their most thought out and complete game since GT4. It has to be. With a growing Project CARS on the market and likely direct competition from Forza 6 which looks to catch up in terms of weather and time of day changes, PD knows the pressure is on.

So I expect GT7 to be their best game since GT3. If they add 10% of the requested feature suggestions it will be magnitudes more customizable and fun then anything they've made before.

Just one key thing they need to do: Remove all 'standard' sounds, cars, and tracks. With Forza 5 Dan Greenawalt went through all their content and if it didn't receive an "A" grade it was chucked. PD needs to do the same. With sounds, cars, and tracks.

Why did watchdogs sell more on PS4? because it was marketed as a PS4 game!Just like Titanfall on Xbone...those games are the reason people bought a nextgen console in the first place. Of course they are going to sell better on those machines.

FIFA 14 on PS4: 2 millions. On PS3: 5,8 millions. (mind you: FIFA 13 sold 7 millions on PS3...that means that the franchise did not loose players on Playstation because of the PS4.)
BF4 sold twice more on PS3 than PS4, Call of duty 4 sold 2,3 millions on ps4...and 8 millions on PS3!

Sigh... You are quoting numbers for games that were released BEFORE the PS4. You don't even understand the argument.

As FIFA, BF, GTA5 prove, you can still move a ton of units on the PS3. Call of Duty has sold nearly 16.5 million units on PS3 and X360 and it's been out only 4 or 5 weeks longer than GT6. FIFA14 shows that at least one sports game has sold particularly well on PS3.

How do games released again before the PS4 disprove the impact the PS4 had? Plus explain the significant decrease in PS3 game sales? Explain why every simultaneous PS3/PS4 release has sold more on PS4? All that has been put forward so far is a lack of releases. This is rubbish, there is not great drop off in releases but even if there was it would back up my position, not yours. Few competing releases should mean greater sales for individual titles, not less.

And when trying to explain these in a way that does not make you look stupid, try not to contradict what you have earlier written as the 'marketing' arguments do.
How do games released again before the PS4 disprove the impact the PS4 had?
No one is denying the impact of the PS4 and no one is saying they expected GT6 to sell as well as GT5. That would be unrealistic with a new console on the market. The bigger issue is whether the drop in sales for GT6 is solely related to the new console or a mix of being a poor quality, dated game + new console. My money is with the latter.

Plus explain the significant decrease in PS3 game sales?
Last gen console.

Explain why every simultaneous PS3/PS4 release has sold more on PS4?
Perhaps you could explain the relevance of this to GT6 which isn't available on the PS4. Again, no one is denying a new console impacted GT6 sales, that would be foolish. So if games are selling well on PS4 and outselling PS3 versions, what does this mean for GT6 which isn't available on the PS4?

And when trying to explain these in a way that does not make you look stupid, try not to contradict what you have earlier written as the 'marketing' arguments do.

Try to control your emotions. There's no need for that here.

You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
Sigh... You are quoting numbers for games that were released BEFORE the PS4. You don't even understand the argument.

How do games released again before the PS4 disprove the impact the PS4 had? Plus explain the significant decrease in PS3 game sales? Explain why every simultaneous PS3/PS4 release has sold more on PS4? All that has been put forward so far is a lack of releases. This is rubbish, there is not great drop off in releases but even if there was it would back up my position, not yours. Few competing releases should mean greater sales for individual titles, not less.

And when trying to explain these in a way that does not make you look stupid, try not to contradict what you have earlier written as the 'marketing' arguments do.

Well, we actually explained it: those games were marketed for next-gen... Those games are the reason why people bought the next-gen consoles. What is too complicated for you to understand?

So those games have a very high "penetration rate" (not sure this expression exists in english...sorry) on next-gen consoles-basically 1 people out of 4 or 5 have bought titanfall on Xbone-because titanfall is the reason they bought a Xbone in the first place... Same goes with Watchdogs.

Seriously mate: your denial is painful.
Well, we actually explained it: those games were marketed for next-gen... Those games are the reason why people bought the next-gen consoles. What is too complicated for you to understand?

So those games have a very high "penetration rate" (not sure this expression exists in english...sorry) on next-gen consoles-basically 1 people out of 4 or 5 have bought titanfall on Xbone-because titanfall is the reason they bought a Xbone in the first place... Same goes with Watchdogs.

Seriously mate: your denial is painful.

Xbone sales are also disastrous, and it has Forza 5.

Would it have had better penetration on xbox360?
No one is denying the impact of the PS4 and no one is saying they expected GT6 to sell as well as GT5. That would be unrealistic with a new console on the market. The bigger issue is whether the drop in sales for GT6 is solely related to the new console or a mix of being a poor quality, dated game + new console. My money is with the latter.

Last gen console.

Perhaps you could explain the relevance of this to GT6 which isn't available on the PS4. Again, no one is denying a new console impacted GT6 sales, that would be foolish. So if games are selling well on PS4 and outselling PS3 versions, what does this mean for GT6 which isn't available on the PS4?

Try to control your emotions. There's no need for that here.

What makes you think I feel anything when replying here? You and this issue mean nothing at all to me so why would I get emotional? It makes no sense. Anyway, you keep dodging the issue, the blindingly obvious issue with your argument which is what lead me to say 'in a way which does not make you look stupid'. You need to address the across the board decrease in software sales for PS3 and why GT6 should be immune to this before you can talk about other reasons for the reduction in sales for that title. I think it is stupid to just keep repeating the same thing when there is a huge flaw in your argument that you have left hanging as if you hope it will just magically go away. And your arguments keep shifting. It was PS4 is such a tiny userbase it cant effect it. Then when I pointed out PS4 sales are higher than PS3 with a fraction of the users, your argument then changed to but.. but.. its not on PS4. Then, but.. but... those are marketed at next gen... Kind of curious what the next line of 'reasoning' will be.

Seriously mate: your denial is painful.

Truth hurts? PS3 software as a whole has been in a sharp decline since the PS4 launch window. Now as I said above, tell me why GT6 is immune to this and why we should judge GT6 sales as if GT6 is in a market unaffected.

Gamers are not blind. Even I as a long time GT fan was thinking about how much I would really play GT6 when #DRIVECLUB was seemingly a month away. If I were a more casual GT fan I there is a really good chance I would just have skipped because of this, my perceived quality of GT6 as a game would not have been the deciding factor.

Can you please point me to a PS3 AAA exclusive released after PS4 was released? Outside of GT6?
GT6 is the only one... and probably the last one. You base all your ridiculous assumptions on 1 example...

What you validate:
PS4 hurt GT6 sales (which is true as we already said...but it DOES NOT explain sales divided by 4... )

What you deliberatly ignore:
GT5 had the worst score in the history of GT
GT5 was a let down for many users
GT5 was released unifinished and most people had already stopped playing it when it actually was finished, leaving them with a very bad impression
GT community is growling since GT5...and now on GT6 too
GT6 scores were not that good
GT6 was released unfinished...and still is: 7 months later!
Other AAA major series sold approximatly as much on PS3 as they used to (FIFA, COD, BF4) : NONE saw their sales divided by 4...not even by 2! None.

Well... well... well... I wonder whose explanation makes more sense.

Funny enough: when GT6 was announced as a PS3 game, many people here (including me) thought it was the smartest decision: we thought that; even with GT5's bad precedent, they would get 5 millions sales minimum! (which did not sound very optimistic as it meant sales divided by 2 already!). Noone here, even the most pessimistic imagined that GT6 could sell 4 times less than GT5. Just like PD, we all underestimated how GT's reputation had been hurt...

And you own example is irrelevant: that's not how your argue. I can give you my own example too... which is the contrary of yours... so what?

To coclude: you have Watchdogs and Titanfall that sold better on next gen than on last gen... As we said, they were marketed as next gen games: we did not have any video of last gen versions until very late...and Titanfall was released on Xbone before XBox360!

On the other hand: FIFA, Assassin creed, BF, COD... all sold much better on last gen than on next much for your demonstration.
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What makes you think I feel anything when replying here? You and this issue mean nothing at all to me so why would I get emotional? It makes no sense.
You're right it makes no sense to get emotionally involved here. Your continued use of the word stupid indicates to me that you cannot control your emotions on this subject. So again I remind you:
You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.
You need to address the across the board decrease in software sales for PS3 and why GT6 should be immune to this
You must be thinking of someone else. I didn't say GT6 should be immune, in fact I said, and I'll bold the most relevant part so you don't miss it like you did before:
No one is denying the impact of the PS4 and no one is saying they expected GT6 to sell as well as GT5. That would be unrealistic with a new console on the market.

It was PS4 is such a tiny userbase it cant effect it. Then when I pointed out PS4 sales are higher than PS3 with a fraction of the users, your argument then changed to but.. but.. its not on PS4.
Also not what I said. The point you are missing is GT6 is not a PS4 game, PS4 owners are not possible customers for the game because it won't play on their system. Yes some of the most avid game buyers are now PS4 users and that has affected GT6 sales without a doubt. Even though GT6 is the only AAA game released since December exclusively on the PS3, it's been outsold in 2014 on PS3 by other games that were both released earlier and available on both consoles. The dual consoles and lower overall unit sales for the PS3 tells you that sales will be down for GT6 but it doesn't explain that games released before GT6 on both consoles, continue to outsell GT6 on PS3.

As I said earlier, no one is denying that sales will be down for GT6, the bigger issue is whether the drop in sales for GT6 is solely related to the new console or a mix of being a poor quality, dated game + new console. To deny the latter is folly. The game did not get good reviews all around it was the lowest rated GT game yet. The sounds and AI were universally panned as they should be. The game was released unfinished and continues to be unfinished. If you think those things have had no influence on sales you're denying every free market force that's ever existed since the dawn of time.
You're right it makes no sense to get emotionally involved here. Your continued use of the word stupid indicates to me that you cannot control your emotions on this subject. So again I remind you:

So I am not allowed to think something is stupid?.. I guess you will just quote the AUP at me again if I tell you what I think about equating thinking something is stupid on an intellectual level with emotion.

You must be thinking of someone else. I didn't say GT6 should be immune, in fact I said, and I'll bold the most relevant part so you don't miss it like you did before:

Lets look at that shall we:

No one is denying the impact of the PS4 and no one is saying they expected GT6 to sell as well as GT5. That would be unrealistic with a new console on the market.

GT6 is not a PS4 game, PS4 owners are not possible customers for the game because it won't play on their system.

You ARE saying it is immune, just in around about way. You give the idea some lip service then go on with the next paragraph to totally ignore it. And the only games to outsell GT6 this year that were not launched this year are the two big FPS releases, FIFA and GTA5. GT6 was never going to sell like those, not in a million years. It does not seem like its doing so bad to be the next best seller behind those huge and more mainstream franchises.

Sure the gap between GT5 and GT6 being short and some people being disappointed might have impacted sales, but you have NOTHING to support your claims for this, especially the claims it is the prominent reason. There are hard numbers on the decline of PS3 software, that is provable fact. What you have is nothing but speculation.