GT6 Screenshots / Videos

  • Thread starter BkS
I think to many people want to much from the AI.

I liked the AI in GT4 the best, it made mistakes and if you wanted a race set the "difficulty" 7 or 9 and they would be in faster car but be on your pace. They:

didn't "give up" after you passed them.

They made "small" mistakes.

They wouldn't give you room, just like real life.

In road racing it is rare to see 2 cars "racing" for more than a corner or 2. It normally works like this:

Faster car catches slower car

Faster car waits 2 laps for a clean pass, finding a good passing line and picking a corner.

Faster car passes and drivers off.

They don't "battle", they just follow the leader until one guy messes up. It rare in racing that 2 guys are sooo close that it can be a battle. IMHO side by side battles mainly happen when both guys can't drive or one guy in blocking.

All PD needs to do is make the AI use real brake points and miss an apex every 4ish laps let us setup the AI's HP/PP group.
The questions about the AI will all come down to lap times.

In GT5, the lap times of the AI were 100% dictated by your pace. Run a 1:30, they'd run close to that. Drop down to a 1:45 and they'd drop off too.
We shall see if GT6 has the same see-saw effect.
Is that HSV seat lowered, or how it looks like that crossing bar is higher than on GT5?
I wish I could really tell what was on the tesla's center console, it looks like the track and some countries, but can't tell if it's dynamic or fixed like that
Picture number two that @GETEDA post shows country flags. The Tesla's GPS has been program to region which changes automatically when the car reach's that region. There is also a Global icon, Stock Icon :lol:;) which is good, or it may be a states icon for the car, music and phone. There is a Tesla dealer in my area I'll go check the car out when I get a chance.
@Zuel I know what the icons are at the top, I got to test drive a Tesla about a month ago, the one dealer had a used one for sale, $60k with only 10k miles on it, I think it was the 60kwh one
I wish I could really tell what was on the tesla's center console, it looks like the track and some countries, but can't tell if it's dynamic or fixed like that
If you go the the GT6 car page and click on the Model S. one of the screenshots is the interior. And the center screen you'll see is clearly the country select screen for
You got to drive a used Tesla, how was the ride @deadbob777? I know once I have the funds I'm buying one. I see them all over the place where I live.
Well honesty it was pretty great @Zuel, the quietness is actually really relaxing, and when you go on t he gas pedal (go fast pedal since it's electric?) you feel instant torque which is really nice, the seats are really comfy, the ride is good, it's not like perfectly amazing, it's better than my '08 Mustang though, the sense of speed in it is horribly diminished though, I felt and thought I was doing around 35mph and ended up I was going around 60 (which got me a sturn looking at). It really gets up and goes though.
Well honesty it was pretty great @Zuel, the quietness is actually really relaxing, and when you go on t he gas pedal (go fast pedal since it's electric?) you feel instant torque which is really nice, the seats are really comfy, the ride is good, it's not like perfectly amazing, it's better than my '08 Mustang though, the sense of speed in it is horribly diminished though, I felt and thought I was doing around 35mph and ended up I was going around 60 (which got me a sturn looking at). It really gets up and goes though.
I think its called the accelerator...? ;)
Wow. That FTO is insane. Now I know what people are talking about.. They were going side by side without even touching. Jordan didn't even have to adjust his racing line so that he didn't get hit. Great A.I. I cannot wait for this game any longer. Also, the sense of speed in the replay was great.
Playing the Devil's Advocate here for a sec...

Surely it's too late in the game for PD/Sony to announce a delay at this stage?.....Isn't it?

Put my mind at rest. I'm just a bit mentally scared from their previous release track records.
Playing the Devil's Advocate here for a sec...

Surely it's too late in the game for PD/Sony to announce a delay at this stage?.....Isn't it?

Put my mind at rest. I'm just a bit mentally scared from their previous release track records.
Yes it's way to late now, the games gone gold I'm sure :D

People acting like they were battling lap after lap.Since we like to dissect everything on here lets dissect the video 0:00-0:38 Jordan is flying and corner cutting like a bat out of hell
0:38-0:59 he catches the FTO and fly passes it because he hit the corner faster than everyone else because the touring (?)BMW and audi is slowing down the pack of GT500 cars and the FTO ( this is evident because even the slower cars he already passed, caught up with them)
059-1:15 The FTO is gaining on him while he's gaining on a few gt500 cars because the BMW and audi are holding them up ( the rest of the cars ahead of the BMW and audi are long gone as you can see around the 1:02 mark they're pulling away).
1:15-1:42 Jordan passes the slow BMW, the bmw holds up the FTO for a second.The FTO catches back up 1:55 the FTO cuts a corner to jump in front of Jordan ( NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF GT5 has this happened)1:58 Jordan isn't use to AI being aggressive, he panics and hit the fto before they do something so beautiful.
2:00-2:05 they are both going around a sweeping left hander (with the AI on the inside line.. WHAT?!)
2:05-2:16 The FTO is looking for a point to pull ahead of Jordan.
2:16-2:30.The FTO along with the rest of the pack (aside from the audi) pull off because itz haz teh extra horses and teh lighter stuff etc.
2:30-2:34 Jordan comes back flying like a bat out of hell and cuts a corner hitting the FTO causing it to corner cut and go through the dirt making him catch some air.
2:34-2:40 Jordan pulls off,the FTO is catching up.
2:40 -- The FTO eventually leaves Jordan, then Jordan starts to fight with the Audi.

Moral of the Story.Don't expect to see realistic results ( ie cars that are faster than you should automatically leave you in the dust) if your driving unrealistically.. or like a bat out of hell.This was the case in GT5 too.The other moral of the story is that the FTO behaved much more realistically than what we have in GT5.

How did the back of the tesla get damaged? The AI may be a little too aggressive.
I read all that in Murray Walker's voice :)