GT6 Screenshots / Videos

  • Thread starter BkS
WOW! Is this a Gran Turismo game?


It's pCARS, oh wait... :D

Serious though, that's really good. 👍
It's pCARS, oh wait... :D

Serious though, that's really good. 👍

It's a lot more than people were expecting. I quite like it, too. Grungy.


Don't worry, with them being so far forward and the car being dark, they just kinda blend in sometimes - and I admit I was also struggling a bit to see them, because I was looking in the wrong place on the bottom image.
Ahh, good to see the R8 LMS is still ridiculously priced. I'm glad to know I can purchase the R18 Prototype for less.

Seriously, it was inexcusable for GT5, but this is just negligence.

They'll just become very uncommon - the '12 models are like 400k, most people will be very happy with those.
Haha...funny joke man!! Watch the lead car on the mini-map throw out the anchor on lap 2. The real driver goes off track numerous times and still outruns the wabbit..:lol: Note: In just 22 seconds he closes a 3.3 second gap.
AI can always be made better but for what its worth, the guy is racing it like he stole it. IRL no person would drive like that...pushing the car well beyond its limits and running off the track etc. Not to mention, after running off the track one would not usually floor it and jump right back on due to safety reasons. If realism and simulation is what someone is looking for, racing the like will prove more challenging with near equal car stats. If AI is even a hair better, which it seems to be, I will be satisfied until the next iteration. People may race however they like, but they need to realize the above before having negative feedback...they might see it all differently. By no means am I saying the AI is perfect(or even good) as I have not played yet so please don't argue that subject with me specifically...that's not my point here;)
They'll just become very uncommon - the '12 models are like 400k, most people will be very happy with those.
Uncommon? More like completely un-used. The only people that would purchase one of those cars instead of an ultra is either a car collector or a sadist. And even then, only the sadist will drive them.

The day I see someone using one of those three online is the day I randomly gift a stranger a car. Those prices need to be fixed, otherwise there's three cars in the game that I don't plan on purchasing.
Ahh, good to see the R8 LMS is still ridiculously priced. I'm glad to know I can purchase the R18 Prototype for less.

Seriously, it was inexcusable for GT5, but this is just negligence.

Could the more expensive versions be prize cars? I wonder how many GT3 races we'll get IF we get prize cars that correspond with the events. Ill still buy the Team Oreca LMS though. I needs all the GT3 machines.
Could the more expensive versions be prize cars? I wonder how many GT3 races we'll get IF we get prize cars that correspond with the events. Ill still buy the Team Oreca LMS though. I needs all the GT3 machines.
They could be, but it's still ridiculous. No R8 LMS has ever cost that much ever as far as I know. Where they got that price and why it's stuck around for so long is baffling.

This is one of the most glaring and irritating little errors to me. How hard is it to change the price of the freakin' cars?
Uncommon? More like completely un-used. The only people that would purchase one of those cars instead of an ultra is either a car collector or a sadist. And even then, only the sadist will drive them.

The day I see someone using one of those three online is the day I randomly gift a stranger a car. Those prices need to be fixed, otherwise there's three cars in the game that I don't plan on purchasing.

Could the more expensive versions be prize cars? I wonder how many GT3 races we'll get IF we get prize cars that correspond with the events. Ill still buy the Team Oreca LMS though. I needs all the GT3 machines.

There is the Team Oreca one, though. That one is new to GT6 so people will buy that one, certainly. Though the old ones, because they're still standards will no doubt be extremely pointless then if left at those prices. I said very uncommon, but I realise I was being a bit light.
I don't plan on purchasing.
I say they are a great way to fill out a full FIA GT3 grid for a single player race (a spec-A GT3 race needs to exists since they added these cars), but there is no reason in hell you should buy the R8 LMS when the R8 LMS ultra is both more fuel efficient, more powerful and cheaper.

What I am keen on is if other GT3 cars will be appearing as DLC.
And how DLC packs will be organized. Will they be themed (Vintage Italian), brand oriented (AMG Pack) or whatever vehicles they happen to have finished (like the Concours.SEMA winners).
I say they are a great way to fill out a full FIA GT3 grid for a single player race, but there is no reason in hell you should buy the R8 LMS when the R8 LMS ultra is both more fuel efficient and cheaper.
Indeed they are, no doubt about that. But it's such a shame that it's apparently quite difficult to fix a number on a car that desperately needs it's price fixed.

The R18 Every Le Mans Prototype and GT car is cheaper! And yes, this is an exaggeration, albeit one with merit.

The R8 LMS had the perfect opportunity to be the sort of entry-level GT3 car like it should've been. Something to put you on the grid in a car that may not have been race-winning, but competitive. Instead, it's now so absurdly priced that it's not even funny to buy one and show up to a GT3 race online. Pay more to lose? Ha, no thanks.
That doesn't fix the problem, though, Seth.

The problem is the cars are too expensive. Buying an ultra doesn't make the regular LMS any cheaper.
The was actually decent :eek:

The A.I wasn't too bad, defiantly better. But in the last corner-turn-bend just before the finish line the A.I break-checked G.BHRxRacer just before the turn exit. Thankfully he wasn't right behind him. He could have came in 2nd place easily because of that.
That doesn't fix the problem, though, Seth.

The problem is the cars are too expensive. Buying an ultra doesn't make the regular LMS any cheaper.
Dont call me Seth. I have been called his name since kidnergarten. No matter what you say in solving a problem, its an updated improved version of the same car at nearly 1/10th the price. But I see your complaint. Maybe you like the standard versions better.
Whether or not I like the cars makes no difference. They're too expensive.

I like every car in GT6 and want to own all of them. The problem is that three of them are going to cause me 10x the effort to collect when they shouldn't, so I'm just not going to bother.

If you're not seth, then you sure as heck do a good job of missing the point like he did.
It is odd though that the normal LMS R8s are a lot more expensive than the other FIA GT3 cars in GT6. Oh well, I'm probably going to buy them being the crazed R8 nut I've become. I had at least 4 R8 LMS cars in GT5, so this is nothing. I'm just glad I can get my Blue R8 LMS without any hassle than paying 5 million CR for it.
Whether or not I like the cars makes no difference. They're too expensive.

I like every car in GT6 and want to own all of them. The problem is that three of them are going to cause me 10x the effort to collect when they shouldn't, so I'm just not going to bother.

If you're not seth, then you sure as heck do a good job of missing the point like he did.
Touche'...:cheers: And you're right, the fact that the newer, similar car is priced correctly, doesn't make the outrageously priced model somehow ok. It's one of those niggling little details that's so easy to fix but never seems to get done. :yuck:
Why the fascination with the scratched up Huayra? That's GT's damage model, which is truly pathetic. It's not a dirty car from a long race. Nothing to be happy about.
The amount of dirt on the car is new and different and therefore something to be happy about for some people. Maybe not you, but others like it, including me. I would consider the damage model pathetic only if they were trying to realistically model real damage and did a poor job. But they aren't going for realism, instead PD has decided not to model realistic damage at all, preferring to keep their cars mostly intact, even after car destroying contact. Lots of people actually prefer that.
Whether or not I like the cars makes no difference. They're too expensive.

I like every car in GT6 and want to own all of them. The problem is that three of them are going to cause me 10x the effort to collect when they shouldn't, so I'm just not going to bother.

If you're not seth, then you sure as heck do a good job of missing the point like he did.
Ho ho, clever guy huh?... I didn't miss your point. Youre complaining about 2 cars you can't get for cheaper. The R8lms is plain non-livery like the Ultra model for some 4000k. So the playstation and oreca car must be important or you like them, which you apparently do if youre a collector, to complain about their price. The game isn't even out yet so you can't say for certain the prices won't change with the update. Therefor your point is a little presumptuous. Not everyone shares your view either, so missing your point doesn't even matter.

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