GT6 Strato Mod

  • Thread starter emivebe
I'm not sure how many events you've made grid start, but it might make sense to have some of the low-lap events rolling start. You may have done this, I just haven't looked at the older events.

Just an idea, completely crazy. But if you could do it, it would be amazing. Adding in Qualifying so you can get pole position. Used to be in GT4 I think, and it's silly to not be present. Of course, I understand the game engine might be the limiting factor here.
Some of the events with grid starts are like this to avoid a bug where the first car on the grid starts the race on lap 2. lol
About adding qualifications, at least for now I won't be able to add this game mode, because it isn't present, but I'm studying ways to use all the game's possible tools.
Hello, been following along with this for a little while - very interesting and impressive stuff! About to have a go of the v1.0 update - is it safe for me to install it over the top of my existing installation of the previous version of Strato? Or should I go back to stock -> install Spec II again -> install the latest version of Strato on top of that?
Yes, you can paste the update over the existing version, it will work. I'm glad you're enjoying it, thanks.
Hello, been following along with this for a little while - very interesting and impressive stuff! About to have a go of the v1.0 update - is it safe for me to install it over the top of my existing installation of the previous version of Strato? Or should I go back to stock -> install Spec II again -> install the latest version of Strato on top of that?
You can install it right over the top
I've played a bit more over the last weekend. Some thoughts:

  1. The last event in International B, the GT All Stars or something similar, I had achieved gold in all events except Bathurst where I got second. Then I installed your mod over the top of Spec II and am trying to gold Bathurst. I already knew Bathurst was a difficult track because of the walls and the bits that kind of camber you outward, but holy hell GT is a completely different game with damage modeled.

    I had no idea just how much I tapped the walls until putting on damage. It really changes the game. I've still not managed to get 10 laps without causing damage and making the car undrivable. As frustrating as the event has become, it's awesome.

  2. Personally I think you should change the license gold time back to the original game's times. Spec II changed them so you, what I've seen anyway I could be wrong, have to beat the fastest time recorded on YouTube. These times are insane, you essentially have to absolutely master the test. I'm trying one of the tests now, where I don't ever complete it in anything over the old gold time limit of 22 seconds, but I need to get down to 21:343 or something. I've managed 21:412.

    I play with a controller, which might be affecting my ability to hit these times.

  3. Qualifying would be good, or maybe not starting dead last in every 16 car grid start. Because of the low number of laps sometimes, it is hard to get past that many cars, especially in races on tracks that don't have many overtaking opportunities. I think starting 10th maybe would be okay. Even better would be if the start position was variable based on your PP compared to the race limitations, this would sort of simulate the results of qualifying, but again, I understand the engine probably doesn't support this.

  4. I'm not sure where the random weather and start times are. I'm sure I read that was a new feature but I've yet to hit a race with it present.

  5. More endurance races. I haven't unlocked Super yet, but my understanding is you've got some multi-hour races. But I'd love 24 hour GT4 races back.
I've played a bit more over the last weekend. Some thoughts:

  1. The last event in International B, the GT All Stars or something similar, I had achieved gold in all events except Bathurst where I got second. Then I installed your mod over the top of Spec II and am trying to gold Bathurst. I already knew Bathurst was a difficult track because of the walls and the bits that kind of camber you outward, but holy hell GT is a completely different game with damage modeled.

    I had no idea just how much I tapped the walls until putting on damage. It really changes the game. I've still not managed to get 10 laps without causing damage and making the car undrivable. As frustrating as the event has become, it's awesome.

  2. Personally I think you should change the license gold time back to the original game's times. Spec II changed them so you, what I've seen anyway I could be wrong, have to beat the fastest time recorded on YouTube. These times are insane, you essentially have to absolutely master the test. I'm trying one of the tests now, where I don't ever complete it in anything over the old gold time limit of 22 seconds, but I need to get down to 21:343 or something. I've managed 21:412.

    I play with a controller, which might be affecting my ability to hit these times.

  3. Qualifying would be good, or maybe not starting dead last in every 16 car grid start. Because of the low number of laps sometimes, it is hard to get past that many cars, especially in races on tracks that don't have many overtaking opportunities. I think starting 10th maybe would be okay. Even better would be if the start position was variable based on your PP compared to the race limitations, this would sort of simulate the results of qualifying, but again, I understand the engine probably doesn't support this.

  4. I'm not sure where the random weather and start times are. I'm sure I read that was a new feature but I've yet to hit a race with it present.

  5. More endurance races. I haven't unlocked Super yet, but my understanding is you've got some multi-hour races. But I'd love 24 hour GT4 races back.
1. It completely changes the immersion of the game, I'm happy that despite the stress, this is a good experience.
2. Yes, in Spec II the license times were changed, I play with a DS3 controller too, but I will check them.
3. You nailed it! The engine does not support such game modes, at least not yet.
4. Most events with random weather are in the Super, Expert Events, International A and Professional Events class.
5. I'll wait you to have experience with the IA and Super classes, tell me later about the endurance races.
Wanted to add I've noticed the AI is definitely driving a lot better.
  1. I no longer need to choose a -100pp car in order to have a fun time racing. I've got a Jaguar XKR at 580pp in a 580pp limit race, and my opponents aren't the usual moving slalom of cars.
  2. Opponents no longer drive like grandma. They are pushing their cars to the limit and racing. This is one of the biggest changes you can feel. Every race there is actual overtaking by opponents, holding positions etc, even when you max the pp of your car.
  3. AI seems to do a little less argy-bargy. Not sure, but I don't feel like I've been steamrolled off the track as much as normal, and considering I'm almost always within the pack, this comes as a surprise. This could be because damage is turned on, which would be an honestly hilarious outcome if Polyphony created an AI that is aware of no damage is turned on so it has no problem barging through lines, but when it is turned on respects your space.
  4. AI still does some midcorner breaking, but again, I think it's reduced
Hey There! I'm just trying out this new mod and it's amazing. Thanks a bunch for your work!

Are there any plans to turn on the Fuel and Tire Consumption for Arcade Mode? I would love to create my own endurance races with that option.
Hey, I just grabbed version 1.1 and tried it out. Nice to see a station wagon race hahaha.

I've noticed two things, which may predate version 1.1:
  1. The new top time events you added to beginner for 400m, 1000m, 2000m, 14000m act a little strange:
    • My times are stored across all 4 events together. It's a little weird because it's hard to tell at a glance what my best time on 14000m is. And if I do the 400m too many times (for example), I'll never be able to track my best time on the 14000m
    • There's no trophies awarded, so the menu never looks like I've "completed" the event. I sort of understand this, because it's a test, not an event. So I wonder if there's a better place to put it, sort of like how Red Bull and Anton are separate?
  2. Freshman cup is acting weird. I'm not sure if I completed it before or after installing the original Spec II mod; but I've just looked at it now. On the National B screen (or whichever class it's in) it looks incomplete, with no stars. However, inside the event, I've gotten gold on every race. I also have all the available stars in National B (or whichever class it's in). I suppose it's a UI glitchy thing like the above issue as well.
I know but I was wondering if it would work on earlier versions, I guess I'll have to try it myself to find out.
You can try, but I'm fairly certain the reason you need the latest version is because there's a mix of files the mod updates and/or adds, but there's also files it doesn't touch. Some of those files that are not touched are not in the base game, only the updated versions, and the content within them is required by the mod.

Basically the mod modifies latest GT6 version files. If you don't have the latest update installed, and try to use the mod, you'll have created a mix of latest version files and non-latest version files, so things probably won't work correctly.

In any case, you can still download the update files yourself and apply them. In case that's why you wanted to know?
Wow! Wow! Wow! The list of changes since Strato Mod v0.8 is amazing! You should put the log into OP!
I am installing your latest mod version and I hope I can test it tomorrow. I'm very excited :)

EDIT: I have some trouble upgrading from Strato 0.8 to 1.1. Going tomorrow to restore GT6 to original then install Spec II Mod b7 and then Strato 1.1

EDIT#2: Installed! Testing now
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Another video from me. Thx to emivebe’s mod

My driving skills were not good enough to win with a stock & detuned R32 so I upgraded racing brakes. Still it took several (10+) retries to win. The first replay is the live recording where I am driving using the cockpit without in-game HUD
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I dusted off my GTP account (and my PS3) just to send you this message:
Really, really, really thank you for this mod, it makes GT6 a thousand times better that what I had found 11 years ago, and I'm having a blast just with the rookie events.

Thanks again! I'm gonna have a very good easter holidays.
Hey There! I'm just trying out this new mod and it's amazing. Thanks a bunch for your work!

Are there any plans to turn on the Fuel and Tire Consumption for Arcade Mode? I would love to create my own endurance races with that option.
Hey, thanks!
Plans exist to make the races arcadey with tire damage and wear options and all that, but it's more complicated to do that work in the arcade mode files.
Hey, I just grabbed version 1.1 and tried it out. Nice to see a station wagon race hahaha.

I've noticed two things, which may predate version 1.1:
  1. The new top time events you added to beginner for 400m, 1000m, 2000m, 14000m act a little strange:
    • My times are stored across all 4 events together. It's a little weird because it's hard to tell at a glance what my best time on 14000m is. And if I do the 400m too many times (for example), I'll never be able to track my best time on the 14000m
    • There's no trophies awarded, so the menu never looks like I've "completed" the event. I sort of understand this, because it's a test, not an event. So I wonder if there's a better place to put it, sort of like how Red Bull and Anton are separate?
  2. Freshman cup is acting weird. I'm not sure if I completed it before or after installing the original Spec II mod; but I've just looked at it now. On the National B screen (or whichever class it's in) it looks incomplete, with no stars. However, inside the event, I've gotten gold on every race. I also have all the available stars in National B (or whichever class it's in). I suppose it's a UI glitchy thing like the above issue as well.
  • Yes, the "event" Power and Speed is part of how complex it is to perform some tasks. Due to the fact that the same track is being used, and there is no "Speed Test" game mode like in GT5, it causes both times to be stored together, and will also appear if you enter the track in Arcade Mode. The only way I can see would be to put each 400m, 1000m, 2000m and top speed event on separate circuits, so they don't store time together.
  • Technically there is no where to add this event (yet), like Red Bull Challenge, each event class has a starting number programmed to appear on the start screen, 1 Amateur, 2 Nat B, 3 Nat A, 4 Int B, 5 Int A , 6 Sup, 7 Red Bull, 8 Lua, 9 Goodwood, 0 Senna. I must carry out tests to try new ways, as soon as I succeed, I must change it.
  • Regarding the Freshman Cup stars, it is a bug in the user interface, in tests carried out by pressing Select on the events, several of them are completed internally, but when exiting, the stars are not counted. I started a new save game, with the mod installed, I'm currently completing International A events, and everything has been working perfectly, maybe it's an option worth testing.
Any way to turn off the mechanical damage?
Through the game interface, there is no way to change them. Just editing the event files, if you need to, you can do it. In the future I will release a version of the mod with damage disabled.
Any idea if this will work on earlier versions of GT6?
There is no chance of it working, it requires all the content of the updates, and the Spec II b7 Mod which also requires version 1.22 of the GT6. To do this, you will need to create a mod in the specific version of the game, as this was created in version 1.22, it will not work in the future,
Another video from me. Thx to emivebe’s mod

My driving skills were not good enough to win with a stock & detuned R32 so I upgraded racing brakes. Still it took several (10+) retries to win. The first replay is the live recording where I am driving using the cockpit without in-game HUD

Nice videos! I hope to see more videos from you in the future, with original strato mod events, see them in the national A (classic tests), international A (professional events) and super (endurances and expert events) classes.
I dusted off my GTP account (and my PS3) just to send you this message:
Really, really, really thank you for this mod, it makes GT6 a thousand times better that what I had found 11 years ago, and I'm having a blast just with the rookie events.

Thanks again! I'm gonna have a very good easter holidays.
Thanks man, good fun and happy easter holiday!
Nice videos! I hope to see more videos from you in the future, with original strato mod events, see them in the national A (classic tests), international A (professional events) and super (endurances and expert events) classes.
Thanks. I will upload some videos of the national A classic tests.

Would it be possible to add some career events from older GT games? That would be a cool.

Another suggestion I got is to add more AI drivers to Arcade Mode: Pro 16, Intermediate 14, Beginner 12
Personally, I can't imagine what it means to edit the game files, or create any events. but I would like to give you some suggestions for a future update of the mod:

1) many of us are used to the old car sounds, although the work behind the modified sounds is excellent, a version of the mod with the old sounds would be good
2) section that allows you to change the difficulty of the AI in the license events (obviously allowing you to choose if you want to take it as a challenge, or if you just want to pass the time)
3) the option to disable damage in racing events
4) 16 players in arcade mode

thanks for making me play gt6 again :D
While I currently lack the means to play it, does this mod correct any misrepresented vehicles? Two that come to mind are the Lister Storm (massively overweight) and Gillet Vertigo (unreasonable power inflation).
While I currently lack the means to play it, does this mod correct any misrepresented vehicles? Two that come to mind are the Lister Storm (massively overweight) and Gillet Vertigo (unreasonable power inflation).
Both cars still have the original GT6 specs.

Personally, I can't imagine what it means to edit the game files, or create any events. but I would like to give you some suggestions for a future update of the mod:

1) many of us are used to the old car sounds, although the work behind the modified sounds is excellent, a version of the mod with the old sounds would be good
2) section that allows you to change the difficulty of the AI in the license events (obviously allowing you to choose if you want to take it as a challenge, or if you just want to pass the time)
3) the option to disable damage in racing events
4) 16 players in arcade mode

thanks for making me play gt6 again :D
2,3 & 4 would be cool addition
I think those things would only be practical if the game let you save in race like GT5 does, and I'm not sure GT6 even has that feature. I think 2.4 hours is enough.