So how big is the Download? 15GB? In Canada, I think it releases tonight. I have a 250 GB Slim, will I be okay? Any tips? Thank you
Yes 15GB!
So how big is the Download? 15GB? In Canada, I think it releases tonight. I have a 250 GB Slim, will I be okay? Any tips? Thank you
Latency error that.
Given up due to insufficient bandwidth probably.
You either have a slow connection or the server can't cope.
Thanks, trying again. If it doesn't work i will move my ps3 directly to a short Lan cable connected directly to my modem/router. If it still doesn't work i will repair the ps3 database (tried rebuilding file system before second attempt).
While my game install took at least an hour on a HD
The update downloaded in 6 mins and only took no more than 5 mins to install
Game booting up now!
Just downloaded. Installing the game, it failed the first time. Trying again, it fails at 14%. Error code is 80029564. Anyone knows about it?
Not a happy customer. First time I have pre ordered on psn and it will be my last. Its 0930 06-12 and it still wont start. I could be playing right now if I got the disk version. Sony Epic Fail.....
Not a happy customer. First time I have pre ordered on psn and it will be my last. Its 0930 06-12 and it still wont start. I could be playing right now if I got the disk version. Sony Epic Fail.....
Its out on the 6th..... today is the 5th
I hope you're right, but i can see in my game "available from 6th dec 9.00AM", and i'm in CET time, currently 23.47min here..., 13 mins to 6th dec.24 more minutes til its unlocked![]()
Really??, i hope your wrongI hope you're right, but i can see in my game "available from 6th dec 9.00AM", and i'm in CET time, currently 23.47min here..., 13 mins to 6th dec.
I'm afraid we're not going to play until tomorrow ... hope i'm wrong ... :S
I hope you're right, but i can see in my game "available from 6th dec 9.00AM", and i'm in CET time, currently 23.47min here..., 13 mins to 6th dec.
I'm afraid we're not going to play until tomorrow ... hope i'm wrong ... :S
Says its ready 6/12/13 0:00 for me8 more minutes
Thats what i think !!!That's retarded, if true. Why would they want to lock it until a specific hour?
Itssss workiiiiing !!! 1.01 update now ... and play !![]()
Itssss workiiiiing !!! 1.01 update now ... and play !![]()
The patch is getting downloaded faster (~15+ mb/s) than the game itself this morning (~12.5 mb/s), on my connection. 15 minutes in total estimated at the beginning, 4 minutes left as of now.