Hey guys, I have a few important announcements.
First off, now that GTP's very own Tuning Database is up and running smooth, @
Jordan would like to see everyone submit and maintain their tunes there. In a PM he suggested that after the Database is up and running smoothly, that I could reach out to you guys and ask you to please start submitting and maintaining tunes there. Obviously, I think it's a great idea and I see it being a powerful feature in the future. Jordan also pointed out that only one person maintaining a database is a heck of a workload for them, which leads me into my next announcement.
I have been blessed with a job offer in Downtown Denver and of course I accepted it. That means for the next couple weeks I have to work 2 jobs. Thus I will not be updating my tune directory during that time and will most likely only be on GTP for a couple minutes here and there to chat and get my daily lol of the Funny Pictures thread. Lastly I guess I should mention that it is my intention to keep my directory active and updated for a while into the future. I still think you should submit your tunes to the GTP Tuning Database, but I will still be updating as well, not only to help users keep up on current tunes during the switch over, but also to have a place for tunes to live which were posted outside of GTP's Tuning Database.
I'd also like to thank each and every one of you for making my stay at GTPlanet a fun and memorable one, especially for just a newbie junior member as myself. You guys have made GT5 and GT6 a much better, more fun game for literally tens of thousands of players, world wide!
praiano63, @
DigitalBaka, @
Motor City Hami, @
Jump_Ace, @
DolHaus, @
CyKosis1973, @
ich122, @
shmogt, @
Dagger311, @
feydrautha, @
Thorin Cain, @
Dirty_Duck, @
TurnLeft, @
xande1959, @
DriftinAssassin, @
shaunm80, @
Gino Caberlin, @
Jakedog23, @
oppositelock, @