54 tunes added today and counting as I'm still at it! New tunes grabbed from the Seasonals forum as well. I'm trying harder to get the ones that slip through the cracks in the pages of posts in non-tuning related threads in the GT6 forums as a whole. Also added is a new sheet on the Seasonals page. Same setup as the rest of the pages just a different layout.
The following is in the works:
All new Replicas sheet with better info on the replica and the vehicle it is based off of.
All new layout and feel of the site with different background images and color schemes.
Which leads me to my request. I have been having quite a lot of difficulty with Google Sheets, as usual. Actually, I spend about twice as much time fixing errors in the database than I do updating it. Google Sheets will randomly delete or alter records for no apparent reason. The larger the database gets, the worse the problem becomes. I ask anybody who has knowledge of "gadgets" to send me a message. I tried building my own gadget, but my understanding of code is about a decade old. If anybody has any other ideas, please let me know too. At this point I am open to all suggestions.
As ever, thank you to the tuning community for your hard work!