GT6 Tune Directory (Index of Every Tune!!)

  • Thread starter XS
As a Tuner I try to put as much information as I can on my tunes so that a user knows exactly what to install and can just get in the car and start driving. Of course my setup may not be a perfect match for others driving style/preferences so they may just use it as a "base tune" for their own adjustments.
With that in mind I do think a split between tunes that specify exactly what parts to install and settings to use and those where the poster says install all parts and gives a list of numbers would be good.
Some of those "base tunes" are very good and may be the result of a conversation spanning pages, especially when people start discussing and posting tunes for Seasonal TTs.
Others are exactly what they've been called, "base tunes" and are simply someone's quick off the cuff guesstimates.
One set is the car you pick up from the local speed shop after they've finished massaging it.
The other is the big pile of Fed Ex boxes in the corner of your garage, could be great if you can ever figure out what goes where.:lol:
Don't be like that ;), you know what I meant, which wasn't directed at you. It was a general statement to everybody. Like I said, I respect everybody in the tuning forum. If you don't like the idea posted here I too take that into consideration! Any suggestions you have I listen to! The tuning community is tight-knit, lets keep it that way :cheers:.
Don't be like that ;), you know what I meant, which wasn't directed at you. It was a general statement to everybody. Like I said, I respect everybody in the tuning forum. If you don't like the idea posted here I too take that into consideration! Any suggestions you have I listen to! The tuning community is tight-knit, lets keep it that way :cheers:.

No problem.. Yes - it's obvious to everyone, both inside and outside of GTPlanet just how tight knit a community this is..

I've been posting tunes and helping people in this tuning forum for number of years here - does this make me a "veteran tuner" or are there other requirements, can you please clarify the requirements of what is needed to be classed as a "veteran tuner"?

Many thanks 👍
My personal opinion. I think every tune posted on GTPlanet has a place in the directory. I think it will be difficult for you to determine where to draw the line on what is a base tune vs. ??? well something else. See, I am even struggling. Classifying tunes (online, offline, base, complete, established, rookie, good, bad, etc.) will drive you crazy trying to keep track of all of it.

Maybe keep it simple. Maybe add to your opening post the very basic rule to get your tune listed in the site. For example, if I were making a directory for restaurants like this listing for my favorite's deli&oq=mati's deli&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3014j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 and you did not have all details, should you be excluded? All details would eliminate my favorite restaurant because there is no website address or email link. But, there is enough information there to still make it a useful listing. On the other hand, if they only listed part of their phone number or their address, the listing isn't helpful and does not belong in the directory.

Again, my opinion, I think every tune deserves to be listed if the basics have been covered. So the conversation becomes about what is the minimum requirement to EARN a listing in your directory. That is how I would approach this.
My personal opinion. I think every tune posted on GTPlanet has a place in the directory. I think it will be difficult for you to determine where to draw the line on what is a base tune vs. ??? well something else. See, I am even struggling. Classifying tunes (online, offline, base, complete, established, rookie, good, bad, etc.) will drive you crazy trying to keep track of all of it.

Maybe keep it simple. Maybe add to your opening post the very basic rule to get your tune listed in the site. For example, if I were making a directory for restaurants like this listing for my favorite's deli&oq=mati's deli&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3014j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 and you did not have all details, should you be excluded? All details would eliminate my favorite restaurant because there is no website address or email link. But, there is enough information there to still make it a useful listing. On the other hand, if they only listed part of their phone number or their address, the listing isn't helpful and does not belong in the directory.

Again, my opinion, I think every tune deserves to be listed if the basics have been covered. So the conversation becomes about what is the minimum requirement to EARN a listing in your directory. That is how I would approach this.
I'm still on this line of thinking too 👍. I can't make a call for the community as to what a tune should contain. That's up to you guys, I just posted the question. As far as this thread is concerned I personally agree that there's a line to be drawn for the number of categories. I definitely see where other tuners and testers are coming from too!!! I value everybody's opinion. I will make an informed decision from the responses.

So what might help is this. I did not make this thread on a whim, I have a goal in mind. There's a reason why Adrenaline started a separate page. The tunes need to be categorized. My goal with the GT6 tunes was to start out with a simple thread while the index was/is short then start a page of my own and move everything over. This will allow me to categorize and clean up the index. For now I will not list individual base tunes, I'm sorry but for the time being I simply do not have the time because I work heavily over the holidays. I'm doing my best to keep up with the new tunes as it is. This decision isn't against or for anybody, I simply am running out of time this month. So, down the road a little I will make a distinction between tunes which have all the settings listed, including transmission, as well as a parts list, and tunes which do not. I will clean up the index and I will hopefully have a separate page with its own search function (am very excited to try this out, think Google). On a side note, everybody's idea is good! I respect everybody's opinion always! I get many suggestions and I enjoy reading and thinking about them all! I apologize if I rub some the wrong way and I apologize if I cannot accommodate every suggestion. This forum is great, go have fun!!
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Again, my opinion, I think every tune deserves to be listed if the basics have been covered. So the conversation becomes about what is the minimum requirement to EARN a listing in your directory. That is how I would approach this.

So what are the "basics" then & what happens if someone decides to cover these basics but do setups that are completely un-useable / undriveable (i.e. deliberatey troll the list)- therefore clogging up the list with tunes that are of no use to anyone?
You beat me to the edit, but please read my edit above. Also, unfortunately Highlandor I'm leaving useless tunes up to the user. I do not have time to test every tune to make sure it's a decent one. But as my edit states, down the road with a nice, new, shiny, clean, site I will make a distinction between tunes which have all settings, including transmission, ballast, tire, suspension, aero, etc. and a full parts list, and tunes which do not. For now I simply don't have time to change up the list. There is an end goal in my head. I'm excited for it honestly, I really want to build a separate site! I can't wait to get started in January.
Hi XS. Firstly let me say, Thank you for your outstanding service to the community with this Directory!

Secondly, I myself am no tuner, I do tune my cars a little, but when I'm struggling to find solutions to certain problems I have with some cars I use the Tuning forum to see what is what and how some of the many talented tuners out there tune the cars I struggle with. And a huge THANKS goes out to them for sharing their tunes and helping us amateurs to enjoy the game more.

Tertiary, From what limited understanding I have, I would totally agree with what has been said with regards to incomplete tunes which have, say suspension and aerodynamics set-ups but no transmission and drivetrain results in them, have no place with full tunes that have all the parts added listed and full Tuning sheets available.
However, having said that, I am a huge fan off the work that a lot of these guys( Praiano, Dante, Hami and the Clueless OTH crew to name but a few) and I certainly mean no disrespect to any of them or the FITT participants who put in a lot of work and publish their tunes with the full works of parts lists, tracks used to tune their machines and great notes to support their work. I cant help but notice that almost every one has a little note next to the transmission settings which reads "adjust top speed with final gear ratio only to suit track" this is the sticky wicket...
Would this not then be classed as a "Base Tune"? As not only would you require a different top speed on a track like like let's say Indy Road Course and one like Deep Forest but would you not also need to make changes across the board for the totally different characteristics of these tracks? They do in F1, touring car racing, GT racing and even Motorcycle racing. So finally to the point. If you are classing a base tune as one which has been specifically set up so that the car handles with the perfect balance and the tuner has expressed this and says it will need modified to suit your driving style. I for one, think this should be included with the rest of the tunes as long as it has been fully detailed with EVERY setting and a FULL parts list.
As for someone saying they used someone elses tune as a base, modified it and published it as their own....l for one would not include it at all, never mind in a certain Sub-category.
IMO, you have it covered with categories for road, drift and drag. It would be helpful for all tunes to indicate pp and tyres too (which most now do). Track category would be great when browsing the list but given the work involved, it's probably too impractical.

As for base tunes, some drivers will have more success with those than from cars tuned to a specific style or unspecified track. As a potential tester of other people's tunes I'd like the directory to be all inclusive.

In GT5, MFT and RKM had a long list of tunes available before the rookie Praiano came along with some belting tunes from the get go. How would his reputation have fared if Adrenaline had listed his tunes under a 'rookie' category?
It's a sticky debate. This really helps me out too as I have been scheming and planning in my head for some time just what I want the final directory/index to look like. Thanks to everybody for the input. As I said, I don't have time this month for big changes, but I'm certainly forming a better big picture in my mind of how I'm going to lay out the new index down the road. Seriously folks, keep the suggestions, input, and ideas coming. Even if you disagree with other posters let me know about your ideas, everything is going to end up in a final version that will be built by me, but created by you.
@Highlander who determines if a tune is undriveable?
A tune I may find perfect for me could be total junk for you and your perfect tune might have me backwards into the barrier at every corner.

If someone posts a tune then it deserves a listing in the directory. Just because you, me or someone else finds it totally unsuitable, doesn't mean it's without merit and could be just the thing for someone else.
@Highlander who determines if a tune is undriveable?
A tune I may find perfect for me could be total junk for you and your perfect tune might have me backwards into the barrier at every corner.

If someone posts a tune then it deserves a listing in the directory. Just because you, me or someone else finds it totally unsuitable, doesn't mean it's without merit and could be just the thing for someone else.

100% agree. Praiano's tunes don't always fit me. They're not aggressive enough on corner entry for my driving style, but they sure are fast for a whole lot of people. I have mad respect for his work, but who is to make the decision about how tunes fit an individual's driving style, other than the user.

I look at it this way. Every time I do a Google search, do I always find the results I was looking for? No. Sometimes the user has to hunt a little and find what fits for them.
Just a side note, there's a lot of tunes today, if I didn't grab anybody's it's because I have to go in a little bit, I'll get them tonight or tomorrow morning.
@Highlander who determines if a tune is undriveable?
A tune I may find perfect for me could be total junk for you and your perfect tune might have me backwards into the barrier at every corner.

If someone posts a tune then it deserves a listing in the directory. Just because you, me or someone else finds it totally unsuitable, doesn't mean it's without merit and could be just the thing for someone else.

Sorry, I'm not talking about about whether a tune / setup is user friendly - no offence, I clearly mention the word "troll". As a website owner I know what it's like to run something online and I can assure all that the amount of "trolling" that goes on is far greater than anyone can ever imagine.

This is my point, what if a "troll" decides to target this site and submits a setup that is deliberately totally undriveable and unsuable for all, which is not hard i.e. completely over powered, comfort hard tyres and a setup that they dialled in using numbers from their last lottery ticket.. Then they decide to repeat this process hundreds or maybe more times, but each time their "setup" gets allowed in because it meets a "basic criteria" i.e. a breakdown of tuning parts, car parts, suspension, gearbox, lsd etc etc

At the moment there is a control element that stops this, as anyone trying to do this would be found out very soon, and their deliberate attempt to discredit the database would be stopped.

No disrespect, I'm fully aware that setups do not suit all, but that is not my point and I agree no reason for not be included.
Sorry, I'm not talking about about whether a tune / setup is user friendly - no offence, I clearly mention the word "troll". As a website owner I know what it's like to run something online and I can assure all that the amount of "trolling" that goes on is far greater than anyone can ever imagine.

This is my point, what if a "troll" decides to target this site and submits a setup that is deliberately totally undriveable and unsuable for all, which is not hard i.e. completely over powered, comfort hard tyres and a setup that they dialled in using numbers from their last lottery ticket.. Then they decide to repeat this process hundreds or maybe more times, but each time their "setup" gets allowed in because it meets a "basic criteria" i.e. a breakdown of tuning parts, car parts, suspension, gearbox, lsd etc etc

At the moment there is a control element that stops this, as anyone trying to do this would be found out very soon, and their deliberate attempt to discredit the database would be stopped.

No disrespect, I'm fully aware that setups do not suit all, but that is not my point and I agree no reason for not be included.

No offense but that's a complete strawman argument. You can "what if" stuff to death but we're not talking about some troll attack on the Tuning Forum which would be a separate issue and have nothing to do with whether tunes are incomplete or not. They could attack the forum now by spamming tunes this will not change that in any way.

The question is should there be a separate category for partial or base tunes that don't have all the parts/settings worked out? The community will have to work out which tunes are suited to their driving style that's how it works and it's obvious we all come to the table with different driving styles and skill levels so not all tunes work for everyone.
No offense but that's a complete strawman argument. You can "what if" stuff to death but we're not talking about some troll attack on the Tuning Forum which would be a separate issue and have nothing to do with whether tunes are incomplete or not. They could attack the forum now by spamming tunes this will not change that in any way.

The question is should there be a separate category for partial or base tunes that don't have all the parts/settings worked out? The community will have to work out which tunes are suited to their driving style that's how it works and it's obvious we all come to the table with different driving styles and skill levels so not all tunes work for everyone.

Geee. what a surprise.. Axe comes through monitor screen... "...heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny..."

It's just impossible for you to leave it isn't it, you just have to argue, fuss and fight everything I say don't you..?
The question is should there be a separate category for partial or base tunes that don't have all the parts/settings worked out?
Yes. I apologize to all those who messaged me with suggestions for big categorical changes. I simply don't have time this month, I'm about to leave for the day and the tunes update isn't even done yet for instance. It's just a hectic month but I hope to start a new site in January, which I'm very excited about, which will differentiate between tunes which have every setting listed as well as a parts list, and tunes which do not. How that distinction will be labeled I'm not sure yet, but I have a plan forming in my mind. Once again thanks for everybody's input to this debate, I know some got a little frustrated but trust me, it's helping to make a cleaner index/directory down the road!

Edit, okay seriously? This was just a discussion not a giant argument. If people are going to belittle each other take it out of this thread. /arguments.
Gotta go. Sorry this discussion rubbed folks the wrong way. I didn't know it was going to be so big! Anyway, pm me for new tunes, ideas, etc. I'll get them when I get back.
Geee. what a surprise.. Axe comes through monitor screen... "...heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny..."

It's just impossible for you to leave it isn't it, you just have to argue, fuss and fight everything I say don't you..?

I'll back you up Johnny. @Highlandor, please show me one troll tune in three years of GT5. I just don't know if I have seen one?
Gotta go. Sorry this discussion rubbed folks the wrong way. I didn't know it was going to be so big! Anyway, pm me for new tunes, ideas, etc. I'll get them when I get back.
You should see what I did in the employee forums at work. Asked a respectful question about mobile email and it got so big the Chief Technology Officer got in on the posting and it was mentioned in a meeting by the Executive VP of Technology... :eek:
@Highlandor no one has it in for you.

Your belligerent attitude and apparent distain for others and their opinions is why some may be a bit more curt in their responses to your posts.

Just because someone has a different opinion or disagrees with your point of view does not make it a personal attack on you.

Polite, respectful posts will get polite respectful responses.
Belligerent, rude posts will generally be responded to in kind.

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@Highlander no one has it in for you.

Your belligerent attitude and apparent distain for others and their opinions is why some may be a bit more curt in their responses to your posts.

Just because someone has a different opinion or disagrees with your point of view does not make it a personal attack on you.

Polite, respectful posts will get polite respectful responses.
Belligerent, rude posts will generally be responded to in kind.


Rather selective memory you have....

Anyway, I'm not here to fight, I came back here and opened a tuning thread, let bygones be bygones - haven't provoked any of you, but you guys aren't man enough to let bygones be bygones too, so many of you still have a chip on your shoulder.

If that whats make you happy, then so be it. I will do my thing and leave you to yours..

I wish you all the best with your tuning, Federation etc etc

Rather selective memory you have....

Anyway, I'm not here to fight, I came back here and opened a tuning thread, let bygones be bygones - haven't provoked any of you, but you guys aren't man enough to let bygones be bygones too, so many of you still have a chip on your shoulder.

If that whats make you happy, then so be it. I will do my thing and leave you to yours..

I wish you all the best with your tuning, Federation etc etc

Wow. Just wow.
On break, new updates posted if anybody cares. Penso, I changed the name of your garage in the links. Motor City Hami, I'm using Motor City Tunes GT6 if that's okay, I didn't know if you just wanted Motor City Tunes without the GT6 or not. Same question for all other tuners with GT6 in their thread names. If you want me to change what I call your garages let me know, because I'm using the thread titles strictly as they appear. If you post a tune outside of your garage I will use your username. Any other changes or mistakes let me know.