Welcome to the "rabbit hole"!
Start at the beginning of this thread, learn what you can, don't buy any more haptic stuff yet...
Early next year we are planning on having a guide to get you on track, If you would like, you can PM me and I will give you EXACTLY the correct equipment you need.
We were even able to get SimHub to add NEW effects based on what we are doing, Active Acceleration/Decelleration and Braking.
If it is possible that the BST's are within the return window, you should return them, yes, seriously. I started before I "knew stuff" and bought the obvious (from YouTube) stuff, a ButtKicker, luckily when I found this thread I learned a LOT in a hurry and barely was able to return my BK in the window and I have not looked back since. What you have now is 2 channels that are only capable of 3 effects each without getting muddy.
What you will find as you read this thread (learn to avoid the negative posts) is that SIX channels can be had for the same price as ONE BK! (As I found out), Six channels EACH capable of 3 constant effects, so 18 effects where you now have 6... Trust me on this, HUGE difference.
The picture is of my seat, I now have 8 exciters, 2 more coming to the (sides of) seat and 2 more for the pedals, pretty dang awesome.
Beware, this post may cause great contention, however it is 100% truth.