Hey y'all. I have not even had a chance to post a message here I've been so busy the past 2 weeks. I'm about to lose it, I'm under so much stress now. I had an unexpected ER visit last Tuesday at almost 4pm. There was a blood vessel that ruptured on my leg the previous night, it was located on my left ankle. I had a doctor appointment and the doctor looked at it. It was so bad that she called the paramedics to come get me and transport me to Duke Hospital. I had a 7 day stay there, I was in the North part of it. Let me tell you the nurses are excellent. They brought me whatever I needed, snacks, water, and supplies. They are awesome, the whole hospital is too. They even have a cafeteria at the lower part of it.
They had to give me anitbiotics, iron supplements, calcium, folic acid and Vitamin D. I was discharged Tuesday night around 7:30pm. I am so glad to be home. I will try some daily races at Interlagos and DRC, tomorrow. I gotta make some time. Thank you all for your support as I have very little from my family, it's a shame and disgrace to have some narcisstic grandparents who are selfish.
So how have the daily races been this week?