GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I just made an explosive debut into DR-A! I had never thought that I could be DR-A. I went from 99% DR-B to straight 10% DR-A. Work productivity be damned two Mondays in a row. Group C monsters are just too much fun. I tried to qualify with a Sauber but I just couldn't make it work so I went back to the Mazda and improved my qualifying time by 2 sec, which helped me in getting pole.

I had to work hard throughout the race, for two Saubers behind me were unshakable.

The whole race I kept reminding myself about each brake markers and not to let the mind wander away. Even though the Saubers never got into my slipstream, they were a constant threat by maintaining a constant 3 sec gap.

We all three pit at lap 4 and to my surprise, they came out 4-5 sec later than I did. That helped ease the pressure on me but by that point, I was already used to the pressure and I would still have kept the win even if they did not change their tires.


Now I understand at this point why some folks maintain multiple profiles. I can stay DR-A only as long as I am racing Gr3 or above. My performance in Gr4 and lower are still mid-B or worse. So far I still don't plan to keep an alternative profile but then I also had once said that I will never hit DR-A.
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Did some baseline QT laps to chip away at later:

Race A: 1:31.742. Fun, but I'm slowly losing any time I gain with mediocre exits out of Turn 9.

Race B: 1:32.407 with the NSX Gr.3. Turns 1 and 3 have been giving me fits since GT6 in the HSV (please come back).

Race C: 3:27.951 with the Porsche 962 C. Boost is a handful, and the entry into Indianapolis is pretty hairy. Might try something else later.
I set 1 lap with the nsx at 1:32.4, I went again in the next interval with the 911 and did 1.31.023 in 1 flying lap. More to come if I try but the nsx just didn't seem to work here for some reason
I just made an explosive debut into DR-A! I had never thought that I could be DR-A. I went from 99% DR-B to straight 10% DR-A. Work productivity be damned two Mondays in a row. Group C monsters are just too much fun. I tried to qualify with a Sauber but I just couldn't make it work so I went back to the Mazda and improved my qualifying time by 2 sec, which helped me in getting pole.

I had to work hard throughout the race, for two Saubers behind me were unshakable.

The whole race I kept reminding myself about each brake markers and not to let the mind wander away. Even though the Saubers never got into my slipstream, they were a constant threat by maintaining a constant 3 sec gap.

We all three pit at lap 4 and to my surprise, they came out 4-5 sec later than I did. That helped ease the pressure on me but by that point, I was already used to the pressure and I would still have kept the win even if they did not change their tires.


Now I understand at this point why some folks maintain multiple profiles. I can stay DR-A only as long as I am racing Gr3 or above. My performance in Gr4 and lower are still mid-B or worse. So far I still don't plan to keep an alternative profile but then I also had once said that I will never hit DR-A.
'Bout time! It was only a matter of time.... Congratulations.

And yeah, I started (actually a third) account for the new wheel, but it will likely be my Gr.4 account going forward. The wheel hasn't magically made me a better Gr.4 driver, I still stink.
I may need some help at RBR later, my time is 1'32.658 so far, I am doing better with the first 2 turns. I am braking between the 100-50 markers on turn 1 and then for turn 2, I brake right at the 100m marker and then I will start turning right at the 50m sign.

Turn 4 is a trickster too, I'll have to upload a video so you guys can take a look at what I'm doing. I also make mistakes at the final turn like I'll get way too much speed and miss the turn or misjudge my braking points. I've always had a struggle here for any TT or daily race event.

Honestly I wish I could be a master at trail braking. It would help me out a lot in the game. Are there any trail braking pros out there?
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I may need some help at RBR later, my time is 1'32.658 so far, I am doing better with the first 2 turns. I am braking between the 100-50 markers on turn 1 and then for turn 2, I brake right at the 100m marker and then I will start turning right at the 50m sign.

Turn 4 is a trickster too, I'll have to upload a video so you guys can take a look at what I'm doing. I also make mistakes at the final turn like I'll get way too much speed and miss the turn or misjudge my braking points. I've always had a struggle here for any TT or daily race event.

Honestly I wish I could be a master at trail braking. It would help me out a lot in the game. Are there any trail braking pros out there?
Watch the video I posted earlier mate, I brake earlier for those turns but coast and power on to the straights.

Braking late is your enemy just brake earlier and a bit gentler bud
Something a little different video wise from me.

2 laps improving my daily B time.

A couple of things to note: I'm trying this with TC and I was quicker than without.

I don't reset ghosts at the sectors for a reason.

This is me chasing/following the current world number 6

Brake Balance was +2 (to the rear)

What assists are you using?
I am braking between the 100-50 markers on turn 1
Like @newmedia_dev said, braking late can be a killer. The goal is to exit on the best line, with the ability to get movin' after the turn. Going too fast into a corner means you spend all of your effort to slow down enough for the corner, and all the car's weight is in the front. But by entering the corner more smoothly, you can focus on a good exit and it will gain you a lot of time.

Within reason, of course - obviously you don't want to start braking WAY too early, but you know what I mean. It's that old adage - take one asprin, not the whole bottle. :)
I'm getting ready to upload my run for RBR, I'm gonna try to brake earlier and prepare to turn sharply and immediately press the throttle when I get my car to go in the direction I want to. Wish me luck. I'm starting with my Porsche RSR which I made a new livery for about a month ago.
Just TC2 as I said it's about .4 quicker than a no assisted lap for me but come the middle of the week I won't be using it and I'll be about .4/5 quicker although I really want a 1:28 time to keep up with my leaderboard.
ABS, ASM, countersteer?
Watch the video I posted earlier mate, I brake earlier for those turns but coast and power on to the straights.

Braking late is your enemy just brake earlier and a bit gentler bud
Totally agree with that. I think RBR is a track that rewards early braking and carrying the speed through the corner. It's a very harsh track when it comes to track limits so it pays to have the car settled on corner entry and that will help you on exit. I have seen today on numerous occasions that people go in hot and suffer badly on exit, this is not a track that is forgiving that way..all about momentum 😉
ABS, ASM, countersteer?
Trying to nail down my QT now and started with the Lancer. I was having a ton of trouble with snap oversteer accelerating out if corners and your TCS 2 really calms that down so giving it another go. You've got the top time on my list so guess you're my inspiration!

(Also I never put it together that the hud icons tell you what assists people are using. Duh. Now I'll have to look at the youtubers I follow and see what their doing)
Well I have learned the hard way by breaking late many times at the last turn, I would rack up a bunch of penalties and then my laps would be void and then I'd be screwed. I'll figure it out. I also have CSA off, and ABS on weak. Anyways my video is processing, it'll be several minutes before it uploads, then I can copy the link here.
Race A QT time of 1:30.3 = P44! There's at least half a second more, just need to find a better line here and there. Finally broke into the hundreds!

The skill to master in GW in this car is this: slow weight transfer. Braking, steering, accelerating very smooth, and you can control the small amount of slide needed to rotate.

Edit: down in the 50's already :lol:
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Right the pros and aliens don't use any assists in here. It's only us mere mortals and humans. I wish Sophy could challenge them one day.

I think i was inspired by omega who said f it and started using assists. He runs top splits so why the hell not. I marched up to A+ running countersteer on weak and ASM on, TCS 0. But.. the last week has been brutal and I dropped down to A and went back to all assists off. Almost like trying to relearn the damn game. I'm certain I haven't hit my plateau so trying to grind back to a good QT on this week's races.
Here are two different videos, the top one is the worst, and the one on the bottom was my best. I'd like to see what moves I did in each video so I can determine what factors cost me time in my laps.

You can see here I got a penalty, the second lap I messed up somewhere in Sector 2 and finally I had to start over a third time, this was not my best performance. I am struggling bad, I need Tidgney's help.

Here is my best lap,

I saved this as a replay, as you can see. I still messed up and braked kinda late at Turn 2, just luckily I didn't go off the road. I'm still not getting the turn after the Rauch banner thing right. I am losing some time there too. I can tell by me looking at my video that I was anxious, agitated and nervous. Why do some days I feel like a good, strong driver and other days a crappy, weak one. I don't get it.

I'm sure the AT is not helping me because the gear levels aren't going down quick enough. Trail braking is a crucial skill that I'm missing and not mastering yet.
2 for 2 now at Le Mans with the 787b. Have set zero qualifying times. Starting somewhere between 11-14. DR C, SR S.

Fairly good mix between 787b and Sauber. Rarely will there be a Toyota Hypercar or 1-2 of the VGT LMP1 cars. Saw a Nissan today in my second race. It didn't finish.
Insanely fast but corners like a bathtub.

Tips/Works For Me:

1. Set Traction Control to 1. Still gives you 99% of your power on acceleration but allows you to mash more coming out of corners. Still need to have some nuance to the throttle but mostly mash.

2. Set Brake Bias to -5. Saves just enough rear tire that the mash and squirt strategy doesn't wear out your rears by lap 6.

3. Pit early. Like lap 2. In both my races I was in the top 5 by the end of lap 1, and was creating separation between myself and behind enough that I could get into the pits and come out somewhere between 10-14. By the time everyone else pits though I'll be worked back up to top 5 or so, and take the lead shortly thereafter.

4. 787 outbrakes both the Sauber and the Nissan. Does not outbrake any of the Non-Group C Cars. Watch for the dive bombs though on laps 1-2 by the non-Group C cars.

5. Peugeot is surprisingly good here. Allllmost fast enough to hang with Group C, can outbrake them, but does lose out on the very top end. It will not win you the average race but could steal a podium here and there.

6. use your qualifying time to really dial in your braking points. That's going to be the most important part of your race at Le Mans. Everyone goes flat out, everyone has *some amount of wheelspin on acceleration, so braking is where the most difference can be made. Specifically the two Mulsanne chicanes, Mulsanne corner, Indianapolis, and Arnage. Everything else is negotiable to some degree.

Anyways, I'll be spending my week here. Likely never setting a Q time b/c rampaging through the field is vastly more enjoyable than trying to manage from the front.

My best race lap, no draft, is a 3:25 flat.
I was in the same boat but I honestly couldn't go back to the controller now. The difference is night and day and I am a complete amateur when it comes to online racing. I only wish I could set my wheel up properly is all 🙈 unfortunately the Thrustmaster T248 I have does not feature on the list of official wheels and I think I am suffering a bit for it

It's funny, on that last nord/911 TT, I was stuggling to get a high silver or gold (it was a difficult gold TT by-the-numbers).

I thought I would get the controller out just to give it a try, thinking I could gold most of these on controller. I think I laughed out loud at how weird it felt! I couldn't keep it straight for my life! Muscle memory had been instantly lost and it might be the last time I drive on controller.
Whereas I did go back to the Controller and almost immediately picked back up where I had left it off. I bought a wheel and pedals from a member here (great transaction, great guy) and used them exclusively for a year. Had a good time with them. Definitely got fast. About as fast, or faster, than with the controller.

But had some bad experiences online and life got in the way of playing for a while, so I put it aside. Eventually picked the game back up a few months ago and decided that the wheel/pedals took too much room and too much setup to get into playing.

So I grabbed the controller and sold off the wheel and pedals and I'm just as fast as I was with them on the controller.

Anyways, just an anecdote for funzies :)
Chris lad you've been in the ER for what, weeks? Let the muscle memory come back to you, you only just got back into playing.
No, only 7 days.

@hollowkatt hey, have we met before, I'm Chris. I've been playing GT for 3 years now, I let GTS go as the servers died January 31st. Are you a trail braking expert, I lack the necessary skills for that. I'm going to eat dinner in a few minutes. So, let me know later. If you guys get a chance watch my videos. RBR is not my favorite track. And that's the truth.
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Red Bull Ring grip is tough and apparently others are having similar issues, cars are all over the track in sand traps on the back side, Im guessing its a tire temp issue in the shadows?
Im crawling through the backside just to get around the track without going off.
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No, only 7 days.

@hollowkatt hey, have we met before, I'm Chris. I've been playing GT for 3 years now, I let GTS go as the servers died January 31st. Are you a trail braking expert, I lack the necessary skills for that. I'm going to eat dinner in a few minutes. So, let me know later. If you guys get a chance watch my videos. RBR is not my favorite track. And that's the truth.
oh god no I can't trail brake at all. I'm a "hammer the brakes, start turning, hammer the throttle" kinda driver. I know it's not the best way of driving but it's how I've done it for going on 30 years now and I'm not about to learn something different :D
oh god no I can't trail brake at all. I'm a "hammer the brakes, start turning, hammer the throttle" kinda driver. I know it's not the best way of driving but it's how I've done it for going on 30 years now and I'm not about to learn something different :D
Ok, well thanks for being honest, can I add you on my friends list? I didn't really expect you to know trail braking that well anyways. Have a good night.
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I just made an explosive debut into DR-A! I had never thought that I could be DR-A. I went from 99% DR-B to straight 10% DR-A. Work productivity be damned two Mondays in a row. Group C monsters are just too much fun. I tried to qualify with a Sauber but I just couldn't make it work so I went back to the Mazda and improved my qualifying time by 2 sec, which helped me in getting pole.

I had to work hard throughout the race, for two Saubers behind me were unshakable.

The whole race I kept reminding myself about each brake markers and not to let the mind wander away. Even though the Saubers never got into my slipstream, they were a constant threat by maintaining a constant 3 sec gap.

We all three pit at lap 4 and to my surprise, they came out 4-5 sec later than I did. That helped ease the pressure on me but by that point, I was already used to the pressure and I would still have kept the win even if they did not change their tires.


Now I understand at this point why some folks maintain multiple profiles. I can stay DR-A only as long as I am racing Gr3 or above. My performance in Gr4 and lower are still mid-B or worse. So far I still don't plan to keep an alternative profile but then I also had once said that I will never hit DR-A.

Congrats on the achievement!
Keep doing what you’re doing and enjoy the racing. It’s not the end of the world to drop back if it happens and you’ll just rise again and eventually move closer to the next border before you know it.

Right now it sounds like you’re rocking it so ride the wave 💪
here's a take:

Group C and LMP1/Hypercar should NOT be in the same Category. Group C is bat**** insane power to weight, can't turn, hits like 240 down the Mulsanne.

LMP1 is only insane power to weight, turns like a hot knife through butter, and barely cracks 200 down the Mulsanne. They should not be competing against each other. Likewise VGT should be its own group. Divide into GT3 and GT1 and literally call it GT1.

Then put the Viper, the McLaren F1 GTR, and the Toyota GT-One in GT1 along with the faster of the VGT cars. Add the Porsche 911 GT1 to the game, throw that into the class.

Then you've got the Viper, the McLaren, the Toyota, and the 911 GTR for real world cars, and the VGT for fakes.

LMP1/Hypercar gets the Toyota of course (and Polyfony should add more of the LMDh/LMh cars to the game) and the faster of the VGTs like the Bugatti, the Ferrari, Mazda, McLaren into that class.

Finally, Group C returns to it's full glory: Nissan R92, Mazda 787, Sauber C9, Jag XJR, Porsche 962, add the Toyota 88C back to the game already sheesh and make that it's own class, Group C.

Of course you can't use the real world names or GT would already be doing that so here goes:

Group C becomes GR.9 (using Nurburgring style class numbering here)

LMP1/Hypercar becomes GR.8 A step below but still insane

Then the GT1 class becomes GR.7

Leaving the rest of them alone (GR.3 and below)

I'd love to see some "current" cars lapping Le Mans this week but they're horribly outclassed by the 40+ year old dinosaurs even with chicanes added to the Mulsanne that weren't there for most of their existence.

I'll go away and file this under pipe dreams along with legit 24 hour enduros and dailies that make sense.

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