GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems

To the folks talking about CSA on a wheel, I've a question- when the CSA kicks in, does the steering turn on its own in response to the action taken by CSA? I don't own a wheel and hence my question.

Not really you don't feel it in the wheel. That is actually what I find is the problem for me. I've gotten so use to correcting slides and fast reactions/inputs when I feel a slide that I still do that when I've accidentally had it on so I end up trying to correct a slide that didn't happen......which is less than ideal 🤣
You answer does confuse me. G29 here and I feel the wheel moving
There is no really objective answer about CSA help in general and on wheel, I guess
In my still-very-much-in-progress improvement path I went through mixed feelings:
as a very beginner I was not able at all to CS, therefore CSA was really helpfull both to save my live and to feel on the wheel what I should actually have done
now I can handle most of the CS on low/mid powered car and not too scurvy cars. CSA now is more likely inducing and error than helping me, because my action and the CSA one interfere each other
for high powered cars thought I'm not quick enough to catch them, so CSA may still be a live safer but lost his "feel and learn" piece
Not been keeping up with the thread so I guess this has been discussed to death, but what on earth are PD smoking with these daily race choices. One week before the world's most famous endurance race, they offer an hour long endurance race with dynamic weather. The actual week of the world's most famous endurance race, they stick us on the right track but make it a 6 lap sprint without dynamic weather? It's absolutely mad. :lol:
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I just made an explosive debut into DR-A! I had never thought that I could be DR-A. I went from 99% DR-B to straight 10% DR-A. .


Now I understand at this point why some folks maintain multiple profiles. I can stay DR-A only as long as I am racing Gr3 or above. My performance in Gr4 and lower are still mid-B or worse. So far I still don't plan to keep an alternative profile but then I also had once said that I will never hit DR-A.
I knew this would happen at some point! Well done! Now you get limited time slots for GTWS 😁. Perhaps we'll be seeing each other in lobbies again soon!
That daily race B is a tricky one. I qualified with a 1:29.8xx in the lancer and race a couple races with it and the R8 Evo. The lancer is spincity out of the corners but is untouchable down the straight. The R8 is planted in the corner but a slug on the straights. Even in slipstream it doesn't gain.

That being said, the R8 offers me the stability I need on corner exit and still reigns my supreme car.

Track limits are another beastie here too. Especially compared to La Sarthe..
My first race as DR-A was fun. Started with me rolling backward, with all four wheels + engine damaged. :lol:

The hit was so impressive that the impact echoed through half the grid, and even touched that pink car in the front! I still managed to finish in a position that increased my DR! This lobby reminded me of lower lobbies where many people try too hard and you easily gain positions just by being safe.

The next race was kinda similar, so many argy bargy, and I gained on faster people just by being safe. @Astro_BS-AS was there and he was a repeated victim of a driver who had just fallen from DR-A to DR-C/SR-D. Also FYI, you blamed the wrong guy. That guy was so ahead that you two never came across each other. I watched the replay.

Only two races done so far at my newly earned DR-A but I am loving it and I want to do more. Damn it my job for holding me back!
Now you get limited time slots for GTWS 😁. Perhaps we'll be seeing each other in lobbies again soon!
I don't even race at evenings anymore ever since I moved from west coast US to east coast US. Will have to make time for it, damn it! Plus, permanent damage :scared:

But yes, I have missed racing against you, icycls, and PHG papa among many folks. Hoping to race y'all soon!
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Try CSA strong with no TC and tell me how it goes :)
So tried a few laps when I got home from work.

The CSA and no TC showed promise to start with but I just can't drive with CSA as I'm fighting it basically.

I tried CSA and TC and I think for a lot of people that would be the ideal configuration as long as you are smooth but early on the throttle and watch the steering wheel angles.

Then tried just TC1 and 2 and those feel better for me and I improved and also threw away another possible 28.9

I think I have so much preemptive muscle memory now that I react rather than lean on the CSA.

Will keep testing and trying. This has the vibes of the Evo 7 TT and after a lot of grinding I finished that one in the top 800 I think.
Tried RBR last night. Got a QT of 130.427, which put me in the top 5 in B/S races. Good racing, surprisingly clean; got some podiums which was good for my DR!

Just shows, at least for me, how much tracks matter. Last week at Fuji I was so slow in B/S lobbies; this week, I’m competitive in similar lobbies.

Good luck and good racing to all this week!
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I not enjoying it this week at all, maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit run down but the QT is a grind on these tires.

The track is in perfect condition, the race is a short sprint, we are forced to use RH why? Its not even like we are doing enduro practice sessions with the draconian track limits just doesn't allow it.

The main issue I have isn't so much the slippy-ness of it but the massive understeer for what are suppose to be GT3 homage (or actual cars) the understeer is so rubbish sometimes the tires don't even squeal....I mean I get tracks have noise limits but is there any actual virtual friction on these tires???
Durn, I fell asleep at 6am and woke up at noon. I was reading everyone's posts and comments today.
I agree with what Sturk said about using our friends ghosts and replays instead of using the alien ghosts.

I can never understand and copy what they do out there so it's really pointless for me to use their ghosts or replays anymore. I can't even duplicate what Tidgney does. I'mon my PlayStation typing this, my mom is on the laptop right now.

And my opinion on the lobbies is that they need to be more modified like this.

A/B, B/C, and C/D

Everytime I get a pole time I get a group who are mostly A to B drivers. I lead not even half a lap and most of them overtake me.

This is a disadvantage for lower-skilled players. They should not be grouped with higher level professionals. It's really mind-blowing how PD works this system.
I'm done with actually racing RBR this week. In just two (2, as in one more than one) races I've lost 173 SR points and am close to dropping to SR B. I just don't see how this race can be done without losing SR, at least running from the middle of the pack or back. People are all over the place, and avoiding them is next to impossible. Too bad, because the actual races are fun.

I'm gonna have to double-up on my Adderall and run one or two Race Cs from the back to recover some of my SR. (Just kidding about doubling up on my Adderall - that would quite literally kill me.)
Does anybody else use their friends list as a gauge for how you're doing, or where you need to be in qualifying?
All the time, as a lot of others have said.
When I am way behind those people, I know there is something that I'm just not getting right.
A lot of times, I think it's because of just one particular turn that I don't have a good understanding of.
Agree, except for me it's usually 3 or 4 turns... or perhaps the entire track!
It would be nice if we could view qualifying laps, and use ghosts from any of our friends.
I so 100% totally agree with this!!! We've already established we're "friends", so why not share ghosts?
Does anybody else use their friends list as a gauge for how you're doing, or where you need to be in qualifying?

I have some friends who will always beat me, and some who I will always beat. But there are some who I am usually really close to.
When I am way behind those people, I know there is something that I'm just not getting right.
A lot of times, I think it's because of just one particular turn that I don't have a good understanding of.

Even after all these years of playing GT games, there are certain sections of track where I always seem to lose ground to my competitors. I suppose I initially misunderstood those turns, when I first drove them, and have continued to use the same bad approach.

It would be nice if we could view qualifying laps, and use ghosts from any of our friends. At a big track like Le Mans, where the top 10 guys are 5-10 seconds faster than the average driver, their ghosts are pretty useless.

Here's an example: Yesterday morning, before I even fired up my console, I watched Tidgney's lap guide for Le Mans.
At the last left of the Porsche curves, he said don't even brake. Just a bit of a lift, then throttle up. Well, I wasn't able to pull it off.
My point is, that since I can't do what someone like him does, I would probably be better served by watching a lap that is maybe 1-1.5 seconds faster than mine. I may see something there that is achievable.

*Nothing against @Tidgney. What he does is great. 👍
I use the YouTube videos but I also jump into other drivers cockpits when reviewing my recorded races. The ghost gives very limited information, the cockpit view gives you braking, power, gear selection and speed but you can also watch the hands and see how smooth they are through corners. I find that a lot of the time I’m actually too fast and then forced to over-correct, herky-jerky through turns instead of smooth.

I'm done with actually racing RBR this week. In just two (2, as in one more than one) races I've lost 173 SR points and am close to dropping to SR B. I just don't see how this race can be done without losing SR, at least running from the middle of the pack or back. People are all over the place, and avoiding them is next to impossible. Too bad, because the actual races are fun.

I'm gonna have to double-up on my Adderall and run one or two Race Cs from the back to recover some of my SR. (Just kidding about doubling up on my Adderall - that would quite literally kill me.)

All the time, as a lot of others have said.

Agree, except for me it's usually 3 or 4 turns... or perhaps the entire track!

I so 100% totally agree with this!!! We've already established we're "friends", so why not share ghosts?
I made the switch to C this morning for the same reason, Le Mans is quite a bit more fun. I also think that fewer of the malicious drivers have the attention span for long races.

I didn’t do any recon before making the move to Le Mans and ended up bringing a knife to a gun-fight, an Audi VGT. One race and then on to the Sauber Mercedes C9.
What is the difference between qualy and race pace 8n race B
I'm 31.9 in quali and 32.5 in race, if not in close run.

It just enough to live in the mid pack of C
I should improve both, but probably more qualy than race
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Two podiums this evening at Le Mans. Gained 3 places in one of the races by being pushed of track. I just cut the second corner instead of trying to get back into the chaos and thought I'll take the penalty then. But I never got a penalty which was interesting. I think that maybe I have been too careful of not cutting the track when I've been pushed off before.

Gotten my qualification time down to 3.23,4. I know I could probably gain a second more if I spent more time. Really wish this race had rain sometimes!
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'm done with actually racing RBR this week. In just two (2, as in one more than one) races I've lost 173 SR points and am close to dropping to SR B. I just don't see how this race can be done without losing SR, at least running from the middle of the pack or back. People are all over the place, and avoiding them is next to impossible. Too bad, because the actual races are fun
This is a huge problem, even running in the low end top splits you have contact with the dive bombers, the guys recovering, the guys being cautious it's just chaos for the first lap.

Then the accidental punt I did because a guy panicked and was basically stationary. I braked as hard as I could and swerved but it wasn't enough!

The upshot is it's only SR you can make that easily back 2/3 races and it's Full S again the DR hit though is a much bigger variable
I really don't know how much I'll get done at RBR, but like I said the lobbies should be mixed according to set skill levels. A/B and C/D. It would be nice for me to get in a bunch of C/D races because as many poles that I've gotten (36 in total) I would have gotten about 30 more wins, see below:


RBR is a track of no boundaries, PD won't be specific on where the track limits are so I just go out of bounds and pick up penalties. Lol, RBR should stand for Racing Bull Rummage meaning that there is always a bunch of crap going on the track, people ram me, sideswipe me, even push me in the sandtraps after Sector 2. My first daily race was at RBR in the Skyline. Annoying as hell, but I try to deal with what resources I have based on PD's choosing.
I really don't know how much I'll get done at RBR, but like I said the lobbies should be mixed according to set skill levels. A/B and C/D. It would be nice for me to get in a bunch of C/D races because as many poles that I've gotten (36 in total) I would have gotten about 30 more wins, see below:

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RBR is a track of no boundaries, PD won't be specific on where the track limits are so I just go out of bounds and pick up penalties. Lol, RBR should stand for Racing Bull Rummage meaning that there is always a bunch of crap going on the track, people ram me, sideswipe me, even push me in the sandtraps after Sector 2. My first daily race was at RBR in the Skyline. Annoying as hell, but I try to deal with what resources I have based on PD's choosing.
To be fair Chris 1 in 5 is a top 5 finish that's pretty good. Better that most formula one drivers that aren't verstappen 🤣
I use the YouTube videos but I also jump into other drivers cockpits when reviewing my recorded races. The ghost gives very limited information, the cockpit view gives you braking, power, gear selection and speed but you can also watch the hands and see how smooth they are through corners. I find that a lot of the time I’m actually too fast and then forced to over-correct, herky-jerky through turns instead of smooth.

I made the switch to C this morning for the same reason, Le Mans is quite a bit more fun. I also think that fewer of the malicious drivers have the attention span for long races.

I didn’t do any recon before making the move to Le Mans and ended up bringing a knife to a gun-fight, an Audi VGT. One race and then on to the Sauber Mercedes C9.
I have yet to see someone win without either the Sauber or the 787. I'm sure some alien has gotten the Nissan to work, I don't think anyone has even tried the Jag.

I do recommend running a few races without qualifying just to get a feel for things without being smack in the middle of a pack of bad handling nuclear powered rocketships.
Same here, #22 now, with a 1:29.7, soon time to start racing.
Yes, do it, absolutely. I had loads of fun today. Eight or nine races on different accounts, some without QT from the back, squeezing through the chaos, some with a decent QT from pole or P2, fighting for the lead. Two wins, several podiums, SR never in danger of going down, met @arkeys_YT in a race, and had some friendly chats. All in all a great racing day. I'll stay with race A this week.

Sometimes it got really close:

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also think that fewer of the malicious drivers have the attention span for long races.
Well, neither do I, but what have I got to lose at this point?
The upshot is it's only SR you can make that easily back 2/3 races and it's Full S again
The largest single gain in SR I've had (since I started keeping track) is 45 points, and probably the more common amount is 30 or under. So at least 6 races, and that's assuming I don't lose more SR, which is the more likely thing to happen.

We'll see how Race C goes. Here's hoping, Bring on the caffeine!
Well, neither do I, but what have I got to lose at this point?

The largest single gain in SR I've had (since I started keeping track) is 45 points, and probably the more common amount is 30 or under. So at least 6 races, and that's assuming I don't lose more SR, which is the more likely thing to happen.

We'll see how Race C goes. Here's hoping, Bring on the caffeine!
well there is a required pit-stop, so you could get up and do some jumping jacks! But as @hollowkatt says, these are nuclear powered rocketships(!) and the track limits are as ridiculous as RBR.

I don't want to put you off Race C - I'm having a blast, and you might too, but it seems race A (if SR is on) is the wiser choice to recover SR :)
Nope, race C is a no-go for me. I may try again in a day or two.

I just had a big jump in my RBR QT. I changed my TCS from 3 to 2, and this is the first time I've noticed such an obvious difference. Case in point is the final turn. With TCS down 1, I can slide a little around the end of the turn to help keep me on the track, and accelerate more quickly.

And I think I may have figured something out on T1 also. I'm pretty tired from qualifying for so long, so I'll have to try it later, but it might just give me a few more tenths. Time will tell, literally.
I feel embarrassed. I got the pole time at Grand Valley during my 2nd race. I got drowsy on Lap 3 and all chaos erupted. I ran into someone and hit the wall 5 times leading to a whopping 7.5 second penalty. Laps 4-6 were okay but I was a lap behind and finished dead last. I did not record the race, however I recorded my 1st one which was decent.

Finished in 5th.

I'm so exhausted from my health issues, going to bi-weekly doctor appointments, and monthly B12 shots that I'm slacking off in the daily races. I need to get my strength up and get back to doing more races to increase my SR and DR.

@GrumpyOldMan, I may have to start drinking coffee to help me stay awake and aware of my surroundings.
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I think Race B is just what the doctor ordered. It just... works. Could be one more lap but I'm not gonna complain. It's the perfect race B, drop in and go (and Gr3 and not Gr4 :D). Been starting from the back on the 2 account (maxed out B) using the Hyundai and it's pretty good IMO... at least here. The most recent BoP update was good to this car.

Had a fantastic race with a whole bunch of people, all B lobby. Lots of side-by-side racing, people braking on time (despite being in the draft or taking the inside line)... just good, hard, and smart driving from all. This black Aston and I had a lot of battles...


...we had a couple of these into T3 but he was quick on exit...


...this GTR as well, had some good back-and-forths including me on the losing end of a switch-a-roo!


...split down the middle of these two between T1 and T3 after they went into T1 side-by-side.


Don't need to be in an all A+ lobby to have some good racing with like minded people. :cheers:
I think Race B is just what the doctor ordered. It just... works. Could be one more lap but I'm not gonna complain. It's the perfect race B, drop in and go (and Gr3 and not Gr4 :D). Been starting from the back on the 2 account (maxed out B) using the Hyundai and it's pretty good IMO... at least here. The most recent BoP update was good to this car.

Had a fantastic race with a whole bunch of people, all B lobby. Lots of side-by-side racing, people braking on time (despite being in the draft or taking the inside line)... just good, hard, and smart driving from all. This black Aston and I had a lot of battles...


...we had a couple of these into T3 but he was quick on exit...


...this GTR as well, had some good back-and-forths including me on the losing end of a switch-a-roo!


...split down the middle of these two between T1 and T3 after they went into T1 side-by-side.


Don't need to be in an all A+ lobby to have some good racing with like minded people. :cheers:
Yeah, you know you're right. If people would take the time to get a feel of the track and learn it's shape and corners then it wouldn't be so bad, plus I think there is plenty of room for a 20-player race. Which car are you in the picture, I'm guessing the Esso one because I see it in each car scene.

How many total wins do you have overall?
I not enjoying it this week at all, maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit run down but the QT is a grind on these tires.

The track is in perfect condition, the race is a short sprint, we are forced to use RH why? Its not even like we are doing enduro practice sessions with the draconian track limits just doesn't allow it.

The main issue I have isn't so much the slippy-ness of it but the massive understeer for what are suppose to be GT3 homage (or actual cars) the understeer is so rubbish sometimes the tires don't even squeal....I mean I get tracks have noise limits but is there any actual virtual friction on these tires???
I can hear the tires squeal a bit, but agree, it’s silly to run RHs in a sprint race. For me it’s the lack of lateral grip exiting corners in the RSR. Hard to believe even a hard slick irl would behave like this.

When was the last time we had RSs in B?
I have yet to see someone win without either the Sauber or the 787. I'm sure some alien has gotten the Nissan to work, I don't think anyone has even tried the Jag.

I do recommend running a few races without qualifying just to get a feel for things without being smack in the middle of a pack of bad handling nuclear powered rocketships.
I ran the Nissan on Monday, and the 787 or Sauber won every race.

Switched to the 787 yesterday - all three races were won by Nissans!
Does anybody else use their friends list as a gauge for how you're doing, or where you need to be in qualifying?
I compare myself to my brothers time. For a time he was quicker than me. Last month or so I constantly was quicker than him. Now I switched to MT instead of AT, and my quali time on RBR is still 8 tenths slower than his. I think I'm gonna get murdered if I try to race a B lobby (have a time of 1:31:4 now, just can't put together one neat lap). Maybe I'm about to fall into the 'trap' of running a lot of quali laps and not just trying to have fun racing.
Yes, do it, absolutely. I had loads of fun today. Eight or nine races on different accounts, some without QT from the back, squeezing through the chaos, some with a decent QT from pole or P2, fighting for the lead. Two wins, several podiums, SR never in danger of going down, met @arkeys_YT in a race, and had some friendly chats. All in all a great racing day. I'll stay with race A this week.

Sometimes it got really close:

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Race A is really good, lots of clean and close racing with mixed B/A/A+, saw at least 3 GTP'ers including Mr Batty. Was starting from the back and finished on the podium a couple of times. 6 laps is perfect length too.

Defo not happening for me so far this week, but then again RBR isn’t a track I am fast at for some reason, managed to get my QT down to 1.31.223 and I am sure by the weekend I’ll get into the 1.30s just, as long as I can race fairly competitively and get some top 5s I think that’s all I can hope for this week in B

No idea how 1.29 is possible, 🤣