GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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Hi folks, I did my first race in a long time today just for fun; much has changed since I used to race regularly… I have a direct drive wheel, load cell pedals, PSVR2 and put a huge amount of time in getting faster in time trials..! Big question for y’all, is your DR/SR affected if you race in Race A or is that the one where it has no effect?

Anyways, I did a Race B; I quite like Gardens but the sausages on the chicane are frustrating, I went for the trusty 911 RSR and set a 1:32ish quali lap; that put me on Pole for an all DR B grid! I ran a clean race and despite getting overtaken cleanly by a very fast French fella named Bob I cruised to a comfortable P2 to improve my DR rating, a few more and I think I could make it to A 😬 very enjoyable though and wow how much more fun is it racing humans than the terrible GT7 AI?

This might be the confidence booster I need to race a bit more as I’ve been solely focusing on weekly challenges and Time Trial grind for some time now!!
Hi folks, I did my first race in a long time today just for fun; much has changed since I used to race regularly… I have a direct drive wheel, load cell pedals, PSVR2 and put a huge amount of time in getting faster in time trials..! Big question for y’all, is your DR/SR affected if you race in Race A or is that the one where it has no effect?

Anyways, I did a Race B; I quite like Gardens but the sausages on the chicane are frustrating, I went for the trusty 911 RSR and set a 1:32ish quali lap; that put me on Pole for an all DR B grid! I ran a clean race and despite getting overtaken cleanly by a very fast French fella named Bob I cruised to a comfortable P2 to improve my DR rating, a few more and I think I could make it to A 😬 very enjoyable though and wow how much more fun is it racing humans than the terrible GT7 AI?

This might be the confidence booster I need to race a bit more as I’ve been solely focusing on weekly challenges and Time Trial grind for some time now!!
Welcome to the daily race club Dan! It's nice to see you here. I've been using the MT more lately. However my mom wants me to do more around the house and to start focusing on our health and other priorities first and then I can play gt7, so I'll have to curb my game time on here. Glen is right about that. You can't put a price tag on your health, so I need to get it together and take everything one step at a time.
Big question for y’all, is your DR/SR affected if you race in Race A or is that the one where it has no effect?
Hey alien Dan, nice to see you in these murky waters!

A couple of things to note and Hollow will chime in I'm sure, good QT/TT as you know is worth more than not racing.

But in some of the dailies the QT/TT don't mean a thing once you get racing.

To answer you question your DR isn't affected but SR is. Bare that in mind.

On B and C things get a little more spicy at your pace mate...the first few won't be fun. Sure you are fast but once those lines get taken away and guys just as quick aren't doing TT because they prefer to race...just be prepared.

Even starting out front it's a difficult thing to manage the race but...

That's the fun part. I will guarantee you run away for a few races and then it's like oh my a fun/frustrating way ;)
You'll have a lot of fun here with us Dan, and you can even take part in as many races as you want. And the higher your rank is, the more difficult and higher-skilled the lobbies are. Just giving you a brief rundown of how this works. Only the A races, your DR is not affected; just the SR.

@Dan_Tes so, have fun and don't worry about winning every single race.
Welcome to the daily race club Dan! It's nice to see you here. I've been using the MT more lately. However my mom wants me to do more around the house and to start focusing on our health and other priorities first and then I can play gt7, so I'll have to curb my game time on here. Glen is right about that. You can't put a price tag on your health, so I need to get it together and take everything one step at a time.
Thanks Chris, look after yourself and have fun!
Hey alien Dan, nice to see you in these murky waters!

A couple of things to note and Hollow will chime in I'm sure, good QT/TT as you know is worth more than not racing.

But in some of the dailies the QT/TT don't mean a thing once you get racing.

To answer you question your DR isn't affected but SR is. Bare that in mind.

On B and C things get a little more spicy at your pace mate...the first few won't be fun. Sure you are fast but once those lines get taken away and guys just as quick aren't doing TT because they prefer to race...just be prepared.

Even starting out front it's a difficult thing to manage the race but...

That's the fun part. I will guarantee you run away for a few races and then it's like oh my a fun/frustrating way ;)
Absolutely man agree with you on all points, good to be back 😁 I really struggled previously when racing because I found it very difficult to race anywhere but on the racing line, so even if I went for a pass or tried to defend I’d be in no mans land and usually bin it 😁 it’s much easier on a wheel I find. I’ve also started with a much more relaxed driving style so if anyone goes for the overtake (like super fast Bob) I don’t fight for the position and just try and stay clean; if I am quicker I know the person who overtakes will make a mistake and I’ll get the place again

Looking forward to racing more in the coming weeks and months at least, feels weird to be outside of my Time Trial discussion thread bubble but very happy to be here •waves to everyone•
Hi folks, I did my first race in a long time today just for fun; much has changed since I used to race regularly… I have a direct drive wheel, load cell pedals, PSVR2 and put a huge amount of time in getting faster in time trials..! Big question for y’all, is your DR/SR affected if you race in Race A or is that the one where it has no effect?

Anyways, I did a Race B; I quite like Gardens but the sausages on the chicane are frustrating, I went for the trusty 911 RSR and set a 1:32ish quali lap; that put me on Pole for an all DR B grid! I ran a clean race and despite getting overtaken cleanly by a very fast French fella named Bob I cruised to a comfortable P2 to improve my DR rating, a few more and I think I could make it to A 😬 very enjoyable though and wow how much more fun is it racing humans than the terrible GT7 AI?

This might be the confidence booster I need to race a bit more as I’ve been solely focusing on weekly challenges and Time Trial grind for some time now!!
Hola Dan,
Happy to see you here.
I also haven't raced for a while and decided to come back here just two weeks ago.
I don't think we will ever meet on track, your rear mirror doesn't have enough zoom to see me, but for sure you will meet lot of good people to enjoy your runs
For once PD repeats a combo I actually like! I have a 1:40.01 in the Corvette in Race C so far, and the 1 race I did I started and finished P2. I was no match for the Citroens ahead or behind, but I somehow held off the one behind me and set the fastest lap in the race. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but these cars (or the Corvette at least) feel so much better to drive on the stock suspension - mostly from not being so stiff over the curbs, which was a requirement to be fast everywhere else when this combo was in Race B and tuning was available.
I went to bed last night right on the brink of breaking into the 1:32's at Daily Race B.

I finally got a chance to put some time in Q laps today, and I smashed that barrier by a half second! Then I looked at my leaderboard, and deflated slightly:


I had to look twice to be sure I read @Dep Fishtail's time right. Bastard! :lol:

But I looked at the global ranking, and my happiness returned:


I'll take that. And I'm reasonably sure I've got a lot more time out there I can save, although you never know. Anyway, I suppose I should actually race some now...

Big question for y’all, is your DR/SR affected if you race in Race A or is that the one where it has no effect?
It's right there on the selection screen:


Don't feel bad, though. I'm constantly finding things I never saw before, or at least I never noticed before. By the way, great name. My first name is actually "Dan".
Thanks Chris, look after yourself and have fun!

Absolutely man agree with you on all points, good to be back 😁 I really struggled previously when racing because I found it very difficult to race anywhere but on the racing line, so even if I went for a pass or tried to defend I’d be in no mans land and usually bin it 😁 it’s much easier on a wheel I find. I’ve also started with a much more relaxed driving style so if anyone goes for the overtake (like super fast Bob) I don’t fight for the position and just try and stay clean; if I am quicker I know the person who overtakes will make a mistake and I’ll get the place again

Looking forward to racing more in the coming weeks and months at least, feels weird to be outside of my Time Trial discussion thread bubble but very happy to be here •waves to everyone•

Glad to see you here and you should have fun racing vr. You’ll become very familiar with where the radar is positioned in each car and how many cars have no speedometer to check top speed. The radar thing is a must running vr though.

911 is pretty e decent at the gardens and I’m certain you will drop into 1:31’s easily if you want to.

I’m hoping to get some B and C races in this week but still doing a few too many leagues atm.
Missed opportunity to go by "Grumpy Old Dan" then if you ask me.

@Nebu72 yeah, I agree. Or maybe Grumpy Danger Dan since he storms through the track. I hate posting on my ps4 here, I noticed some glitches earlier. Plus the site freezes up every 5 or 10 minutes.
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Yes, I watched G.O.M.'s replay and improved my time to 1'34.871, DT. I had to study and watch it for 30-40 minutes though. That red marker near the gears is a helpful indicator of what to shift the gears up/down to. Wow, it was that easy and I was going around the bush.

I know you guys can't do it all the time, but can you try to provide a replay in the showcase so I can study and piece together what I need to do to improve my times. Or if you prefer to PM it to me here that's fine too, :)

Thank you everyone!!
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I know you guys can't do it all the time, but can you try to provide a replay in the showcase so I can study and piece together what I need to do to improve my times.
We used to do it a lot. Not sure why we got away from it. We'll have to start doing it again.
We're like a family circle, we are all here to socialize and help each other out. And also providing more replays would help the lower-skilled drivers and newbies of the game. Yeah I went a while in 2023 and didn't post any replays but I'm gonna do it more often as I love to help and assist others too. It's what makes GTplanet a special place for people and folks at all ages, :)
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Whoa! My first race this week in Daily Race B was, to put it mildly, brutal! Lots of pushing and shoving, along with some really bad driving in spots from me.

And what the hell was PD thinking having us in RH's in Gr.3's on this track? It's like trying to run on ice while holding a goldfish bowl. While not making anyone else lose their goldfish either.
I did a race there last night and it was kind of tense too, but I still finished 2nd, I did record it if you guys want to take a look later. I need to do as many as I can this week. All this racing is making me hungry. We have been eating Pizza Hut every night for the past 2 weeks and i sure has been good, it cost us $90-$100 though which is very expensive, and we use Doordash sometimes if we don't feel like going out.

@Tidgney I'm getting the hang of the MT!! Finally. It'll probably take me at least a week to fully understand and learn all the concepts and tricks.
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After an evening bike ride I decided to do a few QT laps for daily C. I tried the Scirocco, the TT Cup to mediocre results and then switched to the Vantage. Something clicked a few laps in that gained time on corner one. Touch the brakes to turn in, then coast, then touch the brakes again to turn in one more before accelerating out. Before I was braking all the time, but the coasting is key.

I jumped up the leader board.

I need to unfriend you fast guys though… :D

Still on the global I found I had a top 1000 time. That’s always a good session when you get top 1000. At least for me. I haven’t been driving anywhere close to my rating recently.


So I may actually try some racing. How is the Vantage with tire strategy?
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After an evening bike ride I decided to do a few QT laps for daily C. I tried the Scirocco, the TT Cup to mediocre results and then switched to the Vantage. Something clicked a few laps in that gained time on corner one. Touch the brakes to turn in, then coast, then touch the brakes again to turn in one more before accelerating out. Before I was braking all the time, but the coasting is key.

I jumped up the leader board.
View attachment 1367753
I need to unfriend you fast guys though… :D

Still on the global I found I had a top 1000 time. That’s always a good session when you get top 1000. At least for me. I haven’t been driving anywhere close to my rating recently.

View attachment 1367752

So I may actually try some racing. How is the Vantage with tire strategy?

In my car quest I started with the jag but it just wasn't doing it for me. Scirroco was my car of choice a few weeks ago on this track but the mediums just didn't have the same flavor. Landed on the audi and posted that unicorn lap you see at the top of your screen. I've had a tough time keeping that race pace but I usually land fastest lap in my races.

I jumped on tonight around 10pm and that my 300 ranked time landed me p9 in a stacked lobby. Didn't go well and ended up p12 with DR loss so I bounced for a bit and came back at midnight to some easier lobbies and have a couple of podiums as a result. The toughest part about winning in the early hours is turning it off when you have to get up in a few hours.
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After my ‚Practice MOnday‘ (learn Track and breaking Point‘s) i start yesterday to get my QT in a good range for a B/S Driver. I saw ‚GrumpyOLd Dan‘s‘ time 1:33,509 and i got a 1:33,399 in Race B. For Race C i use the Audi TT and got a 1:41,648. In my second, Race Practice Account i set a 1:42,099 and know i want to race, so i try. I don‘t know why, but i use the 650s in Race. Start from P12, had a good Race with a Italian Driver of a Ferrari and a Audi TT. Very clean racing, but i was not able to hold them. After the Pit stop (my stop was 3 seconds longer then the others?) i‘ll get back from 6 to 13. In the last round i was P11 near behind 9 and 10, so i wait whats happend. P9 and 10 fighting hard and the citroen make a mistake so i was close to the Italian Ferrari Driver in the last chicane and thought i can catch him. But… the Citroen Driver hit me and i go into the grass. He get‘s a 4 Sec Penalty and try to shot the Ferrari out befor the race was finished. So i endet P11 with clean race bonus.
Later i read the new time from Grumpy and my evening was completly destroyed.

Try this eving again.
Well I gave a few more races a go last night with mixed results; I’ll blame me drinking all the beers in the fridge before! Set a lightning quick Quali at Gardens to guarantee a high placing in the races;


I binned the Porsche in favour of the AMG mainly because I found that in addition to its low top speed it understeered quite badly through the fast right left half way through the lap. The AMG is wild but fast when you nail it. Is it wise to use it in a race? Nah. But I did anyway

In the first race a few mistakes meant I got caught by a group of three quick drivers so I let them all duke it out as they were all so close together and I followed for 4th. Next race I was in my own little race at the front miles from anyone when I got a weird flick from the sausage curbs and ended up nose in at 90 degrees on the barrier which cost me 20+ seconds. I ended 13th ☹️

Final race was the good one but I’d lost a bit of DR in that previous race which was a shame, I was lapping in the low 1:32s so going some but I didn’t think I took liberties through the chicane in that race; maybe just unlucky.

Anyways last race I did the whole lot, pole position, fastest lap, clean race and the win! Even though I nearly binned it last corner last lap going for a PB lap time 🤣



Pedal to the metal! What I really enjoyed was even the race where I span and finished near the back it’s such a fun experience in VR that I wasn’t bothered. Definitely looking to do more races from now on and good to be back 🤓
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@Dan_Tes that's amazing. I'm hoping to get up to the top as much as possible. See I'm starting to understand the MT. I found out about that red indicator beside the regular gears. It indicates what you should shift your gears up/down to for each corner.
So I may actually try some racing. How is the Vantage with tire strategy?
Front right is awful. I heavily recommend putting lap 5 and going for the undercut, maybe even lap 4 (but that will leave you struggling on lap 11)

Havent tried lap 4 yet as 5 has worked well.

But I'm not the best on tyre management personally anyway so you might be better!!!