GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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"Oooooo Gleeeennnnnnnn" 😂


Happy Saturday night @newmedia_dev 😛😁😎
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"Oooooo Gleeeennnnnnnn" 😂

View attachment 1389105

Happy Saturday night @newmedia_dev 😛😁😎
You know what...times are like ass...elbows we all have them!

Solid work mate you must have sweated a testicle to improve by that 1/100th....

No excuses just not feeling them this week a little OD on the races and after my holiday was hoping to come back on to something more fun.

I'll just race now, I don't like sweating Gr3 QT gr4 is more fun for that.

Excellent work my friend I will give you stick on WA for that abuse of our friendship beating me like that 🤣
Crikey it’s hard going at monza this arvo, really dirty and hard work

Or it’s deep forest or Fuji 🤔

It’s a poor week I think
I know what you mean.

I had an absolute ball around Tuesday with a couple of daytime races, but my only day off this week (Friday) was as good as ruined because fighting my way through turn 1/2 cleanly (on any lap) proved to be basically impossible.

I don't expect to be ushered through by my opponents, but space is not being left and the penalties for knocking people off the outside and into the gravel are not adequate.

A potentially classic combo is being totally spoilt, especially as the balance between the different LMP1s seems to be bang on.

PD 1-0 Public
I'll just race now, I don't like sweating Gr3 QT gr4 is more fun for that.
You should try Daily A, the racing is great and no sweating over DR makes the racing very clean and respectful.
Deep Forest is a great track for GR4, although the Huracán is the meta I've been in races where the Veyron, GT-R and Evo have all performed well.
Ran a few too many QT laps today to get into the 1.32s now at 115 Global position.
Haven't been driving much at all lately. Not sure why I thought jumping in Gr.1's would end well. I mean, holy 💩 you gotta be 'ON' while piloting these things. Also convinced the brakes are just seven anchors and a parachute that drop out the back on-demand.

Took a minute (188 miles later🤣) and a couple different cars but landed on the R18. Spent some time today blastin' around and was able to break into the 33's. Need to get more consistent through T3/4 but am hoping to go racing for breakfast...will be the first time running this class against others so should be, uhhhh....neat.

Because I'm a Gr.3 junkie, I tried daily B. After about five laps I remembered something...Fuji sucks. Apologies as I know some folks like it there, and I was even dreamy-eyed about it for a second or two, but then the hate crept back in. It's not leaving.😁



This is after numerous poles thrown away. Finally a few wins.

Just a couple of observations:

You can't get to B/S A/S without knowing how to brake for the first corner YET in every race multiple people dive for the inside way late (video coming of why you always should take the wide line as a defensive measure)

There seems to be this misconception that braking late and slamming on the throttle is faster that braking earlier and smoother and just getting on the power smoother earlier 🤷‍♂️

Side by side is relatively clean but people's approach to technical tracks always blows my mind. Quite honestly they are attacking the track in the wrong way.
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This is after numerous poles thrown away. Finally a few wins.

Just a couple of observations:

You can't get to B/S A/S without knowing how to brake for the first corner YET in every race multiple people dive for the inside way late (video coming of why you always should take the wide line as a defensive measure)

There seems to be this misconception that braking late and slamming on the throttle is faster that braking earlier and smoother and just getting on the power smoother earlier 🤷‍♂️

Side by side is relatively clean but people's approach to technical tracks always blows my mind. Quite honestly they are attacking the track in the wrong way.
Nice work! I’ve actually haven’t turned a wheel today, first Sunday in like forever due to the poor monza experience yesterday and that I don’t like Fuji 😀
Side by side is relatively clean but people's approach to technical tracks always blows my mind. Quite honestly they are attacking the track in the wrong way.
Agreed. It tends to be a chronic issue with people on tracks with turns that have a late apex. Fuji definitely falls into that category (as well as Kyoto) as there are many. People, who don't know how to properly take said late apex, think they can just dive up the inside as the leading car has gone "wide" on entry.

Tends to not be an issue in the higher lobbies but for some reason it seems to take a while for most to learn.
Agreed. It tends to be a chronic issue with people on tracks with turns that have a late apex. Fuji definitely falls into that category (as well as Kyoto) as there are many. People, who don't know how to properly take said late apex, think they can just dive up the inside as the leading car has gone "wide" on entry.

Tends to not be an issue in the higher lobbies but for some reason it seems to take a while for most to learn.
100% apart from T2 which is about turn in coasting the rest of the track is all late apexes although the exit of the chicane to be straight can be taken both ways.

Genuinely I just feel like people don't take the time to understand the tracks or how to make time. They brute force a lap or two and then just dive for every cars width with no regard to overall race position or traffic ahead or behind.

It's like positions are Pokémon and they have to have them all.

But to be measured they can drive how they want but and I will stress this there is no way p9 is making the apex ahead of p1/2 on the opening lap of a hairpin fairly to anyone.

I just think pragmatically everyone is in a different place on their journey of understanding how to gain time and that humans aren't AI...

Talking of late apexes the late "risky" one at tm is definitely the faster line than the hug the rock one!
Haven't been driving much at all lately. Not sure why I thought jumping in Gr.1's would end well. I mean, holy 💩 you gotta be 'ON' while piloting these things. Also convinced the brakes are just seven anchors and a parachute that drop out the back on-demand.

Took a minute (188 miles later🤣) and a couple different cars but landed on the R18. Spent some time today blastin' around and was able to break into the 33's. Need to get more consistent through T3/4 but am hoping to go racing for breakfast...will be the first time running this class against others so should be, uhhhh....neat.

Because I'm a Gr.3 junkie, I tried daily B. After about five laps I remembered something...Fuji sucks. Apologies as I know some folks like it there, and I was even dreamy-eyed about it for a second or two, but then the hate crept back in. It's not leaving.😁

Yeah, I've done none of those races this week as 11 laps would be too intense for me, so I just skipped them. However Deep Forest has been a fun combo with the Group 4 cars. I've only done 3 races at Fuji so I was rarely interested in that this week. Yeah Fuji is the worst shaped track ever, Sector 3 is so awkward, it doesn't matter how I enter each corner there, I mess something up. But I'm thankful that it exists in gt7 and in real life for others to enjoy.
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Looking forward to next week. Monza this week was a shambles of being rear ended, brake checked and walking away with penalties on penalties.

Couldn't find a groove that allowed me to race and avoid the mess.
Did some Daily Races on my alt this weekend (first ever with the wheel) and boy do I suck with it 🤣 Tanked my DR from mid B to low C... Can't remember how often I spun in Fuji sector 3. This is gonna take a lot of time and practice to even get halway decent.
I'm either slow as a turtle or push to much and spin. 😏

Had fewer trouble on Daily Race A (Lambo) and C (Audi).
The 'new" race B is Gr. 4 at Brands Hatch Indy again with the same tuning options available as last time. From what I can tell the same car with the same tuning is going to be best again so here's my new lap with the same old things.

I thought that as well did 4 laps this morning before going to work and the same settings put me in to the 47s by the 3rd lap.

The last time we had this exact combo I got close to A+ ....those were the heady days 🤣
The 'new" race B is Gr. 4 at Brands Hatch Indy again with the same tuning options available as last time. From what I can tell the same car with the same tuning is going to be best again so here's my new lap with the same old things.

Thank you for sharing the set up again. Have you tried without ASM ? i cant remember being faster with ASM on, whenever i tried it.
I like qualifying more than the racing here 😂😂

@MOPARbarrett5 i see you! Great time

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I'm pretty sure I will like qualifying more too, last time with this event I did over a thousand miles of qualifying.

Thank you for sharing the set up again. Have you tried without ASM ? i cant remember being faster with ASM on, whenever i tried it.
I've not done much practice yet but I think the assists don't seem to effect the time much for better or for worse but it might be possible to run a more aggressive thus overpowered suspension setup with assists on and enough practice.
I started creating this tuning guide some months ago for fun but never got to finish it (I'm not a tuner), so thought I would share it anyways seeing that there are some tuning races this week, disclaimer this could be inaccurate and/or doesn't translate to GT7 well, so if it's garbage I'll replace it with a pic of Homer Simpson doing his classic 'D'oh!' expression :)

I stopped working on the guide because I thought the whole thing was too complicated, I have trouble tuning even one of these settings, so I started to work on scenarios which I found more useful, I've included those below.

I haven't done an online race since last year and haven't renewed my ps plus sub but I still have access to qualifying.

AdjustmentIncrease FrontDecrease FrontIncrease RearDecrease Rear
Natural Frequency (springs)- Improves front-end responsiveness
  • Increases understeer over bumps
  • May increase oversteer tendency
Corner Phase Impact
Entry: Better turn-in response
Mid: More responsive front
Exit: Stable but may require careful throttle application
Effects on Traction
  • Improved front tire grip during turn-in
  • Potentially reduced front traction under acceleration
  • May increase front tire wear
- Reduces front-end responsiveness
  • May improve stability
  • Can make the car feel more "planted"
Corner Phase Impact
- Entry: Slower turn-in, more understeer
-Mid-Corner: Stable but less responsive
-Exit: Easier to manage throttle application
Effects on Traction
  • Reduced front tire grip during turn-in
  • Potentially improved front traction under acceleration
  • May decrease front tire wear
- Improves rear-end stability
  • Reduces oversteer
  • May increase understeer tendency
  • Can make the car feel more "planted"
Corner Phase Impact
-Entry: More stable under braking
-Mid: Less likely to oversteer
-Exit: Stable, easier to apply throttle
Effects on Traction
  • Improved rear tire grip during acceleration
  • Better traction out of corners
  • May increase rear tire wear
- Reduces rear-end stability
  • Increases oversteer
  • May improve turn-in response
  • Can make the car more "loose" or "tail-happy"
Corner Phase Impact
- Entry: Potential for rear instability
-Mid: More oversteer, better rotation
-Exit: Requires careful throttle management to avoid oversteer
Effects on Traction
  • Reduced rear tire grip during acceleration
  • Potential for wheel spin out of corners
  • May decrease rear tire wear
Damping Compression- Reduces front-end dive
  • Improves turn-in response
  • Reduces understeer
  • Stiffer over bumps

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Quicker turn-in
  • Mid: More stable
  • Exit: Faster weight transfer

Effects on Traction:
  • Improved during quick transitions
  • Reduced over bumps/kerbs
  • Can increase front tire temp
- Allows more front-end dive
  • Softens turn-in
  • Increases understeer
  • Better bump compliance

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Slower turn-in
  • Mid: More body movement
  • Exit: Slower weight transfer

Effects on Traction:
  • Improved over bumps and kerbs
  • May reduce quick transition response
  • Can decrease front tire temp
- Reduces rear-end squat
  • Improves exit stability
  • Reduces oversteer
  • Stiffer over bumps

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: More stable braking
  • Mid: Less body movement
  • Exit: Better acceleration stability

Effects on Traction:
  • Improved during quick transitions
  • Reduced over bumps/kerbs
  • Can increase rear tire temp
- Allows more rear-end squat
  • Can increase oversteer
  • Better bump compliance

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Less stable under braking
  • Mid: More body movement
  • Exit: Potentially less stable acceleration

Effects on Traction:
  • Improved over bumps and kerbs
  • May reduce quick transition response
  • Can decrease rear tire temp
Rebound Damping- Improves front stability after compressions
  • Reduces oscillations
  • More planted feel

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: More stable under braking
  • Mid: Better bump recovery
  • Exit: Improved stability

Effects on Traction:
  • Generally improves consistency
  • Better tire contact
  • May slightly increase tire wear
- Quicker front suspension extension
  • Can improve mechanical grip
  • Less stable over bumps

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Less stable under heavy braking
  • Mid: Quicker response to weight transfer
  • Exit: Potentially less stable during hard acceleration

Effects on Traction:
  • Can improve mechanical grip in some situations
  • May lead to inconsistent traction over bumps
  • Potentially reduces tire wear
- Enhances rear stability after compressions
  • Reduces oscillations
  • More planted feel

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: More stable under braking
  • Mid: Better bump recovery
  • Exit: Improved acceleration stability

Effects on Traction:
  • Generally improves consistency
  • Better tire contact
  • May slightly increase tire wear
- Quicker rear suspension extension
  • Can improve mechanical grip
  • Less stable over bumps

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Potential for rear instability
  • Mid: Quicker response to weight transfer
  • Exit: Requires careful throttle management

Effects on Traction:
  • Can improve mechanical grip in some situations
  • May lead to inconsistent traction over bumps
  • Potentially reduces tire wear
Anti-Roll Bar- Reduces front body roll
  • Improves turn-in response
  • Tends to induce understeer

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Quicker turn-in
  • Mid: Less roll, more responsive
  • Exit: Potentially less inside wheel traction

Effects on Traction:
  • Better in quick transitions
  • May reduce grip in long corners
  • Can cause inside wheel lift
- Increases front body roll
  • Can reduce understeer
  • May improve front grip in long corners

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Slower turn-in
  • Mid: More body roll, potentially better grip
  • Exit: Better inside wheel traction

Effects on Traction:
  • Improves overall grip in longer corners
  • May reduce responsiveness in quick transitions
  • Helps maintain tire contact with the road
- Reduces rear body roll
  • Improves responsiveness
  • Tends to induce oversteer

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: More stable
  • Mid: Less roll, more responsive
  • Exit: Potentially less inside wheel traction

Effects on Traction:
  • Better in quick transitions
  • May reduce grip in long corners
  • Can cause inside wheel lift
- Increases rear body roll
  • Can reduce oversteer
  • May improve rear grip in long corners

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Potential for rear instability
  • Mid: More body roll, potentially better grip
  • Exit: Better inside wheel traction

Effects on Traction:
  • Improves overall grip in longer corners
  • May reduce responsiveness in quick transitions
  • Helps maintain tire contact with the road

Scenario 1: Understeer on Tight Corners​

Issue: Your car consistently experiences understeer when entering tight corners, causing it to drift wide and lose precious time.

Solution: Increase the natural frequency by stiffening the front springs. This adjustment shifts weight transfer to the rear wheels during cornering, improving front-end grip and reducing understeer. Additionally, fine-tune the compression damping to increase front-end stability and minimize body roll, allowing for sharper turn-in without sacrificing overall control.

Scenario 2: Bouncing Over Bumps​

Issue: Your car bounces excessively over bumps and kerbs, leading to a loss of traction and stability, especially during high-speed sections of the track.

Solution: Decrease the compression damping to allow the suspension to absorb bumps more effectively. This softens the compression, reducing the tendency for the car to bounce and ensuring better tire contact with the road surface. Additionally, adjust the rebound damping to prevent the car from rebounding too quickly after compression, further enhancing stability over uneven terrain.

Scenario 3: Excessive Body Roll in S Turns​

Issue: Your car exhibits excessive body roll when navigating S turns, making it difficult to maintain a consistent racing line and compromising overall cornering performance.

Solution: Increase the natural frequency by stiffening the springs on both the front and rear axles. This reduces body roll by providing greater resistance to lateral weight transfer during cornering, resulting in improved stability and responsiveness through S turns. Additionally, adjust the compression damping to further minimize body roll and fine-tune the rebound damping to ensure smooth weight transfer during transitions between corners.

Scenario 4: Loss of Traction Under Heavy Braking​

Issue: Your car experiences a loss of traction and stability under heavy braking, particularly when entering tight hairpin corners, making it challenging to brake late and carry speed through the corner.

Solution: Increase the rebound damping to minimize weight transfer to the front wheels during braking, maintaining better tire contact and enhancing overall stability. Additionally, adjust the compression damping to provide sufficient support to the suspension during heavy braking, preventing excessive dive and ensuring consistent braking performance. Fine-tune the natural frequency to optimize weight distribution and improve overall traction under braking.
I'm pretty sure I will like qualifying more too, last time with this event I did over a thousand miles of qualifying.

I've not done much practice yet but I think the assists don't seem to effect the time much for better or for worse but it might be possible to run a more aggressive thus overpowered suspension setup with assists on and enough practice.
Thanks. I will try it this evening, running 5 laps with asm and 5 without. I will tell about the time differences tomorrow.
I'm so glad there's a road car Daily Race even if its the same combo from last May. And I find the Skyline R34 GT-R and Watkins Glen Short Course combo to be fitting. So far I managed to get a 1:21.4 as my qualifying time but I can see myself reducing that time further if I can get the bus stop chicanes right.

With that said I'mma rep the Prostreet liveries on this race and for starters I used the Apex Glide livery for today.
