GT7 Daily Race Discussion

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I like qualifying more than the racing here 😂😂

@MOPARbarrett5 i see you! Great time

I like qualifying more than the racing here 😂😂

@MOPARbarrett5 i see you! Great time

View attachment 1389594
I'm pretty sure I will like qualifying more too, last time with this event I did over a thousand miles of qualifying.

Thank you for sharing the set up again. Have you tried without ASM ? i cant remember being faster with ASM on, whenever i tried it.
I've not done much practice yet but I think the assists don't seem to effect the time much for better or for worse but it might be possible to run a more aggressive thus overpowered suspension setup with assists on and enough practice.
I started creating this tuning guide some months ago for fun but never got to finish it (I'm not a tuner), so thought I would share it anyways seeing that there are some tuning races this week, disclaimer this could be inaccurate and/or doesn't translate to GT7 well, so if it's garbage I'll replace it with a pic of Homer Simpson doing his classic 'D'oh!' expression :)

I stopped working on the guide because I thought the whole thing was too complicated, I have trouble tuning even one of these settings, so I started to work on scenarios which I found more useful, I've included those below.

I haven't done an online race since last year and haven't renewed my ps plus sub but I still have access to qualifying.

AdjustmentIncrease FrontDecrease FrontIncrease RearDecrease Rear
Natural Frequency (springs)- Improves front-end responsiveness
  • Increases understeer over bumps
  • May increase oversteer tendency
Corner Phase Impact
Entry: Better turn-in response
Mid: More responsive front
Exit: Stable but may require careful throttle application
Effects on Traction
  • Improved front tire grip during turn-in
  • Potentially reduced front traction under acceleration
  • May increase front tire wear
- Reduces front-end responsiveness
  • May improve stability
  • Can make the car feel more "planted"
Corner Phase Impact
- Entry: Slower turn-in, more understeer
-Mid-Corner: Stable but less responsive
-Exit: Easier to manage throttle application
Effects on Traction
  • Reduced front tire grip during turn-in
  • Potentially improved front traction under acceleration
  • May decrease front tire wear
- Improves rear-end stability
  • Reduces oversteer
  • May increase understeer tendency
  • Can make the car feel more "planted"
Corner Phase Impact
-Entry: More stable under braking
-Mid: Less likely to oversteer
-Exit: Stable, easier to apply throttle
Effects on Traction
  • Improved rear tire grip during acceleration
  • Better traction out of corners
  • May increase rear tire wear
- Reduces rear-end stability
  • Increases oversteer
  • May improve turn-in response
  • Can make the car more "loose" or "tail-happy"
Corner Phase Impact
- Entry: Potential for rear instability
-Mid: More oversteer, better rotation
-Exit: Requires careful throttle management to avoid oversteer
Effects on Traction
  • Reduced rear tire grip during acceleration
  • Potential for wheel spin out of corners
  • May decrease rear tire wear
Damping Compression- Reduces front-end dive
  • Improves turn-in response
  • Reduces understeer
  • Stiffer over bumps

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Quicker turn-in
  • Mid: More stable
  • Exit: Faster weight transfer

Effects on Traction:
  • Improved during quick transitions
  • Reduced over bumps/kerbs
  • Can increase front tire temp
- Allows more front-end dive
  • Softens turn-in
  • Increases understeer
  • Better bump compliance

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Slower turn-in
  • Mid: More body movement
  • Exit: Slower weight transfer

Effects on Traction:
  • Improved over bumps and kerbs
  • May reduce quick transition response
  • Can decrease front tire temp
- Reduces rear-end squat
  • Improves exit stability
  • Reduces oversteer
  • Stiffer over bumps

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: More stable braking
  • Mid: Less body movement
  • Exit: Better acceleration stability

Effects on Traction:
  • Improved during quick transitions
  • Reduced over bumps/kerbs
  • Can increase rear tire temp
- Allows more rear-end squat
  • Can increase oversteer
  • Better bump compliance

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Less stable under braking
  • Mid: More body movement
  • Exit: Potentially less stable acceleration

Effects on Traction:
  • Improved over bumps and kerbs
  • May reduce quick transition response
  • Can decrease rear tire temp
Rebound Damping- Improves front stability after compressions
  • Reduces oscillations
  • More planted feel

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: More stable under braking
  • Mid: Better bump recovery
  • Exit: Improved stability

Effects on Traction:
  • Generally improves consistency
  • Better tire contact
  • May slightly increase tire wear
- Quicker front suspension extension
  • Can improve mechanical grip
  • Less stable over bumps

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Less stable under heavy braking
  • Mid: Quicker response to weight transfer
  • Exit: Potentially less stable during hard acceleration

Effects on Traction:
  • Can improve mechanical grip in some situations
  • May lead to inconsistent traction over bumps
  • Potentially reduces tire wear
- Enhances rear stability after compressions
  • Reduces oscillations
  • More planted feel

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: More stable under braking
  • Mid: Better bump recovery
  • Exit: Improved acceleration stability

Effects on Traction:
  • Generally improves consistency
  • Better tire contact
  • May slightly increase tire wear
- Quicker rear suspension extension
  • Can improve mechanical grip
  • Less stable over bumps

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Potential for rear instability
  • Mid: Quicker response to weight transfer
  • Exit: Requires careful throttle management

Effects on Traction:
  • Can improve mechanical grip in some situations
  • May lead to inconsistent traction over bumps
  • Potentially reduces tire wear
Anti-Roll Bar- Reduces front body roll
  • Improves turn-in response
  • Tends to induce understeer

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Quicker turn-in
  • Mid: Less roll, more responsive
  • Exit: Potentially less inside wheel traction

Effects on Traction:
  • Better in quick transitions
  • May reduce grip in long corners
  • Can cause inside wheel lift
- Increases front body roll
  • Can reduce understeer
  • May improve front grip in long corners

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Slower turn-in
  • Mid: More body roll, potentially better grip
  • Exit: Better inside wheel traction

Effects on Traction:
  • Improves overall grip in longer corners
  • May reduce responsiveness in quick transitions
  • Helps maintain tire contact with the road
- Reduces rear body roll
  • Improves responsiveness
  • Tends to induce oversteer

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: More stable
  • Mid: Less roll, more responsive
  • Exit: Potentially less inside wheel traction

Effects on Traction:
  • Better in quick transitions
  • May reduce grip in long corners
  • Can cause inside wheel lift
- Increases rear body roll
  • Can reduce oversteer
  • May improve rear grip in long corners

Corner Phase Impact:
  • Entry: Potential for rear instability
  • Mid: More body roll, potentially better grip
  • Exit: Better inside wheel traction

Effects on Traction:
  • Improves overall grip in longer corners
  • May reduce responsiveness in quick transitions
  • Helps maintain tire contact with the road

Scenario 1: Understeer on Tight Corners​

Issue: Your car consistently experiences understeer when entering tight corners, causing it to drift wide and lose precious time.

Solution: Increase the natural frequency by stiffening the front springs. This adjustment shifts weight transfer to the rear wheels during cornering, improving front-end grip and reducing understeer. Additionally, fine-tune the compression damping to increase front-end stability and minimize body roll, allowing for sharper turn-in without sacrificing overall control.

Scenario 2: Bouncing Over Bumps​

Issue: Your car bounces excessively over bumps and kerbs, leading to a loss of traction and stability, especially during high-speed sections of the track.

Solution: Decrease the compression damping to allow the suspension to absorb bumps more effectively. This softens the compression, reducing the tendency for the car to bounce and ensuring better tire contact with the road surface. Additionally, adjust the rebound damping to prevent the car from rebounding too quickly after compression, further enhancing stability over uneven terrain.

Scenario 3: Excessive Body Roll in S Turns​

Issue: Your car exhibits excessive body roll when navigating S turns, making it difficult to maintain a consistent racing line and compromising overall cornering performance.

Solution: Increase the natural frequency by stiffening the springs on both the front and rear axles. This reduces body roll by providing greater resistance to lateral weight transfer during cornering, resulting in improved stability and responsiveness through S turns. Additionally, adjust the compression damping to further minimize body roll and fine-tune the rebound damping to ensure smooth weight transfer during transitions between corners.

Scenario 4: Loss of Traction Under Heavy Braking​

Issue: Your car experiences a loss of traction and stability under heavy braking, particularly when entering tight hairpin corners, making it challenging to brake late and carry speed through the corner.

Solution: Increase the rebound damping to minimize weight transfer to the front wheels during braking, maintaining better tire contact and enhancing overall stability. Additionally, adjust the compression damping to provide sufficient support to the suspension during heavy braking, preventing excessive dive and ensuring consistent braking performance. Fine-tune the natural frequency to optimize weight distribution and improve overall traction under braking.
I'm pretty sure I will like qualifying more too, last time with this event I did over a thousand miles of qualifying.

I've not done much practice yet but I think the assists don't seem to effect the time much for better or for worse but it might be possible to run a more aggressive thus overpowered suspension setup with assists on and enough practice.
Thanks. I will try it this evening, running 5 laps with asm and 5 without. I will tell about the time differences tomorrow.
I'm so glad there's a road car Daily Race even if its the same combo from last May. And I find the Skyline R34 GT-R and Watkins Glen Short Course combo to be fitting. So far I managed to get a 1:21.4 as my qualifying time but I can see myself reducing that time further if I can get the bus stop chicanes right.

With that said I'mma rep the Prostreet liveries on this race and for starters I used the Apex Glide livery for today.

Apparently my quali time (47.7 sec) for Brands Hatch is quite okay for a DR B driver. Put me in P2 at the start. During the race I saw people pitting and concluded that it would be wise for me to copy this. P1 pitted in lap 1, I pitted in lap 9, we saw eachother again at my pit exit.

Finished 0.7 secs behind. No one behind me could come within 1.5 seconds of me. Nice flow this race! Will try this again later this week. My starting position will drop down the order a bit during the week, but with the pit stop you can try to get some clean track.
I couldn't tell you why, maybe it's just the uniqueness of the turn 2-3 complex, maybe it's just that they actively use it. But Deep Forest is one of the few fantasy tracks where the reverse variant feels like it has its own distinct character from the forwards version rather than just feeling like a bit of a clumsy remaster.

Like, Trial Mountain Reverse and GVH1 Reverse don't really work for me, but this does. Sardegna A is the other one I'd say works well.
I couldn't tell you why, maybe it's just the uniqueness of the turn 2-3 complex, maybe it's just that they actively use it. But Deep Forest is one of the few fantasy tracks where the reverse variant feels like it has its own distinct character from the forwards version rather than just feeling like a bit of a clumsy remaster.

Like, Trial Mountain Reverse and GVH1 Reverse don't really work for me, but this does. Sardegna A is the other one I'd say works well.
Agree, DF reverse is good and a few of those dragon tail tracks too, I remember a gr4 race a while back, GVH south reverse was great racing with the first corner into the tunnel with a tight left.

I do think TM is good in reverse.

Some tracks are a completely unique track in there own right in reverse
Man, I went to sleep on the couch at about 4am, and woke up 2 hours ago. This list of tracks/cars is a repeat. But I'm glad that I don't have to deal with Fuji anymore for a while. I got a good time at Brands Hatch, 0'49.313. But I know I can do better than that. Maybe set a sub 0'47.000 time? Now I used the scirocco car, but I might need to use another one. I guess I'll check the global leaderboard and see what the meta car is.

@MOPARbarrett5 I'm gonna watch and study your replay as a guide. Thanks!!
I think I expect to much from people sometimes.

I expect them to understand the race around them. Now on daily B I can imagine as pointed out a lot of people don't read the rules or understand how pit strategies work.

That is fine and people will learn. But what has surprised me this time round as a pole or 2nd place sitter pitting lap one to get at the back of the pack with my focus on the delta to P1 to jump on the pit stop the guys in 5-15 seem to think I'm racing them...

The level of racing immaturity is quite striking. Literally no awareness that I'm not racing them yet the blocking, dive bombs etc.

I know why I QT Mondays. Just pretty awful. But it's a 2 sided coin and I've had some great races 1 p1 and 2 p2-p4 (from pole or the front row)

This will shake out to be a good week.

A topic for another day is trail braking is not what so so many people in my lobbies think it is.
Well I try to avoid immature racers like that. I had some of those occurrences happen to me at Deep Forest last week, but I just ignored it. I think this will be a much better week than the previous one. Watkins Glen is more spaced out and it has no tunnels like Deep Forest does, and it's not narrow. The sweepers are a pain, but I can deal with it and the Skyline runs great. I reduced my time down to 1'24.052 after 5 runs this afternoon. I probably could get down in the 1'22.000's if I can find a stronger line for the sweepers and at the end before going to the finish line.
It will be a good week Chris for all of the races it's just the first day and Sundays are tricky as a lot of people are either forcing times they can't match or chasing results they shouldn't have.

Keep doing what you are doing, enjoying the races where you can.

My issue is that I race with people who should be be better than they act the pace is largely there but to be honest it flexes a bit on that. What I do expect is restraint and using the bloody mirrors or radars.

But the most most most important thing is decision making, 10 lap race, flat out corner if I'm not in the happy place I'll lift if I'm in the happy place I'll lift if they insist of compromise both our race times. It's just Mario kart race craft
Man, I went to sleep on the couch at about 4am, and woke up 2 hours ago. This list of tracks/cars is a repeat. But I'm glad that I don't have to deal with Fuji anymore for a while. I got a good time at Brands Hatch, 0'49.313. But I know I can do better than that. Maybe set a sub 0'47.000 time? Now I used the scirocco car, but I might need to use another one. I guess I'll check the global leaderboard and see what the meta car is.

@MOPARbarrett5 I'm gonna watch and study your replay as a guide. Thanks!!
'47.00 would rank you 20th in the world...
'47.00 would rank you 20th in the world...
Yeah I'm a 47.28 and that's 80th ish now.

Will tumble as people push for 46s although I don't expect the race pace to change that much


Carrying constant speed is the aim, start stopping is the worst way to drive a car.

I say this as the amount of people who choose their late braking at odd points is weird. Druids yes, you can just about prise it open but it compromises the rest of the lap. Everywhere else you are just losing time. Just a weird approach to racing. Just weird.
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I'm currently at 48.1 and can feel there's a little more to come just stringing it together. Managed a 2nd place last race of the evening due to pitting on lap 1 (and not getting a penalty).
Didn't try any races tonight, just tried all the gr4 cars with no setup to see what kind of times I could manage, I didn't even play with BB. Anyway, managed a 47.5 in the G70 (500 ish on the ranking) but I just don't feel comfortable with it and in VR that pissy little steering wheel annoys me 🤣🤣🤣 I couldn't get close to that time in anything else except, oddly, the Alfa 155. I will try again tomorrow with some kind of setup in the G70 and see can I improve my time but I'm not great at messing with the suspension in this game 🙈 will try a couple of races too now that the first day chaos is over with!!
I think B will be a good place to camp out for the week. Quick early qualifying got me 49.1 in the Ferrari, very sloppy though with time to be had. The racing was surprisingly good for this early in the week. Could be a tough track to pass on?
Tuning.🙄 If they insist that we use our precious time to fiddle with that stuff, how about we were allowed to use the already existing ability to save and load tunings?
Oh well, tuning does not interest me one bit, so I will just do the fun part (yes, racing) and see where that lands me.
I love Deep Forest in either direction but reverse races even better than forward in my eyes, then the tyre regs are setup so you have a big window of strategy options. Even the tuning is good because you can find what they broke on the 911 in the last update. It's a great race!

The only problem with reverse tracks is you get walls/access points at weird angles that will stop you dead, as this poor chap found out:

I think I expect to much from people sometimes.

I expect them to understand the race around them. Now on daily B I can imagine as pointed out a lot of people don't read the rules or understand how pit strategies work.

That is fine and people will learn. But what has surprised me this time round as a pole or 2nd place sitter pitting lap one to get at the back of the pack with my focus on the delta to P1 to jump on the pit stop the guys in 5-15 seem to think I'm racing them...

The level of racing immaturity is quite striking. Literally no awareness that I'm not racing them yet the blocking, dive bombs etc.

I know why I QT Mondays. Just pretty awful. But it's a 2 sided coin and I've had some great races 1 p1 and 2 p2-p4 (from pole or the front row)

This will shake out to be a good week.

A topic for another day is trail braking is not what so so many people in my lobbies think it is.
I think the person who doesn't understand pit strategies, is the one who when running at the front takes an early stop, only to be surprised to find slow traffic in the way!

Although I am with you on the idiots being idiots when blocking someone who they're not really racing with, but surely you know by now that's exactly what would happen when you pit early.
I think the person who doesn't understand pit strategies, is the one who when running at the front takes an early stop, only to be surprised to find slow traffic in the way!

Although I am with you on the idiots being idiots when blocking someone who they're not really racing with, but surely you know by now that's exactly what would happen when you pit early.
That's not quite what I was saying but I take the point.

The reason to pit early is to not come out in traffic which is more risky as that can be problematic to know who you are actually racing and with mixed "agendas" the likelihood of an incident increases.

Being behind slower drivers is safer....:P
Man, I got a 4-second penalty for hitting someone twice in the A races, that irks me bad. At least I had some good colors for my Skyline ride. I've only done three races so far this week. Those sweepers piss me off two, in Race 1 I got a one second penalty of touching the grass, and a half a second penalty in my next race. Ridiculous. There was a lot of carnage going on. I saved all three of my races in the showcase under my ID, rising_glass1. I need to watch out who I hit and my surroundings on the track. It affects my SR here.
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Enjoying the Race B tbf. Not much in terms of action though. Down to a 47.093 in qualifying now, 67th in the entire universe

First race yesterday, started 2nd finished 2nd - no drama.

Second race this morn, started 2nd, was going to finish 2nd....until I finished 3rd as I hit the wall in the pit lane end of lap 9 as I forgot to drop down the gears so struggled with the chicane... in the words of Jeff Goldblum...

Well maybe I should set a real goal like a sub 0'48.000 or 0'48.500, that would be enough to get a pole time or to start in the top 5 of the grid. Lol, I haven't even started any B races yet and it's already Tuesday. Before you know it, it'll be Sunday. Good luck to everyone this week, it's a fun combo so far for every Race (A-C).
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I think I expect to much from people sometimes.

I expect them to understand the race around them. Now on daily B I can imagine as pointed out a lot of people don't read the rules or understand how pit strategies work.

That is fine and people will learn. But what has surprised me this time round as a pole or 2nd place sitter pitting lap one to get at the back of the pack with my focus on the delta to P1 to jump on the pit stop the guys in 5-15 seem to think I'm racing them...

The level of racing immaturity is quite striking. Literally no awareness that I'm not racing them yet the blocking, dive bombs etc.

I know why I QT Mondays. Just pretty awful. But it's a 2 sided coin and I've had some great races 1 p1 and 2 p2-p4 (from pole or the front row)

This will shake out to be a good week.

A topic for another day is trail braking is not what so so many people in my lobbies think it is.
I am sorry, but I am not sure how it is regarded as immature not to have memorized the driver names of P1-8, when I am starting at P15. When SpikeMyCucumber8493 appears in front of me, I have usually had far more urgent matters to attend to, than to know exactly what his starting position was, in addition to whether or not he has already pitted.
"IF" I am in possession of above mentioned info, I will off course know that he is the faster driver, and act accordingly, but for me, that is a VERY big if.
But if it is normal to have memorized all 16 drivers and having the constant awareness of their pitting status, I am sorry to report that I am not there yet. And as short-term memory is not likely to improve after age 60, I am not going to make any promises.

(We will not likely meet anyway, as you are much more elite, but I just wanted to state what that situation looks like from my point of view.)