GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Well this is a promising start for my Alt and Main accounts

Ditto . Why you can't save settings really irks me. Also, where to find the best settings in the first place. Just ruins it for me :(
Allow me. All base setup for any given car (meta or not) can bring you inside the 1000-1500 best times on the leaderbord as long as you're knowing every inch of the track (RBR in this case) and every aspect/behaviour of the car you're driving. Then, if after a series of ar 10-15 consecutive laps where you can keep a delta not higher than +/- 0.1 sec and your ideal is lower than your faster one by only 0.1-0.2 sec, it means that you can't squeeze much time from that setting anymore. Looking for a "fancy" setup online, based on the driving style of the owner (which may significantly differ from your's) is a risk. The risk is to be "fast" on a single lap, but totally inconsistent on a series of 10 laps. I suggest to not waist time on looking for the "perfect setup", but to push the car you've chosen to "your" limit for the track. BB setting is already more than what's required to help you on that.

PS: For any given car with potential, let's say. Cause the BoP is really rubbish nonetheless.
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Before I even attempt any racing tonight and while my son is having a nap I am going to do some cable management first 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's actually a mess 🙈 Luckily I was in Lidl yesterday and they had all this stuff 😅. I might get it done in time to go on my US account
Edit: Much tider, even got time to fit my new truck gear shifter too ( im a closet ets2 wannabe trucker too🤣). My little man slept through it thank soon as wifey gets home im heading to Race C at RBR 👌👌
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My time is updated now but taking a break for "family time" and might hop in later! Well done with the P1 result from the newer post as well, sir!

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This will be a very very tight week for everyone I think, the margins for given groups are paper thin time wise and the difference between starting p3 and p10 are going to be 4/10ths if that.

Really tight combo and I vaguely remember we had this recently as a daily or a TT

Also fire first few laps mate!

But always! Always! Family first! We can resume our battles another day!
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Been away for a while for work abroad and man do you rust quickly. Race A karts looks great in VR, so I did three races right away. Sub minute QT is the goal, and in a Low A that gets you in the top part on the grid in Europe.

Races ended with me in P11, P11, and P5 - If you spin the wheels for only a thousand of a second, look on the grass, or if even the thought of going on the curbs crosses you mind: bye bye.

Lesson learned. (Not)
Here's what the start of race C looks like when you're ranked B/A.
I was trying to be careful, and braking early, so I could get back to SR S.

Whoever decided to go with the grid start at a track that begins with two hard-braking corners, has a terrific sense of humor. :lol:
Screw that @Nebuc72 alien. I'm going to unfriend you! Grrr


Damn you dude in the most gritted teeth sincere way I can muster!
Hahahaha thanks. Nurb GP has always been my weakest circuit IMO so I figured I'd at least give it a go. Getting the hang of it a bit more now I think, lot of long flowing corners I think I have been carrying way too much speed into.

Got a couple more tenths in the last couple corners to squeeze out - never liked the way you have to clatter through that chicane in GT7.
never liked the way you have to clatter through that chicane in GT7.
I agree (ignoring all your rubbing in my face 1 tenth here or or 5 tenths randomly "just being smoother" you d...) ;)

It's actually really natural and much easier in VR for some reason you don't get the bumper cam bounce, it's something you do well or bad and still not worry about the weird bounce/traction.

I catch and overtake Tidge in T2 (this is a fallacy because I'm loosing that gap on exit!)

The other two corners I catch him, it doesn't matter because I'm to far back by that point. First world problems and all that.

I friended you by the way you alien!

Didn't really 🤣
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But you have to see what it is for what it is.

None of the fast/good/decent streamers do it, none of the fast silent leaderboard assassins do it, it's the sort of people I'm moaning about and Gurzu posted a video about. These are people that don't want to race or be the best, they want to win and more worryingly they don't care as much as we do.

No game or competitive sport is immune to this sort of stuff, and it's easy to lay blame at PD but it's not their fault people act like cock wombles, not saying in doesn't need a lot of improvement but it's the cock wombles that are more of a problem than the penalties and I'm a massive penalty moaner!
Completely agree, I feel the same way about players using cars ahead as an extra breaking point. I learned to watch my rear view mirror in to a corner then swerved away from apex to watch said car go flying off track, GT7 isn't a arcade racer FULL STOP. It's a simulator to experience pro racing wether u have a wheel/pedals or a controller and the joy of competing against like minded racers.
I very rarely win but love the competition knowing that I've tried my hardest, saying that I have problems with (cock wombels lol) running me off the road etc, leaving me no choice but to exit.
Might end up doing Race C if I can't settle down in Race B. Probably skip Race A. Those karts, man... 😤 😅

Race A: Racing Kart 125 Shifter - 1:00.851 I was getting very inventive with my profanity

Race B: NSX Gr.4 - 1:33.955 Kept overdriving

Race C: NSX Gr.3 (default) - 1:29.289 Car felt good
@Tidgney awesome guide as always mate. You crack me up sometimes, thanks for the laugh and entertainment. And congrats on the amount of subscribers you have gotten the past 2 years. We all are our own family for gt7. Race A will be a fun banger this week. Looking forward to the action with the go-karts.
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races: Kart and Soul

Road cars are taking a rest from this week’s Gran Turismo 7 Daily Races, with three events for vehicles up and down the motorsports ladder...
I know I am probably saying something that's been said a gajillion times, but I REALLY appreciate you coming up with puns and good names for literally every Daily Races/Weekly Events post.
Right in doing what will be known going forwards "is a techno"

I'm in the office for the rest of the week, there is some time there and depending on work/life balance this is pretty much where I am this week.

*don't friend @Nebuc72 dude comes from another planet with this stuff. Never seen him actually race though 😝
Good evening everyone.

Another opinion about another racing week.

Daily A: Road Atlanta - Mazda MX5/Miata

Cool combo. In fact, all the races I was in, or won or finished in the top 5.
Although it is not because of that I say it was cool, but it was.
Only one thing tho, with hundreds of cars what is the point of that, if these kind of combos are always
with the same five or six brand and models cars since GTSport?
Maybe one thing to review PD.
Thumbs up tho.

Daily B: Grand Valley - Gr3

Not bad, some car variety.
Some of the 'let me check what is the fastest car on the world's top 10 list and spin and crash by myself, because I even don't
try any car unless the best of this list' silly folks.
I say again, Gr3 cars racing only 4 laps with hard tires, is a pity for me.

Daily C: Le Mans (without chicanes) - Gr1 (Group C)

At last a race without Gr1 LMP1 and VGT. Thumbs up PD. 👍
But... But with a straight with ~7 kilometers, one of the cars having between 15/20 km/h more than all the others,
what is the point? The few races I was in, sometimes I was driving the only no Nissan car... Shame.
Once more, this could be fixed by more tire wear or fuel consumption, or even less grip.
On the Porsche and Ford curbs section, I managed to be faster than Nissan 1-2 seconds, that was ok,
but on the back straifgt, Nissans could win up to 5 seconds. Even getting some tow, it wasn't enough.
Therefore, thumbs down PD. 👎

For curiosity, top speeds:
  • Jaguar: 339km/h
  • Porsche: 328km/h
  • Sauber: 332km/h
  • Mazda: 343km/h
  • Nissan: I don't know, because I never play with the fastest car of the world's list.

Please, remember that I have no intention to start any discussion. This is just to express what my soul think. ;)

Have fun,

P.S. It seems that this new week will be a bit disappointing. Will see.
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Go Karts are so much fun in this game, they even got me to break out the VR again for a bit. 😎
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Great race photo you took there Mr. Pigems! I think this will be an awesome productive week for all of us. I actually got a time in the mid-1'02.000's at almost 5am this morning, so I was happy about that small bit of progress.
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This will be an interesting night. I found ovals impossible with a d-pad and the wheel is a revelation, i also found the Karts impossible with the d-pad so I am hoping I jump on tonight and can really get into it. On D-pad you have to REALLY square the corner and take the corner in one fell sweep, there's no adjusting and the karts don't like that.