Ya, it is utterly joyless. I can't put my finger on it, but it's just....blah. Maybe it's because every race is a cup race of sorts. This week there is the actual cup race in Race A, The (may as well be a) Subaru Cup race for B, and the (may as well be) CLK cup race in C.
Maybe I'm rusty, or maybe GTS made me feel like I was a better player, but I don't pass anyone anymore. Maybe it's the lack of brake bias. Maybe it's less drafting. Maybe there was a boost in GTS. Maybe it's the side effect of so much parity. I can't put my finger on it. When I race, it just seems like a parade.
If Dailies were all shuffle races, I bet it would be more interesting.
And the payouts (sigh). What is the goal here? To make people play SP? To abandon MP altogether? Community is the lifeblood of a game, and they are sucking the life out of it. It's like they hate Sport Mode and online.