GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
Trying to get my mojo back a bit after a stretch of being somewhat meh about GT I went back to basics.

I focused on lines and releasing the brakes early it started to make the game feel fun and less panicky/knife edge. Then once I was back to being comfortable with that I started looking at top gear selections and focusing on single smooth inputs on exit and it really helped start to pull it all together again.

I realised I was starting to focus on the wrong things in my racing and going back to basics and resetting my approach more akin to when I was learning just how to get round the track has been a useful exercise for me both results wise but also mentally.

3 wins today sadly in the Mazda, my big bug can qualify but it's not great in traffic or when being hunted down.

Beers are on me :)
Well I don't fancy racing around Monzda very much, so I guess it's going to be Race C for me this week... I much prefer Gr3 cars when they're not on hard tyres. I'm not very good around Grand Valley though - I quite like the flow of it but I keep mucking up the fiddly bits in the middle and can't get very consistant laps. I was horrified to find myself starting 2nd among A-drivers after what didn't seem like a good qualifying lap. Ended up finishing 10th in that one, followed by a 6th and a 3rd.

Off to watch some lap guides and find a setup....

First ever win at Grand Valley 😮
Among high B/S players, next race has me 9th with mostly A/S guys. A win looks unlikely 😂

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1.58.1 at Monza only got me to position 7 at the grid in a pure B-S lobby. How can people do 1.55 here? I watch the replays and use the ghost, and even with assistance down to zero I just see the ghost rocket away in every turn. Gah! Probably they put brake fluid in my car at the last oil change.
1.58.1 at Monza only got me to position 7 at the grid in a pure B-S lobby. How can people do 1.55 here? I watch the replays and use the ghost, and even with assistance down to zero I just see the ghost rocket away in every turn. Gah! Probably they put brake fluid in my car at the last oil change.
Brake earlier than you would think and then start to accelerate (in a taller gear than you might expect - to prevent wheel spin) before the apex.

The key with the Mazda is to get wheel traction before it hits peak power. if you dump the gas too soon and have any loss of grip (say sliding mid corner) then you will provoke worthless tire spinning and will lose a lot of acceleration out of the corners.

With the Mazda, driving in a way that feels slow, will often result in faster times. If it feels "frantic" then you are over driving and will be slower.
Break early, higher gear, slow in, early on the accelerator, got it!

Thanks a lot guys for the tips!! I'll set an ambitious target to get down to high 57 tomorrow, lets say 1.57.8.

Where are you all at?

Switchback all day for me in that scenario - most people run deep, and make taking the place back easy. If they don't...fair play and good overtake.

Im a dead-average middle of the pack B/S driver and happy to be there as well, I must have raced against you at some point, assuming you are EMEA.
I am indeed EMEA, and I'll see if I can spot you out there.
Lots of carnage at Monza this morning, got taken out by a slower driver just as I passed him.

But was in a few races with A+ drivers (I’m B), including a Brazilian world tour driver.
I think we were in a race together as well. Were you in a green Porsche? I was in a gray Ford GT 18, starting from the back on my 2nd account. I think we had some nice side-by-sides going through some of the turns. :cheers:
Now, 1:55's for me is a pipe dream but, and to your point, all of the cars in any given class should be pretty close to one-another on the track. Some will be faster in straights, others in turns. Some will excel at some tracks, others at others. So, my question to the group is:
  • Is it faster to learn/stick with one car no matter the track or to switch-up cars based on venue?
Taking into account that all should be pretty close time-wise, I'm starting to wonder if picking one car and learning it inside-out and backwards on every track won't yield faster, more consistent results.
Weird quoting myself but it's a progress report.😁

I've been sticking with my 'one car' approach for Gr.3's. I think it's working. I've been able to tackle tracks that have been a nemesis for quite some time. Fuji, Interlagos, know, the hard ones, lol. I've found myself able to recover from forced situations better and, most importantly, patch up my poor driving WAY more quickly/effectively.

Since about 60 pages/2 months ago, I've noticed a huge difference in my consistency largely because I no longer wonder what the car is gonna do. Now, the Porsche and I are good. We're a Team. We communicate...mostly. Instead of me -vs- car -vs- track, now it's just us -vs- track.👍

Wanted to circle back and give an update to a post that nobody requested an update on because, well, I'm irritating that way.🤣

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I'll be trying out some racing at Grand Valley this week. I actually learned the track during the GTWS season and had a decent result so I'm looking forward to some racing. I started in the Porsche and set a time of 1:48.9XX. I then switched to the Huracan as that is what I used in the GTWS and got my time down to a 1:48.8XX. I don't know what I'll use in the race, but I'm leaning towards the Huracan.
Tried the 911 in C race and it is really good on tires so pit with no change is no sweat.
Started p12 with 1:48.3 and traffic on the first 3-4 laps killed lap times. Seems like people were pitting at all different times so as it started to clear in front of me I stayed out and pitted on lap 9 since I was running p5 having been passed by p4 on lap 8.

Coming out of the pits I was p12 and had an m6 that pitted with me right on my tail. Passed a Toyota vgt on smoked tires and it took too long to get by him because the m6 had closed the gap I made in the fist sector.

Pipped at the line to finish where I started in p12 but definitely great racing and lots of fun.

Oh yeah and with that much fun, CRB was a welcome sight.
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I did four race Bs, even though I said I would skip it.. Perhaps I should have?

I QT with a 1:57.453 but that was only good enough for 8th. Still the first race was terrific. Even though I ended in 8th, I was constantly changing places with 6 and 7th. In the end I just couldn't hold it but later found out they were both A+ drivers, so I was pleased with the result.

Next race was a tougher, faster crowd and I started 11th. Still, the race was good and I was up to 10th until I got punted off under braking at turn 7 (last turn of Lesmo). That put me last and I finished 14th.

Would race 3 redeem race 2? No...

QT in 7th and entering chicane, I had nowhere to go but I did not hit anyone. Meanwhile 9th behind me (a SR C driver!) just hammers right into the back of me, but ghosts and go right through me, taking my spot. At the same time 8th ghosts as well in this "incident" and also drives right through me. I was somewhat peeved as the game allowed them to jump through me for no fault of my own. That then put me in a thick crowd and get hit though the next chicane and finally got punted off again at the same spot in the Lesmo; that actually wasn't the fault of the car behind me. They themselves got punted and then pushed into me. Finished 13th. That was not a fun race.

Not sure how I should defend that turn? I must be braking early compared to the others. I tend to brake around 75m (where the shadow ends) downshift to 3rd and as I get traction turning in, upshift back to 4th and accelerate through the corner for the long straight.. This works for me in QT. Is there a better way?

Last race I started 6th and was competitive until I got hit by a 1s penalty and that caused me to finish 10th, but at least I did not lose DT points on that one. In fact penalties are a bit of a nemesis for me at Monza. I have a hard time avoiding them trying to push the limit in QT and while the race is usually not so on the edge, when in traffic, it is very easy to not see the the rubbered over, worn out white line and accidentally get a track limit penalty. Only the first race was penalty free in that regards.

Monza is also bad for SR. Mine dropped quite a bit in the last two races, including the last race where I don't think I hit anyone; but I cut a corner and get a penalty. I presume the SR drop was for that.

In the third race I did skewer two cars that were coming back on track right at the exit of Ascari. I thought they were ghosted but it turns out they weren't. Hit one at full speed, which ping-ponged him into the other car. It was quite the shot of pool! :lol:. Got a 4s penalty for that. It was quite hilarious but I could have done without the penalty and SR drop. 😥

So not a great start.

I put some QT laps down for C as well but no race for now. Seems like the 911 is the car for that. Found the Genesis-X too twitchy.
I really need to work on my quali time for C. I was really looking forward to C this week, but am bummed the GTR and Genesis are the METAs. I hate those cars. I can't get on with them as I feel like I am either super slow or spinning out. I don't have a lot of laps in but the best is like a 47.2 which just isn't going to cut it for the higher splits I want to be in this week.

Love the McLaren here so will likely use that in the race but i need a better qual time first. I really liked the Ford GT 18 a lot as well but it's just slow.
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Oh Dear, the stupidity of this damned game just gets worse and worse.

Since when does a metal barrier or a stone wall grab and hold onto the front corner of your car, should you, unfortunately, happen to hit either during a race? It is so serious that even steering away at full lock will not release you!

Twice in two days, I have been hit from behind on the Grand Valley 'penalty line' straight and entering the small tunnel thereafter. On both occasions, contact with said barrier and wall caused huge delay, penalty and damage to the extent that the race was no longer viable to continue.

Well done Polyphony.. you damned idiots! Why don't you send all your software engineers to a local track and get them to experience, first hand, what the real world is like.
Oh Dear, the stupidity of this damned game just gets worse and worse.

Since when does a metal barrier or a stone wall grab and hold onto the front corner of your car, should you, unfortunately, happen to hit either during a race? It is so serious that even steering away at full lock will not release you!

Twice in two days, I have been hit from behind on the Grand Valley 'penalty line' straight and entering the small tunnel thereafter. On both occasions, contact with said barrier and wall caused huge delay, penalty and damage to the extent that the race was no longer viable to continue.

Well done Polyphony.. you damned idiots! Why don't you send all your software engineers to a local track and get them to experience, first hand, what the real world is like.
Have you got video of this... yet?

Have you got video of this... yet?

I tried uploading a while ago and gave up. I'll record the race next time it happens.
I tried uploading a while ago and gave up.
Yes, you said you tried uploading to GTPlanet but it didn't work, and I told you that's because we aren't a video-sharing site; you'd need to upload it to anywhere that actually hosts videos - YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc - and then post the link here.
To where are you trying to upload it?
Here in the thread...
We're not a video-sharing site. You need to upload it to one of those, and then attach the video from there in a post here.
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Hey @TheNormsk, thanks for the direction...and subsequent motivation! 😁

So, this is the run I was talking about. I thought it was a good race and P2 had a good time of it as well. Basically 5/6 of us stormin' the mountain.

I missed my opportunity to get past P2 on L1 through the tunnel. Hands were still half shakin' from the previous race and I doubled-down to first at the entry...pretty sure I could've gotten overlap on exit had I not done that. Afterwards I just couldn't put together the momentum to get a clean pass on 'em.

Open to critiques, direction AND ridicule...wouldn't post it otherwise. Bumper sticker says it all, really.😁

Weird quoting myself but it's a progress report.😁

I've been sticking with my 'one car' approach for Gr.3's. I think it's working. I've been able to tackle tracks that have been a nemesis for quite some time. Fuji, Interlagos, know, the hard ones, lol. I've found myself able to recover from forced situations better and, most importantly, patch up my poor driving WAY more quickly/effectively.

Since about 60 pages/2 months ago, I've noticed a huge difference in my consistency largely because I no longer wonder what the car is gonna do. Now, the Porsche and I are good. We're a Team. We communicate...mostly. Instead of me -vs- car -vs- track, now it's just us -vs- track.👍

Wanted to circle back and give an update to a post that nobody requested an update on because, well, I'm irritating that way.🤣

I like that approach and it is one I use as well. I think it definitely imprves results overall. The 911 is a great choice, solid at all tracks.

I like to be a special snowflake, so my current favourite car is the NSX. Managed a 1:48.3 at Grand Valley with it on Monday, which is good enough for me for now. Tidgney wasn't a big fan of the NSX in his car profile, but I love driving it, it is just so crisp through and out of the turns.

I'll mix it up a bit each week by picking one or two cars that I have not driven for a while, and experiment them against my current car-of-choice to see if they outperform in both times and driving feel. Its a fun exercise each week as a small sideline to the daily race results.

This week it was the 650S up against the encumbent NSX.

I really like the 650S, and its definitely my second choice car. Times were nearly identical, with both cars having strong and weak corners in different spots. Just prefer the driving feel (and sound) of the NSX, so Im still sticking with it for now.
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Oh Dear, the stupidity of this damned game just gets worse and worse.

Since when does a metal barrier or a stone wall grab and hold onto the front corner of your car, should you, unfortunately, happen to hit either during a race? It is so serious that even steering away at full lock will not release you!

Twice in two days, I have been hit from behind on the Grand Valley 'penalty line' straight and entering the small tunnel thereafter. On both occasions, contact with said barrier and wall caused huge delay, penalty and damage to the extent that the race was no longer viable to continue.

Well done Polyphony.. you damned idiots! Why don't you send all your software engineers to a local track and get them to experience, first hand, what the real world is like.
Incredibly ironic and quite frankly insane of you to call PD stupid because you crashing your car has caused you a 'delay' and 'damage' and then you tell them to go to a track (and assumedly, crash?) in real life so that they can see what it's like first hand.

I'll give you a hint, Einstein. They'll get more than a delay and damage for crashing a car into a metal barrier in the real world.
I like that approach and it is one I use as well. I think it definitely imprves results overall. The 911 is a great choice, solid at all tracks.

I like to be a special snowflake, so my current favourite car is the NSX. Managed a 1:48.3 at Grand Valley with it on Monday, which is good enough for me for now. Tidgney wasn't a big fan of the NSX in his car profile, but I love driving it, it is just so crisp through and out of the turns.

I'll mix it up a bit each week by picking one or two cars that I have not driven for a while, and experiment them against my current car-of-choice to see if they outperform in both times and driving feel. Its a fun exercise each week as a small sideline to the daily race results.

This week it was the 650S up against the encumbent NSX.

I really like the 650S, and its definitely my second choice car. Times were nearly identical, with both cars having strong and weak corners in different spots. Just prefer the driving feel (and sound) of the NSX, so Im still sticking with it for now.
Another sound appreciator!! I know we all care about the sounds of the cars BUT, when it's a component of your decision making process, now you're speakin' my language. 🤣

Thank you for the confirmation/sharing your experience. I wish I had thought about saving a race from 'then' to compare to the same race from 'now.' Alas, I just wasn't that bright/forward-thinking.

As for GVH, wow. This is my first time running here in Gr.3's and this place is amazing. To be honest, I'm not quite sure how people are navigating that last R/L/R intersection in anything even slightly tail-happy. Got a LOT of learnin' to do here. Ran half a dozen or so laps there last night and am showing an optimal in the 48's so that's encouraging.

As for 'B', I might run a qualifier or two over there as a comparison to GTSport. Just ran Monza in 'Sport a couple weeks ago and was down to 1:55.297 with the Bugatti. I'd bet a dollar I can't even get into the 57's in here with the same car.

A few good runs on race C has got me back to DR A... But I'm in among crazy-fast YouTubers now - when they're lapping at 1:46.0 and I'm 2 seconds off, I kinda know I'm out of my league. I still managed to qualify 8th - but unbeknown to me, my wheel wasn't centered at the start, and I got blasted straight in the barrier 🙄 damage and a penalty - I finished 15th. 😂
I think we were in a race together as well. Were you in a green Porsche? I was in a gray Ford GT 18, starting from the back on my 2nd account. I think we had some nice side-by-sides going through some of the turns. :cheers:
No, I started in my fave 458, then switched to the Mazda after getting out dragged in the front straight!
A few good runs on race C has got me back to DR A... But I'm in among crazy-fast YouTubers now - when they're lapping at 1:46.0 and I'm 2 seconds off, I kinda know I'm out of my league. I still managed to qualify 8th - but unbeknown to me, my wheel wasn't centered at the start, and I got blasted straight in the barrier 🙄 damage and a penalty - I finished 15th. 😂
Are you fanatec?

If so, i think setting SPR to 50-100(i leave at 100) despite being irrelevant in game, keeps the wheel from freaking out during load in’s.
What rated lobbies, if I may ask?
B/S - I'm the standard, and quite common on this forum, mid-B driver!

Same again this afternoon for the 911, apart from one race won by a 650S.

I'm using the RCZ, which is very easy on tyres, and doesn't have a notable drop off in performance as the race reaches the end. Using my usual strategy in this type of race - stay out of all the mess on lap 1, pit end of lap 1 (no tyre change), I'm then well behind the mess on lap 2!

Been starting P12 to P14, finished every race in the top 6 🙂
Have to say, after seeing that the Mazda 3 is the meta for Race B (and frankly, only car) was not expecting this week to be fun... However, it is growing on me!

Once I figured out the understeer control, I got going and didn't take long to break into into the 1:56's :) And I think I found 2 corners where I can gain around 0.4s so will try that soon.

Did 3 races on B account:

  • Race 1 (1:57:7 qualy) Started in 14 and finished in P10
  • Race 2 (1:57:1 qualy) Started in P4 and got a podium (miracle) as the savage nature of drivers almost killed me a couple of times!
  • Race 3 (same qualy time) started in P8 and finished in P5 after losing P4 to a dirty overtake (ram me out of the track) and he went unpunished! But at least was comfortably ahead of the rest of the field and held the top 5.
Below is the podium replay - off to try and make up more time :)


I did go faster, but ran out of time haha as wife is here and dinner is ready :P



  • Mazda3.jpeg
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  • Mazzda3.jpeg
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Since when does a metal barrier or a stone wall grab and hold onto the front corner of your car, should you, unfortunately, happen to hit either during a race? It is so serious that even steering away at full lock will not release you!
This happened to me a couple of times last week. I think they had a superconducting electromagnet in the rail. "The Real Driving Simulator". Uh-huh.