GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
No rain people say, what about pit stops?
Watkins Glen, what can I say. You ruined that one 😂 but I did get a time which was 985 in the world, went to 1017 after the race.

Strange wheel effects, bumpy when running straight, no feeling when turning? BB+5 helped a bit.

Just a strange mixture of ppl doing the bus stop flat out against ppl who are braking 🤔

Carnage it is

Look forward to see the settings and the racing develop, might sit this week out


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I think last week was boring in a way, I only did 20 races at Tokyo before getting sick of the slow vans. Hopefully this week will be more enjoyable and fun to do since we're dealing with Group 1,2, and 3 cars.

I bet our friend @GrumpyOldMan will be tripping about the Group 1 event because he usually focuses on the B races, not the A and C ones.
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Watkins Glen, what can I say. You ruined that one 😂 but I did get a time which was 985 in the world, went to 1017 after the race.

Strange wheel effects, bumpy when running straight, no feeling when turning? BB+5 helped a bit.

Just a strange mixture of ppl doing the bus stop flat out against ppl who are braking 🤔

Carnage it is

Look forward to see the settings and the racing develop, might sit this week out
Agreed, some people are lifting, some braking a tiny bit some are pretty much flat out.

The speed of the GR1 stuff and direct instant response feels out of place at WG at least to me.

None of the races are really appealing this week as I prefer closer more forgiving combos. C mostly gaps out a fair bit, B is hard to race close and consistently

A feels like the track is a bit small for GR2

Nice to see some fresh races even if they don't appeal to me much.
Well let's slam 2025 with a bunch of fresh events instead of the usual Gr 3/4 ones in the B and C slots. I need to focus at get to work at Watkins Glen, I gotta long week ahead. I agree with Glen, the Sprint track isn't suitable for Group 2 cars, but PD selected them for the track, so...

Ain't nothing I can do about it. I'll try to post my W.G. lap session later today or tonight depending on how much extra free time I have.

@brockie I will set my BB at 5 too and see what the car does, hope it helps. Thank you for the small tip.
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Watkins Glen, what can I say. You ruined that one 😂 but I did get a time which was 985 in the world, went to 1017 after the race.

Strange wheel effects, bumpy when running straight, no feeling when turning? BB+5 helped a bit.

Just a strange mixture of ppl doing the bus stop flat out against ppl who are braking 🤔

Carnage it is

Look forward to see the settings and the racing develop, might sit this week out
Ya, I'm sitting that one out. I don't want to buy the Bugatti just to compete.

When they do GR1, they should limit it to the sub categories. Like GR1, but only the legends, or GR1 but only the Vision Cars, or GR1 and only the modern cars. We know they can do this, so why not? I think it makes the GR races more interesting if the choices are limited.
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It definitely feels like something's changed at PD Daily Race Selection HQ lately.

Three race car races again, two weeks in a row without using Gr.4, Gr.1 as one of the shorter races for what I think is the first time ever, using the Nordschleife in dailies instead of just in GTWS, custom slipstream, the seemingly permanent Gr.3 credit bonus...

None of that was happening three months ago.
Indeed. Frankly pd’s choices have been perplexing since a little before the movie release. Almost as if the marketing division took over the reigns. Which, from experience with that breed, is a flipping face palming excruciating train wreck most of the time.

Personally, putting on a PD hat for the sake of conversation..seeing what ac evo has just announced, would put me at full pucker. Ea and turn10 have never been a threat to the GT series. However, i quit video games around gt2/3 and what ac is bringing is what i loosely expected gt7 to be when i returned to gaming with the psvr2 release. So yeah, if i were pd, i’d be attempting to finally straighten up and fly right as competition is actually on the horizon.

That said…
Picking the cars which highlight the oscillation issue which arrived with 1.49 under certain wheel settings when there have only been bandaids attempted is a bit perplexing…and annoying. Don’t get me wrong. Im a fan of post 1.49. Didn’t think they needed to do whatever they did to the brakes(abs and accompanying ffb) in 1.52 of course, but that aside its been pretty positive.

..ah well..should be an interesting week..we’ll see how it goes..
B is going to be a bugger this week. So far got a 1:31 and I know there's time there but how to get it. Will watch Tidges vid because how you take the bus stop flat I don't know the Bugatti just says nope you in the wall son.

Edit: first race, qualified 8th, got 3rd thanks to said bus stop causing a huge crash.
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Even just doing QT is fairly joyless for me in B this week, I love Watkins it is my favourite track and one of my strongest.

But it's hard to enjoy hyper twitchy cars with insane levels of grip and then exiting the bustop 5ft in the air at 150mph in to a barrier.

Also using their recommended settings the feeling is pretty awful in a few of the corners with heavy coging and oscillation. Rather unpleasant to be frank.
Was really hoping for Gr4 at Watkins. Better racing I think than the much quicker prototypes.

Also Gr2 at Nurb Sprint. Wth?

Think I’ll be over on Simgrid Season (tho’ may give Watkins in Gr1 a try).
And the worst thing is, the race is 8 laps, so anything can happen during that period. I ran a first decent lap of 1'25.342 in the NSX Concept, which is the meta car. Well we can't say that this has been the worst combination. That Jimny tuned race at Alsace was bad and they allowed some people to do engine swaps with a slightly more powerful car.

If any of you want to see my first Sprint lap, it's in the showcase. Or you can search my profile name, rising_glass1 and find it there in the replays section. I need to polish up my driving if I want to get in the 1'21.000 club.
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This was not a lot of fun to get in to the 1.28s let alone wanting to get in to the 1.27/6s



I'd love to see how this week stacks up to other weeks.

The A player base has been largely conditioned to slower races and cars (memes included)

B player base was pretty much Gr4 and Gr3 sprints

C players longer races with or without strat

This week has mixed that up quite a bit so may well be received well or just turn people away.

Anecdotally the people I speak to on my leaderboards aren't very invested in this week. Will be interesting to see.
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This was not a lot of fun to get in to the 1.28s let alone wanting to get in to the 1.27/6s

View attachment 1399359


I'd love to see how this week stacks up to other weeks.

The A player base has been largely conditioned to slower races and cars (memes included)

B player base was pretty much Gr4 and Gr3 sprints

C players longer races with or without strat

This week has mixed that up quite a bit so may well be received well or just turn people away.

Anecdotally the people I speak to on my leaderboards aren't very invested in this week. Will be interesting to see.

Good lord, 3s gap from 1st to 390!?
Good lord, 3s gap from 1st to 390!?
It's still early and probably not a race that pulls a lot of the normal names in to B as they are all going to be in C because "Nurbs" and also practice for Saturday.

That's why the spread looks massive, in reality I'd be back the 1500 and 750 if I did more and got in the the 1:27s

Just GR1 is an acquired taste, not to mine or a lot of others but some love them so fair play.
Logged in for 30 minutes. Had a little go at Race B and Race C time trials, came to the conclusion that I hate them both and logged out.

See you in a week, good luck and Merry Xmas 🎅🏻🤣🤐
It's not Christmas yet unless it is in your country, Malta. We're hoping to see you back racing with us soon. Take care and enjoy your break.

Well I survived the 24th track and I got a lap under 9 minutes, hooray!! 8'48.140

I saved my replay in the showcase so people can use it as a helpful guide. I chose the BMW M6 Endurance model, the blue one. I will confess I had to use the braking indicator and the area assist to help guide me, but I do what I have to do to survive.
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The worst thing about qualifying at Nordschleife is missing a braking point or spinning out about 6 minutes into the lap, after doing well up to that point. :banghead:

I'll try the C race at least once, but won't bother setting a time, because I can do without the frustration.
It'll feel like someone else driving?
That was definitely the gist 🤣

It's a very interesting thing that PD want people to practice for Saturday, C being essentially a short version of Saturday and the credit multiplier (and I could be wrong on this but for most sport players money/credits isn't the reason they race)

It makes me feel these races have been presented to push players to C to increase the pool in C and probably the GTWS as they aren't expecting big numbers for it. Not ideal if you want to regain that esports platform crown.
Not done a daily in about 4 months focusing on the GTWS instead. Thought a Nurb week with a Nurb GTWS race on Sat would be worth a look, especially on a Monday. Hmm. Span on my qualy lap so a few seconds down. Then the start glitches with the cars going a few meters and then stopping and hitting reverse. I waited for the countdown and went to first but the car ahead didn't move and it was like getting a shopping trolley with dodgy wheels around to get past whilst others tried to blast past also. So I lost out at the start of the lap. However there were still incidents to gain from. That is until Adenauer Forst. The car decided not to brake or turn in. I managed to slow it across the grass but that was it. For about another lap to lap and a half the car was just understeering everywhere with cake brakes. I was promptly back into P15 and last. I gained from a few spinners and quitters but came home (not last) in P10. Thankfully only a smidge down on the DR. I might go again this week but we'll see.
That was definitely the gist 🤣

It's a very interesting thing that PD want people to practice for Saturday, C being essentially a short version of Saturday and the credit multiplier (and I could be wrong on this but for most sport players money/credits isn't the reason they race)

It makes me feel these races have been presented to push players to C to increase the pool in C and probably the GTWS as they aren't expecting big numbers for it. Not ideal if you want to regain that esports platform crown.
Wasn’t the payoff only in race B last week? I recall noticing the +600 was present on B, but missing from the entry screen of c. Between a really busy week, and bad timing, i never got to actually race.