GT7 Daily Race Discussion

  • Thread starter Pigems
I tried a daily B first one of the week.

Started on pole as was 1.5s clear by the bus stop. Crashed taking it conservatively.

Did 2 more laps and this is just not my idea of fun. It's like the CoD but at hyper speed knife edge.

I'll see everyone next week, I have TT golds so nothing really to turn the PS on for now.
Well, as I've slowly progressed up the DR ranks, and back to the top end of SR S, I've noticed the following:-

  • Less people using the Bugatti, I've been the only non-Bugatti in some races, but the last race I did today 50% were in other cars
  • Racing has got dirtier, particularly from Bugatti drivers who can't take being overtaken by a non-Bugatti driver!
  • I'm back to getting clean race bonuses again, hadn't had any since the 3 on Monday
Yes, I noticed in the 2 races I did at W.G. last night, some drivers were hitting and punting me causing me to hit the wall after the sweepers section. It irks me when people do that. They can't just drive around me, they have to be an ass and ram/shove to gain a position. I sometimes laugh cause I'll see some drivers that do hit me, a lap or two later they'll spin out or someone else will crash into them. Cracks me up everytime. So, what carnage do you guys experience out there on a daily basis?
Gotta love when you're half-way through a decent lap at N24 and hear the oil go bad...🤬🤬🤬

I know it's not 'supposed' to make a difference. But if that were true, why did I find myself asking what was wrong with my car comin' out of corners? Car didn't sound right and wasn't building rpm's as it should. It was a fractional difference, for sure but if it didn't sound right, it couldn't be running right. Stop by Sir Lube-a-Lot's and, sure enough, oil was at <NORMAL>.

I've always been HYPER sound aware. I attribute it to having really bad eyes and not getting glasses until I was 5 or so. Sound was everything so little nuances bug me.😁

Back to try and get some laps in. Down to 8:22 but pretty sure I can skate around this joint a bit faster.

I noticed that, after just 3 laps of qualify, oil goes to normal from excellent state. So I leave quali after every 3 completed lap to service the car. So, if you do 2 races in a row, it's advisable to service the car before going into 3rd race maybe. Just guessing, since I'm not racing from Tuesday.
I noticed that, after just 3 laps of qualify, oil goes to normal from excellent state. So I leave quali after every 3 completed lap to service the car. So, if you do 2 races in a row, it's advisable to service the car before going into 3rd race maybe. Just guessing, since I'm not racing from Tuesday.
There are two camps on oil status for qualifying/racing:
  • DOES make a difference
  • DOES NOT make a difference
Pretty sure the DOES NOT argument boils-down to "BoP HP is at/below the HP for 'normal/bad' oil so no impact", or something along those lines. If that is incorrect, or if there's more justification for the 'DOES NOT' column, please let me know.

I'm just going by what my brain is telling me...kinda like the proverbial butt dyno. No science, all whimsy. Also, I'm often told my brain simply isn't right, so take it for what it's worth.😁
Well I am officially done with B, I’m starting very high but I just cannot string 5 laps crash free through the bus stop so that’s it for me.

I led for 4 laps today, once, hoping for a win, 4 secs lead, binned it on the last lap 🤬

Agreed no fun,

@mellofello9 im definitely in the camp of does make a difference so I’ll change every 5 or 6 races
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There are two camps on oil status for qualifying/racing:
  • DOES make a difference
  • DOES NOT make a difference
Pretty sure the DOES NOT argument boils-down to "BoP HP is at/below the HP for 'normal/bad' oil so no impact", or something along those lines. If that is incorrect, or if there's more justification for the 'DOES NOT' column, please let me know.

I'm just going by what my brain is telling me...kinda like the proverbial butt dyno. No science, all whimsy. Also, I'm often told my brain simply isn't right, so take it for what it's worth.😁
The "Does Not" is because BoP overrides any power modifications made to the engine, which internally is what worn oil is doing to the car. It might still wear but performance wise it 100% isn't making a difference, it'd be proven by now and more than just speculation.
@newmedia_dev @brockie
Also done with B - just too much of a lottery. Out front, then crash and try to catch up, and go flying up the back of someone braking and down-shifting for the bus stop. Went down to SR A within 3 races 😮

At least Race A is reasonable (I enjoy Gr2 on twisty tracks though) and seen the RCF and GTRs be competitive too.

I'd have to go with "Does Not" - I noticed one of my Gr2 NSX's had 'bad' oil, and engine and chassis at 'normal' and there was nothing between them as far as qualifying and racing goes.
@newmedia_dev @brockie
Also done with B - just too much of a lottery. Out front, then crash and try to catch up, and go flying up the back of someone braking and down-shifting for the bus stop. Went down to SR A within 3 races 😮
I went down to SR A in a single race first race of the evening, so hadn't properly warmed up. Started on pole and wiped out on my first time through the bus stop. Was relatively clean the rest of the race until I accidentally punted someone into T1 on the final lap and spun them, then got run over doing a terrible job trying to pull over and wait for them, before just quitting since I'd already fallen to last.
Out front, then crash and try to catch up, and go flying up the back of someone braking and down-shifting for the bus stop
That's me you're talking about - unfortunately the TS050 won't go through the bus stop without a dab on the brakes 😂

Having said that, it is a very stable car, and I haven't had a self inflicted off with it all week - only been a problem after people have tried to get up my exhaust pipe!

Hate to go against the views on this one, but I've been loving it, even though (or maybe because) I haven't been driving the meta....
@newmedia_dev @brockie
Also done with B - just too much of a lottery. Out front, then crash and try to catch up, and go flying up the back of someone braking and down-shifting for the bus stop. Went down to SR A within 3 races 😮

At least Race A is reasonable (I enjoy Gr2 on twisty tracks though) and seen the RCF and GTRs be competitive too.

I'd have to go with "Does Not" - I noticed one of my Gr2 NSX's had 'bad' oil, and engine and chassis at 'normal' and there was nothing between them as far as qualifying and racing goes.
On the oil thing I will say this:

The rental cars are all reset so the concept of worn oil is largely moot.

With my own cars the game wears the oil across my TT sessions and I can tell when it's passed the good point just by the way the car doesn't rev as cleanly. Some of this can be attributed to some exits being better than others, but there is also a hesitancy at the top end mostly notably in the higher gears nearing the limiter.

It would be plausible that my engine power is completely BoPd as expected but power and weight don't account for how that power gets to the ground and the efficiency with which that power is delivered.

This is where I'm staunchly on the "it does something" and "placebo/imagination" are also viable considerations for me. But I know I drive a hell of a lot in this game and typically a small rotation of cars on tracks that are featured regularly.

It's all a black box so will never truly know, but I'm in the does camp especially as I can do 30/40 lap sessions for TT on occasion.
It would be plausible that my engine power is completely BoPd as expected but power and weight don't account for how that power gets to the ground and the efficiency with which that power is delivered.
And I think this is the confounding part...numbers tell one story, behavior another. To your point as well, the fact that it's all black box and we'll never truly know is probably the best takeaway/life advice.

But, and let's be honest here, would you REALLY be surprised if Kaz did something snarky/unreported that impacted the cars performance MARGINALLY because you weren't taking care of it? That, to me, seems like a total Kaz move. He loves cars. If you don't (maintenance based extrapolation), fine, enjoy your 0.005% performance reduction out of spite. OH, you didn't wash it, either??? That'll be 0.010% for YOU.🤣
This is where I'm staunchly on the "it does something" and "placebo/imagination" are also viable considerations for me. But I know I drive a hell of a lot in this game and typically a small rotation of cars on tracks that are featured regularly.

It's all a black box so will never truly know, but I'm in the does camp especially as I can do 30/40 lap sessions for TT on occasion.
Here's my two cents. I don't use my GR3/GR4 cars outside of Sport Mode. They gain mileage and they do use up their oil, despite being used in Sport Mode where the BoP is on. So, it is being tracked one way or the other.

I have had cases where, for whatever reason, I'm just not getting the lap that I need. I go freshen up the cars with an oil and a wash, and then I seem to be just that little bit faster. Could be the placebo effect, but there's no harm in changing that oil and getting that wash.
I guess this didn’t age well then
Did you get lost? This is the thread for people who race other people. Shouldn't you be somewhere racing against AI that's designed to lose and stroking your unjustified ego?
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That's me you're talking about - unfortunately the TS050 won't go through the bus stop without a dab on the brakes 😂

Having said that, it is a very stable car, and I haven't had a self inflicted off with it all week - only been a problem after people have tried to get up my exhaust pipe!

Hate to go against the views on this one, but I've been loving it, even though (or maybe because) I haven't been driving the meta....
I've been hitting Bugattis standing on the brakes though:) May gave the TS050 a try though and see what happens👍Then I'll stick to A until next week..

I think I did break one personal record on B this week - I managed 8.5 seconds of penalties in one lap - 5 seconds for hitting a car (that was already mid-crash!) 3 seconds for overtaking under yellows (couldn't see them for all the flying Bugattis) and 0.5 seconds for cutting a corner.
I've been hitting Bugattis standing on the brakes though:) May gave the TS050 a try though and see what happens👍Then I'll stick to A until next week..

I think I did break one personal record on B this week - I managed 8.5 seconds of penalties in one lap - 5 seconds for hitting a car (that was already mid-crash!) 3 seconds for overtaking under yellows (couldn't see them for all the flying Bugattis) and 0.5 seconds for cutting a corner.
8.5 is impressive, I can't top that 6.5 is my record but 8.5 is a great day at the office.....🤣
I thought I'd give B one more go... It can't be that bad..

I even got a 'bank angle' and 'too low terrain' warning come up on the dash.

Right, off to Race A 🤣
And I think this is the confounding part...numbers tell one story, behavior another. To your point as well, the fact that it's all black box and we'll never truly know is probably the best takeaway/life advice.

But, and let's be honest here, would you REALLY be surprised if Kaz did something snarky/unreported that impacted the cars performance MARGINALLY because you weren't taking care of it? That, to me, seems like a total Kaz move. He loves cars. If you don't (maintenance based extrapolation), fine, enjoy your 0.005% performance reduction out of spite. OH, you didn't wash it, either??? That'll be 0.010% for YOU.🤣
Oh don’t tell me not washing a car affects the power too! 🤣😂

As there is no racing to do this weekend a spring clean of my garage might be in order!
Did you get lost? This is the thread for people who race other people. Shouldn't you be somewhere racing against AI that's designed to lose and stroking your unjustified ego?
I race in daily races as well idiot, your attempt at an insult just reeks of your bitternesses of being proved wrong.
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