GT7 July Update Prediction

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Yeah, and he's getting updates. But because they're 'late' to a schedule they didn't actually make, he deserves compensation?

With all due respect, cry me a river.
They usually come at the end of a month, almost in all instances, expect January one. It's fault of PD not being communicative with community with this day and age. So what we're expected to do? Only to imagine, as this person wants a bigger update as compensation for wait, as we all do.

And please stop being rude for no reason. No one is supposedly gonna 'cry' for you. Like really weird that you don't want a bigger update???
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Oh, no. He just payed full price and plays triple A racing game, expecting good updates from a promised live service game as well.
Even Sony itself doesn't consider GT 7 a live service game. Last year PS did a presentation and among other things they talked about their future live service games, and the only live service game they listed on their current catalog was MLB. No sight of GT 7.
They usually come at the end of a month, almost in all instances, expect January one. It's fault of PD not being communicative with community with this day and age. So what we're expected to do? Only to imagine, as this person wants a bigger update as compensation for wait, as we all do.

And please stop being rude for no reason. No one is supposedly gonna 'cry' for you. Like really weird that you don't want a bigger update???
I don't want compensation because I'm not a parasocial weirdo who thinks I'm owed anything by a game company for not sticking to a schedule the community made up.

They said themselves the updates aren't intentionally monthly. There is no reason for me to demand compensation on a community internet forum. Because that's a weird thing to do.
Other live service games do offer compensation for missed/late updates and things like server outages or even scheduled maintenance downtime.

It's not unheard of.

Expecting compensation from a company like PD is a different story.
Even Sony itself doesn't consider GT 7 a live service game. Last year PS did a presentation and among other things they talked about their future live service games, and the only live service game they listed on their current catalog was MLB. No sight of GT 7.
It's a live service game by definition, just google it. Constant updates and a lot of free to play games

Other live service games do offer compensation for missed/late updates and things like server outages or even scheduled maintenance downtime.

It's not unheard of.

Expecting compensation from a company like PD is a different story.
Yet, I guess we're all dreamers, expecting better of PD all the time I feel like it
@Nebuc72 doesn't understand the slightest rhetoric (or pretends not to), taking everything very seriously. It's clear what I meant in the sense of mere aspiration, as a fan of the game. But the irascible young man reveals a strange jealousy when he speaks against his favorite video game, and he supports biased interpretations, riddled with negative dialectics, scarecrow fallacies and reductio ad absurdum.

The guy behaves like a pitboy, Kaz Yamauchi's backyard guard dog, who very possibly doesn't even know who he is. He takes a simple note about a video game, the mere aspiration of a user as seriously as if he were a hysterical dog defending the circumscription of a female in heat.

You should lightness and temperance to understand the minimum of rhetoric. This is a discussion forum, not an arena for personality disputes. Don't take a video game forum too seriously. Drop those shoulders. Maybe you have a problem with self-esteem, lack of social recognition, and turn to a video game forum as a way to find some validity to your personality.

Keep calm and enjoy life.
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I wish there was compensation for the update being moved to early August, with the addition of Gr.2 race cars, new GT3 and GTE models, and a new circuit. But actually, my reason says we're going to have a few more old Japanese cars, some Nissan or Toyota, and the addition of new scapes and rally music.
I’d take more JDM cars over Gr. 2 and Gr. 3 any day. :lol:
@Nebuc72 doesn't understand the slightest rhetoric (or pretends not to), taking everything very seriously. It's clear what I meant in the sense of mere aspiration, as a fan of the game. But the irascible young man reveals a strange jealousy when he speaks against his favorite video game, and he supports biased interpretations, riddled with negative dialectics, scarecrow fallacies and reductio ad absurdum.

The guy behaves like a pitboy, Kaz Yamauchi's backyard guard dog, who very possibly doesn't even know who he is. He takes a simple note about a video game, the mere aspiration of a user as seriously as if he were a hysterical dog defending the circumscription of a female in heat.

You should lightness and temperance to understand the minimum of rhetoric. This is a discussion forum, not an arena for personality disputes. Don't take a video game forum too seriously. Drop those shoulders. Maybe you have a problem with self-esteem, lack of social recognition, and turn to a video game forum as a way to find some validity to your personality.

Keep calm and enjoy life.
Yet for all this character assassination weirdness you've hurled in place of rational discussion... he's right.

Yamauchi did specifically say that GT7's updates are not monthly by intent but could be both more or less frequent than that. You can read my translated version of his comments and the original Japanese article in which he said it linked in this piece:

Yet for all this character assassination weirdness you've hurled in place of rational discussion... he's right.

Yamauchi did specifically say that GT7's updates are not monthly by intent but could be both more or less frequent than that. You can read my translated version of his comments and the original Japanese article in which he said it linked in this piece:

OK. I did not enter this object.

I used a rhetorical statement in view of the effervescence of the community, due to the supposed absence of the expected update (correct or not).

Of course it was a rhetorical wish. Of course it was a joke after all.

Even if the user has misunderstood or I have not been clear in my words, it is unnecessary for the user to make a comment against the person, not against the argument, appealing to willful fallacies.

But everything is fine.
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I'm 100% sure of what will be in the next update.

Other issues WILL be addressed.

The next question is what day(s) between now and August 7 is @Famine unavailable.
It's clear at this point that Kaz has access to @Famine 's diary. The update was all set for this week and then they realised that Famine was free and immediately had to postpone it. ;)
Why are you guys so anxious about an update? Did you guys read about the corolla article, and also did you forget will be a world series showdown after that day?
This thread has taught me that even a week's delay of an update turns the entire community completely nuts.
It won't be long before people start wanting 50 Skylines back. :lol:
Give me those Skylines , just because people will whine about it :P

also people expecting 20 cars in the updates - that's not gonna happen at least not for free
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Well reading the whole thing, bros get a hobby please, let the things come at the time (also why are assuming montreal will be on the next update like this instantly? Could be another track beside that lmao)
Let's hopium era begin!!!
Will be the next big thing in GT7 updates?
Maybe a GT7 2.0??

Best Wishes Good Luck GIF by Studios 2016
A good philosophical question. Why are we clamouring for the next update when, from past experience, it's unlikely to be anything to write home about?
Because this entire community is obsessed with the slop waiting for them at the end of the month. They don't care if it's good, or bad, just that it exists and it's something to talk about (or create 10 rant threads about). They like the predictability of it all.

And if they don't get it, it drives them insane. I have no idea why this month is so much worse than January, when we had to wait even longer back then, but what do I know, I'm just a guy trying to make sense of all this.
I think we need to put up a notice that says "KAZ NEVER PROMISED MONTHLY UPDATES"

The idea to do monthly updates, and to then announce that they were only monthly by accident, and may or may not happen at any point of time, and then continue to do monthly updates, but sometimes skip a month without any form of communication, was definitely one of the worst ideas PD had since the release of GT7. Of course they have conditioned the players on monthly updates, so skipping a month is certain to create confusion or bad blood.

Imagine they declared that roulette tickets were not necessarily being awarded for the daily marathon, that so far this had just been a coincidence, and that they could be issued, or not, depending on unknown other factors -- and then randomly, about once a week, give out no reward for the daily marathon. It's obvious that players would be furious.

The issue here is establishing a rule, then claiming it does not exist, and the complete lack of communication.
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It seems to me that PD have a deliberate strategy to keep us all talking about the game. That for me explains why the game has divisive elements, such as random lottery wins and cars locked behind invitations. Good or bad, praising or complaining, if we're talking about GT7 we are still engaged with the game more than a year after its release.

When will we get the next update? Will my favourite missing car be in it? Do we get a new track? More races? New music rallies? New scapes? And then repeat every month.

They say that all publicity is good publicity. I think PD has taken that to heart and wants to keep us talking. All talk about GT is good talk in their eyes.

Personally I can't get too excited about it. I don't care to play big corporations' games. The update will be released when it's released. They will give us new stuff until they stop giving us new stuff. I'll play GT7 until I get bored with it or they release a GT8.
Because this entire community is obsessed with the slop waiting for them at the end of the month. They don't care if it's good, or bad, just that it exists and it's something to talk about (or create 10 rant threads about). They like the predictability of it all.

And if they don't get it, it drives them insane. I have no idea why this month is so much worse than January, when we had to wait even longer back then, but what do I know, I'm just a guy trying to make sense of all this.
You're overreacting. Nobody is driven insane. Those updates keep the game and community alive. I don't know what's wrong about having a discussion about a favourite game on a forum. It keeps the fanbase engaged and I amongst others do enjoy it. You're making a bigger fuss about it than it actually is.
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