• Thread starter gtrotary
I use the grey cloth on the front but stuck with the rubber pad for the back.

The biggest issue I have these days in my racing seat pushes my head forward now with the VR headset (how do racing seats work with helmets?). It's not bad as I can still sit in the seat for hours but it is kind of a bad posture...
My racing seat reclines, maybe that would work? It's basically a cheap real race car seat with a rail for sliding back and forth and a recline mechanism.
You can get a real car seat from a junk yard for pretty cheap. This is the one I have but it's blue leather with alcantara center insert and seat. Came with my rig like 15 years ago.

Seems like a very clever idea with this sticker!
It really works too! Cord isn't heavy but it was always pulling goggles down a little bit on the left, this little counterweight totally fixed it.
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My racing seat reclines, maybe that would work? It's basically a cheap real race car seat with a rail for sliding back and forth and a recline mechanism.
You can get a real car seat from a junk yard for pretty cheap. This is the one I have but it's blue leather with alcantara center insert and seat. Came with my rig like 15 years ago.
View attachment 1382888

It really works too! Cord isn't heavy but it was always pulling goggles down a little bit on the left, this little counterweight totally fixed it.
Now I have to buy this.... Thanks a lot.... LOL
I was thinking of bolting this thing onto my stand.

But i can’t decide if the headrest would be annoying. Don’t really want to cement bad posture with low weight endurance exercise.
The seat reclines so that is likely not an issue. I had the original Wheel Stand from them and now have the GT Racer which comes w/ a seat. The seat you've linked is more comfy and I looked at that for a hot second . . . but I needed a new rig rather than an add-on.

Personally, I'd say get it. Then again, that's not my money.

It's yours.
Got my Globular Cluster pad replacement set in yesterday, after what seemed more than necessary prodding to Amazon CS. They initially wanted to refund the purchase. I just kept insisting I wanted the item, not a refund, and they "released" the product from what appears to be an Arizona "prison"/warehouse.

Got them all installed and am waiting to not be all sweaty from working on my car this morning. I really like that the cloth pads are washable. I did notice something a little disappointing about the stock "pads". Not much padding involved with those things. For the most part it appears the "padding" is air although, I noticed one piece of thin foam padding on the front stock pad.

Now, while I'm cooling down, I'll remove the HONSVR lens, clean those and the stock lens and try it all out. I use these
to clean any optic glass.

edit: Ran off 89 miles total in both of that Spa TTs. First impression is how much more comfortable the new pads make the headset. As in OMG! Why weren't the stock pads these to begin with? The size of the back pad certainly helps keep the position stable and there is actual padding in place to relieve any pressure points. Most definite, don't think I can go without, now that I have it, mod to the VR2 gear. Similarly to the lens inserts, which I'm probably going to have to get another set after my eye exam in September. May try the VR Optician set this time. A bit more than the HONS VR so... Maybe not.
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I just got my PSVR2. I did a couple of laps, but I'll have to get used to it. I'm getting a little bit of motion sickness, though not as bad as I originally thought. I did a couple of laps in the Spa TT, and in that car, you can really see the front corners well and easily place the car. But right now I am way slower in VR than non-VR. I'll try to put some more serious time in next weekend. I'll probably try taking a Gravol beforehand.

What I'm really surprised about is that even with the lenses right up against my eyes, the picture is still blurry without my glasses.
What I'm really surprised about is that even with the lenses right up against my eyes, the picture is still blurry without my glasses.

How is that surprising?

If you need glasses in real life you need glasses in VR.

How close the lenses are to your eyes has nothing to do with it.
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What I'm really surprised about is that even with the lenses right up against my eyes, the picture is still blurry without my glasses.
Order some RX insert lens that clip over the vr lens. They’ll also protect them from scratches. Even then it’ll still be blurry. The VR is just not as sharp as a 4k monitor. That said though, the 1:1 perspective and immersion can’t be beat.

You’ll get used to it. You’ll get faster. Even if not as fast as before, you shouldn’t care.

For me now, it’s VR or nothing. Can’t go back.

I’d suggest, starting a new account and starting GT7 over fresh. That way you’ll get used to the VR at as slower pace and then build up to faster cars/races. Also if you do Sports, you’ll get to a new natural DR level based on you VR experience and not on your flat screen experience so you won’t worry about being slower (at first).
How is that surprising?

If you need glasses in real life you need glasses in VR.

How close the lenses are to your eyes has nothing to do with it.
That's true if you're nearsighted, if you're farsighted and basically just need reading glasses, you don't need glasses or corrective lenses in PSVR2 since the focal length is about 2 meters (6 feet) which is great for older people with presbyopia (age related farsightedness) like me.

In fact I don't drive with reading glasses IRL (yet) so in certain lighting conditions, mainly in the dark, I have a little trouble reading gauges in a real car sometimes, but no problems reading gauges in VR since even things "close up" in VR don't require you to actually focus on them as if they were close up in real life.

If I want to simulate how I see in real life without reading glasses on I can just move the headset slightly farther up on my head and put the sweet spot slightly above the center of the virtual screen instead of absolute center. Then the gauges become more blurry as they would be in real life to me without reading glasses, if I just use my eyes and not tilt my entire head down to look at them in VR. That only works because car dashboard gauges are usually below the center of the screen. It still feels eerily accurate to how I see in real life while driving though.
The biggest issue I have these days in my racing seat pushes my head forward now with the VR headset (how do racing seats work with helmets?).
Thats a very real problem btw. One I haven't found a good solution for. I'd cut a hole in my seat if I could, but there's a metal bar right where the gigantic strap of my headset is.

I use an extra cushion in the back so my head does't even touch the chair.

It's absolutely not ideal.
How is that surprising?

If you need glasses in real life you need glasses in VR.

How close the lenses are to your eyes has nothing to do with it.

It was a surprise to me. I don't need glasses to see a screen 2 inches away from my face so I wasn't expecting to need them to focus on a VR headset.

I worked it out by trying the headset on and realising it was out of focus and had no focal adjustment like binoculars or a telescope to compensate.

So yes, it's obvious to me now why you'd need to wear glasses in VR if you are near sighted, but that knowledge didn't come intuitively to me.
It was a surprise to me. I don't need glasses to see a screen 2 inches away from my face so I wasn't expecting to need them to focus on a VR headset.

I worked it out by trying the headset on and realising it was out of focus and had no focal adjustment like binoculars or a telescope to compensate.

So yes, it's obvious to me now why you'd need to wear glasses in VR if you are near sighted, but that knowledge didn't come intuitively to me.
The focus point of the PSVR2 is a fixed 2m apparently. This you would consider to be at the long end of your intermediate vision, not quite your long distance.
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Ordered the Globular Cluster v2 because of your recommendations, it really needs it, after a longer session I'm definitely all sweaty and the front of the head hurts, because I must tighten it hard if I want to keep the sweet spot. I hope this will solve it :D
Ordered the Globular Cluster v2 because of your recommendations, it really needs it, after a longer session I'm definitely all sweaty and the front of the head hurts, because I must tighten it hard if I want to keep the sweet spot. I hope this will solve it :D

Ordered the cluster too ! The fixed sweet spot and better comfort are very enticing aspects you all praised so...

I have a few hours on the Globular Cluster.. It's like 5 times more comfortable. It's a night and day type of difference.
Well, personally I always stick to "dont fix what´s not broken" and I really dont have any problems with the stock unit.
I can play for long hours with no disconfort or the need to recalibrate the sweet spot.

However, reading all of your experiences makes me think that perhaps its not broken but it could be much better.
I really dont know what to do... :lol:
Side note- new PSVR2 accessory.. I'm a fan.
My rig is in the basement which tends to suffer from getting too cold in the summer as all the AC sinks to it so, while it may be 85F outside, it might only be 64F in our basement. It turns out that is actually a pretty good temp for driving. You still warm up pretty quick in the chair but having an airflow is till key. I run a couple of USB powered fans that are attached to the rig. Helps keep a cool head!

It is amazing how much your driving suffers when you start to get hot and bothered.

Well, personally I always stick to "dont fix what´s not broken" and I really dont have any problems with the stock unit.
I can play for long hours with no disconfort or the need to recalibrate the sweet spot.

However, reading all of your experiences makes me think that perhaps its not broken but it could be much better.
I really dont know what to do... :lol:
I agree that I had no real issues with the stock strap but it would take more effort to find the sweet spot each time I took the VR off and then back on again. Comfort wise was not an issue.

Then I got the Globular Cluster and... well.... It is just so much better, imo.
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I just got my PSVR2. I did a couple of laps, but I'll have to get used to it. I'm getting a little bit of motion sickness, though not as bad as I originally thought. I did a couple of laps in the Spa TT, and in that car, you can really see the front corners well and easily place the car. But right now I am way slower in VR than non-VR. I'll try to put some more serious time in next weekend. I'll probably try taking a Gravol beforehand.

What I'm really surprised about is that even with the lenses right up against my eyes, the picture is still blurry without my glasses.
You are supposed to play with your glasses on. Just unlock the front section of the headset and pull it forward so your glasses don't hit the screen.
You are supposed to play with your glasses on. Just unlock the front section of the headset and pull it forward so your glasses don't hit the screen.
I know, but I'm just surprised that it would be necessary. I have no problem seeing writing on a piece of paper that close to my face without my glasses, but a lens displaying an image turns out blurry.
My rig is in the basement which tends to suffer from getting too cold in the summer as all the AC sinks to it so, while it may be 85F outside, it might only be 64F in our basement. It turns out that is actually a pretty good temp for driving. You still warm up pretty quick in the chair but having an airflow is till key. I run a couple of USB powered fans that are attached to the rig. Helps keep a cool head!

It is amazing how much your driving suffers when you start to get hot and bothered.
Same here. It's 67 down here now, but I can close up the vent in this room. But in the Fall and Spring it'll get a little warm and sticky when no heat or AC is needed in the house. But yeah no matter what the temp is, I still need a little breeze going or my head starts getting too hot with the goggles on, depends on how hard I'm driving. Single player stuff is no problem, but those time trials can get pretty intense sometimes. I don't do multiplayer races much but once in a while and they get intense sometimes too.
Well, personally I always stick to "dont fix what´s not broken" and I really dont have any problems with the stock unit.
I can play for long hours with no disconfort or the need to recalibrate the sweet spot.

However, reading all of your experiences makes me think that perhaps its not broken but it could be much better.
I really dont know what to do... :lol:
Yeah I never had too much of an issue till lately, it really started bothering my forehead. Afterwards I'd have a big red spot on my head and a dull headache. After I took the front pad apart I understood why though, it's basically just a rubber liner with a hard plastic net underneath. I think the standard pad wears out over time and stiffens up or something. Not sure, but I'm way more comfy now for sure. I wish I had bought it sooner. It probably depends on the shape of your head too though.
Same here. It's 67 down here now, but I can close up the vent in this room. But in the Fall and Spring it'll get a little warm and sticky when no heat or AC is needed in the house. But yeah no matter what the temp is, I still need a little breeze going or my head starts getting too hot with the goggles on, depends on how hard I'm driving. Single player stuff is no problem, but those time trials can get pretty intense sometimes. I don't do multiplayer races much but once in a while and they get intense sometimes too.

Yeah I never had too much of an issue till lately, it really started bothering my forehead. Afterwards I'd have a big red spot on my head and a dull headache. After I took the front pad apart I understood why though, it's basically just a rubber liner with a hard plastic net underneath. I think the standard pad wears out over time and stiffens up or something. Not sure, but I'm way more comfy now for sure. I wish I had bought it sooner. It probably depends on the shape of your head too though.
I know what you mean mate.

Try wearing just racing boots and gloves... and nothing else.

Works for me anyway.