• Thread starter gtrotary
Alas no mention of any PSVR2 improvements with the PS5 Pro launch. They did demonstrate significant sharpness improvements in distance rendering on normal game play so one can only hope that also translates to PSVR2.

Also they now do full ray tracing at 60fps in race but again, no idea if that will translate to ray tracing inside the VR world.
My gut feeling is that :

PS5 Pro improvement can only be seen on TV sets only.
The pSVr2 hardware and internal resolutions is what it is,meaning you can improve the PS5, but that will not translate into better resolution in the PSvR2 headset.

Whether good or bad, however you feel about the current state of the PSVR2:
The PSVR2 headset is already the best of what it is.
I personally don't think and don't see how a PS5Pro can make PSVR2 better. (And I am generally a positive person, rarely pessimistic).
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PS5 Pro improvement can only be seen on TV sets only.
The pSVr2 hardware and internal resolutions is what it is,meaning you can improve the PS5, but that will not translate into better resolution in the PSvR2 headset.

The PSVR2 headset is already the best of what it is.
I disagree with this.

The issue with the PSVR2 is that while close up objects are rendered sharply and display sharply (when in the lens sweet spot), distance objects as we look down the track are very blurry and suffer from image pop up. I don't care so much for ray tracing (sure prettiness is nice) but if it can improve the visual fidelity of the distance drawn objects so that there is a perceived sharpness improvement because they are not rendered in low resolution, then that could alleviate a lot of the complaints on blurriness. To me that would be a win.

For now I will be in a wait and see mode. I will not rush to get the pro, but if it is demonstrated that it resolves some of the low resolution distance drawn objects and popup then I would purchase.
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I disagree with this.

The issue with the PSVR2 is that while close up objects are rendered sharply and display sharply (when in the lens sweet spot), distance objects as we look down the track are very blurry and suffer from image pop up. I don't care so much for ray tracing (sure prettiness is nice) but if it can improve the visual fidelity of the distance drawn objects so that there is a perceived sharpness improvement because they are not rendered in low resolution, then that could alleviate a lot of the complaints on blurriness. To me that would be a win.

For now I will be in a wait and see mode. I will not rush to get the pro, but if it is demonstrated that it resolves some of the low resolution distance drawn objects and popup then I would purchase.
For the highlighted section,
That blurriness you described is not due to PS5 power to provide better smaller resolution within the PSVR2 headset.

The regular pS5 can totally handle and display better resolution onto the PSVR2.


The blurriness is due to the pixel size within the PSVR2 screen / hardware.

When you are using the PSVR2, you are essentially putting your eyes up close to the screen pixels, enhanced by glasses, similar to you looking at your TV up close.
There is only so much you can display on one pixel, you cannot break things down smaller than a pixel. Right?
Even if the PS5Pro can show greater smaller resolution, the pixels sizes in the PSvR2 are too big for that software graphical improvement from the PS5Pro

At this point we are limited by PSVR2 resolution.

PSVR3 will come with PS6.
I will gladly accept to be wrong, but realistically, this is my expectations
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The blurriness is due to the pixel size within the PSVR2 screen / hardware.

When you are using the PSVR2, you are essentially putting your eyes up close to the screen pixels, enhanced by glasses, similar to you looking at your TV up close.
There is only so much you can display on one pixel, you cannot break things down smaller than a pixel. Right?
That makes sense, and I am probably wrong then, but why would image popup be so bad in PSVR2 at the lower resolution compared to running 4K if the graphics are not the limitation?

From CNET.

As CNET's resident VR expert, I'm curious what the PS5 Pro can do for the PlayStation VR 2, although Sony's support for the headset has been underwhelming lately. Cerny said the Pro will allow higher-resolution games on the PSVR 2 thanks to the GPU boost and eventually a tuning of Sony's AI upscaling that will work with all VR games. But no specific PSVR 2 upgraded games have been announced yet, and I wonder what those improvements would even feel like.
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That makes sense, and I am probably wrong then, but why would image popup be so bad in PSVR2 at the lower resolution compared to running 4K if the graphics are not the limitation?
Different issue. The two issues are not related. I can imagine some of the pop-up will be eliminated by the extra processing power of the PS5 Pro. However, at $700 I'm certainly not getting rid of my launch (disc version) for it. I'm pretty happy as it is.
For the highlighted section,
That blurriness you described is not due to PS5 power to provide better smaller resolution within the PSVR2 headset.
I believe that's not entirely true. The blurriness is partly due to the power of the PS5 because the console has to render the image twice in VR (one for each eye). Obviously with a TV the console is only rendering the image once. I believe Cerny stated that the Pro is 50% more powerful?

We may see an uptick in image quality but that'd be impossible to show via a YT video. It'll also come down to what PD prioritizes with the new power. Cerny stated that we're getting RT in real-time in pancake mode... If we're getting RT in real-time in VR as well, that may not leave enough power for a IQ improvements.

We'll see....


Dev Says Sony Is Working On PSVR 2 Reprojection Improvements

When this was 1st announced, I wondered if it'd coincide with the PS5 Pro release. GT7 utilizes reprojection to artificially improve the framerate in VR (because it's rendering the game twice). Reprojection leads to the ugly ghosting that's readily apparent during replays. IF the PS5 Pro can help with that AND IF PD decides to upgrade VR in GT7, this could help alleviate some of the blurriness.

We're NOT getting 4k visual in VR but this would help.

Another Edit:

PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution to Work Across the Full Library Without Patches; Will Also Support PS VR2

And there we have it.... PS5 Pro will provide a resolution bump as expected.
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I disagree with this.

The issue with the PSVR2 is that while close up objects are rendered sharply and display sharply (when in the lens sweet spot), distance objects as we look down the track are very blurry and suffer from image pop up. I don't care so much for ray tracing (sure prettiness is nice) but if it can improve the visual fidelity of the distance drawn objects so that there is a perceived sharpness improvement because they are not rendered in low resolution, then that could alleviate a lot of the complaints on blurriness. To me that would be a win.

I believe the PSVR2 itself is not the problem, since other games can look spectacular, it's the GT7 implementation and settings for VR2 that are the issue. It's like you went into settings on a PC game and turned down all the draw distance, details and resolution scaling. It's just the GPU limitation, I'm still hoping that the PS5 Pro with it's increased GPU power can handle the far away detail and resolution better.

I mean, just look at the trees and road signs / board appearing as you get closer, they are just not rendered at all from far away, that has nothing to do with the VR2 screens, it's just the dialed down ingame settings, so you can have the 90Hz or whatever refresh rate there is. So, if the Pro is 45% better, then you can for sure just put those settings to High from Very Low somewhere in the game code and off we go!

I believe the PSVR2 itself is not the problem, since other games can look spectacular, it's the GT7 implementation and settings for VR2 that are the issue. It's like you went into settings on a PC game and turned down all the draw distance, details and resolution scaling. It's just the GPU limitation, I'm still hoping that the PS5 Pro with it's increased GPU power can handle the far away detail and resolution better.

I mean, just look at the trees and road signs / board appearing as you get closer, they are just not rendered at all from far away, that has nothing to do with the VR2 screens, it's just the dialed down ingame settings, so you can have the 90Hz or whatever refresh rate there is. So, if the Pro is 45% better, then you can for sure just put those settings to High from Very Low somewhere in the game code and off we go!
Check the link above, it's been confirmed that the PSVR2 isn't the limiting factor. PSSR will save us lol.
I am probably wrong then, but why would image popup be so bad in PSVR2 at the lower resolution compared to running 4K if the graphics are not the limitation
No you're actually quite right.
There s multiple factors at play...
The 'image popup' you describe (afai understand your description) is 2 fold:
- "draw distance" for when single objects/models "pop in", i.e the street signs mentioned above.
- LOD (-ing, i.e a (complex) 3d models' multiple Level of detail models - best seen on other cars gaining/loosing distance on you, and suddenly their whole rear changes (i.e wings, diffusers, etc) appear/disappear, which in turn is also tied to the objects draw distance.

Both are set to be much more aggressive / happen earlier on psvr2 (i.e due to its 2 cameras it needs to render each frame) than on a flat screen where there's only 1 camera to render at a time.

But I too was hoping for the PS5 pro to better deal with this in VR... And Sony NOT explicitly using GT7 as a showcase to demo the improvements to be had with the PS5 pro is a worrying sign imo...
I'll definitely hold off on the pro now as well until it's clear what it will bring to the GT7 / VR table...
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Alas no mention of any PSVR2 improvements with the PS5 Pro launch. They did demonstrate significant sharpness improvements in distance rendering on normal game play so one can only hope that also translates to PSVR2.

Also they now do full ray tracing at 60fps in race but again, no idea if that will translate to ray tracing inside the VR world.
Now ray tracing in race is enticing, but I refuse to buy a console where STAND AND DISC DRIVE ARE SOLD SEPERATELY
Alas no mention of any PSVR2 improvements with the PS5 Pro launch. They did demonstrate significant sharpness improvements in distance rendering on normal game play so one can only hope that also translates to PSVR2.

Also they now do full ray tracing at 60fps in race but again, no idea if that will translate to ray tracing inside the VR world.
My opinion on areas I hope they could improve with the pro if PD put in the work
  • render the game at a higher native resolution before downscaling to the PSVR2's displays which could provide a sharper base image without as much softening
  • increased shadow map resolution, more detailed reflections, higher quality textures, and reduced pop-in
  • improved anti-aliasing to fix jaggies and the shimmering effect on distant objects
  • digital foundry mentioned that that outside your focal point it's rending as low as 240p, so potential to improve the resolution there.
I agree with you guys. The PSVR2 resolution and lenses have an upper limit of image quality they can produce for sure, but GT7 on PS5 are not pushing that upper limit yet. Just having a 90hz or 120hz native frame rate mode without reprojection would make a big difference. LODs pushed out further, and overall gfx boost with better shadows and higher native resolution would make a big difference too. I'm sure the image in PSVR2 is not native resolution - it's being upscaled, so they could use a higher native resolution and/or use the new PSSR algorithm to get a much better up-scaled image which would help a lot with distant objects and scenery looking sharper.

Maybe they could even introduce ray tracing in-race in VR, who knows. The problem is that they might not do any of those things, I mean they won't even fix the HUD problem. What they could do and what they will do might be totally different things unfortuneatly. I'll robably still get a Pro eventually but I won't be in any hurry if there aren't some substantial improvements to GT7 in VR. On flat screen GT7 (which I still play with a DualSense Edge sometimes), already looks and runs really good. In-race raytracing on flat screen will be nice but I'm not gonna drop $700 for that. I don't play enough other games to really care about them that much. I primarily bought a PS5 for GT7. I'm sure the Pro will be sold out in 10 minutes and be scalped on ebay for double the price on the day after launch anyways.
Pretty sure the extra power will mean true 4k in each eye rather than upscaled and hopefully longer draw distance but I'm awaiting PD confirming what the ps5 pro update does beyond the already announced 8k mode at 60hz or 4k with ray tracing at 60hz
Pretty sure the extra power will mean true 4k in each eye rather than upscaled and hopefully longer draw distance but I'm awaiting PD confirming what the ps5 pro update does beyond the already announced 8k mode at 60hz or 4k with ray tracing at 60hz
I highly doubt that, and if it was the case, I think they will have touted it too.
Some good news guys. This is taken from a eurogamer article that was published yesterday.

But Mark Cerny did at least note to CNET that higher-resolution games will be possible on PSVR 2 thanks to PS5 Pro's GPU boost and owners can "eventually" expect a "tuning of Sony's AI upscaling that will work with all VR games".
I am looking forward to november to give some feedback on the improvements I see and feel in GT7.
15 days to the pre-order!
Also keeping an eye out for the GT7 version update to make the PSVR2 even better. Give us some teasers PD.
I am looking forward to november to give some feedback on the improvements I see and feel in GT7.
15 days to the pre-order!
Also keeping an eye out for the GT7 version update to make the PSVR2 even better. Give us some teasers PD.

I’m awaiting feedback from you and whoever else gets the PRO from our fine little group here to decide if I want one.

Tbh even minuscule improvements to the VR experience will probably tip me over 😂😂😂
I’m awaiting feedback from you and whoever else gets the PRO from our fine little group here to decide if I want one.

Tbh even minuscule improvements to the VR experience will probably tip me over 😂😂😂
I'm going to wait too. I have zero trust in PD to implement anything in a timely fashion. My only hope is that PSSR doesn't need to be implemented by the developer but knowing PD they'll prevent it from working lol.
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I’m awaiting feedback from you and whoever else gets the PRO from our fine little group here to decide if I want one.

Tbh even minuscule improvements to the VR experience will probably tip me over 😂😂😂
I will also be getting a pro I need another PS5 in the house.. my daughter and son share one.. they both enjoy gaming. I will give my daughter mine and get the PRO… I mean my wife should understand right?!?🫣
I believe that's not entirely true. The blurriness is partly due to the power of the PS5 because the console has to render the image twice in VR (one for each eye). Obviously with a TV the console is only rendering the image once. I believe Cerny stated that the Pro is 50% more powerful?

We may see an uptick in image quality but that'd be impossible to show via a YT video. It'll also come down to what PD prioritizes with the new power. Cerny stated that we're getting RT in real-time in pancake mode... If we're getting RT in real-time in VR as well, that may not leave enough power for a IQ improvements.

We'll see....


Dev Says Sony Is Working On PSVR 2 Reprojection Improvements

When this was 1st announced, I wondered if it'd coincide with the PS5 Pro release. GT7 utilizes reprojection to artificially improve the framerate in VR (because it's rendering the game twice). Reprojection leads to the ugly ghosting that's readily apparent during replays. IF the PS5 Pro can help with that AND IF PD decides to upgrade VR in GT7, this could help alleviate some of the blurriness.

We're NOT getting 4k visual in VR but this would help.

Another Edit:

PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution to Work Across the Full Library Without Patches; Will Also Support PS VR2

And there we have it.... PS5 Pro will provide a resolution bump as expected.
My wallet wishes you didn't show me this, but I'm grateful :lol: I guess I'll attempt to pre-order one

I believe that's not entirely true. The blurriness is partly due to the power of the PS5 because the console has to render the image twice in VR (one for each eye). Obviously with a TV the console is only rendering the image once. I believe Cerny stated that the Pro is 50% more powerful?

We may see an uptick in image quality but that'd be impossible to show via a YT video. It'll also come down to what PD prioritizes with the new power. Cerny stated that we're getting RT in real-time in pancake mode... If we're getting RT in real-time in VR as well, that may not leave enough power for a IQ improvements.

We'll see....


Dev Says Sony Is Working On PSVR 2 Reprojection Improvements

When this was 1st announced, I wondered if it'd coincide with the PS5 Pro release. GT7 utilizes reprojection to artificially improve the framerate in VR (because it's rendering the game twice). Reprojection leads to the ugly ghosting that's readily apparent during replays. IF the PS5 Pro can help with that AND IF PD decides to upgrade VR in GT7, this could help alleviate some of the blurriness.

We're NOT getting 4k visual in VR but this would help.

Another Edit:

PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution to Work Across the Full Library Without Patches; Will Also Support PS VR2

And there we have it.... PS5 Pro will provide a resolution bump as expected.

Oh damnit. This might have done it for me already 😂😂😂😂😂
I agree that I had no real issues with the stock strap but it would take more effort to find the sweet spot each time I took the VR off and then back on again. Comfort wise was not an issue.

Then I got the Globular Cluster and... well.... It is just so much better, imo.
I have a few hours on the Globular Cluster.. It's like 5 times more comfortable. It's a night and day type of difference.
Well... finally Im also onboard and ordered the Globular Cluster.

I am looking forward to november to give some feedback on the improvements I see and feel in GT7.
15 days to the pre-order!
Also keeping an eye out for the GT7 version update to make the PSVR2 even better. Give us some teasers PD.
Lot of us will be waiting for your feedback!
Im my case, the improvement on VR has to be really sgnificant to make the jump.
Looks like CNET retracted their original statement that PSSR is automagically applied without Dev intervention. They've since stated that Devs (PD) will have to patch in new code to take advantage of the new features.

God help us.... I'd advise everyone to wait until PD updates the game before purchasing.