• Thread starter gtrotary
I’m nitpicking here, but I hope we can adjust the fov. Once again the hands of the driver are getting in the way and block your view in that clip. Fingers crossed it’s the full game. I liked to see that the hud was different in vr.
Adjusting FoV is a very bad idea in VR. The games' FoV needs to match the headsets FoV exactly or you can get very sick. Did you maybe mean the head position?
Adjusting FoV is a very bad idea in VR. The games' FoV needs to match the headsets FoV exactly or you can get very sick. Did you maybe mean the head position?
I assume he means camera position - that was also a thing in GTS VR.
Why the gran turismo channels are silent about this news? Insane…i do not understand this attitude
We'll see, but I am very surprised they weren't shouting this from the high heavens, IF it's full-blown parity with GT7, Sport Mode and all.

The waiting game for now...
I just reeeeeeaaaaally hope we can use the thing in multiplayer. And if it works with the hand controller and wheels at the same time, it allows me... for the first time... to look out my window and wave at a fellow driver/racer. Lol.
For those who have suffered with motion sickness in VR, it's by no means uncommon to experience, but for many people, small repeated sessions will help you build up your 'VR legs' and you can overcome it.

The key is to stop the moment it starts to feel off and take a break, trying to push through it makes it worse and sets you back. With repeated exposure you should find you can go longer before the sickness feeling comes in, or equally you can tolerate more movement in game without it triggering you.

It isn't an option in all games, but if there is a 'lock to horizon' option in Assetto Corsa for example, that is both far more immersive and far easier to tolerate. It's very hard to describe, but it means when suddenly going up hill say (which would trigger a bit of a 'bleurgh' feeling for me even after weeks of playing), with that lock to horizon on the car sort of rotates up around you (instead of your viewpoint being forced upwards fixed to the car), and then your brain naturally compensates and follows the movement.

It means that your brain stays more naturally 'in control' of its viewpoint and orientation, and so stops it triggering the "oh crap, we've been poisoned, feel sick" response that happens when it feels that its getting conflicting information from its senses.
The USB-A port on the front of the PS5 is only USB-2 (480Mb/s) and cannot be used for USB storage. External Storage needs to be a USB-3 drive, connected to either of the rear USB-A ports, or the front USB-C port, and, cannot be connected to the PS5 through a hub of any speed rating.

The rear USB-A x 2 and the front USB-C are all 10Gb/s only, according to the official PS5 website.

Official PS5 Hardware Guide
Any chance the haptic details being used on the vr headset will also applied/updated to the wheels?
I'm not sure what you mean. The wheel will receive it's own signals from the game that will driven it's force feedback. I don't think the headset will have any bearing on the wheel, no different a handheld controller.
This is huge news.

When I saw this I instantly bought a PSVR2 for delivery when its released.

However if its not supporting the full or almost full part of the game I will sent it back.
I pre-orderd the PSVR2 but if we don't get full game confirmation before the ship date I will cancel. M
This is huge news.

When I saw this I instantly bought a PSVR2 for delivery when its released.

However if its not supporting the full or almost full part of the game I will sent it back.
exactly the same boat for me. I can understand if it's too much stress to run the full game in VR in high fidelity, but I'm hoping there is an option to limit the graphics so you can still do online races (or that it just supports the full game from the get-go)
TL;DR - Multiplayer is less taxing than single player.

I think there is a generalized misconception out there that online races are more demanding on the console than single player races. In reality, an online race is less taxing on your system. While racing online, your console is only calculating the physics for your car whereas in single player your console is calculating the physics for your car as well as all of your opponents in addition to crunching the numbers of the AI algorithm.

Note that this only affects CPU load. Online races will use less CPU than single player races. Graphically it's about the same between the two modes because the same visuals are being rendered. Even if PD is using drastically simplified physics for AI cars, single player races will always be more demanding on the CPU than online races, provided the netcode is efficient and players have good bandwidth and solid connections (which is why dedicated servers like Sport Mode and those used in ACC are far superior to random P2P lobbies).

Online competition with large numbers of players generally reaches a bottleneck in the bandwidth and data transfer between players, not CPU or GPU processing power.

This is why I could participate in online ACC races with 50+ cars using my Rift S without a problem, but an AI race with 30 cars would be a 5fps slideshow with same graphics settings.

There is also a neat trick to reduce graphic load on the GPU which is very helpful for VR vs. pancake mode: reduce the number of cars visible at one time. This is a must for being able to race in VR with large numbers of opponents. We know nothing about GT7 in VR yet so it will be interesting to see which way PD goes to optimize the VR experience: lower graphics, all cars visible - higher graphics, not all cars visible - OR some kind of combination of that.

Perhaps the gradual reduction of Sport Mode grids from 24, to 20 and now to 16 cars was to make it easier to implement VR online as well as single player? Pure speculation, of course, but rendering 12 or 16 cars in VR (whether humans online or AI cars) requires magnitudes less power than rendering 20 or 24.

So if PS5 can handle single player races in VR there is no reason why it couldn't handle it online as well. The defining factor will likely be the number of cars that the PSVR2 mode can handle and how picky PD gets with their commitment to quality visuals. I don't see any technical reason why the whole game cannot be playable in VR beyond "PD being PD".
I assume he means camera position - that was also a thing in GTS VR.
You could always adjust your physical position or external camera position for GTSVR to find the right spot.

But I wonder how adjusting your position will work with PSVR2 since there's no external camera. Im guessing insideout tracking is better? No clue.
You could always adjust your physical position or external camera position for GTSVR to find the right spot.

But I wonder how adjusting your position will work with PSVR2 since there's no external camera. Im guessing insideout tracking is better? No clue.
Yeah. Sorry - my wording was bad.

In GTS i always moved my head in the opposite direction of where I wanted the camera to be an re-centered the headset. It worked, but what an annoying workaround….
The motion sickness goes after a while, the trick is to build up slowly. Small sessions of only a few minutes then take a break, then slowly increasing the sessions but make sure you take regular breaks that are longer than the vr sessions.
The motion sickness goes after a while, the trick is to build up slowly. Small sessions of only a few minutes then take a break, then slowly increasing the sessions but make sure you take regular breaks that are longer than the vr sessions.
Soon as i feel a slight queeziness in my stomach I take a break, doesn't happen often.
You could always adjust your physical position or external camera position for GTSVR to find the right spot.

But I wonder how adjusting your position will work with PSVR2 since there's no external camera. Im guessing insideout tracking is better? No clue.
Actually, in GT Sport flat screen mode you can use Adjust Cockpit View in Advanced Settings to adjust your seating position. The settings will carry over in VR mode for most cars..
I actually didn't know I was at all interested in PSVR2 before this announcement. Now it is preordered. Full implemention FTW obviously, but actually just thinking about sitting inside all of the cars in showroom, seeing all the details in real 3D around me with OLED panels and that resolution... That is already worth something for an old school car enthusiast like me.

If somehow, even with 3rd party software, there would be tolerable PC compatibility, that would make this admittedly somewhat expensive headset an actual bargain!
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My 2 cents on full implementation of VR2 on GT7.

The fact that it wasn’t accounced how much of the game is playable is a bad omen. If it was fully playable, surely that would have been announced allready.

My thoughts on the matter: currently, not all of the game is playable in VR yet. Potentially that’s the goal but that goal is still being worked on.

With this having a deadline of the PSVR release date, PD may only release parts of the game then and add further intergration at a later date.. done at PD’s pace.

Like everyone, I hope it’s the full game that’s getting upgraded and if so, I will be buying the PSVR2 very quickly.

I really enjoyed Dirt Rally in VR and the demo for Gt Sport was pretty neat. I can’t wait to play a proper racing game in full and in full VR. (Using a wheel, nothing better)
I'm fully expecting it will behave like it did(n't) in GT Sport. I'm fully hoping I'm wrong though.

VR in multiplayer Kaz, please...

And full integration with regular screen/monitor players, not separate lobbies. Friends need to hear and see the results of the experience they're missing out on. It will be the best marketing PSVR2 could ever have.
I pre-ordered psvr2 after the announcement, in the hope it will be at least integrated fully into single player, though it is interesting to read the more knowledgeable people here explain why online is actually less taxing on the hardware. If it turns out to be a GT Sport style VR demo, I will be cancelling it.

I'm pessimistic about it personally. I think PD's past behaviour would tend to suggest that if it was full integration, then they would have had an announcement ready to go immediately. The silence tends to mean bad things but hoping to be proved wrong.
To be honest, I am not really expecting full multiplayer implemention. GT7 doesn't even allow using H pattern shifter in Sport Mode, and I would consider VR to be more of a change in balance than that. Also, there are still cars that don't even have cockpit view, right? On top of that, even if multiplayer might not be more taxing than single player in general, the task of assuring the necessary frame rate in dynamic weather and a full grid of player cars is practically impossible when there is very little performance headroom with the system.

Realistically, all offline content with the exception of cars that might never get a cockpit view is what I assume for VR.
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most likely won’t be full implementation. At least not for sport mode. Heck we haven’t really seen dynamic time or weather in sport mode.
I assume its full implementation. Because they said GT7 is coming to the PSVR2 with free update, it would be false advertising if its just some cut off stuff. There also is zero reasons not to bring full game if you think about hardware, this is game that runs 60fps in PS4.
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I assume its full implementation. Because they said GT7 is coming to the PSVR2 with free update, it would be false advertising if it just some cut off stuff.
It'd only be false advertising if it never came at all. They never claimed full implementation so ultimately they can do what they like.
I assume its full implementation. Because they said GT7 is coming to the PSVR2 with free update, it would be false advertising if it just some cut off stuff.

Not sure about that tbh. They've just its coming to GT7, they haven't insinuated the extent of the implementation at all. So anything is possible at this stage imo.